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Transformers War for Cybertron |OT|

I feel like I'm at the cusp at the moment. I can consistently do fairly well with a leader or soldier, but the scout and scientist require a level of finesse that I'm still learning. I wish I could understand how to play them properly; I suppose it's just going to take time.


Neo Member
Amazing game, specially after I get rid of all those problems, and the patch for 60 fps is just glory, the game just like always must have been.
Played some of the campaign in Hard Mode this afternoon... a name that is well deserved. I'm not looking forward to Trypticon!

Multiplayer-wise, this is the only game I've played on Live with randoms, and kept coming back. So much fun. I have to agree with levelling being a bitch, especially when you're not all that good. I think I have a 1/2 K/D ratio atm, which for me is amazing. I've only been playing as a scout though. I'm currently level 18, and it's taking forever (even in conquest) to make any progress.

I sometimes manage to get in a groove for a match or 2 where I get some good kill streaks (or to be properly grounded in reality, lucky pot-shots) but most of the time I'm running for dear life and getting slaughtered.

Still, I've been having tons of fun with it. I must try escalation at some point.
divisionbyzorro said:
I feel like I'm at the cusp at the moment. I can consistently do fairly well with a leader or soldier, but the scout and scientist require a level of finesse that I'm still learning. I wish I could understand how to play them properly; I suppose it's just going to take time.

I find that scientist and leader are the more difficult to do well with, I find it pretty easy/require little adjustment to play soldier/scout.
I've had this game since launch, but just last night dug into the multiplayer (which is the main reason I bought it, really enjoyed the demo). Got all 4 classes up to level 5.

Scout - I guess I thought I knew how they were supposed to be played, but whatever I was doing was completely the wrong way. Getting it handed to me.
Scientist - Odd that this is listed as the class that everyone struggles with, and this is the class that I had the easiest time with. Playing conquest, just kept b-lining from point to point, stopping by on the occasional perch to rifle some baddies, then onto the next point, healing my friends. This class easily had my highest K/D ratio. WAY more importantly, it felt like I was effective and helping my team.
Leader - Average. Nothing great, nothing bad.
Soldier - Same as the leader.

Had a lot of issues with melee, but looking at everyone else I was playing, its certainly a "me" issue. People seemed to bust it out quick, where my guy seems to do the "Hideo Nomo" melee attack. I break even at best. If I do get it off I miss.

Overall, Im really diggin' it. There was a small number of players on last night, but I hope that the game has some legs.
TheApatheticOne said:
I've had this game since launch, but just last night dug into the multiplayer (which is the main reason I bought it, really enjoyed the demo). Got all 4 classes up to level 5.

Scout - I guess I thought I knew how they were supposed to be played, but whatever I was doing was completely the wrong way. Getting it handed to me.
Scientist - Odd that this is listed as the class that everyone struggles with, and this is the class that I had the easiest time with. Playing conquest, just kept b-lining from point to point, stopping by on the occasional perch to rifle some baddies, then onto the next point, healing my friends. This class easily had my highest K/D ratio. WAY more importantly, it felt like I was effective and helping my team.
Leader - Average. Nothing great, nothing bad.
Soldier - Same as the leader.

Had a lot of issues with melee, but looking at everyone else I was playing, its certainly a "me" issue. People seemed to bust it out quick, where my guy seems to do the "Hideo Nomo" melee attack. I break even at best. If I do get it off I miss.

Overall, Im really diggin' it. There was a small number of players on last night, but I hope that the game has some legs.

The Scout plays completely different in the full game than in the demo, since the addition of Scientists and sentry guns completely breaks the "invisibility is god mode" playstyle. I'm still learning how to play a scout properly. Soldiers and Leaders are my best by far.
Think I'll get everyone to at least Lvl 20 and then hopefully, there'll be some double XP this weekend to finish them up. Just got to a combined Lvl 75 last night.

Oh and I think I spoke too soon about connection issues, was having a bit of a 'mare last night with it all. I hope they are working on improvements, as much as I like the game, buying any DLC for this would be a major no if it wasn't fixed.


I've had a couple of occasional connection issues - dropping from host for example, last night though was a bit laggy. k/d r wasn't too great. But then again I was playing Conquest so it didn't matter really.

