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Torchlight II |OT| Good things come to those who wait

I only watched the first few minutes, but I was wondering why you have the bolts as both left and right click? And you don't use your wand at all? I (level 19) do use the bolts more than anything, but I still use the wand when I don't need to use mana or I'm low on mana and waiting for charge to activate. I just put a point into the ice transporting thing, which has already proven very useful in the 15 minutes I've played since.

And is wand + shield generally much better than using a staff? I found a good staff that I was using for a while but the blacksmith had a wand that did an extra 30 DPS and boosted my magic a bit so I switched to that.

pretty sure you'll get far higher dps with a decent stave. you shouldn't really be getting hit anyway, that's what frost phase is for.

and like neki said, if you focus on charge boosting gear and stats you never run out of mana anyway. I actually have fireball on my left click and prismatic bolt on my right click for the fire brand synergy; set a boss alight with a few fireballs then hit him with a massive blast from prismatic <3

I have about a 30% charge increase in gear and another 40% from stats for the record.


I'd only use a staff if any of your skills use weapon DPS.

As of now, I use Prismatic, Thundering Locus and Fire Pillar, which are independent of weapon dps. If I add Astral Ally, another independent dps source lol. Though if you're using the ice or fire beam, then a staff is probably a must.


I actually have fireball on my left click and prismatic bolt on my right click for the fire brand synergy; set a boss alight with a few fireballs then hit him with a massive blast from prismatic <3
My thinking is, why use fireball at all? Besides the fact that fireball might be more fun, I mean. Prismatic can cause every elemental effect and does every kind of elemental damage, thus it is boosted by every elemental brand, assuming you have them all, and every mage should. It could really use a severe nerfing. In my opinion, Prismatic should be a spell you use more to get the elemental effects onto things, and then you blast them with your chosen element. Prismatic probably shouldn't trigger the elemental brands. It's just too good.


I think severely nerfing certain spells or abilities would be a very nasty move unless Runic gives people free respecs, since people might have build 100-hour characters around certain abilities or whatnot. If people have fun with an ability, they can use it and that's great. If they feel it's too easy, it could be a self-imposed challenge not to use that ability, right?
My thinking is, why use fireball at all? Besides the fact that fireball might be more fun, I mean. Prismatic can cause every elemental effect and does every kind of elemental damage, thus it is boosted by every elemental brand, assuming you have them all, and every mage should. It could really use a severe nerfing. In my opinion, Prismatic should be a spell you use more to get the elemental effects onto things, and then you blast them with your chosen element. Prismatic probably shouldn't trigger the elemental brands. It's just too good.

yeah that was my thinking for a while too, but my regen is so extreme that I can hold the button down and my mana doesn't move so the spell is basically free, which makes it a good choice for "auto-attack". still, you're right overall; I only really use the two-hit brand combo on bosses for the extra kick.

Can weapons have +gold find? I don't think I've found one yet that does.

there's one called adventuring (I think) which is similar to the magic/gold/xp boosting skills from the first game, I've had it equipped since about level 15.


I think severely nerfing certain spells or abilities would be a very nasty move unless Runci gives people free respecs, since people might have build 100-hour characters around certain abilities or whatnot. If people have fun with an ability, they can use it and that's great. If they feel it's too easy, it could be a self-imposed challenge not to use that ability, right?
I agree with you to an extent. What I'm thinking is that every skill should have a niche, but Prismatic does multiple things at once and essentially buffs itself massively with its own effects. I'm having a hard time articulating the part of me that doesn't agree, so I'll just leave it at that for now. I will skip over Prismatic on future mages, though.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
This game on Elite is some crazy at times. Took about a half an hour or so just to kill that Mordrok guy with a buddy. We gave up on potions a one point and kept rushing back in.

I think this game could really use some performance optimization too. It's not unplayable, but even with a terrible 2.0 GHz dual core I feel like I should be getting a better frame rate in fights.


This game on Elite is some crazy at times. Took about a half an hour or so just to kill that Mordrok guy with a buddy. We gave up on potions a one point and kept rushing back in.

I think this game could really use some performance optimization too. It's not unplayable, but even with a terrible 2.0 GHz dual core I feel like I should be getting a better frame rate in fights.

