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Total War: Warhammer |OT| WAAAGHcraft 4


I think I may be failing my chaos campaign which has been going pretty well. A couple questions might save my ass and a lot of time.

1. Do I need a battering ram to get through the front gates, or can't my giant chaos demon hero and dragon ogres smash it down on their own?

2. How the fuck do I get rid of the little agents who keep backstabbing me on the campaign map. I'm surrounded by like 3 of them as I'm trying to seige the gate.
1) I haven't played chaos so I don't know if those units can opej gates. I have seen trols and varghulfs opening gates by force.
2) to deal with agents you need to have agents of your own.


Anyone can damage gates, I had some useless calvalry knocking on an alternate gate and they brought it down. Just takes a while.


Screw Empire. I'm going to try playing the Dwarves. Something doesn't feel right about the difficulty playing on Normal and how other factions are responding. I'm being declared war on by factions I'm no where near or even have had the chance to be in contact with, the secessionist are super aggressive at the very start. If I recruit to stop that I just end up bankrupting myself as a result turns down the line. I thought of turning the difficulty down to Easy but I don't like doing that and even then other post in other forums say Easy is way to easy. I've played other games where there is to big of a gap between those difficulty settings and if this is what is going on then I hope it's addressed. I wonder if it's just with the Empire faction though.


I'm pretty late into the game and have like control of only 3 provinces. I killed Archaon and kicked 3 chaos invasions (got a message saying they were defeated) all the dwarves and other human factions are allied with me, I'm just rolling with money and sitting on 4 stacks of armies and several heroes with positive income. Vampires are begging me every turn to negotiate a defensive alliance with them and greeenskins doing the same for a peace treaty after I sent Karl Franz on a little incursion down south to show them the might of the Empire haha.

I'm about to the a northern incursion and raze some shit there. Loving the game and can't wait for it to get more DLC.

My only issue so far is mid game I sent my fire wizard and hero captain to stop a Bretonnian unit from harassing me, I sent both at the same time and the captain killed her. Unfortunately they are both stuck in the same position and can't do anything but deploy them, they aren't able to move anywhere. And it sucks cause they're both lvl20 heroes with full on followers...


Fighting mounted pistoleers really starts to get on my nerves especially with vampires.
There's a savage orc army marauding all over the southern part of my map that consists almost entirely of savage orc boar boyz, goblin bow wolf riders, and savage orc arrer boyz. They're the bane of all of the dwarven armies in the area. They literally rode circles around one of my armies and then sent the savage orc boar boyz crashing into the rear of my lines over and over. How is the AI this competent on normal?

Oh and because they've been mauling every dwarf army they meet, mostly against the AI dwarves, their fightiness is always high, which means waaagh spawns.


I mean, I'd dig it, don't get me wrong; it's a ridiculously untapped setting, as far as mainstream Western gaming goes. But Dynasty Warriors is a niche title, even moreso than Total War, I feel. Just not sure the audience is there, yet.

I do think there are pockets of audiences but Sega Europe and Sega Japan haven't quite got to aligning their work together. The latter has been making Sangokushi Taisen Arcade, which is fairly popular but strategy lite arcade card game. You'd think they'd swap notes.


Screw Empire. I'm going to try playing the Dwarves. Something doesn't feel right about the difficulty playing on Normal and how other factions are responding. I'm being declared war on by factions I'm no where near or even have had the chance to be in contact with, the secessionist are super aggressive at the very start. If I recruit to stop that I just end up bankrupting myself as a result turns down the line. I thought of turning the difficulty down to Easy but I don't like doing that and even then other post in other forums say Easy is way to easy. I've played other games where there is to big of a gap between those difficulty settings and if this is what is going on then I hope it's addressed. I wonder if it's just with the Empire faction though.
Interesting, I myself had very little problem doing Empire on hard. Took victory by turn 120 or so, auto resolving most battles along the way. Took Reikland by about turn 5 and Marienburg turn 7. Then mostly spend time defending home territory and building it up economically.

Best part was probably letting Nordland and Middenland do their own thing all campaign long. They absorbed pretty much all of the Skirling and Chaos stacks coming down south while I was able to concentrate on taking out the Vampires. Had great diplomatic relationships with Bretonnia and the other factions west of the mountains and was able to send them out to take care of the Chaos and Skirling stacks roaming in the north.

Best approach finance wise is not to build up to two full stacks until you have economically developed the Reikland and Marienburg regions.
There's a savage orc army marauding all over the southern part of my map that consists almost entirely of savage orc boar boyz, goblin bow wolf riders, and savage orc arrer boyz. They're the bane of all of the dwarven armies in the area. They literally rode circles around one of my armies and then sent the savage orc boar boyz crashing into the rear of my lines over and over. How is the AI this competent on normal?

