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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


I think I shifted into femme boymode a bit too subtly for some of my coworkers.

I started a new job six weeks ago. I don't even know how to go about telling them really.

They must suspect something though, between the nail polish, makeup, shaven arms/legs, girlish face, longish hair, inability to grow facial hair they'd have to have some idea surely.

I'm quite anxious about it though. I always fear that it'll be used against me when people find out. I really need this job to work.


The latest batch of Press XY panels are now up! I was originally supposed to only be on one of them, but it ended up that I did both.

They can be found for your viewing/listening pleasure at pressxy.com.


The latest batch of Press XY panels are now up! I was originally supposed to only be on one of them, but it ended up that I did both.

They can be found for your viewing/listening pleasure at pressxy.com.
Thanks shidoshi! :D

edit: I asked a question at the very end of the friday panel if you want to hear how dumb
(and how much like a guy)
I sound.


The latest batch of Press XY panels are now up! I was originally supposed to only be on one of them, but it ended up that I did both.

They can be found for your viewing/listening pleasure at pressxy.com.

I need to check these out when I'm not exhausted from work.

Also I like this considering I still hear these words at home all the time.
The latest batch of Press XY panels are now up! I was originally supposed to only be on one of them, but it ended up that I did both.

They can be found for your viewing/listening pleasure at pressxy.com.
Watching these now, thanks for posting.

EDIT: Is there no video for these? Not that big of a deal but I like seeing people's body language when they speak.


Soooo... I just got back from my first electrolysis appointment. Was more a consultation / let's see how you react kind of appointment, and my first official one is in two week.


What do you do about people at work who think you're gay and make sly sexual references about you from time to time?


*reads on the internet that transgender people reinforces the binary*

*goes to a prom and wears a dress and high heels for the first time*

*receive lots of "you should dress more girly like this in everyday life" comments*


*reads on the internet that transgender people reinforces the binary*

*goes to a prom and wears a dress and high heels for the first time*

*receive lots of "you should dress more girly like this in everyday life" comments*

You looked good. Nothing wrong with looking girly!


*hugs Lin*

I don't think I've the same courage. I have no practical or moral dilemmas with putting family up to sneaking me clothes >->


Licorice-flavoured booze?
That was extremely brave of you Lin, I certainly couldn't do that, I found it hard just buying some feminine jewellery this week, felt like I couldn't breath in some stores, I know I'm too self conscious.


So I'm a straight guy...mostly. I found myself becoming attracted to my one guy friend, like chemistry wise attracted. Then when i was confused on why he had a bra (he lent it to a friend who forgot hers), he explains he's trans (born female). I don't really know what to think now

I still like him, but now i just feel all weird and stuff like im not sure what to do

I also don't know if he even likes me like that, as ive never asked and im bad with this stuff


So I'm a straight guy...mostly. I found myself becoming attracted to my one guy friend, like chemistry wise attracted. Then when i was confused on why he had a bra (he lent it to a friend who forgot hers), he explains he's trans (born female). I don't really know what to think now

I still like him, but now i just feel all weird and stuff like im not sure what to do

I also don't know if he even likes me like that, as ive never asked and im bad with this stuff

Nothing changed ... you are still atracted to a dude.

Worst case scenario he is in the begining of the transition and he will gert hairyer as time goes by

If you say to a dude that you are atracted to him but you are straight at best he will think that you are calling him a girl, wich will make him punch you


No he asked once, and when i told him he said i was "hetero flexible"

When he told me I was like "wat. I thought you were born a guy"

Also I think i had worked up to the fact that he has a dick, then I learned that he doesn't and now my mind is just kind of all over the place.



Anyways, to my original question. What should I do?

Unless he gave you specific details, you cannot be sure he don't have a dick
And if he really don't, than it just got easier, since it looks like the dick was the hardest part.

But what I am trying to say is that it is a dude in love with a dude.... LGBThread should give you better answers besides how to treat trans people with respect


Unless he gave you specific details, you cannot be sure he don't have a dick

What I am trying to say is that it is a dude in love with a dude.... LGBThread should give you better answers besides how to treat trans people with respect

He does not have a dick.

Also I feel like you think I don't respect trans people, which is not the case, I'm really supportive. I'm just getting weird feelings and I'm asking how to deal with them in a positive way.


