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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


I thought you had publicly transitioned, shidoshi.

Nope, not yet. Just hitting six months on HRT next month, and I don't feel like I'm at the point yet that I'd be comfortable going full time.

It also makes it a bit tricky due to having a lot of trips I have to make for work and events to go to. If I transitioned at this point, I'd have it REALLY be public, far more than usual.

Depending on how I feel my progress has gone, best bet might be post-September. Oct ~ Jan is a point where there are few events to attend, and that'll be the point where I'll have been on HRT for almost a year. Plus, an extra five months of electrolysis wouldn't hurt.

I'd love to be full time already, but I don't know. I've waited this long, making it a little longer isn't killing me. I'll be there soon.
So, um, hi. I hadn't really intended on revealing the trans thing here on gaf but I'm drunk and today's one month on hormones for me after ten years of running away from everything and I finished my first lot of laser today too and I don't really have anyone irl to talk about this kind of stuff with so I just kinda feel like saying something somewhere. I'm probably never gonna pass but I feel better now than I have in the last decade so whatever.

Will probably regret this post in the morning but that's my fault for drinking~
Don't worry, you're save here.

I always liked you Kate Bush avatar btw.

Oh yeah, I don't doubt that this thread is fine, I was just kinda concerned about having it in my post history and people potentially being like "oh, Bunnies is a tranny!" or whatever if they ever trawled through it for stuff to use against me. Really shouldn't be a problem though.

Thanks. I'm always tempted to change my avatar to a different picture of her, or like a Tori Amos one or something, but I just really like this one. Gutted that I can't get to one of those shows she's doing later this year.

Be carefull with drinking ... some hormones are strong on the liver

Yeah, I pretty much quit drinking as soon as I started on the path to taking hrt. I'm just having a few tonight and am a bit of a lightweight after not having touched the stuff for ages. My understanding is that it's fine in moderation.


Oh yeah, I don't doubt that this thread is fine, I was just kinda concerned about having it in my post history and people potentially being like "oh, Bunnies is a tranny!" or whatever if they ever trawled through it for stuff to use against me. Really shouldn't be a problem though.

Thanks. I'm always tempted to change my avatar to a different picture of her, or like a Tori Amos one or something, but I just really like this one. Gutted that I can't get to one of those shows she's doing later this year.

Yeah, I pretty much quit drinking as soon as I started on the path to taking hrt. I'm just having a few tonight and am a bit of a lightweight after not having touched the stuff for ages. My understanding is that it's fine in moderation.

I don't think it would fly on Neo-Gaf to use your Trans-status in personal attacks against you.
It's been an awesome week for trans-positive
life! An mtf activist friend of mine from Kansas came to visit (she's leaving tomorrow), and we've been giving equal time to exploring the city and
exploring each other :3 My wife got in on the fun, too... one of the hottest things I've ever been a part of. Yesterday, we went to a local trans meeting, and an incredibly sexy woman in her fifties caught our eye... we invited her home with us and gave her a night she'll never forget--she's coming back tonight.

In other news, there's a meeting on Tuesday where a local coalition will decide how they're going to respond to our city not enforcing the non-discrimination ordinance. Going to try to make it--I've been so freakin' busy lately, and my schedule won't let off until July.


I feel awful I just wish I could be done with it and be fixed. I honestly don't feel like I'm going anywhere but in circles. Sigh.


Welcome to the thread Box o' Bunnies! Glad you're on an upturn :D

I feel awful I just wish I could be done with it and be fixed. I honestly don't feel like I'm going anywhere but in circles. Sigh.
I know the feeling intimately. The present moment is awful, but it will give way in time. Things will get better.


Just to remind everyone, aside from the TransGAF IRC there is also Trans Plaza, which was more recently created. There's no password so anyone is welcome to join. If you need to talk about stuff, or just want a friendly place to chat, then please join.

