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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train


im sure those dealers and their associates are being arrested as we speak. Ford is going to do everything he possibly can to get rid of this.
I'd really love to hear a longer explanation from Ford on than video other than calling it 'ridiculous'. If the entire video is fabricated, come out and say it. If he smoking hash, better just come out and say it now and get in front of it. Explain the situation and control the story then. I don't expect to hear much from Ford though.

This is exactly how any intelligent person would handle the situation.

Ford isn't an intelligent person and the idea of him smoking crack cocaine isn't that far-fetched.


I'd really love to hear a longer explanation from Ford on than video other than calling it 'ridiculous'. If the entire video is fabricated, come out and say it. If he smoking hash, better just come out and say it now and get in front of it. Explain the situation and control the story then. I don't expect to hear much from Ford though.

Very true. I guess without being able to review the video, it must be difficult for Ford's lawyer.


Canadians burned my passport
Kevin Donovan answered some questions

Why does the star not purchase this footage right away? it seems to me that your journalistic integrity will be at stake should this footage not be released.

Good question. While I believe the people of Toronto have a right to see the video, given that it involves a public official, we were just not comfortable with obtaining it this way.

Hi Kevin. Two questions. Are you maintaining contact with your source? What is the likelihood of this video actually surfacing?

We are in contact with the source, and others related to this story. It is impossible to predict what will happen, though it would not surprise me if it surfaced. We have made it clear to the source and associate that we think they should make it available to the public.

@KevinDonovan Why go to print then? You can't prove the story, but it sure sells papers, generates hits on the web site and adds to your lengthy list of unproven RF allegations

I want to tackle the issue of "unproven" allegations. Personally, having done this type of reporting for most of my 29 years at the Star, I have a pretty good track record. When I started investigating ORNGE, the people at ORNGE said I was wrong. They told me I was wrong for more than a year. Then people stepped in and it is clear I was right. We wrote about the Garrison Ball and credible sources including a named councillor were behind that story. It was never disproven. Let me take you back to the infamous hockey game at the ACC where people complained about the behaviour of then councillor Ford. He not only denied the behaviour, he denied being at the game. When more proof surfaced, he came forward and told the truth. This story today is very much a developing story.

What's your personal view on the possibility of the videos having been doctored?

I am not a video expert. However I can tell you that both Robyn and I, who had spent time studying other videos of the Mayor, concluded it was him. There is good lighting on his face, it is shot from about two-three metres. It looks like him and it sounds like him.

Why are you "not comfortable" obtaining the video "this way" (I assume you mean by paying for it)? What does his status as a public official have to do with that analysis?

I think people need to see it, but traditionally we do not pay for information because it is felt that doing so taints the information. We do buy images from freelancers but that is usually in the neighbourhood of $300 to $500.


If Ford does get removed from office, what is Toronto-GAF going to debate? Ford and burgers seems to be the only things that spark really passionate discussion/debates.


Will QA for food.
If Ford does get removed from office, what is Toronto-GAF going to debate? Ford and burgers seems to be the only things that spark really passionate discussion/debates.

We had plenty to talk about in this city before Ford was elected. One bad lame duck Mayor being kicked out won't solve all our problems, so there will be plenty to discuss. Especially if Stintz somehow wins.

I don't think we're going to stop complaining about the TTC anytime soon, so look forward to that. :p
We had plenty to talk about in this city before Ford was elected. One bad lame duck Mayor being kicked out won't solve all our problems, so there will be plenty to discuss. Especially if Stintz somehow wins.

I don't think we're going to stop complaining about the TTC anytime soon, so look forward to that. :p
Yup, the TTC is the perpetual train wreck. The talks of a DRL will be fascinating for YEARS.


How are they going to be identified to be arrested?
im pretty sure Ford knows them or where to find them. they have allegedly been selling him crack for some time.

unless he just hanging around random drug dealers.

Exactly. Hate to say it, but would the police even be able to arrest them at this point, even if they knew who it was?

they are drug dealers, so im going to say yes.


im pretty sure Ford knows them or where to find them. they have allegedly been selling him crack for some time.

unless he just hanging around random drug dealers.

they are drug dealers, so im going to say yes.

So Ford should tell the Police who the dealers are that he buys from...?
Whats next, Rob Ford having sex with a tree. These people will never stop because Rob doesn't put up with their shit. There's a good chance the Provincial Liberals are behind all this propaganda.

