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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Is a about 26 inch hips and a 24 inch waist near general female figures? There from a couple of years ago but pretty much the same as now.

Just wanted to chime in to say there are all kinds of female figures from hour glass to pear to banana to apple.

Wiki actually has a good write up about this here.


Just wanted to chime in to say there are all kinds of female figures from hour glass to pear to banana to apple.

Wiki actually has a good write up about this here.

Well I'm firmly a banana shape nothing wrong with that.

Sweet Jesus, I don't drink anywhere even remotely close to that much in a week. I just don't drink a lot of tea right now.

In other news, my first pair of tights arrived yesterday, I'm very pleased with them.

It really isn't the best to become addicted to lucky you I can't wait till I can get new clothes to fill both my wardrobes.
Just wanted to chime in to say there are all kinds of female figures from hour glass to pear to banana to apple.

Wiki actually has a good write up about this here.

I just wanted to agree with this and say that the more women I meet the more it seems like there's no actual "general shape" for a woman. I don't think I've ever heard any of them not complain about their body being at least slightly differently shaped than the shape the clothing was made for and how it doesn't fit well because of it. I'm not sure who they decide to use for that general shape but it seems to not properly pretty much anyone well. There's tons of different body types, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Just wanted to chime in to say there are all kinds of female figures from hour glass to pear to banana to apple.

Wiki actually has a good write up about this here.

Never undestood the preference for the fruit names ... Apple and Banana makes barely no sense.
And there is no fruit for Hourglass =P

Hourglass, Pear, V shape and Straight


I am a mix of V shape, Pear Shape and Stay Puff Marshmallow Man shape

is making my belly huge =P


I'm crying.

And I'm so, so happy.

I asked my baby cousin to help me come out to my parents and she sent me this,"I'll be there whenever you need me. DO NOT DO THIS ALONE CALL ME FIRST. I have a car and can be there in an hour so..."

I am so happy. I love her so much. Guys, never underestimate the people in your life. You want to be on hormones? I say get on hormones. Now. Order from InHouse or something. But know that you aren't alone on your journey and you can find all the love and support from the right people.

Just have faith in them. I know that sounds idealistic. But have faith in them.

I'm so happy for you! I did the whole process on my own, and sort of regret it. Things went well with regards to my friends and coworkers, but family was another matter. My little sister, older brother, and cousin were supportive, but my older sister and mom are in denial, hard. It's frustrating when no one else, stranger or friend, have issues gendering you correctly, but your own mom can't get past it.

I feel like if I had gone in with backup in the first place, this wouldn't have been an issue. However, I didn't exactly get to tell her on my own terms, as my sister told her that I had something important to tell her before I was ready.


I'm so happy for you! I did the whole process on my own, and sort of regret it. Things went well with regards to my friends and coworkers, but family was another matter. My little sister, older brother, and cousin were supportive, but my older sister and mom are in denial, hard. It's frustrating when no one else, stranger or friend, have issues gendering you correctly, but your own mom can't get past it.

I feel like if I had gone in with backup in the first place, this wouldn't have been an issue. However, I didn't exactly get to tell her on my own terms, as my sister told her that I had something important to tell her before I was ready.

So far for me only my mother knows I'm not sure about my step dad though but I don't think he will act negatively about it. As for siblings i'll pull being the eldest, only my sister might be a issue.

I don't think I've got physical backup in anyone else but hopefully it should be alright.


I'm crying.

And I'm so, so happy.

I asked my baby cousin to help me come out to my parents and she sent me this,"I'll be there whenever you need me. DO NOT DO THIS ALONE CALL ME FIRST. I have a car and can be there in an hour so..."

I am so happy. I love her so much. Guys, never underestimate the people in your life. You want to be on hormones? I say get on hormones. Now. Order from InHouse or something. But know that you aren't alone on your journey and you can find all the love and support from the right people.

Just have faith in them. I know that sounds idealistic. But have faith in them.

To say that's wonderful would be a huge understatement. I really hope coming out to the rest of your family goes well.
Hey look !

Two and a Half Man had an episode with a trans woman !

And it is getting praise ... because it didn't used the word man or tranny to refer to the character !

...but almost everything else is there =|
Baby steps.

I don't watch the show but based on what that article said about it I think it's a net positive for trans folks. To those who know better, the show missed a lot of marks but the general audience of the show is probably going to think it is being respectful and come away from it being more accepting of trans people in their own minds, which is a good thing.

Most of society still knows absolutely NOTHING about transgender people so the path to acceptance might have to start with "Step 1: Don't call them *insert slur here*. Step 2: Sex with transwoman != gay". I know it feels like we should be farther along that this but these are the viewers of Two and a Half Men we are talking about here.

I hope this doesn't come off like I'm saying "Society still doesn't get you guys, so just deal with it." I'm just trying to find the silver lining. It's not the step forward you want, it's not the step forward you deserve, but it is a step forward nonetheless and there were probably millions of people watching it happen.

ALSO: Congrats Lin! Awesome news!


Baby steps.

