Water is not wet!
Good luck lexi!
Currently about 15 minutes away from boarding my flight to Thailand. Very nervous and also excited. I'm also not the best flyer.
why is lexi going to thailand?
(assume she's posted about it publicly, or be treacherous and pm me [j/k])
Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like they are home to the best nurses, based on another TransGAFer's experience. >_>Unless she is just doing a touristic visit .... Thailand is the home for the best surgeuns related to any Trans specific surgeries in the world.
Voice, jaw, eyebrow, adam's apple, genital.... you name it
The genital surgery was basicaly created there (the new and improved version that praticaly the entire world uses today)
I survived the flight over, so that's a good thing. I wouldn't be able to deal very well in a LOST style scenario.
In my hotel and about 2 hours away from a pre-consultation hospital visit thingy. I dunno. I'm pretty laissez faire about this whole malarkey.
I survived the flight over, so that's a good thing. I wouldn't be able to deal very well in a LOST style scenario.
In my hotel and about 2 hours away from a pre-consultation hospital visit thingy. I dunno. I'm pretty laissez faire about this whole malarkey.
The people I've come across seem to understand me well, it's just that I can't understand them very well. Does that make sense?
maybe I'll freak out as their injecting the aneasthetic.
Facial plastic surgery and not genital reassignment surgery?
The former. GRS will be next year.
Everything hurts, doesn't it?
Well .. every surgery is basicaly you getting yourself hurt with a doctor looking =P
But both SRS and FFS are in parts that you move a lot ... but with SRS you can CHOOSE to don't walk or anything like that ... you don't actualy choose to make an expression =P
If this thread made you dream about Thailand what thread made me dream about being in a secret underwater base battling Pokémon with Hideki Kamiya and Chris Avelonne?!
whatatwist.jpgDream? That was no dream...
About an hour away from checking into the hospital. Got a Macbook Air and Torchlight 2 ready to go so no boredom for me!
About an hour away from checking into the hospital. Got a Macbook Air and Torchlight 2 ready to go so no boredom for me!
Congrats on your facial reconstruction. I hope you get the beautiful and feminine look you're going for!
But....LOL what are you doing letting these surgeons put a titanium plate in your head? You do realize that these guys are very similar to mechanics. They have no problem telling you something is wrong and "fixing it" when it doesn't need to be fixed. You can't sue them for it, so why would they care? As long as they think they can get you out of there without causing a commotion, they will.
Most likely you don't need a titanium plate and now you are condemning yourself to living your life with one forever.
If you still can, abort it. Then, when you're doing getting plastic surgery, come back to America and get a second or even third opinion of a doctor who's actually liable for any poor work he does.
You're making an incredible mistake with that one. Just get only the stuff you wanted to (and if they say it's unsafe, then just don't get it done, don't trust these doctors) and get out.