You know what I like him even better. All this allegations just prove he is doing a good job what some people can't take. Why don't these people whom accusing him tell us about their life, also these media people whom always after him? I just hate them. Also I would put all of them in jail for minimum 2 years if their allegation is not proved. I have a message to these people; doesn't matter what Rob Ford did, it's matter for us what he is doing for us today. He is doing a great job and we want him doesn't matter what. So leave him alone, and let him do his job.

When is this guy going to stop being targetted and left to do the job he was elected to do!!


This is why I follow The Sun on Facebook.


So Ford should tell the Police who the dealers are that he buys from...?


If it's an anonymous call-in crime stoppers tip, it will be given no more priority than any other anonymous call-in, which is to say it could take quite a while for TPS to get around to actioning it.

And I'm not so sure Ford would trust any TPS officer enough to give the info as a CI and trust that the info doesn't get out.

And besides, if TPS did scoop these guys, it would only make them more likely to squawk on Ford and any other possible high-profile customers as mentioned in the gawker piece in order to get considerations for their charges.

No, my gut is that Ford can't use the police to help him get out of this mess.


I would bang a hot farmer!

If it's an anonymous call-in crime stoppers tip, it will be given no more priority than any other anonymous call-in, which is to say it could take quite a while for TPS to get around to actioning it.

And I'm not so sure Ford would trust any TPS officer enough to give the info as a CI and trust that the info doesn't get out.

And besides, if TPS did scoop these guys, it would only make them more likely to squawk on Ford and any other possible high-profile customers as mentioned in the gawker piece in order to get considerations for their charges.

No, my gut is that Ford can't use the police to help him get out of this mess.
He should use the youth that he has coached and would be dead if it wasn't for him.


so holyday on CBC, is basically saying the video is CG.

"they make movies now a days that are very realistic."
He must not have got the memo that Joakim was #teamreal.

If it were CG there would've been FoxEngine watermarks on that video.




so they replayed a bit of the holyday interview, im sure it will be up soon on cbc's site.

here's the interesting thing. he never denies the existence of the video. he just keeps claiming that video can be doctored and hes seen very realistic movies that arent real. my money is on, they know that video is going to come out, and are trying to instill the #teamcg bullshit in everyones mind.

they also spoke with John Cook, the gawker editor. he raised a good point. they keep attacking the credibility of the "drug dealers" by saying that they cant be believed because they are shady characters. John's retort was, he wasnt smoking it in church. his point is that it would be very hard to find a honest source (a priest was his example) when someones smoking crack in a crack house or a dealers house. shady characters kinda come with the territory when your sitting around huffing on a crack pipe in a group setting.


Canadians burned my passport
Well I pitched in five bucks

I will surely get more than that in entertainment from this whole thing
i cant believe you guys are trying to reason with a Ford supporter...again....lol

Oh well, at least speaking as a Vancouverite way out here in the West Coast...this is just pure entertainment for me.

gonna ignore the last BC election... :/


I don't care what Ford is smoking out of a pipe. The Mayor shouldn't be smoking anything out of a pipe.

And I'm sure the mayor has at least one or two cops in his back pocket he can have pick up these dealers for any reason. He doesn't need 222-TIPS, he can make it happen.

I really hope this video doesn't get destroyed. The guy with the video couldn't even keep his phone charged. If I were the dealers, I would post the vid to pirate bay with the heaviest encryption possible. First 100k gets the key.


I don't care what Ford is smoking out of a pipe. The Mayor shouldn't be smoking anything out of a pipe.

And I'm sure the mayor has at least one or two cops in his back pocket he can have pick up these dealers for any reason. He doesn't need 222-TIPS, he can make it happen.

I really hope this video doesn't get destroyed. The guy with the video couldn't even keep his phone charged. If I were the dealers, I would post the vid to pirate bay with the heaviest encryption possible. First 100k gets the key.

If you were the dealers, you wouldn't know how to do that.


If you were the dealers, you wouldn't know how to do that.

I'm guessing they don't, because of how badly their meeting with the gawker writer went. I think there's like a 40% chance the video exists only on that phone. I'm also resonably sure that if they drop the phone or something and it stops working they think it's 'destroyed'. Ford's #1 priority is destroying that evidence. I hope they copied that video, I really really do.
so they replayed a bit of the holyday interview, im sure it will be up soon on cbc's site.

here's the interesting thing. he never denies the existence of the video. he just keeps claiming that video can be doctored and hes seen very realistic movies that arent real. my money is on, they know that video is going to come out, and are trying to instill the #teamcg bullshit in everyones mind.

they also spoke with John Cook, the gawker editor. he raised a good point. they keep attacking the credibility of the "drug dealers" by saying that they cant be believed because they are shady characters. John's retort was, he wasnt smoking it in church. his point is that it would be very hard to find a honest source (a priest was his example) when someones smoking crack in a crack house or a dealers house. shady characters kinda come with the territory when your sitting around huffing on a crack pipe in a group setting.

