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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Obsidian fan
Nobody ever flings slurs at me


I kept getting male pronouns on Reddit when getting feedback on my semi-sarcastic profile website. I mean, c'mon, it says Zoe right there.

You are on the internet, in a male dominated field probably on a male dominated reddit.

"zoe is probably short for zoebergerson"

There are no girls on the internet, remember ?


Welcome back. Why exactly were you banned?

My first post in that thread.

Until the dating, chromosomes, skeleton and whatever else concern trolling stops being tolerated here (however subtle), I wash my hands of trans discussions on GAF. I genuinely regret ever participating in those threads, it was a big mistake on my part. Those who start insidious, poisonous little debates about the legitimacy of trans people can take a long walk off a short pier and frankly shame on anyone who thinks such deeply transphobic discussions are okay.

That's as much as I am comfortable in saying.


In any case, I don't see how getting pleasure from that is strange a source at all.

No, I understand where you're coming from. When it's somebody that I consider to be intelligent and worth paying attention to, I can get my feelings hurt, but otherwise I get a strange pleasure out of random nobodies attempting to make fun of me.

Also, I feel like I now have to attend PAX South, because I could meet half of the TransGAF population in one fell swoop. *heh* (And also because we'll need to decide if we're going to do a Press XY panel and/or booth if there's a Diversity Lounge there.)


I was ma'am'd on the phone today at work. Being "mistaken" for a woman, even though it was only over the phone, before starting my transition was a huge self esteem booster.


I posted my fundraiser on my facebook and on fetlife. I got $160 last night. I guess that might be enough for one counseling session?

I hate begging, and I even felt nauseous before clicking submit. I had to do it though. For years and years I've been fighting with it in my head. Now that it's posted and in front of EVERYONE I feel like I don't have to fight anymore. It is what it is, and I'm going to transition.

I was ma'am'd on the phone today at work. Being "mistaken" for a woman, even though it was only over the phone, before starting my transition was a huge self esteem booster.

It's strange, people have been ma'aming me too lately. Even though I haven't made any physical changes yet.


I had my first kiss with a man. I've never done that before, and I enjoyed it much, much more than I did any kiss I gave a girl. Having a tall guy look you in the eyes, grab your arm, and lock lips is really, really hot. This definitely confirms that my sexuality has made a complete 180 from pre-hormones. Before hormones, I would have sex with men, but it was never romantic, just purely sexual. I never kissed them, because when I thought of me kissing a guy at that point, I saw two men kissing, and I don't identify as a man or especially as a gay man. But I still liked dick, so I'd have the occasional late night adventure. But dressed as a woman, with this guy treating me like one, really affirmed my femininity and sexual and romantic attraction to him.

Congrats.... but that is not what I would call a "complete 180" and SPECIALY not because of the hormones =P


Junior Member
i've only posted here a few times but want to say thanks to all those who have responded to my infrequent visits and been supportive. I consider myself transgendered although could be seen as genderqueer as I don't completely feel comfortable with the trans girl label. don't want to transition, sometimes i'm happy with being femme in spirit, other times i need to alter my appearance in some way to be happy. just trying to find a happy medium right now.

the other day I shaved my legs for the first time =0

it wasn't really planned but my gf ushered me into it and said she would help. although i'm now feeling the pain (i get goosebumps easy which means i can feel the little short hairs constantly), i don't really care, it was completely liberating. it was almost like they had been invisible for 12 years, seeing them bare was a complete shock to me.

i'm a complete convert and not looking forward to them being covered again. in the future i'm definitely waxing or using one of those little electronic hair pullers tho!


i've only posted here a few times but want to say thanks to all those who have responded to my infrequent visits and been supportive. I consider myself transgendered although could be seen as genderqueer as I don't completely feel comfortable with the trans girl label. don't want to transition, sometimes i'm happy with being femme in spirit, other times i need to alter my appearance in some way to be happy. just trying to find a happy medium right now.

the other day I shaved my legs for the first time =0

it wasn't really planned but my gf ushered me into it and said she would help. although i'm now feeling the pain (i get goosebumps easy which means i can feel the little short hairs constantly), i don't really care, it was completely liberating. it was almost like they had been invisible for 12 years, seeing them bare was a complete shock to me.

i'm a complete convert and not looking forward to them being covered again. in the future i'm definitely waxing or using one of those little electronic hair pullers tho!

I've never waxed, but epilating your legs isn't too bad. I can't take the pain epilating basically anywhere else, though. Your mileage may vary though, as I have really sparse body hair already.


Junior Member
I've never waxed, but epilating your legs isn't too bad. I can't take the pain epilating basically anywhere else, though. Your mileage may vary though, as I have really sparse body hair already.

I have lots of leg hair, but I'm generally not bad anywhere else. my girlfriend recommended epilating as she owns one of them, so that's nice to read as I was quite nervous about the pain factor. I don't plan to let my leg hair grow long anymore either.

it felt really nice to wear some female clothes without having to put on tights, too!
Hello Transgaf, this is my first time writing in this thread and I actually have a friendly inquiry.

