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Toys R Us Buy 2 Get 1 Free: What Did You Score?


CrimsonSkies said:
My TRU is hiding games in the back to avoid the sell. VERY pathetic offerings. I bought nothing.
Really? The girl who was attending me had to go in the back to bring games out for me. ^_^

BTW: Paper Mario 2, Pikmin 2 and Ace Combat 5


Unconfirmed Member
I went today, and no DOA:U, no Taiko, no Nocturne, nothing I wanted that I didn't already get. I might go back tomorrow and try to find some stuff, but *sigh* we'll see, I guess!
Today I copped:
-Taiko Drum Master (bought it yesterday at EB but returned it after buying it at TRU)
-Donkey Konga (nephew's X-Mas gift)
-Dead or Alive Ultimate

-Ace Combat V
-Paper Mario 2 (cashier said it was all sold out...was about to buy SMTN or Star Ocean 2 until I saw a copy hidden in a stack of games =)
-OutRun 2

Like others on here I was waiting for DOAU to come in to do my thing though many popular/wanted titles were starting to sell out...a lot of games are gonna stay in their wrapper for a while =P
im starting to hate toys r us

ive been waiting for them to get dead or alive ultimate forever....

they finally get today, and then i get there and they tell me its sold out. And It baffles me because ALL OF THIER OTHER new releases they seem to have PLENTY of...GTA SA, whatever...name the game they got a shitload in stock..but no....Doa U is sold out. Really?! The first day you get it? as if EVERYONE has been trying to buy DOA u at this particular toys r us that is usually overstocked with MOST GAMES??!
Its like they Ordered 4 copies of the game or something.
(by the way this was the toys r us at timesquare which is why they usually have a shitload of everything.)

damn....that shit pissed me off.

oh well what the fuck ever.



SMT Nocturne
Star Ocean

they kept all the GTASAs behind the counter and they were actually IDing people, I saw them turn away alot of disappointed kids :D


Cool sale, I got:

Jak II
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
Dead or Alive: Ultimate


If it's unopened then you should be fine. If it is opened they will probably only let you exchange it if it's defective, and only for another copy of Sonic Heroes.

Kumiko Nikaido

I want to get OutRun 2 (Xbox), Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors (Xbox), and Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu's Dororo (PS2)....but the TRUs I went to don't have them! Grrr! *mad*
The Toysrus I went to sold out of Dead or Alive Ultimate and had no Ace Combat 5... They did have 4 copies of Taiko Drum Master though.... Best Buy refused to price match the Toysrus deal..

Guess this deal is basically a bust for me.


Just came back with DOA:U, OutRun 2, & Neo Contra (w/ gift receipt - since this one is most likely will be returned for some other game coming out in Nov.)

My copy of OR2 was the last one in the store. Lucky!!

Local TRU had several copies of DOA:U left, while had sold out of MK: Deception... People sure do know how to pick a good fighting game. :mad:


Stick a fork in me... I'm done. Total haul for the past week from TRU for me...

DDR Extreme
Paper Mario
Pikmin 2
Donkey Konga
Outrun 2
SNK vs Capcom Chaos
Kingdom Under Fire


got Phantom Brave in the mail today, was afraid I would get screwed with the regular version but its the Special Edition :)


ended up with phantom brave, san andreas and ToS. wanted paper mario 2 instead of ToS. customer service lady said i probably wouldn't be able to do the exchange but i'm going to try anyways i guess


want to touch the mario


(more a nerd than a geek)
I grabbed a pile of stuff, but the problem is that there simply isn't anything I really -care- about left for me to buy. I've already purchased everything I really want, so my only impetus for this sale is grabbing games so that I can exchange them in November. If that doesn't work for any reason, I'll just return the entire lot.

The only thing bugging me is that if I purchased 3 $50 titles I don't want, I'm not sure I'll be able the exchange all -3- of them for different titles. TRU might get picky about the one ringing up at 0 cents.
I was also able to do a straight exchange of a free $40 game for Druaga using a normal receipt without any hassle. It just took them awhile to process it cuz they weren't exactly sure what to do. I can imagine some stores will be a bitch about this, though.

If you have a gift receipt it's much easier - they'll just give you full credit for the game on a gift card. Not exactly wise on TRU's part. When I returned 2 games I didn't want earlier this week I was flabbergasted when they not only gave me credit instead of doing an exchange, but then TOLD ME TO PICK OUT A FREE GAME when I went to use the credit! So I bought 2, got 2 free. ?!?! I thought they were going to be more strict this year! I felt kinda guilty so I picked X-Men Legends and gave it to my nephew as a gift.

Deku Tree

SMT Nocturne
Star Ocean

I wanted Donkey Konga but they were sold out. They had a huge pile of extra bongos but no game.


I went back today right before closing and picked up another trio. I'm trading 2 of them for Metroid Prime 2 and Metal Gear Solid 3 when they come out. The third game, Zelda: Four Swords is a christmas gift for my nephew. :)

That brings the total number of games I purchased in this sale to a whopping 18! A lot of money spent, but even more was saved. In the event of nuclear war, I now officially have enough games to last me for the rest of my life. My bomb shelter > your bomb shelter. :D


And on my third and final run:

Taiko Drum Master
Metal Slug 3
Pokemon Colosseum

I was kinda hoping for SNK vs. Capcom for Xbox, but neither of the TRUs I went to stocked it. At least I can get those stupid extra pokemon for the GBA games - if I bother to play through Colosseum, that is.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Everything I got within this month including the Toyrus Deal:


Now I am broke :(


Defensor said:
Everything I got within this month including the Toyrus Deal:


Now I am broke :(

Just gonna ask is the second crisis zone just for the gun and if so would you be willing to sell the game?
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