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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


That's quite alright I understand completely! I'll have to read through it when I get home on Tuesday.
There are some good stories in there well worth the read I do love dirty stories. Slave to my sexual desires and vices me, I'm talking about it in girlgaf if your interested to read some more.


Rolling Girl
There are some good stories in there well worth the read I do love dirty stories. Slave to my sexual desires and vices me, I'm talking about it in girlgaf if your interested to read some more.

I do love me some dirty stories so it seems worth a gander, and that is fine I am too as people from the chat probably know by now. Being stuck in a medical facility for 3 weeks has me ready for something when I get out so your thread might come in handy a bit if there is some juicy stuffs.


I do love me some dirty stories so it seems worth a gander, and that is fine I am too as people from the chat probably know by now. Being stuck in a medical facility for 3 weeks has me ready for something when I get out so your thread might come in handy a bit if there is some juicy stuffs.
That must have been awful, the thread has lots of dirty stuff: threesomes, incest, domination, exhibitionism, maybe a bit of masochism, auto erotic asphyxiation, sneaking around, sleeping with a model and a tad of possible voyeurism.

More than enough to appeal to a majority of tastes, maybe some of yours? Told you I like dirty things...


Hey Shidoshi, will the Press XY panel be posted online? I figured I'd ask here, since I don't know if you'll check the PAX thread.


It should be! The only one that hasn't been posted online so far is the last one, which is my fault. The audio wasn't great, and I really want to make a video where the audio is timed with all of the slides that we showed. So, it's simply been a case of not having the time to sit down and just get it put together.


Went to the LBGT center of my city to try to get the last letter for document change .... and the woman printed it and .....

.... it is ENTIRELY made in comic sans =O


Well I just found out that my mum is a two faced bitch. Who thinks I'm putting this on just for the fun of it. So angry right now, I feel betrayed that I confided in her for her spout out personal stuff about me on the internet and say that I'm lying.
Yesterday I managed to get to the gender clinic and after the physical and going over my blood work they asked one question: when do you want to start HRT?

So I started yesterday :D


Yesterday I managed to get to the gender clinic and after the physical and going over my blood work they asked one question: when do you want to start HRT?

So I started yesterday :D

I really want to know if there is ANYONE who said a diferent answer =P

Except maybe for "I am finishing treating cancer so next month when it ends" cases


I really want to know if there is ANYONE who said a diferent answer =P

Except maybe for "I am finishing treating cancer so next month when it ends" cases

I started HRT six months after I got all of my tests and blood work done. I didn't have my letter yet, and I wanted to bank sperm so that I could still have children.

But, going to get those tests done and making the first major step for HRT was so that (a) I knew it was finally happening, and had proof, and (b) I could get that stuff out of the way in case anything came up that might end up delaying further when I could start.


Maybe the banable post was deleted ?

I don't know

I am just happy that it was closed before it could get any worst

Also LOL at cis being a curse and trans not being


Guessing it was the "/thread", but a little surreal that that warrants a ban and not posters openly calling us psychologically disturbed. Balanced.


Guessing it was the "/thread", but a little surreal that that warrants a ban and not posters openly calling us psychologically disturbed. Balanced.

GAF bigots have a found a way around moderation. They have evolved from 'lul tranny faggot' to sophisticated concern trolling and hand-wringing.


Yeah I don't see it either.

Also sometimes I think that there should be another trans primer thread on GAF (or maybe bump the old one), but then I know how that would end up.


GAF bigots have a found a way around moderation. They have evolved from 'lul tranny faggot' to sophisticated concern trolling and hand-wringing.
Yeah, no point dignifying periodic trans threads with further participation, imo. Having to be diplomatic to the point of backbending and being expected to put up with casual abuse in exchange is a fucking joke. Praps Gaf will decide some day we're worth as much as the Roma or any of its other minorities.


Yeah, no point dignifying periodic trans threads with further participation, imo. Having to be diplomatic to the point of backbending and being expected to put up with casual abuse in exchange is a fucking joke. Praps Gaf will decide some day we're worth as much as the Roma or any of its other minorities.

Nailed it. Exactly my sentiments.


What'd she even do FFS? Is it a fucking bannable offense to defend ourselves and our identity?

Really not a fan of her first post, but I don't see anything she said that would be worthy of a ban. I'm not sure if "/thread" is on the ban radar at this point, but it might be. (As, to be fair, it's an annoying thing to do no matter the use.)

Yeah, no point dignifying periodic trans threads with further participation, imo. Having to be diplomatic to the point of backbending and being expected to put up with casual abuse in exchange is a fucking joke. Praps Gaf will decide some day we're worth as much as the Roma or any of its other minorities.

At the same time, jumping into a thread on the offense from the start is pretty worthless, and does nothing to help the discussion.


At the same time, jumping into a thread on the offense from the start is pretty worthless, and does nothing to help the discussion.
Tone won't convince shitbirds that maybe calling us mentally ill isn't a very nice thing to do. If that's the level of discourse encouraged by permissiveness across the board, then count me out.


What you should do is contact a mod. I can't promise that I'll always agree with you regarding what is and isn't bannable, but I will investigate, take the appropriate measures, and discuss it with you.

Most of the people from that thread that have been complained about caught a ban. If I missed someone, send me a PM and I'll look into it.

