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Toronto-Age |OT3| Going Off the Rails on a Gravy Train

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
My little sister is old enough to vote and she says she wants to vote for Ford. How do I convince her to vote for anyone but Ford?

She's eating up the narrative of him helping out the little people (ie us).

At the end of the day, this is democracy and she's gonna vote who she believes in. Unless she says 'convince me' or is asking, I'm not entirely sure it'd help. The Ford narrative has done a good job convincing people they're out to help them.
At the end of the day, this is democracy and she's gonna vote who she believes in. Unless she says 'convince me' or is asking, I'm not entirely sure it'd help. The Ford narrative has done a good job convincing people they're out to help them.

She's pretty ignorant on Toronto politics so I feel obligated to teach her to at least make an informed vote, even if it does end with her voting for Ford.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
She's pretty ignorant on Toronto politics so I feel obligated to teach her to at least make an informed vote, even if it does end with her voting for Ford.
Ask her which of Ford's policies appeal to her and what he has done to improve her life

Pretty much this. If she's open to it, ask her exactly what she believes what the Fords have done and what they promise to do. There are a lot of attacks and unfulfilled promises since, all things considered, they are good at representing people who support them.

I'd also strongly suggest not to put too much light on their transgressions, and I wish a lot of the media and others would stop too. Just like Olivia Chow, attack their policies, not their person. If anything, this serves to strengthen their position because they feel as if their candidate is being picked on and they get more defensive and dig their heels in more. Once you dig into their policies, what they've done in office, what they supposedly want to do, you'll find there really isn't much there.

As much as I disagree with the Fords, the media here is helping them distract people by focusing on the wrong issues.

Pretty much this. If she's open to it, ask her exactly what she believes what the Fords have done and what they promise to do. There are a lot of attacks and unfulfilled promises since, all things considered, they are good at representing people who support them.

I'd also strongly suggest not to put too much light on their transgressions, and I wish a lot of the media and others would stop too. Just like Olivia Chow, attack their policies, not their person. If anything, this serves to strengthen their position because they feel as if their candidate is being picked on and they get more defensive and dig their heels in more. Once you dig into their policies, what they've done in office, what they supposedly want to do, you'll find there really isn't much there.

As much as I disagree with the Fords, the media here is helping them distract people by focusing on the wrong issues.

Ask her which of Ford's policies appeal to her and what he has done to improve her life


Then just sit down at the computer and look at all 3 candidates policies together.

Thanks guys. I'll keep these in mind.

Pretty much this. If she's open to it, ask her exactly what she believes what the Fords have done and what they promise to do. There are a lot of attacks and unfulfilled promises since, all things considered, they are good at representing people who support them.

I'd also strongly suggest not to put too much light on their transgressions, and I wish a lot of the media and others would stop too. Just like Olivia Chow, attack their policies, not their person. If anything, this serves to strengthen their position because they feel as if their candidate is being picked on and they get more defensive and dig their heels in more. Once you dig into their policies, what they've done in office, what they supposedly want to do, you'll find there really isn't much there.

As much as I disagree with the Fords, the media here is helping them distract people by focusing on the wrong issues.

Sure, you call Rob Ford and he'll help you but him and his brother refuse to improve the overall system to help everyone, they want to take all the credit and force you to go directly through them


Is she socially conservative? If not then you can just show her how childish rob ford was when forced to attend the gay pride flag raising.


I would bang a hot farmer!
My grandmother who died in 2002 got a voter registration card this week. So did my oldest brother who moved to Brampton in 2005 and my middle brother who moved to Stouffville in 2010.


Noticed a weird trend in TO bars and pubs. The shows on television sets play fine, but then, during commercials, they switch to 120hz mode. I've pointed it out to many friends and they all see it and agree.

What's happening? Is the broadcast actually changing during commercials? I don't remember this happening when I had cable earlier this year...


ugh. just got totally screwed on a rental car booking for thanksgiving weekend.

booked it ages ago, preferred member and everything. now all cars are gone everywhere. even zipcars.


Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
ugh. just got totally screwed on a rental car booking for thanksgiving weekend.

booked it ages ago, preferred member and everything. now all cars are gone everywhere. even zipcars.

Did someone just take it? I'm not sure how the whole zip car car2go thing works.


Did someone just take it? I'm not sure how the whole zip car car2go thing works.

Well we didn't have a zipcar booked previously - its much more expensive than a regular rental car for a multi-day thing. Now there are none available. Unless I want a cargo van for $350, heh.


Canadians burned my passport
Oh you lucky sumbitch...some wagyu cut, I imagine...

Ummm....was the hot blonde hostess there?
Nope didn't see her.

We got both the Okinawa and the Kagoshima. I have been ruined on steak forever.

Also apparently Sidney Crosby has our table after us.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Nope didn't see her.

We got both the Okinawa and the Kagoshima. I have been ruined on steak forever.

Also apparently Sidney Crosby has our table after us.
Fucking guy knows how to live; Jacob's is awesome.

Yeah the steak there is stellar. I didn't think it needed any of those extra sauces to enhance them in my mind but eh.

As much as I liked it, and I liked it a lot, I'm quite happy with a dry aged steak at a local butcher though. And it doesn't cost 400 dollars. Though last time I went with some people we peer pressured my cousin into paying. 4 people ended up being 2225 or so.


Sells the best steaks I've made at home

Sweet Ivy

Hey guys, is anyone interested in a copy of Destiny PS4 for a fair price?

I managed to snatch a special edition off ebay for almost an honest price for my bf that had missed it.
So I have a third copy now. It's new, but opened as the one in the SE was in the tinbox (which I'll keep), but I still have the 30-days trial of PSN and the Vangard armory code.