Me and a friend of mine are currently working on our bachelor's thesis in sociology. We live and study in Sweden and at the moment we are going to conduct interviews with transgenders and transsexuals. The point of our thesis is to highlight the daily life of the people who chose to participate and their experiences. Since we want to highlight as many peoples experiences as possible I thought I could ask here if anyone here would want to share a few of these over an email conversation or skype or something of that kind. (Of course, if there is anyone actually living in Sweden who wants to participate in a face-to-face interview that is more than welcome.)

I don't know if anyone will be interested or if this is even appropriate to ask here but still, I thought it could be worth to check. If you interested than you can either contact me via PM or me or my friend on either of these email addresses.

(Quote to see emails)

My email

My friends email
My wifeand I went out to Fiesta last night in San Antonio, near the City Council chambers, to help my friend Little Dickie with his facepainting booth. He painted a sombrero on me, and then I requested a mustache, and we went off into the crowd to promote his painting. I was surprised at how reserved everyone was--my wife commented, "is this really as queer as straight people get?" So, naturally, my girly body, butch presentation, and mustache elicited a lot of stares and comments (not rudely/judgmentally), with several people asking to take my picture.

Here's a couple my friends took, the first is right after I got painted--my hair was still a bit frizzy and not quite dry from the shower:


This is my wife and I, at the end of the event before we caught the bus home:


We're both trans* women, and live visibly in the heart of the city. It's a beautiful life. <3
<3 Thank you. We met in a trans* group and pretty much went home together right away. After 9 months, we moved in together. We've been together for a year and a half, and are planning on formally marrying in the spring. She's been incredibly supportive of my work in the trans* activism community, and is an amazing adventure partner in life. Here's to good partners :3 <3


Junior Member
yes! my parter gives me unwavering support and I couldn't be more grateful. I wish every trans* person could have that. thanks for sharing =D


Hi, Transgaf! I just saw this on Feministing and thought maybe it would be of interest:

Judith Butler is a preeminent gender theorist and has played an extraordinarily influential role in shaping modern feminism. She’s written extensively on gender and her concept of gender performativity is a central theme of both modern feminism and gender theory. Butler’s essays and books include Performative Acts and Gender Constitution (1988), Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990), Bodies That Matter: On the Discursive Limits of “Sex” (1993) and Undoing Gender (2004).

However, the concept of gender perfomativity has been used – and some would assert – abused to support a number of positions that misconstrues Butler’s work. I therefore wanted to ask Butler about what she really thinks about gender and the trans experience. Along the way Butler specifically addresses TERFs and the work of Sheila Jeffreys and Janice Raymond.


Can you talk about the ways in which your views might differ?

JB: I have never agreed with Sheila Jeffreys or Janice Raymond, and for many years have been on quite the contrasting side of feminist debates. She appoints herself to the position of judge, and she offers a kind of feminist policing of trans lives and trans choices. I oppose this kind of prescriptivism, which seems me to aspire to a kind of feminist tyranny.

If she makes use of social construction as a theory to support her view, she very badly misunderstands its terms. In her view, a trans person is “constructed” by a medical discourse and therefore is the victim of a social construct. But this idea of social constructs does not acknowledge that all of us, as bodies, are in the active position of figuring out how to live with and against the constructions – or norms – that help to form us. We form ourselves within the vocabularies that we did not choose, and sometimes we have to reject those vocabularies, or actively develop new ones. For instance, gender assignment is a “construction” and yet many genderqueer and trans people refuse those assignments in part or in full. That refusal opens the way for a more radical form of self-determination, one that happens in solidarity with others who are undergoing a similar struggle.

One problem with that view of social construction is that it suggests that what trans people feel about what their gender is, and should be, is itself “constructed” and, therefore, not real. And then the feminist police comes along to expose the construction and dispute a trans person’s sense of their lived reality. I oppose this use of social construction absolutely, and consider it to be a false, misleading, and oppressive use of the theory.

More at the link!


1. I like people that make 100% sense.
2. Every hate filled nut can call herself/himself an activist on the internet, why bother? (Not me at least but I grew up with a mother who had a lot of those TERF ideas).
3. Everything is just an interpretation/mental construction. Who knows what reality really is like.


Neo Member
It makes me happy that this thread is here and active.

Speaking of amazing and supportive partners, I've been with my fiancée for almost 9 years. We're getting married in a few months (on our 9th anniversary), and I after talking to my therapist I decided that I needed to tell her before we got married. I was terrified of telling her because I was so scared that she would lose interest in me and feel betrayed for not having been told earlier. But she has been nothing but supportive, and I can't express how much that means to me. It also feels so good to be able to be completely honest with her. She is an amazing person, and I am still head-over-heels in love with her.


It makes me happy that this thread is here and active.

