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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train


Canadians burned my passport
Everyone here is a commie.


All up in hurr


I've had the soup before. The base is awesome, the actual meat/fin part tasted like nothing. It pretty much just gave it a texture. They should really switch over to something else, because all of these sharks dying for no apparent reason sucks.


Canadians burned my passport
I've had the soup before. The base is awesome, the actual meat/fin part tasted like nothing. It pretty much just gave it a texture. They should really switch over to something else, because all of these sharks dying for no apparent reason sucks.

Yup, but you know, people will fight like morons over tradition.


Hopefully they will appeal it. Tradition is no reason to fuck over entire species.

As irritating as this is, I get why the court ruled that way. It was only banned in Toronto. Not really anywhere else. He seemed to be strongly hinting that the ban ought to be Federal.


As irritating as this is, I get why the court ruled that way. It was only banned in Toronto. Not really anywhere else. He seemed to be strongly hinting that the ban ought to be Federal.

Got to start somewhere. I see this like overturning smoking laws because they unfairly target smokers and it isn't federal so why bother.
Any camera/film buffs in here? I need a tripod for my camera. What would be the best place to get a cheap one?

Aden Camera

They all have cheap tripods, but any camera buff will tell you not to cheap out on a tripod as the cheap ones aren't that sturdy and you don't want it to fall over with 1000 dollars worth of equipment on it........

(I have a cheap tripod and I am verrrrry careful with it and don't leave it unattended)


Well I'll mostly like only be using it for one small film project, so I don't want to splurge. The camera isn't too heavy either. Although it isn't cheap ($500 I think). I'll be careful, and I'll be close to the tripod at all times.
Your point is the judgement is right because the judge made it, and then explained it. Just like there's howling over every Supreme Court (US or Canada) ruling there are some who see the judge interpreting the law and the facts in ways we wouldn't.

What? Dude, I never said the judgement was right because the judge made it. I believe the judgement is right because it is logically justified.

You've made pains to say this is a different case, and that there is only one, clear and undeniable answer.

I gave you two opportunities that would have maintained the democratic will of the people without in effect striking out the MCIA, though it would be agreeable if it was on materiality rather than inadvertence.

Your response:

I don't think it does much to harp that it's the judge's opinion, after all it's their job to give them. If the appeals court agrees with the original ruling all my grumbling is just that. However, you have made the argument this is a black and white, clear-cut case that the amount is material and that by law this is the minimal penalty for such.

I disagree, I've given you two points where the judge could have deferred. On the more reasonable one the result is "it's a material amount to Ford, because he said it's a material amount to his football charity" which is not nearly as stark and clear a rationale as you represent it as.

How does the judge "defer". Does he just sit back and say "Nah, it ain't worth it"? You do understand that the role of the judicial branch is to interpret and apply law and that they CANNOT legislate. They can only toss out laws when they contradict. What's really funny here is that the problem you cite of the impact of the law being disproportinately large was in fact a criticism made by, who else, but the former integrity commisioner. This is also in the ruling. The previous integrity commissioner actually put forth a separate set of lesser penalites for situations just like this one. The judge endorsed these lesser penalities, but do you know why he couldn't apply them? Because council never passed them, and since the legislative branch never passed them, the judge, as an interpreter of the law, cannot implement it. If you wanna blame anyone for this scenario why not blame the council that ignored two qualitatively unique recommendations the integrity commissioner put forward that would've solved this problem in the first place. Actually forget it, lets just go the Rob Ford route and fire them.

And could you stop putting words in my mouth. For some reason you are getting confused two separate things. 1. Describing the world the way it is. 2. Endorsing the world the way it is. All I ever did was describe reality. You keep acting as if I never discussed the two defences Ford tried to use in court. I have, several times, when you requested me to do so. If you think these things can be used as grounds for an appeal, then why not discuss why the arguments the judge used are incorrect, considering that that is the basis by which an appeal will be heard. An appeal likely won't be granted if they can't even cite what was actually wrong with the judge's reasoning.

Edit: I see people don't like this discussion, so I'm just going to stop here. There is obviously a communication barrier anyways, as describing the world in an accurate way, somehow is interpreted as blind liberalism.


Looks like a shot from the Matrix. Cool.

I hope it snows all day long. I want to see some white on the ground. I'm getting really sick of no snow at Xmas.


Go to Dragon Pearl at York Mills and Don Mills (I think).

So good. Plus, there's a Five Guys right there as well.
I don't drive and I don't want snow. Walking in it is a pain >>
And waiting for a bus that only comes every 45 minutes during a blizzard is what nightmares are made of. It's not just car users who hate snow, it is anyone who's sane :p

edit: fuuuu snowing again. Actually, I like this weather where the sun is shining brightly while it's snowing.
The Mandarin is great for people like my mom who hates Chinese food but likes the Mandarin.

It's terrible for everyone else.


In a city with so many authentic Asian communities there is no excuse for eating at a Mandarin.

A lot of people don't like authentic Asian :O

I can't hate on Mandarin too much as I love 'Hakka Chinese' places which are basically Chinese themed Indian food much like Mandarin is Chinese themed white people food.


I'll chip in my 2 cents on Mandarin. Dinner is a guilty pleasure but I feel so terrible after eating there I always ask why I go back. I speciffically get the chicken balls because it's really not what I'm accustomed to eating at a regular Chinese food joint and because I secretly like it. However, it's a mainstay in my sister's get together repertoire because it caters to a wide range of tastes (someone will find something they like there) and it can accomodate a large amount of people easily. Just make sure not to load up too much on the deep fried stuff and add some veggies to every plate and you should be okay.

About reservations. This time of year Mandarin attracts many company and Christmas groups so the earlier the better for your table of 8 if you want something in the 6-8pm dinner range.
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