Knowing Japan it could always be worse I suppose.Foxix said:Isn't it awesome?
KernelPanic said:Soundwave is spot on, someone should send a clip to Michael Bay.
Spike said:Soundwave is spot on because it is the original G1 voice actor providing the voice, Frank Welker. But, he wasn't good enough to do the Megatron voice...
Oh, and he actually did the voice for Soundwave in the Bay atrocity...
Well according to Wiki, a fellow by the name of Isaac C. Singleton Jr. did Soundwave in WFC. It sounds spot on but I'm sure the vocoder is doing most of the work in creating the Soundwave voice.Spike said:Soundwave is spot on because it is the original G1 voice actor providing the voice, Frank Welker. But, he wasn't good enough to do the Megatron voice...
Oh, and he actually did the voice for Soundwave in the Bay atrocity...
Foxix said:Gamspot review: 6.5
Edit oh wow :lol kind of funny. After reading through it some more he claims that it's never necessary to transform and that it's a cover based shooter. Did he actually even play enough to get to a boss fight?
Vormund said:Well looks like the review has been pulled. Score is still there though.
Why do you find it funny? Do you find it odd that a licensed game based on a kids' property might actually be good?Foxix said:Interestingly enough I just realized that he also did the review for toy story 3.
He gave it a 7/10. While they are incredibly different titles and the scores aren't really applicable for comparison against one another I still find it funny. Is Toy Story 3 actually that good?
Foxix said:Interestingly enough I just realized that he also did the review for toy story 3.
He gave it a 7/10. While they are incredibly different titles and the scores aren't really applicable for comparison against one another I still find it funny. Is Toy Story 3 actually that good?
Katana_Strikes said:certainly the best Transformers game there's been since that PS2 one.
Whimsical Phil said:Why do you find it funny? Do you find it odd that a licensed game based on a kids' property might actually be good?
dankir said:Made it to Escalation wave 15, was doing really swell took down the big Decepticon, all 4 of us had lots of health and money to spend... and my friend loses his connection and we're booted out...
MightyKAC said:Just beat the campaign mode today.
FUCKING awesome.
The whole presentation really did feel like a G1 love-in and made the kid in me sing. After watching the abortion that was Bay-formers 2 I REALLY needed a confirmation that someone knew how to do the franchise correctly.
Bring on the sequels / DLC / whatever. Just as long as its the same team.
Slightly off topic: I just found out Transformers 3 is currently being filmed in my hometown (Milwaukee, WI). Not really sure how I feel about that. Hope its more like the first one and MUCH less like the second.
MightyKAC said:Slightly off topic: I just found out Transformers 3 is currently being filmed in my hometown (Milwaukee, WI). Not really sure how I feel about that. Hope its more like the first one and MUCH less like the second.
methos75 said:I hope its good, it has Shockwave in it and I hate too see him messed up. And speaking of Shockwave, very surprised he isn't in this game.
Anyway, finished the game last night and I loved it, Last battle is insane.
Yep. He's a scientist class jet. I love playing as him even though scientist "armor" is made of toilet paper...kyo_daikun said:Shockwave is in the game, you had to preorder from Gamestop in america I think to get a code to unlock him.
kyo_daikun said:Shockwave is in the game, you had to preorder from Gamestop in america I think to get a code to unlock him.
methos75 said:Too clarify I meant story wise, he is such an intergal part of the G1 Cannon that its strange he played no part in this game's campign
Hung Wei Lo said:here's hoping to him, and some other fine 'bots, playing an integral part in future DLC's or even a sequel!
It's not hard to knock 'em down. It's getting them to stay down that's the trick!Foxix said:If they do make a sequel I hope they have an escalation mode on the planet of junk, where you're just killing wave after wave of Junkions.
Foxix said:If they do make a sequel I hope they have an escalation mode on the planet of junk, where you're just killing wave after wave of Junkions.
SalsaShark said:Any of you playing/played SP ? is it fun ? or is it screaming for MP ?
RedStep said:I've spent the week playing this on and off - not feeling it 100%. I imagine that if I were a die-hard Transformers fan, I'd dig it more.
I guess the Cybertron-based story dictates it, but man are the environments boring. Metal plates on top of metal shards, forming a metal structure of some sort. Rinse and repeat. I never appreciated how varied other games are before now.
I'll keep digging through SP, but that's about it. Doesn't help that none of my friends picked it up, so no co-op or Escalation.
*Note - I'm not hating on Transformers, it's a solid shooter. Without my nostalgia glasses, though, I'm having a tough time with it.*
JohngPR said:Just played throughin the Autobots campaign. Fucking awesome! The beginning of that level really reminded me ofthe prison areathe intro of Batman: Arkham Asylum, when they were transferring Joker into Arkham.
This level also had a lot of fun dialogue.
SamBishop said:Yeah, you can't really appreciate how decent the single-player campaign is until you've slogged through the Decepticon stuff first. Everything from the chatter to the environments in the Autobot campaign is an order of magnitude more enjoyable. Plus, we get to see Kaon! Wooooooo!
If nothing else, this game does justice to the TF legacy in ways the live-action movies never, ever, eeeeever, will, and for that I thank High Moon.
JohngPR said:My thoughts exactly. Not to defend the Decepticons, but I think a lot of that had to do with the nature of the Decepticons themselves. It'd probably be weird to hear the Decepticons have comradeship amongst each other, and hear them joking around too much.
Foxix said:I think I actually like the Decepticon banter more :lol Megatron just seems to have a bottomless bag of "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" However on the whole I think the Autobots definitely had the more entertaining & interesting scenarios.