Oh and because they've been mauling every dwarf army they meet, mostly against the AI dwarves, their fightiness is always high, which means waaagh spawns.

I just finished my hard Dwarf campaign. As long as you put your quarellers and thundered in guard mode and focus fire them your range units will annihilate their riders. I had the same issue as you at first, but if you crush a waagh army and then push you just snowball and they can't get their fighting as back up and then suffer dissertion. But my main point was their mounted units are no match for Dwarven ranged units if you focus fire. Just leave a few units/hero in the rear to protect your archers and they'll be fleeing in short order (Orcs have fairly low leadership score and route easily when focused) just be careful not to fire on an army your melee fighters are engaged with unless you're flanking with your ranged units. You'll end up killing a bunch of your own units, especially with thunderers.


Anybody tried this game with the steam controller? Are there any profiles (official or community) yet?

Before all the why and why not questions, I simply cannot play with a mouse and keyboard as I use it at work all day and if I also use it to play I get severe pain over time. Steam controller has enabled me to play a lot of games I usually have to skip, but I've not tried it on a Total War game yet (or any RTS). The campaign map shouldn't be a problem, not sure about the real time combat though. I know it will work to some degree, just not sure if it would be fun or just cumbersome.


Anybody tried this game with the steam controller? Are there any profiles (official or community) yet?

Before all the why and why not questions, I simply cannot play with a mouse and keyboard as I use it at work all day and if I also use it to play I get severe pain over time. Steam controller has enabled me to play a lot of games I usually have to skip, but I've not tried it on a Total War game yet (or any RTS). The campaign map shouldn't be a problem, not sure about the real time combat though. I know it will work to some degree, just not sure if it would be fun or just cumbersome.

Haven't tried it but the RTS battles all have active pause so there's no real pressure to be fast.
Anybody tried this game with the steam controller? Are there any profiles (official or community) yet?

Before all the why and why not questions, I simply cannot play with a mouse and keyboard as I use it at work all day and if I also use it to play I get severe pain over time. Steam controller has enabled me to play a lot of games I usually have to skip, but I've not tried it on a Total War game yet (or any RTS). The campaign map shouldn't be a problem, not sure about the real time combat though. I know it will work to some degree, just not sure if it would be fun or just cumbersome.

I'm looking for some more feedback on this as well. I have a friend with Lyme Disease and its gotten really bad for him lately. It's really difficult to sit in a chair at a desk for really any extended period of time. He has to take breaks and lie down every 20 minutes or so. I'm trying to figure out the best setup for him as he loves to play PC games, especially Total War but simply cannot do mouse/keyboard. I'm willing to take other suggestions as well, I don't want him to feel infirmed any more than he is, but I'm looking to make him as comfortable as possible.


Junior Member
I'm looking for some more feedback on this as well. I have a friend with Lyme Disease and its gotten really bad for him lately. It's really difficult to sit in a chair at a desk for really any extended period of time. He has to take breaks and lie down every 20 minutes or so. I'm trying to figure out the best setup for him as he loves to play PC games, especially Total War but simply cannot do mouse/keyboard. I'm willing to take other suggestions as well, I don't want him to feel infirmed any more than he is, but I'm looking to make him as comfortable as possible.

How about using a Steam Link (or just the computer in the room itself) but with a Logitech k400+? I've not played Total War Warhammer but it seems fairly slow paced? The k400+ works great for me with Xcom. It's a wireless keyboard with a little touchpad.

It's not an ideal setup but I comfortably played 15-20 hours of xcom2 with it in the living room using a steam link.
How about using a Steam Link (or just the computer in the room itself) but with a Logitech k400+? I've not played Total War Warhammer but it seems fairly slow paced? The k400+ works great for me with Xcom. It's a wireless keyboard with a little touchpad.

It's not an ideal setup but I comfortably played 15-20 hours of xcom2 with it in the living room using a steam link.

He pretty much has to be lying down, the muscles in his neck and back etc have atrophied alot over the years and he just hurts alot. He's basically on intense pain meds and stuff now constantly. I feel really bad because I get frustrated as we barely make progress and I know he wants to play but just can't as it is. He has a much easier time on console, but they don't have alot of the games he likes.

I've already talked to him about putting the PC in his room, I built it for him and explained how easy big picture mode is and he can just use his controller etc. But his main concern is not being able to play strategy games and Total War which is pretty much what he mainly wanted it for. So I'm just trying to find him the best control option that won't completely kill his enjoyment of the game.

Lord Phol

Are there any good online beginner guides for this game, written or in video form that you guys would recommend? I've learned a bit just by watching a youtuber play the empire campaign but it still feels like there's a lot more that I need to understand before I can tackle it myself. Also should I start at Easy for my firstplaythrough just to get a hang of things or try my luck with Normal?

