I want to start playing this again but I'm always running out of money for potions and it was kind of frustrating. Is there a value or something (or some mod) I can change so that mobs drop more cash?
I want to start playing this again but I'm always running out of money for potions and it was kind of frustrating. Is there a value or something (or some mod) I can change so that mobs drop more cash?
added an Owl
new patch (567.7mb) went live today said the thread.
added an Owl and Badger
and other fixes.
Hello everybody - an update on the Editor.
So what are we doing?
Well first off we have the editor making mods. We can share them locally and play them multiplayer. One of the major hang-ups we are attempting to fix is making the game not crash terribly when you uninstall a mod. So far things are looking great. For instance if you play a character that received specific quests, items, effects, monsters or levels from a specific mod the UI will tell you what will be deleted if you continue without the mod installed. You can also deactivate specific mods per character. We also have the notion of required mods. Required mods would be mods that create specific classes or pet. If you don't have that specific mod installed that character just won't be playable. Also the game has the concept of mods installed and mods active. You can have 200 mods installed but only 3 active. If you specify a character that requires a mod to be active and it currently isn't the game will automatically activate it and you can continue playing with that character. If you select a character that had a bunch of none-required mods active last time played the game will attempt to activate them unless you tell it( the game ) not to by a simple UI check list.
Oh and yes any character that was ever played with a mod will be flagged.
We are still going through the editor and making all sorts of fixes for when things are modified via mods. We are attempting to make the editor a little nicer for modder's. For instance all you to do is select the mod your working on and any changes you make or new monsters; rooms; levels; dungeons - anything - will automatically be saved for that mod. The editor will show you a tree view of all the changed files too. It's much nicer than what we had for TL1.
Release date - I would hate to give specifics but we are also trying to get all the translations out as well as some small expansion packs for the holidays. Read into that as you like. I can say that I feel the mod system we have in place is pretty slick and intuitive - can't wait for you guys to try it out.
ALSO - we have everybody in the office creating tutorials. So we already have a bunch of how-to's and we are making more all the time.
so why is the balance between classes pretty shit in this game. im playing the embermage and thinking why should i anymore when most of the skills i get do shit all dmage. i feel no need to play multiplayer either when they scale down your dmg based on how many players your with
I have an Embermage at level 70 or so and do plenty of damage. Sounds like you need to get +dmg gear for whichever element you're focusing on.
maybe but i still hate how they nerf your damage for being in multiplayer
Only the best fixes.steam updated with a 293MB patch for Torchlight 2 today. wonder what fixes it got.
I picked up Torchlight II during the steam sale this week. I have been sick as a dog over the past two days so the game has been a good distraction.
I am shocked at how much more I enjoy this game over Diablo III, and it only cost $10.00!
Interesting looking mod here: http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=40850
The mod author has said they want to make this mod the MedianXL of Torchlight 2. Might be worth keeping an eye on it.
Supposedly going to use Steamworks, yeah. Not sure why the editor is taking so long. Maybe they're tooling around with how your characters are tagged by using them. Some people want to make purely UI mods, but that would of course tag your character as modded. Could be they were trying to work that out so you could be a vanilla character but still have UI mods. Or not. They look forward to releasing the editor soon.Wasn't this supposed to use Steamworks when the editor finally hits? Would love to see the same kind of ease of modding that Skyrim has.
Okay let me get this straight...if I talk to the lady in Minehead after beating the game,she resets the adventure(kind of a NG +) and all ennemies are level 51,still on normal but I cannot make another class to play the game from scratch?...can I try another class and keep my level 52 Berserker's save as well.?
Just click "new game" beside of "resume" at the start screen. Use load to pick from other saved characters.
So just got done powering through Torchlight 1 so I could play Torchlight 2 (I know theres very little story elements to the game to warrant a play-through of the first...but Im a little OCD when it comes to playing sequels).
I played T1 on Hard and found it to be a decent challenge...Im wondering if I should play T2 on Very Hard? I don't like the idea of developing a character and being locked into a difficulty (much prefer Diablo's method of unlocking difficulties).
I recommend veteran difficulty for TL2 unless you really want to min-max (and research it beforehand). It does make the game easier, perhaps a bit too easy in some places, but Elite (which is the highest difficulty) is completely ridiculous unless you are prepared to play a specific way.
Thinking about restarting in Elite mode...it's not that Veteran is too easy, it actually feels ok 15 levels in, but I hate the idea of being locked in a certain difficulty mode and not being able to truly test out my character build in the hardest mode the game offers.
If they let you move up a difficulty upon completion of the game, this wouldn't be an issue. Aside from this and the archaic potion chugging system...I am loving this game.
I don't know if its possible to do so now (it could have been patched out, not sure), but you used to be able to create a lan game with yourself and there was an option in the menu to change the difficulty. It wouldn't permanently change it however - if you wanted to play online with friends your difficulty would go back to how it was when you first created your character. But as long as you create a lan game, you can choose whatever difficulty you want.
Cool thanks...does playing in LAN mode affect single player location?
Sacred Gold felt rather janky and dated, but I loved the sense of exploration and adventure that you can't find in most games. There's horseriding! TL2 is a much more standard hack and slash game with smooth modern functionality, but it's kinda repetitive and the loot loses a lot of its luster when you realize that all of the orange items have hardcoded stats.Deciding between this and Sacred Gold. Anyone who's played both have an opinion?
Sacred Gold felt rather janky and dated, but I loved the sense of exploration and adventure that you can't find in most games. There's horseriding! TL2 is a much more standard hack and slash game with smooth modern functionality, but it's kinda repetitive and the loot loses a lot of its luster when you realize that all of the orange items have hardcoded stats.
Holy shit the Arena of Slaughter in Act 3 may have been the most frustrating gaming experience in recent memory for me. I am playing on veteran with an embermage and this one area brought me from 17,000 gold to under 2,000 from all the respawns I had to do (respawning to town made the event there start over).
I would literally enter the room, have time to cast one spell and than get killed instantly. If I managed to escape the mosh pit in the center (one third of the time give or take) I would be able to cast a few more spells before I was forced into a corner and killed.
Maybe I should have played this game on normal, veteran is just frustrating to me at this point because so many things kill my embermage so quickly.
Holy shit the Arena of Slaughter in Act 3 may have been the most frustrating gaming experience in recent memory for me. I am playing on veteran with an embermage and this one area brought me from 17,000 gold to under 2,000 from all the respawns I had to do (respawning to town made the event there start over).
I would literally enter the room, have time to cast one spell and than get killed instantly. If I managed to escape the mosh pit in the center (one third of the time give or take) I would be able to cast a few more spells before I was forced into a corner and killed.
Maybe I should have played this game on normal, veteran is just frustrating to me at this point because so many things kill my embermage so quickly.
Huh, I must have gotten lucky on this part with my engineer. I am playing veteran and just beat the arena of slaughter last night without dying. Although I do *love* my unique ice cannon! I just ran around with my forcefield always on, blasting away. The final round took some time, but everything eventually died. The damn trolls in Act 3 are what have killed me the most. I swear they have instant kill or something.