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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Dead Man

From my understanding a birth certificate is like a historical document. While you may change your sex later, at the moment of birth you were physically male or female. It seems like changing a birth date. Unless Im looking at this wrong is there any reason to actually change the sex on a birth certificate as long as all other documents indicate the appropriate sex?

All other documents run off the birth certificate in a lot of places. No change to that, then no change elsewhere.

Edit: Also, it's not changing history, it is more like correcting a mistake on a form.


From my understanding a birth certificate is like a historical document. While you may change your sex later, at the moment of birth you were physically male or female. It seems like changing a birth date. Unless Im looking at this wrong is there any reason to actually change the sex on a birth certificate as long as all other documents indicate the appropriate sex?

It is not only practical, but symbolic to have it changed; I want my birth certificate to reflect the person I really am, and not what society thinks I should be.


All other documents run off the birth certificate in a lot of places. No change to that, then no change elsewhere.

Edit: Also, it's not changing history, it is more like correcting a mistake on a form.

This is what I am confused about. For a birth certificate I assume the M/F check box is only for biological sex. I understand any form after that is open for change, as it should be, but changing the check box that was made the day you were born seems odd. Although if the birth certificate needs to be changed in order to effect other documents this would make sense.


For those who don't follow my Twitter account religiously (for shame!), here's what I was treated to today when playing the first stage of Blue Estate (an on-rails shooter just released this week for PS4). For context: The game has pop-up information at various times, and this is one example. So it isn't any specific character saying this, but the "game" itself.



For those who don't follow my Twitter account religiously (for shame!), here's what I was treated to today when playing the first stage of Blue Estate (an on-rails shooter just released this week for PS4). For context: The game has pop-up information at various times, and this is one example. So it isn't any specific character saying this, but the "game" itself.


I saw this, just replied to a thread on Gaming about it.

Edit: which apparently went ignored. Oh well.


This is what I am confused about. For a birth certificate I assume the M/F check box is only for biological sex. I understand any form after that is open for change, as it should be, but changing the check box that was made the day you were born seems odd. Although if the birth certificate needs to be changed in order to effect other documents this would make sense.
Why is it odd to correct a mistake?


Why is it odd to correct a mistake?

Mistake implies there was some intelligent force behind it that put a wang on you for shits and giggles. Your body when one way while the brain went another. Thats a medical condition correctable through medication and surgery. Not a "mistake".

To sn00zer, I wouldn't say that the sex on a person's birth certificate is "biological" in the scientific sense; no tests aren't performed confirm a child's gender.. They simply look at the child's genitals and assign a sex at the moment of birth. Since that's the case, if one changes that through surgery, why wouldn't we change it the marker on that persons birth certificate?


Mistake implies there was some intelligent force behind it that put a wang on you for shits and giggles. Your body when one way while the brain went another. Thats a medical condition correctable through medication and surgery. Not a "mistake".

The mistake was the doctor who looked "hey, that a vagina, so it must be a girl" or things like that =P
I've already had my birth certificate changed once when my dad adopted me. It's just a vital document, but if it makes any difference, I don't think they "change it" but rather seal the previous one and create a new one. At least I think that's how it works in the US; I could be wrong. I don't really understand why people think they should be so sacrosanct in the first place.


Scheduling round 2 of therapy, getting nervous again. Thought I was over this -.-

I liked it better when I was just obsessing over losing weight.


Mistake implies there was some intelligent force behind it that put a wang on you for shits and giggles. Your body when one way while the brain went another. Thats a medical condition correctable through medication and surgery. Not a "mistake".

You are assuming there has to be an intelligent force behind a mistake; nature is not perfect (hence the need for medicine and technology). Likewise, I suffer from gender dysphoria, and in my view being given a "wang" was most certainly a mistake. Dysphoria can be viewed as a medical condition, but it stems from a mistake caused by nature.

This whole thread today is bizarrely funny to me because I actually went and got my birth certificate updated this morning.

And, well, I got it updated (and I know many other trans women who don't bother) because I needed that done for immigration purposes.
My documents need to match as much as possible for immigration purposes, or well, I can face lengthy delays or even outright rejection.

In NYC though, I can't change my gender marker on my birth certificate without bottom surgery (SRS/GRS/as-you-will) and it worries me tremendously.
I'm worried that the country I'm migrating to will look at my birth certificate and decide that I'm some other gender despite all of my other documents stating clearly that I'm female.
In spite of my outward appearance being that of a woman's.

And all it'd take is one asshole immigration clerk to decide to fuck it up for me.
And then, many tens of thousands of dollars to fix it (in legal fees (yay lawyers?), or a surgery that I'm not even ready to seriously comtemplate let alone undergo).