Traditionally, you only get new strategic maps from expansions and there will be custom battles that you can fight out. CA has said that they plan to make the expansions as big as full-blown releases, so I'd expect that we'll get huge extensions to the main map. I wouldn't rule out smaller ones though.

In any case, variety isn't really that big a problem for the Total War games since different starting positions make a huge difference in how the game plays out and the factions in Warhammer all play totally differently. I also suspect that some of the smaller factions will get slight roster updates and get made playable in the campaign.

Ah all right, sounds good enough!


Has anyone worked out a way to stop the endless chase of army pillaging your land? In one turn Azag sacked two of my settlements and was still too far away for me to catch, even though I ended my last turn literally right next to him.

Hopefully someone makes a mod that either ends your turn after sacking or adds a 25% movement penalty in enemy terrtiory.

I'm really enjoying the game but this vexes me. It's highly irritating that a dwarf army can outrun my raiding party (I went thematic and started an army comprised entirely of boar boyz and spider riders just for raiding and pillaging). Seriously I had one dwarf general march through two of my territories and still capture a settlement when I, with March Stance, can barely cover one.

The Lord of my ruling party had put all of his skill points into the Route Marcher tree too.

Still I'm loving the game. WAAAAGH Grimgor has conquered the badlands, the border princes were eaten, the stunties slaughtered in their caves and now the soft underbelly of the Empire is vulnerable just as my big units come online


(I can't wait for the Skaven DLC)


Change stance to marching?

I've tried that mate and I can barely catch them, if at all. I really don't get how stunties can outpace a Marching Greenskin army & still attack willy-nilly.

Not that it matters as I seized their lands, pulled their beards out and ate the survivors :-D



Finally. This was hard. Now back to my cave, my armies need serious wound licking.

The longer I play the more I start to run into game mechanics that aren't hard but just annoying like enemy hero harassment (because of the amount of free roaming heroes, turns take for ever), a.i. mountet archers micro management, army movement on the world map, siege turrets. I really hope they start to change some stuff over time.


Finished my campaign at 172 turns. Reikland never got in trouble and was safe as soon as I managed to get a hold of it. I played the political game and took care not to hurt anyone but Chaos and what do you know? Everyone wanted a piece of my alliance, even the Vampires which were my last objective.

I assaulted their fort with 2 full stacks while keeping 3 other armies to cover the north as Chaos was still sending stacks of men once in a while. Truth be told they seemed suicidal at the end cause I kept my men in northern towns and full stack + garrison, they assaulted like madmen and got easily removed with auto resolve, my generals were all lvl 16+ with Karl Franz being lvl24 and Golden Face boy lvl19.

Funnily enough he died one turn from the end (more like got injured) cause the vamps sent a hero on his ass. Didn't stop me from getting the easy win. Karl Franz was just beastly with good items on him and armor, hit points and weapon to the max. I could send him into 3 or 4 marauders groups and even with their lord giving them a hand he would showed them who's boss.

Really had fun and already can see how can I do different starting choices for another Empire campaign. I never really got to face the Orks which is a bit of a shame as I got the notification of a Waagh but seems like they were afraid of the Empire might. That + we were all allied with the Dwarves so nobody could fuck with us.
Should I not immediately take the settlement that the tutorial tells me to take as the Orcs or am I just missing how to manage obedience? 5 turns in and my province is already rebelling against me.


Is there enough stuff to do outside of the campaign? (Content wise?) I haven't played a Total War game but this one sounds very interesting.
3 campaigns finished now.

Empire (153 turns) - A nice campaign that started with a war with successionists and then some of the dwarfs in the west (karak norn?). Then i moved up and east fighting men and then chaos. Once chaos was killed I gained alliance with bretonnian states and then took on the vampire counts while holding off nordland states.

Dwarfs (157 turns) - A campaign that can go one of two ways, either you stop the greenskins expansion or you dont. If you dont you are f***ed and you have to start over. If you do then it's just a matter of killing all the greenskins one by one , taking out wagghhs as often and as quick as possible. When stopping the greenskin expansion it's a good idea to raze crappy cities, forcing the greenskin armies to re-occupy them which will severly weaken the army for an easy kill. Also very important to learn which provencies and cities have gold mines and diamond mines, getting money quickly to pay for armies is the key to stopping greenskins. Then after that it's just a matter of confederating with other dwarfs, heading north to the mountains in nordland and killing chaos.

Greenskins (161 turns) - Probably my favourite campaign upto now. With waaghs you have so much momentum and your plan is to just keep moving and attacking, although keeping obedience (public order) will be your biggest problem. Not too much advice outside of that. I killed in this order greenskins->dwarfs->border princes->chaos->bretonnia states->empire. Also one of the goals being to kill the empire is a great addition that makes you feel like a wave of waagh and has destroyed any doubts i had about not being able to take all settlements.