Does anyone bother using mics with this game? Most of the people playing had one but just weren't saying much.


Okay so I'm edging closer and closer to picking this up, but I have a couple of questions regarding the PC version, namely; how is it? I've heard mixed things and can't get a solid its good/its bad anywhere :D I guess I may as well ask how the multiplayer is on the PC as well, in terms of lag and overall "are people playing it?" ;)
Damn - I was tearing it up tonight! I love playing the Leader and bunnyhopping with the Fusion Cannon. I imagine it must be infuriating to be on the receiving end of this sort of smackdown, but I'm told it looks hilarious by my buddies. Jump, jump, boom, jump, jump, boom, etc. And the killstreak loadout is amazing - he definitely has the best 5-streak of them all, and the 7-streak is pretty damn good too (only rivaled by the Scientist).

I also did pretty good with the scout. You gotta respect the car assault rifle.


divisionbyzorro said:
Damn - I was tearing it up tonight! I love playing the Leader and bunnyhopping with the Fusion Cannon. I imagine it must be infuriating to be on the receiving end of this sort of smackdown, but I'm told it looks hilarious by my buddies. Jump, jump, boom, jump, jump, boom, etc. And the killstreak loadout is amazing - he definitely has the best 5-streak of them all, and the 7-streak is pretty damn good too (only rivaled by the Scientist).

I also did pretty good with the scout. You gotta respect the car assault rifle.

Leader is my favorite too. I love to hold down an area, fire 3 maga frag grenades into a point (like in Conquest) .. wait for an unsuspecting enemy to try to capture the point and detonate the grandes for an insta-kill. Then activate Warcry, switch to my Fusion Cannon, release a thermo mine, and bunny-hop the shit out of the firefight. Lmao.

Check it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjEaUmLMOcw
Had a weird moment earlier where this player was on over a series of games but every time he had no kills/no deaths. Now the game normally kicks idols. Dunno what happened there, but he was taking up a place on whatever team was unfortunate to get him.


Can someone tell me what it means when a player has like a blue and yellow animated gem next to their gamertag in the roster menu's?

Does that mean they are the host?
X-Frame said:
Can someone tell me what it means when a player has like a blue and yellow animated gem next to their gamertag in the roster menu's?

Does that mean they are the host?


I just asked that but edited cause I found out. It means they've unlocked Prime mode (maxxed out all classes) so they get the Matrix symbol next to their names.


Katana_Strikes said:

I just asked that but edited cause I found out. It means they've unlocked Prime mode (maxxed out all classes) so they get the Matrix symbol next to their names.
No wonder I got owned by that guy! Lol.
The lag last night was fuckin awful. I really hope they fix this crap.

I'm going to be on tonight. Hopefully it'll be better and hopefully we get double xp soon.
Usually the lag is okay, but I really, really hate those games where there isn't any stutter or anything to make it look obviously laggy, but you find yourself getting one-shotted through an overshield by a scout with a battle pistol. You think to yourself "Self, there is no weapon in the game that can one-shot a Soldier through an overshield." And then you think to yourself "Self, he must have shot me multiple times but I didn't know it because there's high latency in this game."

The alternative is that people with j-tagged consoles have already figured out how to hack this game online. And I'm not the kind of guy to accuse people of cheating, so I'll accuse that game of being laggy :lol

On a happy note, I got all four classes to level 10 tonight. I've decided that I'm going to use the classes I like (soldier/eader) regularly, and only use my bad classes (scientist/scout) during double XP weekends. This way I can minimize the amount of time I have to use those classes to get everything level 25.
I saw the douchiest thing ever online last night. Some guy was rolling with the Martyrdom/Extra Grenades combination on his Leader class, so every time you killed him he immediately pooped out two thermal mines. I know I should always be prepared for that contingency when fighting a Leader, but sometimes you just can't depending upon the situation. At least I was a Soldier and could usually take the damage; I felt bad for the backstabbing Scouts on my team though!
I can't wait until level 21 when I can spec out a Leader class like that
I think Scientist is the weakest role for me, as like has been said, you're not rewarded enough for healing and he's a bit useless in a head on fight.

