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Toronto-Age |OT2|


Unconfirmed Member
Well, it is the heat. Otherwise, why would those leaves be rotting? There should be snow on the ground by now!

New peeve of mine.

Why do fucking Torontnians step into the subway and stop and the doorway or walk slowly down the centre

This has been a peeve of mine since moving here. It happens to me all the goddamn time. No joke, on one occassion the doors were about to close at Bloor/Yonge and the guy ahead of me went into a sprint to catch the train, I followed suit, and so did somebody I didn't see behind me. The moment the guy in front of me is on the train, hard stop. I bumped him relatively hard, but had reacted in enough time to prevent a full blown crash. The guy behind me did not, so all three of us ended up sprawling into the middle of the train.

And I'm not sure what's worse, that or people who stand in front of the subway door and don't bloody move at subsequent stops. I've had to force my way out of the subway to get to work on a few occassions, people even bloody ignore me when I ask them to move. I swear people in this city are lost in their own worlds, they can't even follow some goddamn simple etiquette.


This has been a peeve of mine since moving here. It happens to me all the goddamn time. No joke, on one occassion the doors were about to close at Bloor/Yonge and the guy ahead of me went into a sprint to catch the train, I followed suit, and so did somebody I didn't see behind me. The moment the guy in front of me is on the train, hard stop. I bumped him relatively hard, but had reacted in enough time to prevent a full blown crash. The guy behind me did not, so all three of us ended up sprawling into the middle of the train.

And I'm not sure what's worse, that or people who stand in front of the subway door and don't bloody move at subsequent stops. I've had to force my way out of the subway to get to work on a few occassions, people even bloody ignore me when I ask them to move. I swear people in this city are lost in their own worlds, they can't even follow some goddamn simple etiquette.

It's weird, but I've noticed that morning commuters are more polite than evening commuters. In the morning, people always step out to let people get off, but at night almost nobody does.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
This has been a peeve of mine since moving here. It happens to me all the goddamn time. No joke, on one occassion the doors were about to close at Bloor/Yonge and the guy ahead of me went into a sprint to catch the train, I followed suit, and so did somebody I didn't see behind me. The moment the guy in front of me is on the train, hard stop. I bumped him relatively hard, but had reacted in enough time to prevent a full blown crash. The guy behind me did not, so all three of us ended up sprawling into the middle of the train.

And I'm not sure what's worse, that or people who stand in front of the subway door and don't bloody move at subsequent stops. I've had to force my way out of the subway to get to work on a few occassions, people even bloody ignore me when I ask them to move. I swear people in this city are lost in their own worlds, they can't even follow some goddamn simple etiquette.
The runners are the worst.

Sprint to make it in. Safe. Don't check behind you.

When I'm running, I check if anyone else is there. Only time I had to stop suddenly is when there were douchebag stoner heads blocking the door and not moving in. The two behind me got on, but the ones after didn't make it...and totally should have too.

The newer trains alleviate this a bit since it is more spacious and there is more room to move in. Still...let's see when they have them running on more than the Yonge line Or, it could be I've only been on those trains a handful of times to not notice.
New peeve of mine.

Why do fucking Torontnians step into the subway and stop and the doorway or walk slowly down the centre

Honestly. There are people behind you trying to fucking get on and not have to hold the door open.

Door opens and I'm waiting to get in. About 9 people get in and Mr stoner looking fuckface saunters in and stands at the doorway holding onto the side with one hand so I have to squeeze by him with my wife behind me even though there was tons of space.

Seemed like it's happening more often lately. If you're going to stand there step the fuck aside so people can get on or move in!

It helps if you have broad shoulders and are willing to use them.

I fucking love just smacking the above or people who do the opposite and try to shove onto a train before everyone who is getting off has exited.
I try and gently push through the crowd like Ezio but sometimes you have to use a bit more force, especially when you are trying to get off a packed train and the people around the door won't budge to let people off >:|


I try and gently push through the crowd like Ezio but sometimes you have to use a bit more force, especially when you are trying to get off a packed train and the people around the door won't budge to let people off >:|

Sometimes I wish I could just stealthily stab random pedestrians who get in my way, also like Ezio.


I have 2 free tickets to Monkey Majik x Yoshida Brothers at the Mod Club on November 18th @ 7:00. A friend of mine had to cancel so I'm giving them away. PM me if interested.

Will also post in B/S/T but thought I'd let Toronto gaf get first pick.

Veeeery interested. Not sure if I'm busy that day though :\

EDIT - If not gone by tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll figure out if I'm busy that day or not and PM you


Veeeery interested. Not sure if I'm busy that day though :\

EDIT - If not gone by tomorrow or Tuesday, I'll figure out if I'm busy that day or not and PM you

kk I'll let you know in a day or two if they are still available. I just don't want them to go to waste


Oh dear. I have a Muslim friend in the Canadian Forces and I hope people don't take their anger out on Immigrants in general but whoever did this specifically. Either some foolish kids did this or a grown adult who clearly has no sense of respect for the sacrifices that our men and women in the Canadian Forces have made.


