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Toys R Us Buy 2 Get 1 Free: What Did You Score?

got some games i've been meaning to buy for a while now... may go back later in the week for more stuff... MotoGP2 (Xbox) was staring at me really hard...

also, some guy tried to buy 3 copies of OutRun2, and they wouldn't let him, they said one copy of each title per person... so that's a plus :D


works for Gamestop (lol)
Want to get GTA:SA, Ace Combat 5 and some other game...which I don't care cause GTA and AC5 is all I need this week :p

you cannot do pre orders.

and i copped

tales of symphonia
paper mario 2
starwars battlefront

and im gonna go back later this week and get some more stuff.


Ninja Gaiden, Burnout 3, Bloodrayne 2.

I was going to get a couple $20 gc games but I'm trying to cut back spending.


I definately plan on picking up GTA:SA for the sale.. Do I have to get 2 other PS2 games or can I mix as long as the prices are the same?
Paper Mario 2
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Burnout 3

Outrun 2
Gradius V
Maximo vs. Army of Zin

My deepest apologies to Sega fans in Ft. Myers. There were a stack of Outrun 2 copies out, but during checkout the clerk noticed the Do Not Sell label, and asked me to show him where the rest were so he could take them off the shelves. I sold out. :(

They didn't have SMT3, sadly.
SMT: Nocturne
Paper Mario TTYD

I was pleasantly suprised they had Nocturne, but dissapointed that they didn't have Otogi 2.
rareside said:
I definately plan on picking up GTA:SA for the sale.. Do I have to get 2 other PS2 games or can I mix as long as the prices are the same?
you can mix and match even if the prices are different... it's buy 2 get 1 free (of equal or lesser value)
Waiting for later in the week too. I went in there and they didn't have much that I wanted. X-Men Legends was it. I was thinking about Riddick, but it's marked in store still at $49.99 so screw that.

I did go across the street and scored Star Wars KoTOR for $10 at Circuit City. So at least it wasn't a complete waste of a trip.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Paper Mario 2
Pikmin 2
Donkey Konga

Pokemon Colloseum
Megaman X Command Mission
Def Jam: Fight For NY

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Phantasy Star Online I & II Plus
Custom Robo

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
MMX: Command Mission
X-Men Legends
MGS: TT (which is $29.99 despite what the tags say)


got nothing, wanted MAT2 but none of the TRU in NYC had it, all the newer 3rd party games are also marked up 10% extra + 8.625% tax = not much savings ;_;

the Times Sq store got a huge supply of PSTwos in stock though
I'm not seeing enough Nocturnes, here...

I won't be taking advantage of this deal, sadly, cause I have no cash for games. Only copious amounts of credit at Gamerush.


I went to TRU before they opened, and went inside with the crowd as they opened. Two people in line before me got SMT:N, so I was really nervous but they seemed to have a couple copies left so I managed to get it.

I got:

Pikmin 2


Donkey Konga
Megaman X Command Mission
Custom Robo (I wanted X-Men Legends (XB) but they were out)

I'll still have to go back later this week to get GTA:SA and something else. Otogi 2 was sold out as well :/


I got Paper Mario 2
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures

I wanted Shadow Hearts 2
and Bards Tale, but they didn't have them.


hyperbolically metafictive
picked up smt nocturne, paper mario 2, and metal slug 3 (yeah, i've already got the mvs cart, but the xbox version looks so nice on my hdtv). paper mario's probably going straight to ebay or gamerush. it seems moderately interesting, but there's other stuff i'd rather play. and it's sitting in piles on my desk. they had outrun 2, but they wouldn't sell it. :/

apparently you'll get two-thirds of a game's value if you return it, and exchanges seem like a no-go. meh.
The Faceless Master said:
also, some guy tried to buy 3 copies of OutRun2, and they wouldn't let him, they said one copy of each title per person... so that's a plus :D
really now? heh funny, i got Paper mario, Paper mario, and Paper mario free, and then Pikmin 2, Pikmin 2, and THUG2 free. Heh.


