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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Welp. I'm fucked.

People are confusing. Why can't everyone think like me? Then I wouldn't feel so stupid.

There there. Just dont yell it out at the dining room table one night, ok?

Classic over-thinking during transition.

Just do it. If anyone asks why, just say "FEELS GOOD MAN!"


Yea Billie just do it, if they notice just say the hairiness was uncomfortable or something...


In my metro-phase I waxed my eyebrows, straightened my hair, wore foundation, had nails with french tips and kept my body shaved. I think it came to a point where I started to wonder how much could I get away with.

My dad found out because he decided to start going through my mail the first time I ordered panties off the internet.

Can't do much worse than that.
In my metro-phase I waxed my eyebrows, straightened my hair, wore foundation, had nails with french tips and kept my body shaved. I think it came to a point where I started to wonder how much could I get away with.

I find french tips incredibly unappealing, any fingernail decoration really.
In my metro-phase I waxed my eyebrows, straightened my hair, wore foundation, had nails with french tips and kept my body shaved. I think it came to a point where I started to wonder how much could I get away with.


If you move out here to Japan, you could also get away with a lot of that stuff with very few people batting an eye depending on where you live! Of course, there are other problems... but still! v_v

Also, hello everyone. Been kind of stalking the thread, decided to finally post something. I'm not trans, but you all seem really chill. =)

One of my best friends/ex-girlfriend pretty recently opened up to me about himself, but I admittedly still don't know a whole lot, so I apologize if I ask something really stupid or obvious. >.>


My roommate and sister noticed the shaving, but I've waved it off successfully thus far. My big problem has been finding a decent way to procure clothing, as I haven't driven in forever (damn college making it impossible to get a car!) and it's not exactly an easy errand to set up getting a ride for.

Edit: Oh yeah, random thing that's been bugging me: I've been really gunning for study abroad in Japan, preferably next spring. Yet at the same time I'm kinda sort of on and off wondering about hormones and transition and whatnot (though I'm still wishwashy and haven't started anything.) If I were to work up the nerve, any idea how hard it'd be to get access to hormones and whatnot if I'm in an extended stay away from my normal health care net? (Talking like upwards of 6 months.)


I find french tips incredibly unappealing, any fingernail decoration really.

Wait, are you saying you don't like my fingernails?

If you move out here to Japan, you could also get away with a lot of that stuff with very few people batting an eye depending on where you live!

Japan is the mecca of getting away with ridiculous fashion. Guys dressing up feminine / girls dressing up masculine is NOTHING over there. It's funny, because at first, I found typical Japanese fashion ridiculous in how haphazard and nonsensical it seems. After a while, though, you really come to appreciate that you can just wear whatever makes you happy and most people won't give a damn.
Japan is the mecca of getting away with ridiculous fashion. Guys dressing up feminine / girls dressing up masculine is NOTHING over there. It's funny, because at first, I found typical Japanese fashion ridiculous in how haphazard and nonsensical it seems. After a while, though, you really come to appreciate that you can just wear whatever makes you happy and most people won't give a damn.

This. The first time I came over here, I was actually really confused and put off by fashion. As time went by though, I came to realize that anything goes. People will always judge you, but a walk through any area of Tokyo will reveal to you that that's not really an issue. Hell, the same is true even down here in Nagasaki/Fukuoka.


People who get the reference are amazing.

You are amazing.

Anyone with a Ranma name is awesome in my book.

I really wish they'd get around to making a "final chapter" season or at least movie for it. My favorite Takahashi series by far, and pretty much the only one that got left with an anime that doesn't cover the proper ending. So many great little arcs left unanimated.


Reluctant Member
Japan is the mecca of getting away with ridiculous fashion. Guys dressing up feminine / girls dressing up masculine is NOTHING over there. It's funny, because at first, I found typical Japanese fashion ridiculous in how haphazard and nonsensical it seems. After a while, though, you really come to appreciate that you can just wear whatever makes you happy and most people won't give a damn.

