Today I was using the restroom. I got up and looked at the mirror and holy shit, my face looked like a girls.
Congrats, that's an amazing feeling.
I'm still having trouble away from the mirror. I started being gendered correctly occasionally late last year, was maybe 50/50 by February, and since the late summer, it's been incredibly rare that I'm misgendered at all. That being said, I'm still really nervous in public alone, especially in gendered spaces(like restrooms).
I'll be in a stall, hear other women outside, and get scared that someone will misgender me and freak out. I'll leave the stall, see myself in the mirror, and realize that I have nothing to worry about. As soon as I'm away from a mirror, my anxiety returns.
Early last year, when I was still being read as male sometimes, I started "girling" up in public more, especially when I was with friends and felt safer. Even if I normally dress more androgynously, I figured it was best to get used to presenting female when I knew I wasn't always passing. That way, when I eventually was, I hopefully wouldn't care. Well, I haven't been misgendered in months and it hasn't helped.
It's bad enough that I'm scared to meet new people, because I don't want to be outed as trans without talking to them about it first.
EDIT: I probably should have mentioned this, but I think it has a lot to do with my friends that have known me pre-transition. I know that it's hard to shake your old perception of someone. I don't blame them, but being misgendered by a good friend, even accidentally, really hurts.
It stings even more when you realize that no one that has met you post-transition has problems seeing you as a woman, even if you're out to them as trans. You start to realize that you'll always be a guy to some people, even if they don't want to believe that themselves. It really, really, hurts.