Unconfirmed Member
GTA:SA is a given.

As for the other two games, I think it's going to come down to a choice from Outrun 2, Paper Mario 2, and Shadow Hearts: Covenant. One will have to get the axe.
First I got:

Paper Mario
Pikmin 2
and THUG2 free

They wouldn't let me return THUG2 because I got it free, so I returned em all and got

Pikmin 2
Paper Mario
and Paper Mario free

Then the return lady switched out and wouldn't let me return anything so I left. At the very fucking worst I paid full price for two games and got PM free.

I may or may not try to return a PM later in the week. I'll probably just sacrifice it to EB.
The Faceless Master said:
got some games i've been meaning to buy for a while now... may go back later in the week for more stuff... MotoGP2 (Xbox) was staring at me really hard...

How's that work? They let you buy the 2 pack and gave you Wario Ware for free? I figured something like this would go against their policy.

I got
Donkey Konga
Paper Mario
and SMT: Nocturne.

The lady was giving me shit about Donkey Konga, saying it wasn't part of the sale cause it includes the Bongos. I had to hassel her to try and ring it up, which it went through.


Unconfirmed Member
Paper Mario 2 + Donkey Konga = Shadow Hearts Covenant (no Nocturne :<, so I got this as trade bait in case they get it in)

Going back later in the week for GTA:SA & Taiko Drum Master.

If anyone wants SH:C but can't get it, but CAN get Nocturne, we could maybe work out a trade? I dunno. I really want Nocturne... :(
Paper Mario
Pikmin 2
Zelda: 4 Swords

Have been playing mostly PC games for the last year, but these 3 games have put a huge smile on my face and only reminded me why Nintendo is without peer.

To those who said 4 Swords should have been a GBA game, bite your tongue! The GBA gets enough games/resources. This is one of the prettiest games I've ever played. I have a feeling I'm gonna like it a TON more than WW. This is what I wish Nintendo handhelds looked like. Sure GBA may be more powerful than SNES, but the crapass screen will never let it prove it. The Rainbow on the 1st level... beautiful.

I may actually go out and pick up another 50 row (Donkey Konga, TOS, and ??). And maybe Mario Golf, WarioWare, and F-Zero again.
Lambtron said:
Paper Mario 2 + Donkey Konga = Shadow Hearts Covenant (no Nocturne :<, so I got this as trade bait in case they get it in)

Going back later in the week for GTA:SA & Taiko Drum Master.

If anyone wants SH:C but can't get it, but CAN get Nocturne, we could maybe work out a trade? I dunno. I really want Nocturne... :(

Go to a Wal-Mart that has Nocturne and Shadow Hearts and just do a trade. Say you got Shadow Hearts has a gift and you wanted a different game but don't have the receipt. They should give you store credit, and ta da! Nocturne goodness for you!


Unconfirmed Member
kitchenmotors said:
Go to a Wal-Mart that has Nocturne and Shadow Hearts and just do a trade. Say you got Shadow Hearts has a gift and you wanted a different game but don't have the receipt. They should give you store credit, and ta da! Nocturne goodness for you!
Nowhere in town except GameSpot has Nocturne in stock, I was going to do this. :( I live in a pretty small town, so sometimes we really get fucked on the smaller releases.


Sucks at viral marketing
Paper Mario
Donkey Konga*
Zelda: 4 Swords Adventure

I'm hoping the other games that I did not get will see a price drop soon (or shortly after Christmas). But now I have a new problem:

My mother, who never knows what to get me, said she would buy one of the games off of me and wrap it for Christmas... I can't decide which game to part with until then. :(

Paper Mario is off the table. I would like to play DKa now, but I'm afraid it may not last too long; if I give up that one, Jungle Beat will be only a couple months off by the time I get it back. I've heard great things about 4 Swords and I have a GBA, I think the game wll last me longer than DKa; my sister think that if I give up Zelda that they can use it as a reason they need a GBA for Christmas. Also, Zelda was actually 4th on my list of games but I'm expecting the other game to drop in price soon. What do you guys recommend? DK or 4 Swords?