The server is irc.wiicafe.com and the channel name is #transplaza

So, um, hi. I hadn't really intended on revealing the trans thing here on gaf but I'm drunk and today's one month on hormones for me after ten years of running away from everything and I finished my first lot of laser today too and I don't really have anyone irl to talk about this kind of stuff with so I just kinda feel like saying something somewhere. I'm probably never gonna pass but I feel better now than I have in the last decade so whatever.

Will probably regret this post in the morning but that's my fault for drinking~

Welcome! We're here if you need anyone to talk to. Glad to hear you're making progress with things.

As a huge fan of Kate Bush I must say that I love your avatar.

I feel awful I just wish I could be done with it and be fixed. I honestly don't feel like I'm going anywhere but in circles. Sigh.

As Bo said, it will get better in time. Most people experience lulls in their transition. Just recently I had been going through a long period with nothing happening, and then all of a sudden started moving ahead. It will happen. Every little step forward is an important one.


I know the feeling intimately. The present moment is awful, but it will give way in time. Things will get better.
As Bo said, it will get better in time. Most people experience lulls in their transition. Just recently I had been going through a long period with nothing happening, and then all of a sudden started moving ahead. It will happen. Every little step forward is an important one.
I hope it does I can't stand being like this. I go onto adult services so maybe that when things actually start happening.
I don't think it would fly on Neo-Gaf to use your Trans-status in personal attacks against you.

Oh yeah, I don't doubt that it wouldn't be a problem here (or that anyone making it one wouldn't be swiftly dealt with), I guess I'm just being kinda paranoid about it.

Welcome to the thread Box o' Bunnies! Glad you're on an upturn :D

Thanks :D

Welcome! We're here if you need anyone to talk to. Glad to hear you're making progress with things.

As a huge fan of Kate Bush I must say that I love your avatar.


Feels good to finally be addressing this and doing something about it instead of drinking myself numb and trying to convince myself that I don't have to. Wasted way too much time with that.


I kinda wanna get a pet rabbit again one day, but I don't really think I want pets for a while.

I have a pet bunny, she's super adorbs. The only bad thing I have to say about her is that if she doesn't want me to sleep, I'm not sleeping. She'll bang her dishes together, nibble on my ear, and pretty much do anything she can to wake me up. I'm surprised she hasn't jumped on my face yet.


Whelp, after years of confusion and going crazy I'm scheduled to see a therapist on Tuesday. So anxious and nervous I feel like I'm going to barf.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Editing this essay by my cousin's girlfriend on gender reassignment surgery...

Contemporary Ethical Issues
Mid- Term Dialogue


Truth vs. Loyalty: There is more truth than there is loyalty in gender reassignment surgery. The one getting the change will always have to live with what gender they really are. Weather they got changed into the opposite sex they are still what they were when they were born with internally. They are the one that will have to accept with what they are and always have that reminder. They should be loyal to their beliefs but, when they are so wrapped into what they believe they should be their loyalty to their beliefs are nonexistent.

Individual vs. Community: The individual after or before the change is going to be shunned by their fellow mates or community. It’s their choice to accept that the change it going to cause a conflict with others who do not believe in it. The person is going to have to change their whole atmosphere and group of fellow mates to accommodate to the change, which will accept the person for what they chose to do. The community will accept them at some point because time does heal everything.

Short-term vs. Long-term: Over a period of time the person will have to accept the challenges that comes with the change. The community over time will accept the new changes that people are choosing to do. It won’t seem like such an awkward surgery and frowned upon as time goes by. People individually will hopefully not go too crazy overboard and do it just to benefit themselves in the wrong way. The community is going and is becoming more acceptant to the changes as the centuries go on.

Justice vs. Mercy: People in prison get gender changes at no cost to them as people out of prison have to pay an astronomical amount to have it done. They should not get privileged to have such things done. They are in there for a reason and should have to suffer with the gender they were born with instead of having the world put on hold so they could get the change done. Some people have been going to prison just so they can get the sex change at no cost to them. This is taking out of everyone’s hard earned tax money to support the change.