Next I think im gonna try vampire counts.
Should I not immediately take the settlement that the tutorial tells me to take as the Orcs or am I just missing how to manage obedience? 5 turns in and my province is already rebelling against me.
As Orcs you need to be fighting someone pretty much all the time otherwise the Orcs will turn on you. You can rest a bit now and again but really always be at war and win. Too many losses can lead to rebellion too. That goes for the Dwarves too.


Should I not immediately take the settlement that the tutorial tells me to take as the Orcs or am I just missing how to manage obedience? 5 turns in and my province is already rebelling against me.

I don't remember having that problem but maybe i just stopped extorting income from the province until I could get Obedience under control. Give that a try and get your cash from Raidin' and Sacking until you have things under control.

One thing the game didn't explain* is that Obedience is done by province, i.e. 3/4 settlements, and it took me ages to realise it. Once that clicked things became much easier for me as I'd bang out a couple of Big Boss Tents and then had minimal problems with obedience. Heck in the early game i think rebellions helped me as I used them to level up my new Lords.

One tip I'll give you is try to time your first WAAGH with initiating conflict with the Dwarves, they have a full nasty stack roaming around and I really struggled until my WAAGH kicked in and then i steamrollered them and killed their faction leader leaving the remainder as easy pickings. Heck tbh my momentum from that period helped me smash the other Greenskin tribes until now the Empire beckons.


* I swear I must have missed a tutorial option somewhere, it's the only explanation I have for the game not explaining so many changed concepts.


I love crushing an opposing factions main army and then just absorbing all their stuff through a confederacy.

CLICK and you're two times the size as before :D
Just destroyed the Chaos faction on my VC campaign. I've been at war with the Greenskins for a while but I haven't attacked so I think they will be my focus. I have a couple agreements with the Empire so we should be safe. I'm going to colonize the abandoned settlements of the North now. A weird ass alliance of the Undead and one Dwarf faction vassal averted the End Times.


Goddamn seems like the mid-to end game is a total pain, about turn 75 and I have rebels and agents up the wazoo in both ot my games
I'm at turn 167 in my Empire campaign. He Chaos hordes are long since dead, however the Norsca factions fight on. I made peace with the Darling but the Varg are proving impossible to vanquish. We're basically at a stalemate now: they sail over a few armies, lose, sail over more, lose.

Of course then the Vamps - whom had been my chum against the Norsca and Chaos - attacked the Dwarfs and triggered a war in the Southeast.


Is there no formation combat in this one? I'd love to fight against orcs in a shield formation like the Romans had.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
started a coop campaign with a friend he went dwarfs and im of course going vampire counts we are going to wage war on everyone

Is there no formation combat in this one? I'd love to fight against orcs in a shield formation like the Romans had.

they removed formations
WHF lore was never really something i looked into too much (prefer W40K), so i'm curious about what sort of new units they could add for the existing races in the game. The obvious ones would be Chaos God specific units or Daemons, but what other things are there they could include?

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
WHF lore was never really something i looked into too much (prefer W40K), so i'm curious about what sort of new units they could add for the existing races in the game. The obvious ones would be Chaos God specific units or Daemons, but what other things are there they could include?

want my damn coven throne / mortis engine



I'm happy playing Doom and Overwatch for a few more days, is it worth buying this now just to save myself having to pay for the Chaos DLC at a later date?

I'm basically asking is Chaos done well and worthwhile, as I can hold off getting this game for a couple of months given what I've got on my backlog.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
I'm happy playing Doom and Overwatch for a few more days, is it worth buying this now just to save myself having to pay for the Chaos DLC at a later date?

I'm basically asking is Chaos done well and worthwhile, as I can hold off getting this game for a couple of months given what I've got on my backlog.

yeah its worth it to get the chaos dlc they are really well done


WHF lore was never really something i looked into too much (prefer W40K), so i'm curious about what sort of new units they could add for the existing races in the game. The obvious ones would be Chaos God specific units or Daemons, but what other things are there they could include?

Most of the races have more specialised variants, with unique units to match, which they could introduce e.g. the various vampire bloodlines, etc. Not sure how many of these there are in 8th edition which seems to be what the games pulling from. Can you have a pure Goblin army in this (havent tried Greenskins), if not that would be another way to go.
Most of the races have more specialised variants, with unique units to match, which they could introduce e.g. the various vampire bloodlines, etc. Not sure how many of these there are in 8th edition which seems to be what the games pulling from. Can you have a pure Goblin army in this (havent tried Greenskins), if not that would be another way to go.

That's just reminded me, there doesn't seem to be any Orc Squigs anywhere in the game that i've seen.


Halberds are pretty useless for the Empire in the beginning, right? You're mostly up against other humans anyway. So Spears should be the right choice then? Are shielded ones worth it?
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