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Torchlight II |OT| Good things come to those who wait


Game plays good and makes alot of fun.
But there are some things that seems to be kinda wierd/not thought out.

The ui seems kinda strange stretched.
The reskill only your last 3 spells doesn´t make sense.
Would love some hp-bars over the enemies.
Bosses should be able to hit you with every hit they start to make. It´s possible to kite every melee boss without even getting hit at all which makes them trivial.
The high and low ground ai is really bad. Even bosses just stand on the lowground and look at you killing them from above.

But besides these kinda minor things i´m liking it so far.

Oh and a question: are the maps random or not? I started yesterday with a full group and we got dced out and couldn´t join eachother again. But our maps where all the same so i don´t know if they are random.


This game is a better game than D3. There I said it.

Why? It's actually FUN to kill enemies and has AMAZING loot.

Engineer here. Two-handed sword style.

Are the two handed swords Engineer only? If so, do they have a clockwork/steam powered design to them? I was always under the impression they would just fight with various wrench like objects lol.


The reskill only your last 3 spells doesn´t make sense.

It does actually, it's a compromise between the full respec and the no respec at all, it allows you to try out a new skill without being stuck with the invested point if you consider that it was not worth it after trying it out.


agghhhh help me guys!!!
Ok so I didn't follow Gaf's advice to skip Torchlight I ( I barely started playing about 4 days ago?) but my GF went ahead and got Torch II. If I play T. II will it completely ruin my T. I experience? Should I just say fuck it and get on with T II?


SGSSAA works great with this game, by the way. Still getting framerates in the hundreds. So good.

agghhhh help me guys!!!
Ok so I didn't follow Gaf's advice to skip Torchlight I ( I barely started playing about 4 days ago?) but my GF went ahead and got Torch II. If I play T. II will it completely ruin my T. I experience? Should I just say fuck it and get on with T II?
Skip TL1 completely.
"Are the two handed swords Engineer only? If so, do they have a clockwork/steam powered design to them? I was always under the impression they would just fight with various wrench like objects lol."

Nothing in the game except for class specific unique items are class specific. You can have a greathammer wielding embermage if you pump the stats for it.


This man does his research.
Anyone else noticing monsters spawning in at the edge of the screen? It really feels terrible. Wonder if it is a bug or just the way the game is.


It does actually, it's a compromise between the full respec and the no respec at all, it allows you to try out a new skill without being stuck with the invested point if you consider that it was not worth it after trying it out.
Well i'm stuck with the first skill now because i didn't even look at that npc before it was too late. No gamebreaker but kinda annoying.


I started on elite on hardcore and playing with my friend and im really enjoying this. Im playing a sword and board engineer and my friend a berserker. The fights are nice and though right from the start. No boring 10h grind to go trough normal-hell like on d3. Its kinda like inferno from the first monster. I mostly just try to keep the mobs stunned as much as possible while doing goodish damage and my friend is full damage spec.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I feel rather the same way, that's why I turned it off so I can listen to something I'm interested in.

I'm guessing you don't like the music in Diablo 1 or 2?

Just got 2 orange engineer pieces. Guess some engineer is going to be reaaaally happy when I trade with them.


This man does his research.
So no one else is having issues with the draw distance being set too low? I'm seeing monsters spawn in.


what a tease. I can login and go to the register page, but clicking the import from steam button takes me to a 404 page :(

hopefully they will finish fixing it soon. given the time it's likely down to only 3-4 of their employees as the rest likely went home to sleep so they could be fresh for the rest of the day ><:


Been playing all afternoon and all night. Looked at the clock and it's 2am, where did that come from? Other than Diablo III and Dark Souls, it's the only game I've had that experience with this year.

Other than some negligible polish issues and a seemingly boring skill tree for the Wizard, I'd say it holds up to Diablo quite nicely. Doesn't surpass it in any way, but for $20 it's hard to beat and I'm not disappointed.


Account login works, but Steam linking does not :(

I'm having a blast with this game. I love the small details that add to the feeling that you're playing in a living world, like beasts sleeping at night. You feel somehow bad killing them xD Scenarios are varied and enemies are too. I like how distinctive they can be, and I havent played that much yet.

