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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


After years researching transsexuality, researchers of the Harvard university made a shocking discover by browsing a forum :
Transexuality is the first scientificaly comproved human trait that works based dates in the roman calendar. Astrologists are baffled by the discovery and hope that it opens a new field in horoscope research.

Beth Cyra

I started HRT two months before my 39th birthday. If 29 makes you too old, what does that mean for me?! *evil glare*
Nothing. Its a defense mechanism for me.

Have fought this since I was 14 at the very least. Saying I'm told keep me from having my heartbroken by cutting the idea off at the knees.


I was also born in May! But, of [many], I've never had a trans partner who was also a May birthday.

<3 You're never too old to transition. I've seen women transition in their fifties and sixties who come out gorgeous. I came out at 26, and I've been on HRT for 3 years (minus ~30 hours, HRT-versary is coming up on the 2nd!)... :3 I ended up gorgeous and awesome and curvy and sexy and oh so happy! Side effect: transition turned me into a vocal activist.
My birthday is also in October. The probability that two or more people in a group share the same birthday (or birthday month as it were) is actually a really fascinating thingy-mah-thing.

Also, October is the best month. I mean there's Halloween, which is clearly the best holiday, and it's not irritatingly hot like it is now. It's definitely pretty great.


Also, October is the best month. I mean there's Halloween, which is clearly the best holiday, and it's not irritatingly hot like it is now. It's definitely pretty great.
Truth. I should make Pumpkin pie as a birthday cake this year. I love Pumpkin pie! &#127875;


My birthday is also in October. The probability that two or more people in a group share the same birthday (or birthday month as it were) is actually a really fascinating thingy-mah-thing.

Also, October is the best month. I mean there's Halloween, which is clearly the best holiday, and it's not irritatingly hot like it is now. It's definitely pretty great.
Hi NewGamePlus! I remember you from back when this thread was in its infancy! (roughly the same time as when I lurked lightly and was too chickenshit to actually confront myself)

And I was going to mention that the cloister of birthdays probably could be explained by their proximity to Halloween. Hormones are magic, and what better night than Halloween to birth some witches?

Beth Cyra

I've spent the better part of a week and a half trying to come up with a work out to really help me along with stress and just being happier, regardless of other stuff. A great thing since I've started this is just how important it is to have a higher QOL or just enjoy happyiness.

Found some decent youtube stuff, but it's scary hard even in it's simplicity. For a long time I would say to people at the gym that I didn't understand going to the gym if you didn't break yourself.

Well that worked to some degree to make me bigger, and certainly skinnier but didn't ever really work in a way to make me happier ya know?

So now I look at these workouts and I just shake my head wondering if my body can even bend and move that way haha.

Anyone else have that issue?


I've spent the better part of a week and a half trying to come up with a work out to really help me along with stress and just being happier, regardless of other stuff. A great thing since I've started this is just how important it is to have a higher QOL or just enjoy happyiness.

Found some decent youtube stuff, but it's scary hard even in it's simplicity. For a long time I would say to people at the gym that I didn't understand going to the gym if you didn't break yourself.

Well that worked to some degree to make me bigger, and certainly skinnier but didn't ever really work in a way to make me happier ya know?

So now I look at these workouts and I just shake my head wondering if my body can even bend and move that way haha.

Anyone else have that issue?

I've been working out sorta obsessively for the last two months, watching my calories and cranking out at least an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of yoga every day. My flexibility is increasing, just sloooowly. And while I'm definitely getting skinnier, my pants all fit looser, I'm building too much muscle in my legs which is driving me crazy. Stupid testosterone, one day I will destroy you!

Just gotta keep cranking away.
I've been working out sorta obsessively for the last two months, watching my calories and cranking out at least an hour of cardio and 30 minutes of yoga every day. My flexibility is increasing, just sloooowly. And while I'm definitely getting skinnier, my pants all fit looser, I'm building too much muscle in my legs which is driving me crazy. Stupid testosterone, one day I will destroy you!

Just gotta keep cranking away.

Thick legs are gorgeous girl! Don't worry too much about "excessive muscle" because spiro will take care of it real easy :)

I'd love to have nice thick thighs and nicely shaped butt...