I don't watch the show but based on what that article said about it I think it's a net positive for trans folks. To those who know better, the show missed a lot of marks but the general audience of the show is probably going to think it is being respectful and come away from it being more accepting of trans people in their own minds, which is a good thing.

Most of society still knows absolutely NOTHING about transgender people so the path to acceptance might have to start with "Step 1: Don't call them *insert slur here*. Step 2: Sex with transwoman != gay". I know it feels like we should be farther along that this but these are the viewers of Two and a Half Men we are talking about here.

I hope this doesn't come off like I'm saying "Society still doesn't get you guys, so just deal with it." I'm just trying to find the silver lining. It's not the step forward you want, it's not the step forward you deserve, but it is a step forward nonetheless and there were probably millions of people watching it happen.

ALSO: Congrats Lin! Awesome news!

For a show the caliber of Two and a Half Men, that kind of portrayal of a trans woman is extremely good. Compare it with any other sitcom over the last 20 years that inevitably does the trans episode and it comes out way ahead.


I'm crying.

And I'm so, so happy.

I asked my baby cousin to help me come out to my parents and she sent me this,"I'll be there whenever you need me. DO NOT DO THIS ALONE CALL ME FIRST. I have a car and can be there in an hour so..."

I am so happy. I love her so much. Guys, never underestimate the people in your life. You want to be on hormones? I say get on hormones. Now. Order from InHouse or something. But know that you aren't alone on your journey and you can find all the love and support from the right people.

Just have faith in them. I know that sounds idealistic. But have faith in them.

That's great news. I'm glad you've got someone there for you. Hopefully your parents will be as accepting and as loving as your cous when you come out.


Everytime someone calls "BUT BIOLOGICAL SEX" in a discussion about a transgender person, god kills a cute little gynandromorph bird


Everytime someone calls "BUT BIOLOGICAL SEX" in a discussion about a transgender person, god kills a cute little gynandromorph bird

Gynandromorph butterflies are cuter

Biological sex isn't the end all be all for gender identification it's a poor defence for those who know little and don't research for themselves. (I'm agreeing with you just in case this is poorly worded)
Hello trans Gaf.

Hope you are having a good time.

I recently came to the conclusion that I am attracted to all humans beings. And I want to be better informed in these topics.

I am personally interested in androgyny and transgenderism.

Hope you can recommend me some good lectures.

And if someone needs a Mexican friend to talk to, you can ask me :)


Ehh, this is better anyway.

(You know I've actually had this account since 2006 and never used it? I don't even remember when I set the Fluttershy avatar.)


That girl in the bunny hat
So I'm getting a haircut in a bit. Going from shoulder-length to a sort of shaggy pixie style.

Kinda worried about getting sir'd more often. :x


That girl in the bunny hat
you should probably keep it long

Any reason you say that?

I wound up with medium-length, so we can give it a few days and see how it curls up. I'm honestly feeling like I'm gonna be going back and getting it cut even further.


I think it depends on your physical characteristics, and stuff like the shape of your face. For someone like me, longer hair is better and helps round out my face.


I've been on hormones a year. Is there a major difference in effect after one year compared with two? What about diminishment of upper body mass?

Today I was using the restroom. I got up and looked at the mirror and holy shit, my face looked like a girls.

It's a spin out isn't it :) I have a long way to go though. Good lower body with nice butt and hips, no boobs, too bulky etc.


Today I was using the restroom. I got up and looked at the mirror and holy shit, my face looked like a girls.

Congrats, that's an amazing feeling.

I'm still having trouble away from the mirror. I started being gendered correctly occasionally late last year, was maybe 50/50 by February, and since the late summer, it's been incredibly rare that I'm misgendered at all. That being said, I'm still really nervous in public alone, especially in gendered spaces(like restrooms).

I'll be in a stall, hear other women outside, and get scared that someone will misgender me and freak out. I'll leave the stall, see myself in the mirror, and realize that I have nothing to worry about. As soon as I'm away from a mirror, my anxiety returns.

Early last year, when I was still being read as male sometimes, I started "girling" up in public more, especially when I was with friends and felt safer. Even if I normally dress more androgynously, I figured it was best to get used to presenting female when I knew I wasn't always passing. That way, when I eventually was, I hopefully wouldn't care. Well, I haven't been misgendered in months and it hasn't helped.

It's bad enough that I'm scared to meet new people, because I don't want to be outed as trans without talking to them about it first.

EDIT: I probably should have mentioned this, but I think it has a lot to do with my friends that have known me pre-transition. I know that it's hard to shake your old perception of someone. I don't blame them, but being misgendered by a good friend, even accidentally, really hurts.

It stings even more when you realize that no one that has met you post-transition has problems seeing you as a woman, even if you're out to them as trans. You start to realize that you'll always be a guy to some people, even if they don't want to believe that themselves. It really, really, hurts.


You start to realize that you'll always be a guy to some people, even if they don't want to believe that themselves. It really, really, hurts.

Some people will be like this is it worth keeping them as friends if they can't accept you for who you are? I straight up left people who used to be my friends after they found out about my gender issues, they said vile things to me calling me defective and a freak in harsher terms.

On a slightly less depressing note I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas.
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