I'm posting here as I don't want to bother with shipping it!


I would bang a hot farmer!

Anyone need a new avatar?



Do you know what Queen St. W needs?
Another burger joint.


Where the HMV near Queen and John used to be.

Every time I've had Carl Jr it was a disappointment. With all the good burger choices in the area I don't see them lasting very long.

Looks like they already opened shop in Waterloo and Guelph. They're aggressively entering the Ontario market with 30 restaurants.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Every time I've had Carl Jr it was a disappointment. With all the good burger choices in the area I don't see them lasting very long.

Looks like they already opened shop in Waterloo and Guelph. They're aggressively entering the Ontario market with 30 restaurants.
We have hit burger saturation!

Toronto always overloading on shit that is popular. There are tons of sushi places I won't even be able to try...


You guys need to teach me why Leafs hockey sucks.

Excuse grammar/spelling don't have time to edit.

Well, lets not go too far back, but we'll start with the JFJ years.
After the lockout and subsequent implementation of the salary cap, the Leafs were in trouble. Why? Well the team has always been reliant on the ability to sign whoever they wanted simply because they could pay more for players. After the salary cap, the drafting and developing side of the process has become the most important part of any organization, and the Leafs failed to identify this early. JFJ, our GM during this time, proceeded to trade away the Leaf's draft picks and prospects to find players that could help the teams aging core compete (which they failed to do) case in point, Tukka Rask was traded to Boston for Andrew Raycroft. So up until around 2007-2008 the Leafs kept trying to do this, they never made the playoffs and the prospect pool was empty and finally JFJ was booted. An interm GM was hired, who proceeded to trade more young players for "veterans" (Steen for Stempniak) before he was replaced by Brian Burke.

Recap before the "rebuild"
- Fail to make playoffs
- Bottom 5 prospect pool, if not last ranked.
- No #1C, #1D, #1G

The Burke era!
Well it has been pretty much accepted as fact that ownership would not let Burke do a proper rebuild, they wanted an accelerated process. So Burke had to find quick ways to address the teams issues. This involved trading away two first round picks and a second for Phil Kessel (turned into Tyler Seguin and Dougie Hamilton, Seguin put up more points then Kessel last year and Hamilton is one of the most highly touted young defenceman in the league, yay). Burke began improving the team from a drafting perspective, there were a few years where we kept our first round picks (Kadri, Rielly) or acquired some (Biggs, Percy) and our prospect pool is improved, but still ranked bottom of the league. Overall, his accelerated process did not produce results on the ice, playoffs were never made and he was kicked out and replaced by Dave Nonis.

Dave Nonis Era!
So Dave is a long-term colleague of Burke, and was his assistant during his team as GM for the Leafs. His era started off strong by making the playoffs, but him and his team of stupid as shit assistant GMs thought this meant they were a piece or two away from being real competitors. So they doubled-down on stupid and dismantled one of the Leaf's best lines in Grabovski, Kulemen, MacArthur and proceeded to sign and trade for scrubs like Clarkson and Bolland. This team then put up the worst defensive performance by any team in the last decade, the mishandled young players like Jake Gardiner and refused to listen to the analytics that predicted their eventual collapse.

Shanahan Era!
So after that collapse, and the collapse in the Boston playoff series, I guess ownership had enough, and they brought in Shanahan. Shanahan proceeded to fire the assistant coaches, and GM's, hired young 28 year old Kyle Dubas as assistant GM, brought in an analytics department and I guess is trying to make the org more receptive to new ideas. The team is still employing Randy Carlyle, who has really done badly as the coach, continues to play players like Tyler Bozak against competition they simply cannot compete against, mistreats young players like Gardiner who deserve ice team, and well just doesn't seem to be getting through to the team. He really should be getting fired soon.

Where do the Leafs stand now?
Lets recap:
- Still missed the playoffs last year, put up a similar performance to pre-Burke era teams.
- Still has a bottom 5 prospect pool.
- Failed to acquire a #1C and #1D throughout this 6 year rebuild, which are arguably the most important positions on the team.

Any questions?


Burke would never have come here without full autonomy, so I don't believe that ownership forced him to do any sort of accelerated rebuild.

Just an excuse for his, unfortunately, lackluster time as GM.


Burke would never have come here without full autonomy, so I don't believe that ownership forced him to do any sort of accelerated rebuild.

Just an excuse for his, unfortunately, lackluster time as GM.

Well whatever it is, I believe his decision to retool probably set us back another 3-5 years.
I love Kessel, but, he really is more of a complimentary piece, he's what we needed when we had a Sundin.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Downsizing and looking to sell my 13.3" 2011 Macbook Air. If anyone is interested here's the post I made in the BST forum. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=134295890&postcount=3003

I'd like to sell it locally if possible to avoid shipping charges. I can bring it to the meetup this Friday if you want to inspect it closely. It's in terrific condition except for a couple of white dots on the screen :(
I asked around for you a bit and got told that's awfully high considering the new ones are out and have haswell and 8GB of RAM...still, GL!


I asked around for you a bit and got told that's awfully high considering the new ones are out and have haswell and 8GB of RAM...still, GL!

Willing to negotiate on price if you know people interested. I was just going by the prices for 2011's on kijiji. I want to sell locally if possible to avoid shipping long distances.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Willing to negotiate on price if you know people interested. I was just going by the prices for 2011's on kijiji. I want to sell locally if possible to avoid shipping long distances.

I'll check, but most of my buds prefer the newer one.

I'd get it if I needed one, but my phone does everything I need.

Edit: alright you rascals; I did my part. I'm reserving my right to bitch after Chow loses!
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