At least on Sundays.

Nah, actually I guess these days people are a little less uptight about it. I remember when I first moved there wearing odd clothes was something teenagers did on Sundays and anything beyond that was considered odd, but since those teenagers grew up and decided to NOT change I think it's become more accepting.

It's definitely freer for men and fashion though. I feel bad for guys in the US because people are super strict about what guys should wear. I remember my ex would tell me he liked a lot of girls clothes and one time he tried on a tight gold lame shirt and thought it was great. He could have been telling me something, but he was a pretty manly type guy otherwise so who knows!

This. The first time I came over here, I was actually really confused and put off by fashion. As time went by though, I came to realize that anything goes. People will always judge you, but a walk through any area of Tokyo will reveal to you that that's not really an issue. Hell, the same is true even down here in Nagasaki/Fukuoka.

Not to derail this thread (I keep doing that, sorry :<) I lived in Nagasaki and Fukuoka for awhile. Loved living in Nagasaki. How long have you been there? :3


Baggy pants since high school, skinny pants since dropping so much weight in the past year. I tend to dislike my legs since they're pretty muscular from all the elliptical stuff, but had a weird conversation with my sister about it with her wanting my legs.
Not to derail this thread (I keep doing that, sorry :<) I lived in Nagasaki and Fukuoka for awhile. Loved living in Nagasaki. How long have you been there? :3

A couple of years now. I really dig the laid back atmosphere of Kyushu in general.

I think I prefer Fukuoka as a city, but Nagasaki is super chill too!


I keep playing phone tag with this psychotherapist. I'm starting to think I might actually have to wake up at 8am if I'm gonna get an appointment. I'm ready for the next step, dammit.

(well, not entirely ready... I'd need gas. I just graduated college and I'm broke as a joke)


Reluctant Member
A couple of years now. I really dig the laid back atmosphere of Kyushu in general.

I think I prefer Fukuoka as a city, but Nagasaki is super chill too!

I like Fukuoka, but it's a bit too modern for me. Nagasaki has an old feel, and I love it for that. Even though I lived half way up a mountain and had to climb twenty minutes just to get home... When I was in Fukuoka I lived in Onojo though, not the big city, so it was a bit better for me out there.
Edit: Oh yeah, random thing that's been bugging me: I've been really gunning for study abroad in Japan, preferably next spring. Yet at the same time I'm kinda sort of on and off wondering about hormones and transition and whatnot (though I'm still wishwashy and haven't started anything.) If I were to work up the nerve, any idea how hard it'd be to get access to hormones and whatnot if I'm in an extended stay away from my normal health care net? (Talking like upwards of 6 months.)

If you know what your doses are, it looks like In House Pharmacy ship to Japan. At least, they have Japan on their country selector, you might want to email them to make sure. If you start on hormones before you leave the country you can get your blood tested before you go too (once you've settled on a regular dose you only need your bloods done once or twice a year unless something seems to be up) so you don't need to worry about that while you're over there. Your university will require you to buy Japanese health insurance as a condition of your study there so you're sorted if you do have an emergency.

Also, get some flight socks. When you're on HRT you're at increased risk of DVT.
That awkward moment when your girlfriend's friend feels she needs to explain what a transgender is to you because she just announced she is going to check out some transgender lolita bar in Tokyo while she is on holiday.

Yeah, honey, it's ok. I know.


But I live in Texas D:

I know that others have beat this into you already, but I just wanted to add that I'm in Texas, and aside from when I work out, I haven't worn shorts since elementary school.

That awkward moment when your girlfriend's friend feels she needs to explain what a transgender is to you because she just announced she is going to check out some transgender lolita bar in Tokyo while she is on holiday.

Yeah, honey, it's ok. I know.

It's too bad, since they're so comfy, and easy to wear.

I usually go in shorts if I'm going to the park, but I stick with jeans the majority of the time.
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