Regarding EmiPrime, I don't discuss other people's bans because it's a violation of their privacy. If she wants to, she can tell you herself when she returns. I will say that it did not come about because of a single post.

Again, if you're concerned about specific or general moderation issues, the right path is to contact a mod.


Offense? You mean defense right? Or should we just accept the casual bigotry with a smile on our faces?

No, I definitely meant offense. But, we've long known that we have pretty different opinions on how to handle these things - I am the Martin Luther King to your Malcolm X! *heh*


No, I definitely meant offense. But, we've long known that we have pretty different opinions on how to handle these things - I am the Martin Luther King to your Malcolm X! *heh*

That is definitely true. I apologize for being a bit short with you over the last few posts.


Those are fair points Besada, I'm nonetheless discouraged and put off of participating to begin with with these threads being so landmine laden as they are. Being deputized to help clean up razor blades isn't so great after I've already walked over all of them. I'd rather not show up at all.


Those are fair points Besada, I'm nonetheless discouraged and put off of participating to begin with with these threads being so landmine laden as they are. Being deputized to help clean up razor blades isn't so great after I've already walked over all of them. I'd rather not show up at all.
And I can understand that -- fighting all the time is no fun. I can't change everyone's opinion, but part of the problem for mods is that we often don't know what's going down. We have a jillion threads, and there are usually only five or six of us actively moderating at a time. I just want to make clear that I have zero problem if you want to send me a link showing obnoxious behavior. I'm not going to tell you that you're bugging me too much. I'm pretty new at this mod stuff, but I have no problems putting my boot on a bigot's neck. If you're being treated in an uncivil fashion, please let me know.


That is definitely true. I apologize for being a bit short with you over the last few posts.

Don't ever feel like you (or anyone else in here) have to apologize for having strong feelings and/or convictions. My opinions on how to deal with situations may differ at times, but that doesn't mean that I think you're wrong or mean any offense to me if we come at things from different angles. I may express my opinions on how others come about things, but I'd never want to take away their right to do things differently than I do.

Plus, I've long respected you and your strength in dealing with the trans topic on here and beyond. And, being a redhead, I'm used to have a little fire in me when it comes to disagreeing on things, so it doesn't hurt my feelings when others have the same. *heh*


What'd she even do FFS? Is it a fucking bannable offense to defend ourselves and our identity?

I read you post, read that thread, re-read only Emi's posts and I was like "Why the fuck did Lexi mentioning she doing Facial Feminisation Surgery ???"

Took me way more than I am willing to admit to understand what FFS you meant =P

Damn you trans thread

If you're being treated in an uncivil fashion, please let me know.

The problem is that FOR US, the ENTIRE IDEA OF THAT THREAD was treating us in an uncivil fashion.


I really hat those "Bu-bu- biology" opinions. All humans live in an anti-biologic illusion about how they percieve themselves. We're all naked embryo apes yet we regard ourselves as something better and more noble. And male organisms are just modified females that are redesigned into mobile insemination organisms yet put themself on a superior super-being pedestal. We think that if we put some socks in our bras our underpants we automatically become more fertile just for being able to look more like it. We think if we do something people remember or if there are even statues errected of us we become somehow immortal even if we will die just as miserable as a shit-maggot deprived if its precious dung.

EDIT: I know that they just want to delude themselves into thinking that they could spot any transwoman in public. Maybe that's why our dear date gaffers can distinguish female and male bones better than the worlds leading criminal forensics.

I'd like to make the "Do you want to eat chick or cock"-test. I will buy two raw chickens in a grocery store. One hen and one cock. Then remove the labels and shoot a picture of both. Whenever Gaf starts to "bone" again I'll show them the picture without ever giving the answer. That might show them the limits of their perception.


In a way the fear of men having dates, relationships or accepting transwomen as women is a selfcontradicting form of homophobia.

The fact that they think of us as men because no man can become something different than a man brings them to conclusion that we are men.

Now we need to keep in mind that there are a lot of men who are "tolerating" gays yet any tought of having any homoerotic experiences disgusts or frightens them. Why? Because naturally only female or feminine persons could love a man. In their eyes having homosexual experiences makes them "less" than a man or even "degrades" them to women, yet only in their internalized fears.

And that's something that not only misses the point of homosexuality but also contradicts the idea that manhood is absolutely immovable and more persistent than anything else in biology.

Their own crass contradiction hurts them as much as us and also reveals some hidden bias and homophobia that isn't because their very fears disprove their own point. That we can't be women.


Can I be Wayne Brady?

...Do I want to be Wayne Brady?

Would I have to choke a bitch? :(

I think it would be like the most stealth passable trans ....

...or something like




I'm wearing a bra for the first time. It fits pretty well so I think I got the right size.
Might be a bit of a odd thing but what's it actually like wearing a bra I mean I've tried some on and it felt weird.

I might just go braless if mine don't end up like huge.


I'm not Trans, and I have no plans to have gender reassignment surgery, but I wish I was female and think of myself as female, do I belong here Transgaf?


Might be a bit of a odd thing but what's it actually like wearing a bra I mean I've tried some on and it felt weird.

I might just go braless if mine don't end up like huge.

Well I have relatively large breasts so I don't know how it would be if you're smaller but um... it's like wearing some weird vest that holds my boobies up. It feels a bit weird though because I'm not used to wearing anything other than a t-shirt up top. But now my boobs look AWESOME
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