Elite boss mobs can are more difficult than the bosses themselves. So hard to manage, and even getting close to the bosses with infinitely respawning mobs is sisyphean. Trying to do decent damage to mordox with all of his skeletal archers and mages was a pain with my engineer. Berserker's hit and runs are so powerful it's been a lot easier to defeat bosses with him than with my engineer.

if we're talking about the same boss that was how I did it during beta with some other guys. The multiplayer enemy buffs can make elite mobs absolutely brutal.


Had enough farming of the last 2 bosses. Gonna start NG+ now.

Here is how my engie looks atm.



So, I finished the game yesterday and I just have this one comment:
Why does the game get exponentially harder at Act IV? I was playing Outlander and I was running out of potion money at one point. The other abrupt part was the initial parts of Act III with the werewolves. I actually stopped using my main attack at one point and just spammed Glaives for most of that act.


Can you post your buld or pm? Also where can you find shields and decent 1hs?

Sure. Currently lvl 55, so this is what I have so far:


Going to pick a new charge spending skill soon as I am not having to use forcefield as much lately (Although I do need it for those massive packs that will just swarm you)

I did about 20 levels of 3:2 Vit-Dex then went to a 2:2:1 Vit-Str-Dex for my stats.

As for shields and swords, I have ended up getting most of my weapon upgrades through the gambler. Although I have had about 5 of the swords I am using atm drop from the Alchemist.


Elite is really fun and a serious challenge, but I think the mobs should be a bit weaker and the bosses stronger. It's kind of weird how I can shit all over bosses(the ones without tons of mobs with them) without breaking a sweat, but I get insta-gibbed by random mob packs lol.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
How is it that one of my characters is in the Save folder, but the game does not recognize it? I have no idea what to do.

I'd hate to have to start over on my Elite Engineer.
Elite is really fun and a serious challenge, but I think the mobs should be a bit weaker and the bosses stronger. It's kind of weird how I can shit all over bosses(the ones without tons of mobs with them) without breaking a sweat, but I get insta-gibbed by random mob packs lol.

These mobs at the beginning of Act 2 are getting a bit ridiculous for me. Like a group of Ratlins shouldn't be wrecking my shit so effortlessly.


Sure. Currently lvl 55, so this is what I have so far:


Going to pick a new charge spending skill soon as I am not having to use forcefield as much lately (Although I do need it for those massive packs that will just swarm you)

I did about 20 levels of 3:2 Vit-Dex then went to a 2:2:1 Vit-Str-Dex for my stats.

As for shields and swords, I have ended up getting most of my weapon upgrades through the gambler. Although I have had about 5 of the swords I am using atm drop from the Alchemist.

Currently spent no skills but i did spend some stats. 43 str and 24 dex. Want to either go tank or 2h....be nice to be able to do both what do you suggest?


How is it that one of my characters is in the Save folder, but the game does not recognize it? I have no idea what to do.

I'd hate to have to start over on my Elite Engineer.

These mobs at the beginning of Act 2 are getting a bit ridiculous for me. Like a group of Ratlins shouldn't be wrecking my shit so effortlessly.

Ratlins fo pros, bicht. Yeah the mobs are way harder than the bosses, except the dividing casters. Those guys erg!!


Outlander build. Stats are for softcore.

Is there any logical breakdown as to the exact functionality of reflect? Attacks seem to fall into three categories:

1. Attacks that cannot be reflected. Melee attacks and most explosive attacks fall into this category.
2. Attacks that can be reflected. Nearly every direct projectile and some explosives fall into this category.
- Within this category, there are also attacks that can be reflected but don't return to the attacker (unless the attacker walks into it), which is any projectile that does not follow a linear motion.
3. Attacks that can be reflected but still cause you to take damage anyway. This is the strange category and seems to encompass projectiles with extremely odd trajectories. Examples include the dwarven walking turrets and most of the War Machine's projectiles. Note that you have to distinguish between this category and projectiles that fall into the second category but leave a ground dot (which cannot be reflected), such as the lobbed poison.

It's mostly the third category that confuses me, as I depend pretty heavily on reflect and when it fails against non-AoE ranged attacks, it's pretty noticeable.