But I learned a new tactic of dive bombing.:D Basically if there's people capturing a point on the opposing team, get into jet mode, fly out, dive in the centre of them, hit the Shockwave to knock them for six, use the Drain ability, couple with melee atacks and shotgun and then don't know what's hit them. Usually get's a couple of kills. Of and throw out your heal grenade for a little assistance to keep you going a bit longer. Usually ends in death but it's all great fun.

Basically got everyone to a least Lvl 20 now and just waiting for that all important double xp weekend to hopefully finish em up.


divisionbyzorro said:
I saw the douchiest thing ever online last night. Some guy was rolling with the Martyrdom/Extra Grenades combination on his Leader class, so every time you killed him he immediately pooped out two thermal mines. I know I should always be prepared for that contingency when fighting a Leader, but sometimes you just can't depending upon the situation. At least I was a Soldier and could usually take the damage; I felt bad for the backstabbing Scouts on my team though!
I can't wait until level 21 when I can spec out a Leader class like that
This is a great setup for Power Struggle. Lol.
I just played again for about an hour, all with the Soldier, with the goal of getting him to level 15 before moving on to another class (I got him from 10 to 12.6). You know, for as much fun as it can be to just brute-force your way to a good score, it does get boring after a while. Sometimes I miss the challenge of the Scout or Scientist, or even the Leader; the Soldier just doesn't require much tactical thought outside of the usual "mind your cover" and "retreat from fights you can't win." Other than that, it's just "point and shoot."

But I am learning not to disregard the assault rifle. After maxing out the X12 challenges, I decided to main the NAR for the challenge XP, and it's surprisingly strong! At medium to close range I would argue that it's superior to the X12 due to its rate of fire and lack of spin-up time.

I am feeling the need to mix it up though. Maybe next time I'll alternate between Leader and Soldier to keep things fresh.
Sad face time...

We failed to put T:WFC in the top 20 most-played games on Xbox Live this week. It seems that this game is destined for "under-appreciated gem"status.


Yeah pity it didn't make it up there.

That said, last night/this morning I saw more people on that I have before, nearly 5k playing. I know that's not great, but I think at least a small community will develop.


RoninChaos said:
The lag last night was fuckin awful. I really hope they fix this crap.

I'm going to be on tonight. Hopefully it'll be better and hopefully we get double xp soon.

Yeah, a friend and I haven't been able to get co-op to work yet, and we live only a mile apart from each other.

Pretty bummed that their servers are so busted, especially for specific modes of play.


This game is dying fast. It needs a Double XP every-weekend. And a patch for this lag and disconnects and random BS.
There are more problems with this game than just the occasional laggy match.

This is something which has been seriously bothering me since the start. This game contains some seriously powerful spell combos. Take a soldier, leader, and scientist and have them each cast their spells: ammo beacon, war cry (rage enhanced), and heal. Under all of these effects, these characters will absolutely wreck anyone who comes near. But guess what? The soldier will get all of the XP and accolades!

If you play with friends who are willing to play the support role, great. But unless you have a full party of 5, you're going to have random folks on your team. And the game does not reward you for playing the support role and working together. The dude who gets the kill gets extra bonuses for killing under the effects of the other guys spells, but they just get measly assists - if that.

Honestly? This game would be better without the XP and bonus points. By giving points, you reward certain behaviors. But the game doesn't reward you for team play - it rewards you for individual effort. When you come across a team willing to play together, they will trounce you, because they know how to play the game correctly. Good luck getting a team of randoms to do that.

I should get points for healing a teammate with a heal grenade while he kills. I should get points for whenever my teammates refresh their ammo off my beacon. I should get points for every kill my teammates get while under the effects of my war cry. Assists in general should be worth more. If team play was rewarded properly, we might actually have a shot of getting randoms to play as a team. As it is, playing solos can be an infuriating experience.

My second major problem with this game is that the high-level perks are vastly superior to the low-level perks. Leaders in general are becoming more of a problem to deal with because more of them are getting better perks to buff their war cry. Soldiers are getting more powerful because more of them are getting their heavy weapons perk. More of the scientists can drain faster. You get my point. Call of Duty works because the late-level perks and weapons aren't actually better than the early-level stuff. This is far from true here.