It's scary, and the prospect of being misgendered *officially* because of a single gender marker on a single document out of many documents that say otherwise really frightens me.

So yeah, in this case, it pretty much serves only as identification.
It's not a historical record of my birth -- you'll find that the country I'm moving to doesn't even really care where/how I was born (only where I'm a citizen.)
These documents are primarily used to collaborate each other. That's all they are. And differences can really fuck people.

Well said.

Also: Congrats!


For those who don't follow my Twitter account religiously (for shame!), here's what I was treated to today when playing the first stage of Blue Estate (an on-rails shooter just released this week for PS4). For context: The game has pop-up information at various times, and this is one example. So it isn't any specific character saying this, but the "game" itself.


The developers could have at least been creative in their transphobia. Apple Adams, really?


You are assuming there has to be an intelligent force behind a mistake; nature is not perfect (hence the need for medicine and technology). Likewise, I suffer from gender dysphoria, and in my view being given a "wang" was most certainly a mistake. Dysphoria can be viewed as a medical condition, but it stems from a mistake caused by nature.

I'm trans as well, been posting here on and off for years (Hi all you OG TransGAF peeps, it's Ains.) I just see this differently. I don't see my wee willy as mistake. More of an inconvenience and annoyance.

By intelligent being I meant a Doctor gendering babies he's delivering incorrectly out of spite. Wasn't going God on anyone if that's what you're implying.

No need to go defense mode.


I'm trans as well, been posting here on and off for years (Hi all you OG TransGAF peeps, it's Ains.) I just see this differently. I don't see my wee willy as mistake. More of an inconvenience and annoyance.

I can live with mine well enough, but it still bothers me to the extent that I would much rather have it changed if I had the opportunity to do so; in that sense it's a mistake for me, but I understand that it won't be looked at in the same way for everyone. With that said, I feel like I should have been born a cisgirl, and would have much preferred that; so based on that I can say, personally, there was a mistake.

By intelligent being I meant a Doctor gendering babies he's delivering incorrectly out of spite. Wasn't going God on anyone if that's what you're implying.

In that situation, it is still a mistake, but this time it is based on the doctor's actions. You will still have to live with dysphoria and everything that follows.

No need to go defense mode.

What was I in defense mode about?
What the fuck. The transsexual tag on Tumblr is dominated by porn. I thought they made porn harder to find? Regardless, this is gross.

Edit: I found out how to disable the adult content.

Even adjusting the settings I still get some porn. Ugh.


I kind of think I'm bad at therapy. I get super nervous at the start, have a hard time talking, and really only start to open up near the end. I also suck at leading the session anywhere, feel like I should be saying more but I don't know what to say. Feel like I made a little progress though, said a few things I've only thought and it felt like my gut sank and I was about to cry at one point.

Damn you brain, start making sense of things.


I kind of think I'm bad at therapy. I get super nervous at the start, have a hard time talking, and really only start to open up near the end. I also suck at leading the session anywhere, feel like I should be saying more but I don't know what to say. Feel like I made a little progress though, said a few things I've only thought and it felt like my gut sank and I was about to cry at one point.

Damn you brain, start making sense of things.
Don't worry too much, it's just your second time. Most people are feeling weirded out when they never went to a stranger to talk about their problems. Just take your time to adjust, learn to know your therapist.


I was asked if I'm pregnant before getting X-rayed yesterday. I found it pretty funny but also a bit sad.

Asking a woman if they're pregnant before an x-ray is drilled into the heads of radiography students from the word go.

X-raying a pregnant woman, especially something like a abdominal x-ray, can be career ending. Not necessarily because the technician responsible is at fault, people lie or are unaware, but some go mad with guilt.

I did study radiography myself, but I withdrew from the course after a year for a number of reasons, my unresolved (At the time) gender identity issues being one of them.


Asking a woman if they're pregnant before an x-ray is drilled into the heads of radiography students from the word go.

X-raying a pregnant woman, especially something like a abdominal x-ray, can be career ending. Not necessarily because the technician responsible is at fault, people lie or are unaware, but some go mad with guilt.

I did study radiography myself, but I withdrew from the course after a year for a number of reasons, my unresolved (At the time) gender identity issues being one of them.
Party Pooper! :'<
Well I for one am glad to see that GAF could once again come to a near consensus on an issue that most posters have absolutely no experience or involvement with.

Edit: Btw, my mom was watching that show when I got home from class last night, and I heard the start of that song when I was in the kitchen. One of the first lines was something like "but she had a little bit more," and I instantly thought it was either going to be a fat joke or a trans joke. Score one for my cynicism. I didn't actually stick around for the rest of it though.


This thread is off to a "great" start. Fuck, I'm not touching that thread anymore. Good luck to anyone that does.