Beth Cyra

Thick legs are gorgeous girl! Don't worry too much about "excessive muscle" because spiro will take care of it real easy :)

I'd love to have nice thick thighs and nicely shaped butt...
This was what I decided to focus on.

I want a nice but. Picked a few routines. Stair climbs, three types of squats and lunges.

Damn its crazy but I eill finally have a rocking backside.


Hello there transgaf, and thank you for existing. Many people here have boosted my spirits when they were low, unknowingly. I am the parent of a trans teenager, who is currently going through examinations by doctors for them to realize what I have known for some time; that she was always a she and never a he. A somewhat frightening concept (due to the severity of the procedures that are coming), but I long for the moment when my child will be arriving in herself if that is what she will want at the moment in time. My role is the supporting one, for example trying to help giving energy to cope with school, talking to teachers where needed, but also just trying to boost confidence when feelings are spiraling downwards and trying to be there to listen. However close I am to my child, however, it is not always so easy for her to confide in me since I am the parent. Pretty natural, if you ask me.

Are there more parents to trans children involved in the discussions here? A long (way, way back) time gaf visitor, I am unfortunately not aware of any other parents in my situation.

Also, I hope I am not expressing myself in a way that is being found offensive by anyone. I am writing this pretty quickly, perhaps too quickly, and I really hope that you have patience and tell me if I am stepping on any ones toes.


Hello there transgaf, and thank you for existing. Many people here have boosted my spirits when they were low, unknowingly. I am the parent of a trans teenager, who is currently going through examinations by doctors for them to realize what I have known for some time; that she was always a she and never a he. A somewhat frightening concept (due to the severity of the procedures that are coming), but I long for the moment when my child will be arriving in herself if that is what she will want at the moment in time. My role is the supporting one, for example trying to help giving energy to cope with school, talking to teachers where needed, but also just trying to boost confidence when feelings are spiraling downwards and trying to be there to listen. However close I am to my child, however, it is not always so easy for her to confide in me since I am the parent. Pretty natural, if you ask me.

Are there more parents to trans children involved in the discussions here? A long (way, way back) time gaf visitor, I am unfortunately not aware of any other parents in my situation.

Also, I hope I am not expressing myself in a way that is being found offensive by anyone. I am writing this pretty quickly, perhaps too quickly, and I really hope that you have patience and tell me if I am stepping on any ones toes.
It's great if you support your child, I'm sure many of us don't have very open parents. Even the teens.

Sadly I can't remember that there ever was a parent of a transperson in this thread.

Anyway I wish you and your child the best. You might spare your child many years of suffering.


Hello there transgaf, and thank you for existing. Many people here have boosted my spirits when they were low, unknowingly. I am the parent of a trans teenager, who is currently going through examinations by doctors for them to realize what I have known for some time; that she was always a she and never a he. A somewhat frightening concept (due to the severity of the procedures that are coming), but I long for the moment when my child will be arriving in herself if that is what she will want at the moment in time. My role is the supporting one, for example trying to help giving energy to cope with school, talking to teachers where needed, but also just trying to boost confidence when feelings are spiraling downwards and trying to be there to listen. However close I am to my child, however, it is not always so easy for her to confide in me since I am the parent. Pretty natural, if you ask me.

Are there more parents to trans children involved in the discussions here? A long (way, way back) time gaf visitor, I am unfortunately not aware of any other parents in my situation.

Also, I hope I am not expressing myself in a way that is being found offensive by anyone. I am writing this pretty quickly, perhaps too quickly, and I really hope that you have patience and tell me if I am stepping on any ones toes.

First, you are awesome for supporting your daughter. I know it might be easy to just expect that that's what you're supposed to do for your child, but there are far too many parents who don't do that when faced with such a situation. So, thanks for being one of the good ones.

Also, don't worry too much about offending people. I think a big part of offense is the intent, and it's clear that you aren't in here with the intent to offend anyone. If you say something we may think is wrong (or which may help clear up your understanding of what your daughter is going through), I'm sure we'll be happy to help clarify things for you.


