Hey again everyone. I know its been awhile...I've had my hands full for the past few months.
1. I'm in a relationship that I'm...pretty happy with.
2. Job is getting stressful for me, and I'm not sure what to do about it. I'm going to start looking for a new job soon, hope to get a new one by the end of March.
3. Life is getting weird.
So lets see, where to start. I finally moved out of my parents house. The girl I'm dating is amazing, and I didn't think I could be happier with a girl, than I was...but then I start thinking about going on estrogen and what not. So I told her about how I feel like I was born in the wrong body, initially she smiled, and said she wanted to see me as a girl. After that she changed her mood to it, basically told me "You know if you want to go through with it, I'll be here...but we can't date. I think it would be weird/wrong"
So I just told her "Well I won't"
Starting yesterday, I've realized this isn't what I want...I feel incomplete, and I feel depressed in my body. I need to change it...but I don't want to lose her, cause I do love her.
Other than that, my mum seems to have forgotten I ever told her, and its never been brought up by my mum since we first talked. My girlfriend thinks I want to stay as a man, and hasn't brought it up for 3 months.
Well that's my life in the past 6 months in a nut shell. Sorry for being absent, I'll try to post more often now.