Some of the possible dilemmas and moral arguments would be the community, fellow mates, and family not accepting you after the change. People may try to beat them up for it or calling them horrid names. On an upbeat note the person will be happy about themselves, have a better self- esteem, and carry themselves better. They will feel comfortable being among other people and not out of place in their eyes.

Individual responsibilities would be to pay for the surgery, accept all the changes their body will be going through, and the medication they are going to have to take for the rest of their life. Social responsibilities would be how to act when in the community, realize not everyone is okay with the change, and not to take harsh words to heart that some people make.

The importance of fairness in attempting to come to some resolution of people not accepting others who choose to proceed with the gender reassignment surgery is, people just accepting that not everyone believes that they are supposed to be the gender they are born with. That the world is revolving and not everyone believes the change is a bad thing. If someone really honestly deep down inside they were born the wrong gender then accept it.

I would suggest using the rule- based approach in attempting to resolve an array of ethical problems due to the fact that you can’t make everyone happy. It’s a rough decision because you have to think of yourself as well as others but, in the long run you need to do what make you feel the best with yourself and hope people will accept your decisions at some time down the road. If you used ends- based or care- based it means you will have to do what is best for others or putting others love first. If you do that you won’t be able to be yourself.


God, what a stupid fucking essay. There is so much wrong about this, even beyond the transgender part, she isn't even exploring the meanings of ethics, no she even thinks if you're in jail you have to suffer and if people want to be assholes about your decisions it's "ethical" to get over it and shut up.

Sorry if I'm mean but I really hope this isn't actually an assignment for college or something.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
God, what a stupid fucking essay. There is so much wrong about this, even beyond the transgender part, she isn't even exploring the meanings of ethics, no she even thinks if you're in jail you have to suffer and if people want to be assholes about your decisions it's "ethical" to get over it and shut up.

Sorry if I'm mean but I really hope this isn't actually an assignment for college or something.
It is.


What the fuck at that essay? Is your cousins girlfriend Sarah Palin? Aside from the vile content it's like it was written by a 5th grader.
The "oh noes our tax monies" argument against medical procedures for prisoners is so baffling. I bet you could give SRS to every prisoner in the system AND change them back and still not spend as much as the military does on fucking tanks and planes that will never be used.


Therapy seemed helpful, at least I don't feel like I'm sick just thinking about talking about this. I just want to keep going on everything, therapy, diet, and exercise. The downtime between all the "productive" stuff feels so slow.


It can be absolutely killer. Just gotta find things you can be proactive about. Voice practice is a good one for that.

Good to hear therapy went well.

I've been trying the voice stuff while driving to and from work, it is definitely going to take a lot of work before I feel good about it. I don't even like my dude voice that much, get weirded out when I hear recordings of myself.

Now to distract myself with video games.


Quick question: What is the trans community's thoughts on changing sex on birth certificates?

Should be something along the Argentina law.... you go to a public place, sign a paper saying that you are an adult and can give consent and they change it


From my understanding a birth certificate is like a historical document. While you may change your sex later, at the moment of birth you were physically male or female. It seems like changing a birth date. Unless Im looking at this wrong is there any reason to actually change the sex on a birth certificate as long as all other documents indicate the appropriate sex?


From my understanding a birth certificate is like a historical document. While you may change your sex later, at the moment of birth you were physically male or female. It seems like changing a birth date. Unless Im looking at this wrong is there any reason to actually change the sex on a birth certificate as long as all other documents indicate the appropriate sex?
I don't know about your country, but it doubles as ID here. It's not a wholly historical document. Even if it was, you don't write the history of a human being by omitting pieces.

And being that trans people are some of the most marginalized and mistreated elements of society... anywhere, there's all the reasons in the world to get everything up to date.
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