Yes. Put simply: of course drug dealers can't be relied upon. That's why you shouldn't smoke crack in front of them.

Of course, I have to wonder why drug dealers would try to out their customers, if in so doing they would a) potentially lose that source of income, and the income of other high-profile people as demanding of discretion and b) feel they would be risking their lives and require substantial resources to move away and start over. By its description, this is a video that would be better suited to, say, attempted blackmail than fodder for tabloids.

With that being said, I can hardly consider the drug trade one full of logic and reason. So, who knows.


I think in the Gawker Star story one of the guys mentions wanting to move west (Calgary, I think?) and start over. So probably that.

Asked why they were selling the video, the man said the two who claimed ownership of the video wanted to make a change in their lives and use the money to move out west to Calgary.
I think in the Gawker Star story one of the guys mentions wanting to move west (Calgary, I think?) and start over. So probably that.

There would have to be some kind of trigger for them wanting to "start over" with the use of $200K. Or $100K. Or $20K, which was the price at which it was allegedly shopped to 1010.

If they just wanted to move west, they could have done so with a $50 bus ticket (or whatever they cost these days.)

Post-script: and the dead fellow would count, but why wait until now? I imagine that if you're a criminal under threat, you don't stick around to shop a video to the media and then say you're feeling some heat and need to get out out of town. You just get the hell out of dodge.


By its description, this is a video that would be better suited to, say, attempted blackmail than fodder for tabloids.

With that being said, I can hardly consider the drug trade one full of logic and reason. So, who knows.

Remember that dude in Batman that wanted to blackmail Bruce Wayne?

And maybe the dealers just don't like Ford and want to see him fail.

And one of the dealers is already dead due to the biz.

True. You get a juicy vid like this, and you know there's an appetite for it? Get that paper, son!


There would have to be some kind of trigger for them wanting to "start over" with the use of $200K. Or $100K. Or $20K, which was the price at which it was allegedly shopped to 1010.

If they just wanted to move west, they could have done so with a $50 bus ticket (or whatever they cost these days.)

Post-script: and the dead fellow would count, but why wait until now? I imagine that if you're a criminal under threat, you don't stick around to shop a video to the media and then say you're feeling some heat and need to get out out of town. You just get the hell out of dodge.

I wonder when they'll panic and just sell it for $20k. Gawker's got that covered already.
I don't see how Ford can continue on as mayor.

Actually, I didn't see how he was able to continue after narrowly beating the conflict of interest removal back in late 2012...

Or the alleged groping back in early 2013...

Or after being accused of being kicked out of a party for excessive drunkenness in early 2013...

Seriously, if this is your past 6 months, and then a video surfaces you - or something who looks so much like you 2 veteran journalists are staking their careers on it being you - how can you NOT resign? How can your supporters not demand that you do?


I don't see how Ford can continue on as mayor.

Actually, I didn't see how he was able to continue after narrowly beating the conflict of interest removal back in late 2012...

Or the alleged groping back in early 2013...

Or after being accused of being kicked out of a party for excessive drunkenness in early 2013...

Seriously, if this is your past 6 months, and then a video surfaces you - or something who looks so much like you 2 veteran journalists are staking their careers on it being you - how can you NOT resign? How can your supporters not demand that you do?
they are waiting to see if the tape comes out. if it doesnt, nothing happened.


I don't see how Ford can continue on as mayor.

Actually, I didn't see how he was able to continue after narrowly beating the conflict of interest removal back in late 2012...

Or the alleged groping back in early 2013...

Or after being accused of being kicked out of a party for excessive drunkenness in early 2013...

Seriously, if this is your past 6 months, and then a video surfaces you - or something who looks so much like you 2 veteran journalists are staking their careers on it being you - how can you NOT resign? How can your supporters not demand that you do?

Well, see, like Ford or not, there is this magical thing called Law.

There's no "narrowly beating the conflict of interest removal", you either win or lose. There's not really a middle-ground.

If he did in fact smoke crack, no one can defend that. But until that has been determined, I see no need to make these assumptions/allegations. Video or gtfo.

Edit: Why doesn't Ford just do a urine test? If he hasn't done drugs recently (I know some stay in your system longer than others, etc), then he has nothing to worry about.
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