I died :( couldnt tank 3 regular guys and a mage at 20... that were level 16
had a full forcefield up with a health pot popped and I still died in half a second



I've given up on my first engie and have started a new game (engie as well). The build I had was a mess, so I spent lots of points in skills I didnt really need. Respect potion wil be the first item I install, that's for sure.


It's weird how Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 share similar problems as you progress. Both have very intriguing scenarios near the beginning, with a somewhat workable story. Then as you progress, game mechanics just start falling apart.

Secret rooms were super cool in Act 1, but basically disappeared after that, while Diablo 3 had cool environmental hazards to use on enemies that just ceased to exist past Act 1. Act 2 is the extremely long desert act for both games. Act 3 introduces some of the most annoying mobs in the game, for the case of Torchlight, leaping and phase wolves / charging mobs, while Diablo 3 you have spear throwers and birds and tremors. Act 4 in both games basically turned into a large dungeon with no sense of exploration or atmosphere, just a straight jaunt from one point to the next, similar to a huge marathon. Fishing holes just disappear in Act 4, which is a damn shame. (Unless I never ran into any). The stories at this point also fell apart, I didn't even know what was going on in Torchlight 2 at the last boss, and in Diablo 3, it was just an anti-climatic boss.

Then you beat the game, and where are you left? In Torchlight, you have accessibility to maps and new game plus, while Diablo offers you a higher difficulty. It's basically the same shit, new game plus and Nightmare/Hell/Inferno, me running through the same story and map, just with harder monsters. The maps are refreshing I admit, but in the end, I'm just playing to get more loot so I can eventually get stronger and get loot faster, which is what I did in Diablo 3, except that in Torchlight, an open system means that there is no real competition, no real incentive to go on. In Diablo 3, the loot was shit, but when you did get something nice, you could sell it, and it'd fund the rest of your new gear and you knew that you're making progression against other people who had to go through the same loot shithole that was Diablo 3.

Loot is a big one too. Torchlight 2 does give me way more oranges, but most of them are useless to me. Whether they be class specific, or just stat allocated wrong, I pick up a lot of more rares/uniques than I did in Diablo 3. But just because it's orange, doesn't mean it's better. People have complained that there wasn't enough legendaries (before the legendary patch), but it doesn't matter, if legendaries are dropping a lot, and they're shit/useless, then why do I care if more drop. In Diablo 3, I can sell them for a marginal benefit. In TL2, I'm stuck either transmuting them, or vendoring them because they don't serve much purpose. I'm level 55, and my average iLevel is probably close to 40, I'm still sitting on items from level 20-30 because I haven't been able to replace them yet, which is a criticism I hear often for Diablo 3, that you sit on items for long periods of time. It's really no different here, except without an AH, I can't solve the problem, I just have to hope a mob drops me something I can use.

Torchlight 2 does have an overall more rounded system though, I wish D3 would steal the pet concept and implement them into followers, the whole buy potions, sell junk thing is really nice. Enchanting isn't too bad either, same with gemming. Fishing is a nice diversion and enhances the pets, which is always a plus.

However, the biggest thing I've noticed between the two is staying power. A good portion of my friends have already finished the game and quit, as there is no incentive past beating the game. While in Diablo 3's case, people played the game (even though they "hated it") for countless hours because they wanted to reach that end difficulty of Inferno. I don't know why people are more motivated to aim for Inferno over New Game+++, but some are. As is, I played Diablo 3 for 250 hours, and I'm going to probably play Torchlight 2 for 50 hours. Is Torchlight 2 the better game? It might be, but it's certainly sad that Diablo 3 is going to hold my attention longer than Torchlight 2 ever will. Neither game in their current state will ever reach the staying power of Diablo 2 back in it's hey day, but I think that's more an issue of the time Diablo 2 was released, and the increased variety of games and entertainment available to people now.

That doesn't take anything away from Torchlight 2 though, it's a fantastic game and I'm glad I played it, but it certainly wasn't the end all game that people were hyping it up to be. It's more fun than Borderlands 2 at least.
Secret rooms were super cool in Act 1, but basically disappeared after that

I noticed this too. Weird to have an achievement for finding secret rooms when you can really only do that in act 1. Later on there were "secret" hidden things, but they never said YOU FOUND A SECRET ROOM like they used to. So strange.