And finally, obviously the lag issues can get pretty bad. There is also a pretty bad host advantage as well.

It's a real shame. This game has some seriously good ideas and does a lot of things very right. It just falls short in the execution.


I agree with everything you said division.

I think this game is obviously a great first step for High Moon into providing a solid, fun multiplayer but they obviously have a lot to learn as they seemed to have sort of blinding imported a lot of COD into this game without (as you said) realized COD's method of madness (late perks not necessarily being better).

Is there even an official High Moon Studios or Transformers WFC forum that the Dev Team visits to get feedback? I tried looking a while back and found nothing but their inactive Facebook and Twitter pages (not a good sign).
divisionbyzorro said:
There are more problems with this game than just the occasional laggy match.

This is something which has been seriously bothering me since the start. This game ......

Hit the nail on the head. I think support should be worth way more. As you stated, teammates effected by War Cry kill someone, YOU should get SOMETHING off that.

I hate saying that unique games need to be like other games, but the support roles need to be supports similiar, if not better, than they are in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.
TheApatheticOne said:
Hit the nail on the head. I think support should be worth way more. As you stated, teammates effected by War Cry kill someone, YOU should get SOMETHING off that.

I hate saying that unique games need to be like other games, but the support roles need to be supports similiar, if not better, than they are in Battlefield: Bad Company 2.

I don't just want it for myself, I want it for the other guy on the team. I want xxBIGxNUTZxx to be motivated to stick with me and help me out rather than rush off on his own. I want the team to feel a sense of accomplishment when we do something awesome, not just the dude who got the kill.


divisionbyzorro said:
I don't just want it for myself, I want it for the other guy on the team. I want xxBIGxNUTZxx to be motivated to stick with me and help me out rather than rush off on his own. I want the team to feel a sense of accomplishment when we do something awesome, not just the dude who got the kill.
This is how I feel when I play MAG. Definitely one of my favorite games this year.
X-Frame said:
I agree with everything you said division.

I think this game is obviously a great first step for High Moon into providing a solid, fun multiplayer but they obviously have a lot to learn as they seemed to have sort of blinding imported a lot of COD into this game without (as you said) realized COD's method of madness (late perks not necessarily being better).

Is there even an official High Moon Studios or Transformers WFC forum that the Dev Team visits to get feedback? I tried looking a while back and found nothing but their inactive Facebook and Twitter pages (not a good sign).

Couldn't find any official forums myself but a Facebook page. Shame really, think the game could benefit from a forum with dev being active there. Game sure has it's problems that need fixing but there seems little support so far.
I think a lot of the points here that have been mentioned would fix multiplayer. Also, double xp would help greatly. I realize that High Moon wanted this game to have legs for multiplayer and that's why you grind it out, but the online community is dwindling. I wonder if I'll ever hit Prime mode because of how long it will take. Might as well boost.

It's a shame, because this game is a lot of fun. There's a lot of really cool shit in the game, but if they want it to have legs as a multiplayer game then some things have to be fixed. And something tells me Activision isn't going to pony up the loot to get those things done.
RoninChaos said:
I think a lot of the points here that have been mentioned would fix multiplayer. Also, double xp would help greatly. I realize that High Moon wanted this game to have legs for multiplayer and that's why you grind it out, but the online community is dwindling. I wonder if I'll ever hit Prime mode because of how long it will take. Might as well boost.

It's a shame, because this game is a lot of fun. There's a lot of really cool shit in the game, but if they want it to have legs as a multiplayer game then some things have to be fixed. And something tells me Activision isn't going to pony up the loot to get those things done.

I'm pretty sure M$ only gives devs a single, free title update. Each one after that has to be subsidized by the publisher. Correct me if I'm wrong, but we already got a title update to fix the lose-XP-on-host-quit issue, right? So I highly doubt we'll see a title update that's not attached to DLC. PC could be different, but the community is so tiny that I don't see them bothering if they can't deploy it across all platforms.

High Moon - are you listening? I really want to love your game! I can deal with the random teammates issues, but the perk imbalance has got to be fixed, and the easiest way is to accelerate the XP gain! Make 2XP standard please!


