Stet said:
I don't know, if the choice is between a 10 cent fare hike and a cut in TTC services because Rob Ford refuses to provide extra funding, I'd swallow the $0.10. Only problem is it means I have to carry around dimes.
There are other solutions. Automation for various parts of the system is one of them. Ford pushing the point on more funding from Ottawa, instead of lobbying for his subway extension money might not be a terrible thing. TTC's economic woes are both their own doing (wages, management, lack of streamlining work, the union), and the lack of funding they receive for a system this size.
But it's not the cash fare that's terrible when compared to other North American transit systems (although it's high endish), it's the Metropass. TTC has for years been crying about the metropass costing them tons of money, because if people were paying token fares they would double the revenue. And thus, the Metropass has seen gigantic increases compared to cash/token fare. $121 right now, $10 discount if you have a yearly plan. If history holds true, we'll be paying at least $130 for a Metropass next fare hike. Just imagine what it'll be like in 2020. :/
So now people that can't afford a car (although lots of people take transit by choice) will be hit the hardest, while City Hall continues to fight the 'War on Cars' by eliminate the VRT and bicycle lanes as they see fit. And The Star ran an article where they lobbied for TTC fare increases on an annual (or at least consistent) basis.
The future of the system is very scary, in terms of affordability and what cut backs will come in the next few years. If the fare increases come too quickly, there could be a drop in ridership like the city saw almost two decades ago. If that's the case, they'll cut service because they'll be losing revenue again.
added_time said:
Are tokens staying the same?
Well, token increases would come with the cash fare increase. It's nearly guaranteed that the token bundles (buying 5-10 at a time) would increase as well, as it has in the past.
SuperSonic1305 said:
I'll only move my backback from a seat if there are no other seats available.
I still hate it. Unless you're carrying 5 grocery bags on an empty bus, it just seems lazy and rude not to have your bag on your lap, or the floor.