*You sales-charts-fanatics might like to know... As I was entering TRU this morning a mother was carrying out a bag with Donkey Konga in it. The couple infront of me picked up DKa (and Paper Mario). I got Donkey Konga and as I was ringing out a guy asked the clerk if they had any more DKa's in stock. 4 copies in about 15 minutes....

..and not a one of them will show up on the NPD because this was TRU. ;)


What good titles can be found for less than full price at Toys R Us?

I'm not willing to buy three games for $100, but I might go three for $40 or $60. Any worthwhile budget titles there?


Sucks at viral marketing
Teddman said:
What good titles can be found for less than full price at Toys R Us?

I'm not willing to buy three games for $100, but I might go three for $40 or $60. Any worthwhile budget titles there?
They should have a prett good selection of the Player's Choice/Greatest Hits?Platnium titles.

My store also had a wide variety of games that nobody bought... like Super Bubble Pop, or Zapper... you might get lucky and find an Ikaruga or something.


hyperbolically metafictive
the tru i went to was pretty short on budget stuff. i was hoping to find nightshade and devil may cry 2. they had the usual greatest hits stuff, though. and the selection seems better online, though shipping wipes out some of the savings.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
JJConrad said:
*You sales-charts-fanatics might like to know... As I was entering TRU this morning a mother was carrying out a bag with Donkey Konga in it. The couple infront of me picked up DKa (and Paper Mario). I got Donkey Konga and as I was ringing out a guy asked the clerk if they had any more DKa's in stock. 4 copies in about 15 minutes....

..and not a one of them will show up on the NPD because this was TRU. ;)

WHAT? TRU isn't in the NPD? Are you kidding? They sell a lot of GBA stuff there (GC stuff too I'd imagine but especially GBA). Does this mean GBASP might have sold over 600K in September? Yowza!


Wal-Mart and Toys 'R Us are excluded from NPD sales retailer surveys...

They say that they extrapolate numbers to include the whole market (60% --> 100%) and that they take into account factors to keep the extrapolation accurate, but I'm not sure how they can properly gage Wal-Mart and Toys 'R Us, and I'm wondering how they could accurately use correct proportions for what they think sell well in these stores (Nintendo items appealing to families of course).

They probably use historical data from when Wal-Mart and Toys 'R Us were part of the survey, but from there it's pretty much "expert" guesswork...


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I think I'll go by in an hour and see what they've got. I'm mainly interested in budget stuff though. I'm cutting back on spending. I want Paper Mario 2 pretty bad, but you know, there are cheap games out there I haven't gotten to, so I'll wait for that to drop in price while I play other cheap games. Works out in the end for me. Donkey Konga is the only one I might pay full for since I don't know how much or when that would drop in price given the kongas.

Hopefully there's a good selection of $19.99 or $29.99 games. I know there are a lot of GC titles that are cheap now that I would spring for.


It's ironic how many Nintendo haters are on this forum, yet if you look at these lists almost 100% of them include Nintendo games...

Btw, I love this deal... surprised more retailers don't do it.

Dave Long

My list...

Monster Hunter
Paper Mario 2
SMT: Nocturne
Sly 2
DDR Xtreme w/Dance Mat

That's like net $40.00 or so for DDR so I'm pretty happy with my list. I could easily have bought three more and another three budget titles.

Also, just about every customer left with Donkey Konga when I was there this morning. Awareness is apparently very high for it. I think Nintendo has a hit on their hands.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Is FFXI compatible with the deal?

I guess that would depend on how it rings up.

If it rings up as PS2 HDD w/ FFXI (which is likely the case) then probably not. If it rings up as FFXI with PS2 HDD then probably yes (when taking other periperhal bundled games into account like Konga, DDR Extreme, and Crisis Zone).
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