It's funny about the secret rooms. I think I found 3 total on my play through and yet the first map in the map room had 2. I haven't played any more maps since so I don't know if they continue at that rate, though I figured something had to give when I saw the '100 secret rooms' achievement.


It's funny about the secret rooms. I think I found 3 total on my play through and yet the first map in the map room had 2. I haven't played any more maps since so I don't know if they continue at that rate, though I figured something had to give when I saw the '100 secret rooms' achievement.

Had the same. First map had like 3 secrets but the campaign just stopped using it.

And i really agree with neki on many things he typed. I will continue playing tl2 from time to time but it´s not the best game ever for me.


It's weird how Torchlight 2 and Diablo 3 share similar problems as you progress. Both have very intriguing scenarios near the beginning, with a somewhat workable story. Then as you progress, game mechanics just start falling apart.

Secret rooms were super cool in Act 1, but basically disappeared after that, while Diablo 3 had cool environmental hazards to use on enemies that just ceased to exist past Act 1. Act 2 is the extremely long desert act for both games. Act 3 introduces some of the most annoying mobs in the game, for the case of Torchlight, leaping and phase wolves / charging mobs, while Diablo 3 you have spear throwers and birds and tremors. Act 4 in both games basically turned into a large dungeon with no sense of exploration or atmosphere, just a straight jaunt from one point to the next, similar to a huge marathon. Fishing holes just disappear in Act 4, which is a damn shame. (Unless I never ran into any). The stories at this point also fell apart, I didn't even know what was going on in Torchlight 2 at the last boss, and in Diablo 3, it was just an anti-climatic boss.

Then you beat the game, and where are you left? In Torchlight, you have accessibility to maps and new game plus, while Diablo offers you a higher difficulty. It's basically the same shit, new game plus and Nightmare/Hell/Inferno, me running through the same story and map, just with harder monsters. The maps are refreshing I admit, but in the end, I'm just playing to get more loot so I can eventually get stronger and get loot faster, which is what I did in Diablo 3, except that in Torchlight, an open system means that there is no real competition, no real incentive to go on. In Diablo 3, the loot was shit, but when you did get something nice, you could sell it, and it'd fund the rest of your new gear and you knew that you're making progression against other people who had to go through the same loot shithole that was Diablo 3.

Loot is a big one too. Torchlight 2 does give me way more oranges, but most of them are useless to me. Whether they be class specific, or just stat allocated wrong, I pick up a lot of more rares/uniques than I did in Diablo 3. But just because it's orange, doesn't mean it's better. People have complained that there wasn't enough legendaries (before the legendary patch), but it doesn't matter, if legendaries are dropping a lot, and they're shit/useless, then why do I care if more drop. In Diablo 3, I can sell them for a marginal benefit. In TL2, I'm stuck either transmuting them, or vendoring them because they don't serve much purpose. I'm level 55, and my average iLevel is probably close to 40, I'm still sitting on items from level 20-30 because I haven't been able to replace them yet, which is a criticism I hear often for Diablo 3, that you sit on items for long periods of time. It's really no different here, except without an AH, I can't solve the problem, I just have to hope a mob drops me something I can use.

Torchlight 2 does have an overall more rounded system though, I wish D3 would steal the pet concept and implement them into followers, the whole buy potions, sell junk thing is really nice. Enchanting isn't too bad either, same with gemming. Fishing is a nice diversion and enhances the pets, which is always a plus.

However, the biggest thing I've noticed between the two is staying power. A good portion of my friends have already finished the game and quit, as there is no incentive past beating the game. While in Diablo 3's case, people played the game (even though they "hated it") for countless hours because they wanted to reach that end difficulty of Inferno. I don't know why people are more motivated to aim for Inferno over New Game+++, but some are. As is, I played Diablo 3 for 250 hours, and I'm going to probably play Torchlight 2 for 50 hours. Is Torchlight 2 the better game? It might be, but it's certainly sad that Diablo 3 is going to hold my attention longer than Torchlight 2 ever will. Neither game in their current state will ever reach the staying power of Diablo 2 back in it's hey day, but I think that's more an issue of the time Diablo 2 was released, and the increased variety of games and entertainment available to people now.