Discussing trans issues on GAF is a complete waste of time and nobody is interested in fixing that. Just stay out of those threads for your own well being because they are so utterly toxic.

All in the name of "debate" and "discussion".


Hey Transgaf. I figured I have been on gaf long enough that it's about time I said hi! I kinda delayed it as I was pretty confused before but my therapist put me on spiro about 6 months ago just to "try" it and now there is just no going back. Going to go in next around the end of Aug (unless someone cancels before then) and get tests and stuff for estrogen!

So uh... Howdy I guess
This thread is off to a "great" start. Fuck, I'm not touching that thread anymore. Good luck to anyone that does.

Hey I just wanted to say that it's super fucked up that posts from members of Transgaf go largely ignored in threads like those. I used to have the same dumb opinions as everyone else there but reading GAF threads and posts from members here has helped me to be a more empathetic person, both towards trans people and in general.

Thanks for being here and I'm sorry that people suck.


Thanks. That song thread just proves again that most people confuse having tolerance with following popular opinion instead of having an understanding of people who are different.


Hey I just wanted to say that it's super fucked up that posts from members of Transgaf go largely ignored in threads like those. I used to have the same dumb opinions as everyone else there but reading GAF threads and posts from members here has helped me to be a more empathetic person, both towards trans people and in general.

Thanks for being here and I'm sorry that people suck.

I ducked out when somebody said something along the lines of "sometimes transgaf can be wrong". Nobody needs that kind of noise

Thanks for the support!


GAF's idea of what transphobia is, is fucking hilarious.

I wonder what OP's reaction would be following the same situation. I don't consider this transphobic, he's not screaming his hatred about transgender merely making a funny story'

Would I be considered transphobic if I took a girl home from a bar and didn't want to have sex with her after finding out she's packin' meat?

Honestly, can someone explain why this might be offensive? It's not like he said that transexuals are "evil to society"

Apparently to be transphobic at all you have to be fucking blatant about it.

Edit: Shit, now the thread is complete. Cis people upset at being 'labelled' cis. Jesus fucking christ.
Discussing trans issues on GAF is a complete waste of time and nobody is interested in fixing that. Just stay out of those threads for your own well being because they are so utterly toxic.

All in the name of "debate" and "discussion".
While people are more blatantly bigoted in trans threads, it's the same in any thread involving race, sexuality, gender, sex, culture, or anything that can be discriminated against, but I don't seem to learn my lesson. I'm legitimately mentally exhausted at this point.


The concept of punching up vs punching down in comedy is lost on GAF.

Piling on a group of people whose issues include high rates of poverty, mental health issues, homelessness, HIV and suicide in the name of free speech and humour is so edgy.


Interesting that Chapelle got brought up, given he is a notoriously transphobic and homophobic comedian.

Also once again the fictional trans person who never tells their partner is doing the rounds in that thread. My favourite strawman.


Frankly some of the people who mean well aren't helping either.

Trans people not telling their partner when in a LTR just doesn't happen yet both well meaning people and the transphobes are arguing over this possibility, like it's a really common thing.

This whole "tricking" straight dudes thing is one of the most transphobic tropes around yet it's fair game to discuss it on here, like it's legitimate discourse.

GAF's idea of what transphobia is, is fucking hilarious.

Apparently to be transphobic at all you have to be fucking blatant about it.

Edit: Shit, now the thread is complete. Cis people upset at being 'labelled' cis. Jesus fucking christ.
The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming. They can't accept being labeled as transphobic so they limit the definition.


That thread is really wrecking my mind, as if it doesn't have enough to deal with already.

I've been, for a good month or so, completely content with myself. I came to terms with being trans, I started to embrace it a little, and I even found a name that I really liked for myself (Rebecca, for those curious). But last night I was talking with my mother about a couple of family friends, including ones that are my age. Of the two we are talking about, the husband is a military guy getting out in a few months, and the wife is a lot like me: high levels of anxiety, stress, etc. The problem is that he doesn't quite understand that stuff, and actually hits her (Granted, she'll hit back, but that's not the point I'm getting at).

I know this girl, and I'll admit, I like her a bit. But the only feelings I get are jealousy and anger when I hear this. That touches off on my mind again the struggle of figuring myself out again. And again, even though it shouldn't effect me, the thoughts of society's acceptance creep into my mind as well.

I know I should be looking at the time I was happy, the time I was content. However, I guess, my masculinity seems to be what is at odds here. I hate it. But I can't ignore it.


CHEEZMO™;119309186 said:
This is why I stay out of any thread like that. Not worth the trouble.

Staying out is wise; I got banned for posting that the legitimacy of trans women is not up for debate and that it's transphobic to do so. If you don't want to risk your account just keep away.
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