Speaking of amazing and supportive partners, I've been with my fiancée for almost 9 years. We're getting married in a few months (on our 9th anniversary), and I after talking to my therapist I decided that I needed to tell her before we got married. I was terrified of telling her because I was so scared that she would lose interest in me and feel betrayed for not having been told earlier. But she has been nothing but supportive, and I can't express how much that means to me. It also feels so good to be able to be completely honest with her. She is an amazing person, and I am still head-over-heels in love with her.

Awesome! I hope you two have an amazing wedding and honeymoon.
Hey TransGAF,

That was an experience. I've just read through the entire thread as my side project over the last few weeks, and it's been quite a ride. It's incredible to see people post about their support, and then how they're feeling a bit dysphoric, then they come out, then start hormones, and they're thanking the others in the thread for showing them the way. It's their whole story in one forum thread and it blows my mind a little bit. If you are participating in the thread now and haven't read from the start, I recommend it. It's a great story, and of course, best of all, it's real. Makes me happy to know that such a supportive place exists among the often-controversial topics of GAF.

I don't have much to add on-topic, being a white cishet dude, but I know at least a few trans people and I try as much as possible to be an ally and call out transphobia/bigotry around the place. I've found that most people in my social circle are fairly accepting, but it can be tough at times trying to reverse views that are so ground in by various media.

Panti's Noble Call and #pantigate aren't something I saw in this thread, wondering if that was on yeir radar at all in other countries. Basic'ly a drag queen went on a talk show in their day-to-day persona and called out a couple of specifically homophobic columnists and other public figures. Those people didn't take it well. They got the VOD of the show censored, and the station not only apologised but also awarded money to these people for the horror of being exposed as what anyone who can read knows they are. Best part: the station is our national broadcaster. So that was taxpayers' money. Sigh. But it did give a huge boost to visibility in the country, and a lot of people have solidified their supportive views as a result from what I hear. (Or at any rate, a lot of people saw for the first time the crap that LGBTQ people put up with and didn't like it.) It also gave rise to this great shirt.

Anyway, all credit to tangents but I mostly came in to say thank you for existing and being a supportive group, and I'll continue trying to help your cause as best I can. G'luck.


Welcome Program, and thanks for that. ^^

One day I should go through my older posts in this thread, just out of curiosity. Pretty much all of my "public" trans talk has been in this thread.

It makes me happy that this thread is here and active.

Speaking of amazing and supportive partners, I've been with my fiancée for almost 9 years. We're getting married in a few months (on our 9th anniversary), and I after talking to my therapist I decided that I needed to tell her before we got married. I was terrified of telling her because I was so scared that she would lose interest in me and feel betrayed for not having been told earlier. But she has been nothing but supportive, and I can't express how much that means to me. It also feels so good to be able to be completely honest with her. She is an amazing person, and I am still head-over-heels in love with her.

That is seriously awesome. Congrats!


Cross Posting. Thanks in advance for the help.

LGBT-GAF, need some help.

Bit of background, I've had quite a few LGBT clients from referrals. Apparently respectful secure straight guy + experience with clients on hormones = good trainer for the LGBT community out in Tennessee. Not exactly the most friendly place for quite a few population groups and I don't have a problem doing what I can to try and change the culture around here. I've had a lot of success with programming so diet and exercise is never difficult to prescribe.

Anyways, I'm looking for a few good online resources so I can learn more about the procedure in general and depression issues the Trans community might run into. As my standard approach of "tell 'em to fuck off" doesn't work when the very place you live treats you like a subhuman. I can only inspire so much confidence a few hours a week.

I have a young male to female client going through a rough time and any help I can give would be awesome.


That girl in the bunny hat
Veezy, I wish I had any advice but I kinda sorta ran away from all my rough times instead of facing them. :x

I've been keeping up with my weekly writing therapy, and I hit talking about being trans this week. A bit melodramatic towards the end, for sure, but I've been needing to get it out. It's already starting to trigger a change in how I act on Twitter, which is like 80% of my online-ness.

But it also led to my roommate spelling out her thoughts on being genderqueer (by way of fighting game references). I'm always happy to have more readers, but really, I think hers is a lot more interesting.
Hey it's been awhile. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who helped me with the whole doctor situation. I still haven't see him yet, but I'm hoping to soon.

It's getting harder and harder every day to stay in the body I have. I'm trying my best to get through these last few months. But as you probably all know, it's difficult.

I'm not sure if I should tell my family because of how it seems they'll look at a trans person, laugh and say "that's a man, don't think about their ass" etc; it really pisses me off, and I want to punch them so fucking hard. But I dont.


So my Parents saw my name while I was setting up my PS4 today, and they treated it like a joke.

"If you're gonna choose a drag name it should be sexier than that."

I really wish I could just cut all ties with them once I move out, but my Mother works right across the street from where I work.
So my Parents saw my name while I was setting up my PS4 today, and they treated it like a joke.

"If you're gonna choose a drag name it should be sexier than that."

I really wish I could just cut all ties with them once I move out, but my Mother works right across the street from where I work.

ugh stuff like that disgusts me
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