As for me, quite a lot's happened.
Things have calmed downed around the home, although I still get bombarded with disgusting insults, interesting "notes" on the fridge, and little deals to get me to do the surgery from both of my folks. Thankfully, my brother's been more supportive of things. I've tried my best to find something, but unfortunately, there are so youth shelters or any related housing programs, and I don't know too much of anyone locally, so I'm stuck at home for the time being. Meanwhile, I've started to look for a job, and I've started to save whatever scraps of money I get by for future venture, including my eventual transition. It's going to be a hard path from here, but I think I'll manage.
As for how university's been, it's a lot more positive. Thanks to me joining the GSA and all, I've gotten a surprising lot of support and bonding from others, and it was pretty great and all. I've met quite a few other transwomen there, and they've shared a lot of interesting anecdotes and such. Plus, I've even started to see someone, and she and I have hit it off pretty well so far. Outside of this, classes have gone on fine and all, so overall, things are starting to look up!