That doesn't take anything away from Torchlight 2 though, it's a fantastic game and I'm glad I played it, but it certainly wasn't the end all game that people were hyping it up to be. It's more fun than Borderlands 2 at least.
I love you neki
It's funny about the secret rooms. I think I found 3 total on my play through and yet the first map in the map room had 2. I haven't played any more maps since so I don't know if they continue at that rate, though I figured something had to give when I saw the '100 secret rooms' achievement.

Yeah, you know what, same thing for me not 5 minutes after I posted. First map had multiple secrets.

By the way, I started playing again with some friends and one of those first dungeon types has some very well-hidden secrets! The map type that ended with the big plague zombie boss that comes out the the pit who "loves his stuffy." Very small, shiny button on the walls, there were 2 on one map. I only found it because I saw a chest past the wall.
So I beat the game and unlocked the endgame stuff. Very cool last boss, I thought! If you would like some spoilers as to what awaits you in the postgame, here:

Each of the four acts has a little town hub, but you get access to a fifth hub called the Mapworks. This is a very nice, small collection of vendors who sell everything you need, including a permanent 3-enchant enchanter woooo!

There is also a vendor who sells maps with various properties. Maps are fairly cheap (from 300 gold up to 5000 maybe?). Read them carefully before you buy, the level range is spelled out, don't accidentally buy a level 100 map! They have random things applied to the player and enemies, such as +10% magic find or all corpses explode. When you buy them, they take up space in your potion/fish tab. They are not usable on right clicking or anything, there is a map "station" that shows you all maps that you are carrying and lets you pick one. When you choose a map to play, it disappears from your inventory and cannot be replayed, but don't worry if you die - a button appears at the bottom of the map station dialog that says "Return to last map" so you can run back to your corpse from the entrance.

My first map had no special properties. There's a little dice icon in the corner of the screen that shows up that you can hover over to take a look at the current properties. It was a 3 floor fungus cave type map with a couple secret areas. The boss appeared to just be a regular elite monster cranked up even further with a gold health bar, his name wasn't announced or anything like in other boss fights. Still tough. I earned 30k gold by selling the loot from it and got a couple of uniques. Can't wait to get home and buy some more maps!


I've just tested the demo and game feels really tight and responsive, combat is really great and game already felt addictive. I really liked first Outlander skills, except maybe for a range of pistols. What a pity that it launched in the same time as Borderlands 2 ;\

Ploid 3.0

Some guy online gave me a socketable dice +6% magic find, How can I tell if it's been duped/generated?

Drop it if you don't want to use it. It is already on your account, every time you trade a angle lose it's wings. Just to be safe if he starts unloading 2000000 gold on you, respec potions, and 20 legendaries then you refuse because you'd know he's using cheats. This however is a item he could have most likely found, it don't sound broken or anything.


Drop it if you don't want to use it. It is already on your account, every time you trade a angle lose it's wings. Just to be safe if he starts unloading 2000000 gold on you, respec potions, and 20 legendaries then you refuse because you'd know he's using cheats. This however is a item he could have most likely found, it don't sound broken or anything.

That's an aspect of the game which is bothering me a bit. But yeah, I'll throw it even if it was legit I guess I can find one myself.

It's like playing single multiplayer


I've just tested the demo and game feels really tight and responsive, combat is really great and game already felt addictive. I really liked first Outlander skills, except maybe for a range of pistols. What a pity that it launched in the same time as Borderlands 2 ;\

People are actually saying the other way around. Since TL2 is $20 and BL2 is $60, those who haven't bought either yet have an easy choice. :p


TL2 and Diablo 3

I think the really telling thing here is that the $20 budget game from the little developer that could holds up to the $60 Activision tour de force, similar flaws and all. To me at least, it's a lot easier to forgive TL2 for not having the most amazing endgame on Earth due to the price (although I'm also of the opinion that D3, while being no D2, has $60 worth of enjoyable game content in it.)
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