I have no doubt in my mind that this is the work of some stupid ass kids trying to be edgy or some crap. I swear this generation is just full of retards. I saw one of them try to eat an unpeeled pineapple yesterday, give up and throw it down the third floor railing in a mall.
oh my god lol


I have no doubt in my mind that this is the work of some stupid ass kids trying to be edgy or some crap. I swear this generation is just full of retards. I saw one of them try to eat an unpeeled pineapple yesterday, give up and throw it down the third floor railing in a mall.

Oh, for sure. I'd bet money that it's some shitty little white teenager.
OK here's a bit of road rage talk I'd like to get off my chest...

On 400 series highways (especially the 403 since I take it to work every morning), is going a steady 120 km/h on the far left lane too slow? I generally like to move all the way to the left and turn on cruise control at 120. On far too many occasions I get people riding my bumper, flashing their high beams (I hate this by the way), and then blow by me on the right and give me a dirty look, and they must be going 130 minimum at that point.

I mean, I'm going 20k OVER the speed limit, and people act like I'm going 80 or something. I just refuse to go over 120, the last thing I need is a speeding ticket to tarnish my flawless record. Am I wrong?


OK here's a bit of road rage talk I'd like to get off my chest...

On 400 series highways (especially the 403 since I take it to work every morning), is going a steady 120 km/h on the far left lane too slow? I generally like to move all the way to the left and turn on cruise control at 120. On far too many occasions I get people riding my bumper, flashing their high beams (I hate this by the way), and then blow by me on the right and give me a dirty look, and they muct be going 130 minimum at that point.

I mean, I'm going 20k OVER the speed limit, and people act like I'm going 80 or something. I just refuse to go over 120, the last thing I need is a speeding ticket to tarnish my flawless record. Am I wrong?

yes, move over to the right to allow them to pass.


OK here's a bit of road rage talk I'd like to get off my chest...

On 400 series highways (especially the 403 since I take it to work every morning), is going a steady 120 km/h on the far left lane too slow? I generally like to move all the way to the left and turn on cruise control at 120. On far too many occasions I get people riding my bumper, flashing their high beams (I hate this by the way), and then blow by me on the right and give me a dirty look, and they must be going 130 minimum at that point.

I mean, I'm going 20k OVER the speed limit, and people act like I'm going 80 or something. I just refuse to go over 120, the last thing I need is a speeding ticket to tarnish my flawless record. Am I wrong?

Whats wrong with the middle lane? Left lane technically is the passing lane
yes, move over to the right to allow them to pass.


If the tailgater wants to do 160 then it isn't your job to parent/police them. Let them pass without incident and allow the OPP to do their job.

If someone is tailgating you and there are clearly a ton of cars in front of you then (in my opinion) you have every right to get annoyed. But if you're the only car for miles then you should allow other drivers to pass.


Thats... kind of dramatic don't you think? I'm still going 20 over the limit, which is more than reasonable. I shouldn't have to cater to jackasses on the road

Its not catering to a jackass, its about not staying in the passing lane which forces people to pass in other lanes. Its the exact same situation if you are stuck behind someone in the left going 100. People dont respect the left lane as a passing lane here like in Europe.


come in my shame circle
Thats... kind of dramatic don't you think? I'm still going 20 over the limit, which is more than reasonable. I shouldn't have to cater to jackasses on the road

Oddly enough not you yourself but you staying in the left lane is just as big a jackass move on highways.


Left lane = passing lane.

I'm in the same boat as you, joey - I stick to 120 on the highway. But I keep off the passing lane unless, well, I need to speed up to pass through. There's a reason why it's usually "empty."
Its not catering to a jackass, its about not staying in the passing lane which forces people to pass in other lanes. Its the exact same situation if you are stuck behind someone in the left going 100. People dont respect the left lane as a passing lane here like in Europe.

But if a guy pulls up behind me, then blows by me and goes on his merry way doing 130+ in the same lane I am, he's not "respecting the passing lane" either. He's just fucking speeding!


But if a guy pulls up behind me, then blows by me and goes on his merry way doing 130+ in the same lane I am, he's not "respecting the passing lane" either. He's just fucking speeding!

Better him speeding past you then speeding into your car when you have to slam on your breaks. Safest thing to do is move over and let them pass.


But if a guy pulls up behind me, then blows by me and goes on his merry way doing 130+ in the same lane I am, he's not "respecting the passing lane" either. He's just fucking speeding!