He's single, he's "half-homo" as he said it. I can be pretty much straightforward and non-chalant and he knows he can say whatev. The chemistry at least for me is nice but i dont think he's shown any interest other than "hey it's a friend"

I am also an idiot about being able to tell if someone likes me unless they just come right out and say it.
Treat him just like any other guy. Are your "mind all over the place" feelings because you're attracted to a guy (and this is new for you), or because you're attracted to a trans guy? If you want to ask him out, go for it. If you want to just hang out or whatever and see where that goes, go for that!


Sorry if it sounded agressive, I am NOT saying you are evil, it is just that what 90% of the people think it is being respectfull to transgender people it really is NOT being respectful to transgender people and most of those stuff borders on transphobia.

Wich is why stuff like this exists



from the same dude who made



INCLUDING the fact that you have weird feelings.
What I say to those feelings is that they makes NO SENSE.
NOTHING changed and if you are having new feelings after you knew he was a trans man than it means that the trans part bothered you, wich means that it is basicaly internalized transphobia.

Again, it does not makes you an evil person, it just makes you a NORMAL person that lives in a cisnormative society


He's single, he's "half-homo" as he said it. I can be pretty much straightforward and non-chalant and he knows he can say whatev. The chemistry at least for me is nice but i dont think he's shown any interest other than "hey it's a friend"

I am also an idiot about being able to tell if someone likes me unless they just come right out and say it.
Heh, you're far from alone in that regard. When you can't intuit answers, perhaps the best course is to screw up one's courage and just ask.

Treat him just like any other guy. Are your "mind all over the place" feelings because you're attracted to a guy (and this is new for you), or because you're attracted to a trans guy? If you want to ask him out, go for it. If you want to just hang out or whatever and see where that goes, go for that!


Sorry if it sounded agressive, I am NOT saying you are evil, it is just that what 90% of the people think it is being respectfull to transgender people it really is NOT being respectful to transgender people and most of those stuff borders on transphobia.

Wich is why stuff like this exists

INCLUDING the fact that you have weird feelings.
What I say to those feelings is that they makes NO SENSE.
NOTHING changed and if you are having new feelings after you knew he was a trans man than it means that the trans part bothered you, wich means that it is basicaly internalized transphobia.

I want to say i'm pretty sure I'm not "afraid" of transgender people, I just literally do not have any experience with relationships with transpeople. This friend is the first in person transfolk i know.

To be explicit, I expected him to have a dick, and now i know he doesn't, and was getting confused because I was like "oh gosh, is there dos and donts to this?"
I mean, communication is key but...

I guess I'll just tell him I think he's cute when we hang sunday but i doubt he'll say anything but "you're cool but i dont like you like that" which is pretty par the course for me lately...
I want to say i'm pretty sure I'm not "afraid" of transgender people, I just literally do not have any experience with relationships with transpeople. This friend is the first in person transfolk i know.

To be explicit, I expected him to have a dick, and now i know he doesn't, and was getting confused because I was like "oh gosh, is there dos and donts to this?"
I mean, communication is key but...

His genitals aren't even something you have to worry about (I mean, you can, but you don't have to) anytime soon, and they certainly don't define him as a person. Just answer these two questions: a) Do you want to hang out with this dude more? and b) Would you be interested in a romantic relationship with him? Those two binary answers should hopefully clear things up a bit!


I know that he's not looking for a romantic relationship (he'd rather just fuck apparently), I would prefer a romantic relationship, but i wouldn't say no to sex (tho him wanting sex with me is probably unlikely)

I just think he's rad and I like him


A Good Citizen
INCLUDING the fact that you have weird feelings.
What I say to those feelings is that they makes NO SENSE.
Again, it does not makes you an evil person, it just makes you a NORMAL person that lives in a cisnormative society

I think it helps to be a little more conducive to helping people understand trans issues. Those comics rub me the wrong way -- trans people who are offended by remarks undoubtedly have the right to be offended, but are we (as in us, in this thread, right now) really being offended by a guy who is trying to keep an open mind asking questions on the internet about things he is genuinely confused about and wishes to learn more? These comics seem to legitimize universally lashing out against people who are uninformed about trans issues and unaware of proper etiquette with trans people, and that's not cool.
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