The greatest thing about being a leader in Power Struggle is not martyr and extra grenade, but that one map that's two stories on 3 sides with the stairs up. You can pepper any node with truck blasts from up top or if the node is somewhere on top you can do that then ram boost jump all the way to the node from halfway across the map.

In laggy matches I destroy myself so often doing that. So fun though.

PS3 community is small which is a shame, about 2000 online max even when I play during Yank times.

My mulitiplayer shooter of the generation, but mainly because it's the only one I'm remotely good at as much as anything.


I think I'll just fire off an email about having another double xp weekend....hell maybe a whole week. Would be a good time to release some DLC too.

If there is a sequel game I just hope Activision gives the game the push it deserves.
Vormund said:
If there is a sequel game I just hope Activision gives the game the push it deserves.
I'd rather some other company gave it a push. I always feel a nauseous when buying an Activision game.
divisionbyzorro said:
Sad face time...

We failed to put T:WFC in the top 20 most-played games on Xbox Live this week. It seems that this game is destined for "under-appreciated gem"status.

The game needs to do more than the spades of samey games it apes.

Hopefully the sequel gets it right.

Larger stages, more players in them, and an impetus to use vehicle modes. Think Warhawk only you are the vehicles! :D
I'm also starting to realize just how OP'd the Leader really is. He has some of the strongest weapons, the second most health of any class, and can cast the most powerful support spell. He has no weakness. The Scout and Scientist are both held back by their health, and the Soldier is held back my mobility. If War Cry is going to continue to be such a strong support spell, his personal health needs to drop or his weapons need to be made weaker. Simple as that.

The Take Out Bandit said:
The game needs to do more than the spades of samey games it apes.

This game has plenty of unique ideas to stand on its own. It's just sadly not as well executed as the games with bigger budgets and more time to simmer.
Just wanted to reiterate the power of the Leader. I've stopped playing Conquest, because it seems that's where the organized teams always go, and I only lost a single TDM out of 20 playing as a Leader. By being deliberate to hit my teammates with War Cry (boosted with the "extra time" perk) and spamming the hell out of the Fusion Cannon and Ion SMG, we steamrolled the competition.

I mean, think about it. Why wouldn't you use the Leader?

  • Fusion Cannon
  • War Cry
  • Poke 2.0
  • Thermal Mines (super powerful)
  • Ion SMG
  • 5 health bars
  • Energon Battle Pistol
  • Fast and powerful vehicle form

There are no drawbacks to this class!
divisionbyzorro said:
This game has plenty of unique ideas to stand on its own. It's just sadly not as well executed as the games with bigger budgets and more time to simmer.

That’s really being generous. The game is mediocre at best, not awful, not amazing. As a long time Transformers fan I found it unremarkable as a TF game. A lot like Armada on the PS2, which was very similar.

Just in terms of multiplayer it would be awesome to see expanded maps and an ability to have independent battles raging all over the game. Jets and space ships dogfighting in the skies. Cars outracing tanks, maybe some rudimentary car combat like Twisted Metal. Structure it in a way where the scale is suited to giant robots and say flying characters can’t enter certain structures while transformed, or put it on Earth and tanks would have an advantage moving over rough terrain versus a car.

There’s SO MUCH that could be done with a multiplayer Transformers game.


Yeah I imagine it as something like Battlefield 2 except you don't get people in a queue waiting for the jet to spawn, or requesting a pickup only for your team mates to run over you.


divisionbyzorro said:
Just wanted to reiterate the power of the Leader. I've stopped playing Conquest, because it seems that's where the organized teams always go, and I only lost a single TDM out of 20 playing as a Leader. By being deliberate to hit my teammates with War Cry (boosted with the "extra time" perk) and spamming the hell out of the Fusion Cannon and Ion SMG, we steamrolled the competition.

I mean, think about it. Why wouldn't you use the Leader?

  • Fusion Cannon
  • War Cry
  • Poke 2.0
  • Thermal Mines (super powerful)
  • Ion SMG
  • 5 health bars
  • Energon Battle Pistol
  • Fast and powerful vehicle form

There are no drawbacks to this class!

Yup, that's why they're the Leaders. Lol.

Though I think in the right hands a Scout can be even more deadly.
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