You continue in the passing lane if you are still passing cars, unless there is another car behind you that may possibly want to pass. In most cases you cant continue to go 130 in the middle lane however if possible at maintaining you current speed you always move out of the left.


Don't be a hero, man. Take your safety (and your passengers', if applicable) into consideration when driving on the highway. You don't need to get rear-ended because a guy wants to speed up.
You continue in the passing lane if you are still passing cars, unless there is another car behind you that may possibly want to pass. In most cases you cant continue to go 130 in the middle lane however if possible at maintaining you current speed you always move out of the left.

Understandable. I usually can't maintain 120 in the middle though, which is why I deviate to the left. But I brought up the topic because I don't like it when other drivers make me feel that 120 is too slow, because in all honesty it isn't.

Don't be a hero, man. Take your safety (and your passengers', if applicable) into consideration when driving on the highway. You don't need to get rear-ended because a guy wants to speed up.

Always do. I'm not slamming the brakes or anything to piss off people behind me, I just like to lock in a constant speed. Like I said earlier I feel 120 is more than adequate.
Understandable. I usually can't maintain 120 in the middle though, which is why I deviate to the left. But I brought up the topic because I don't like it when other drivers make me feel that 120 is too slow, because in all honesty it isn't.

Always do. I'm not slamming the brakes or anything to piss off people behind me, I just like to lock in a constant speed. Like I said earlier I feel 120 is more than adequate.
You're doing it wrong, basically. 120 is adequate, but it's not safe for you to be in the leftmost lane if you already know there will be people travelling at a higher speed. If you're in the left lane, and you're slower than the vehicle behind you, you're suppose to move out of the way.

You're right though that the middle lane tends to be too slow, so I tend to switch lanes frequently between the leftmost land and the middle to keep my pace.

Also, don't drive down to the states, I had the fun experience of being tailgated for doing 30MPH over in the Middle Lane, never mind the left lane.


This is why I hate driving


I think I'm too blind at night to ever get a license anymore though.

My little brother avoids the highway for precisely these comments, that and he has an attitude problem when it comes to other drivers. Him combined with a $70k car is recipe for disaster.

edit: went to get some mcds and can confirm the king st area still has some post-poo smell from friday night, I have an extremely sensitive nose tho


Looks like Counc. Michelle Berardinetti (Ward 35) is going to step off the mayors Executive Committee.

Yup. It's already in the news.


Berardinetti (Ward 35, Scarborough Southwest), a rookie whose husband Lorenzo is a Liberal MPP, said she made her decision in part because she wants to be liberated from intense vote-whipping pressure from Ford’s staff. At times, she said, she has been expected to vote with Ford on even minor issues.

“I’d thought it would just be on key items. Then it became every item. Though that did change a bit,” she said.

Grubby, greedy politics 24-7 thanks to our man Ford.


Will QA for food.
This started circling a few days ago..

No new bars, restaurants, or "places of amusement" in Parkdale for a year while they 'study the effects' it's having on the area. Hilarious NIMBYs complaining about the noise the businesses are making when a decade ago without those businesses (but still not full blown gentrification.. not even close except around Dufferin) it was shootings, junkies and droves of mentally ill homeless everywhere (and still to some extent). You think they'd be able to deal with hipsters lining up at overpriced eateries.

Reminds me of the condo owners near Harbourfront last year complaining about the noise of the city. As if they bought their unit there and expected it to transform into a suburban pocket of peacefulness.

I'd be more for it if this sort of decision was thought out, but there's no public hearing required.. or give and take on ideas. Basically Perk just had enough of the way the community was growing naturally. Trying to throw a blanket on the issues still facing the area by blaming the businesses coming in.

And it's not as if Parkdale is void of other shops. It's a pretty livable area for amenities. Oh well, I'm sure this will force landowners to lower rent so 'hairsalons and hardware stores' (Perk's wants, apparently) can move in. Right? Yeah. Not like they'll just sit empty like those near Queen and Spadina, where landlords would rather let buildings sit empty than lower the value.

Bah. Cheeses me off on so many levels. :p


p.s. I'm glad I saw this specific article, or it would have taken me a while to discover a Snakes and Lattes clone is opening up a few minutes from me.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Understandable. I usually can't maintain 120 in the middle though, which is why I deviate to the left. But I brought up the topic because I don't like it when other drivers make me feel that 120 is too slow, because in all honesty it isn't.
If someone is behind you in the left lane traveling faster than you then you are going too slow. I used to go 140* all the time and if I saw someone coming up behind me I got the fuck out of the way. Once they passed I moved back to the left and resumed my previous speed. If you don't do the same then you're doing it wrong. Period.

*I lowered that to 120 a few years ago since the difference in commute time was barely anything but I should really lower it to 115 so there's no points for a speeding ticket.
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