Engie i kind of cool, but not very engie. It's more like a mechanical barbarian. In fact, if not because the healing bot that comes with him everywhere, I would say he's a warrior, period.


Account login works, but Steam linking does not :(

I'm having a blast with this game. I love the small details that add to the feeling that you're playing in a living world, like beasts sleeping at night. You feel somehow bad killing them xD Scenarios are varied and enemies are too. I like how distinctive they can be, and I havent played that much yet.

Engie i kind of cool, but not very engie. It's more like a mechanical barbarian. In fact, if not because the healing bot that comes with him everywhere, I would say he's a warrior, period.
I am reading just random people are getting in... luck of the draw i guess lol


I want to play with a pad. So bad!

Mouse is just too tiring for my old 30+ years paws.

Yeah I know, you can hold M1.

I use gamepad for most games I play (including shooters) hack and slash loot games though I always play keyboard and mouse as it just feels wrong with out them lol.

On the flip side I am sure there will eventually be a gamepad mod


Doesn't surpass it in any way,

Actually it does on several points, and exterior level randomization is one of them, and Act1 itself puts D3's entire campain to shame for all I could see in my Beta playthroughs and what I played so far.

Some other things are more arguable since they boil down to design decisions, where D3 tries to reinvent the wheel, and T2 is the more classic take on the subject.
D3 tries new things (and fails miserably with some), Torchlight 2 sticks to the basics and it sometimes feels a little bit 'old fashioned' and not innovative enough.
I take it the runic account site is borked atm? Tried to create an account, but server isn't responding.

Also, mechanical summoner here i come.


I started with an outlander since a friend of mine wants to play Engineer. I made it to level 12 before I decided to say fuck it, we are gonna double up on Engies.

Now blowing my way through as a sword and board Engi with the healbot.


runic guy commenting about the account link not working
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do. For what it's worth, I apologize. We're not leaving until things are stabilized.

so they will be up sometime today... most likely ^^;

I started with an outlander since a friend of mine wants to play Engineer. I made it to level 12 before I decided to say fuck it, we are gonna double up on Engies.

Now blowing my way through as a sword and board Engi with the healbot.

I started with outlander as well (was going to be my online character with people not my wife) but i think I am going to choose a different class myself... outlander isn't horrible but after 200 hours of farming in D3 it just feels to much like DH for me to enjoy it as I don't enjoy farming with my DH on D3 lol

Likely will switch over to a mage since the engineer is what I will be playing with my wife.
Yup. Been borked since launch. Keep trying. The request will eventually get through but you can't register the game at all :(
That blows. Time to hammer their server like a basement dweller all night till I get it activated.

Also for those who played it so far. Is normal an actual challenge this time, or jump straight into vet/elite like TL1?


Actually it does on several points, and exterior level randomization is one of them, and Act1 itself puts D3's entire campain to shame for all I could see in my Beta playthroughs and what I played so far.
I don't see it. I'm about 8 hours into Torchlight II so far and I haven't come across an area or a boss that made me say "Wow, that was really cool" or "This place looks incredible" like I did in Diablo III. Obviously I'm not running around Torchlight II comparing every moment to Diablo, but in retrospect.

There were some awe inspiring set-pieces and boss battles in Diablo III that were pretty memorable, the bosses and zones I've come across in T2 so far were just pretty "meh" and forgettable. The gameplay is pretty much there in spades, though. Except for the path finding in tiered-level areas, wherever there's a low ground and a high ground, sometimes holding down the left mouse button and moving the cursor somewhere in the general area, but clearly not on the higher/lower area of a different vertical area will make the character think you want him to run ALL the way around the stairs then moving the mouse a half-inch in one direction will make him turn around on a dime and start running back the other way, then start trying to run for the stairs again, it looks like's having a fucking seizure. It's a frequent point of frustration I've come across.

But maybe playing 100's of hours of Diablo II and 100 hours of Diablo III makes me expect a certain level of polish in this genre that Torchlight II could never hope to achieve on limited budget, team size, and development time. For what it is, though, it's pretty amazing.
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