Hello there transgaf, and thank you for existing. Many people here have boosted my spirits when they were low, unknowingly. I am the parent of a trans teenager, who is currently going through examinations by doctors for them to realize what I have known for some time; that she was always a she and never a he. A somewhat frightening concept (due to the severity of the procedures that are coming), but I long for the moment when my child will be arriving in herself if that is what she will want at the moment in time. My role is the supporting one, for example trying to help giving energy to cope with school, talking to teachers where needed, but also just trying to boost confidence when feelings are spiraling downwards and trying to be there to listen. However close I am to my child, however, it is not always so easy for her to confide in me since I am the parent. Pretty natural, if you ask me.

Are there more parents to trans children involved in the discussions here? A long (way, way back) time gaf visitor, I am unfortunately not aware of any other parents in my situation.

Also, I hope I am not expressing myself in a way that is being found offensive by anyone. I am writing this pretty quickly, perhaps too quickly, and I really hope that you have patience and tell me if I am stepping on any ones toes.

It makes me really happy to see this post. Online I tend to see nothing but family problems from transitioning, like kids getting kicked out of their homes. Just know you're one of the good parents for supporting your child. Actually very heart warming :)

As long as you're sincere about trying to learn and be helpful, it can be pretty hard to be offensive. This is a complicated situation for everyone, its just important to talk things out because everyone has different expectations.

Beth Cyra

Hello there transgaf, and thank you for existing. Many people here have boosted my spirits when they were low, unknowingly. I am the parent of a trans teenager, who is currently going through examinations by doctors for them to realize what I have known for some time; that she was always a she and never a he. A somewhat frightening concept (due to the severity of the procedures that are coming), but I long for the moment when my child will be arriving in herself if that is what she will want at the moment in time. My role is the supporting one, for example trying to help giving energy to cope with school, talking to teachers where needed, but also just trying to boost confidence when feelings are spiraling downwards and trying to be there to listen. However close I am to my child, however, it is not always so easy for her to confide in me since I am the parent. Pretty natural, if you ask me.

Are there more parents to trans children involved in the discussions here? A long (way, way back) time gaf visitor, I am unfortunately not aware of any other parents in my situation.

Also, I hope I am not expressing myself in a way that is being found offensive by anyone. I am writing this pretty quickly, perhaps too quickly, and I really hope that you have patience and tell me if I am stepping on any ones toes.
Wow this is totally amazing, I'm not going to lie this put a huge smile on my face as this is how a parent should be and I only hope I can be half as great to my babies as you are to your daughter.

To be honest I'm not sure of any parents of Transgendered Children on Gaf, then again I just joined the Gaf community a short time ago.


That girl in the bunny hat
So I had a kinda weird dream that I know for sure was about my name change happening in a week. I had to write it out, just to get it out of my system.

I think I'm a bit excited for it to happen, but I don't know that that really conveys it. o_o


So I had a kinda weird dream that I know for sure was about my name change happening in a week. I had to write it out, just to get it out of my system.

I think I'm a bit excited for it to happen, but I don't know that that really conveys it. o_o

You have the coolest dreams. Grats on the impending death!

Beth Cyra

So I came out to the In-laws last night.

They where complete Angels and it took me by complete surprise. Mother in law was saying how I was smiling in a way she had never seen me do before and they where extremely supportive.

I must say I've been very blessed.

Granted I've been out to the community for a bit now, do all my shopping and try to live the female lifestyle 100% these days. Just the two sets of parents hadn't been informed, but now they have as well, well one set anyway.


In-laws are the scary part, because unlike your own parents, they don't have an "obligation" to care about (or even like) you, and you run the risk of them being furious over how you've now "ruined the life of their son/daughter".

So, you're really lucky to get that kind of reaction from them. Very glad to hear!


In-laws are the scary part, because unlike your own parents, they don't have an "obligation" to care about (or even like) you, and you run the risk of them being furious over how you've now "ruined the life of their son/daughter".

So, you're really lucky to get that kind of reaction from them. Very glad to hear!

Is it weird that I expect my in-laws will react better then my parents (if I still talked to them)? My father in-law will probably react poorly at first, but everyone else in my wife's family I suspect will be supportive.

But either way, positive reactions are awesome!


Is it weird that I expect my in-laws will react better then my parents (if I still talked to them)? My father in-law will probably react poorly at first, but everyone else in my wife's family I suspect will be supportive.

I mean, really, it comes down to who they are as individuals, so some people will have in-laws that are easier to come out to than their birth parents.

I just think, as a general rule, in-laws have to be the scarier side of the equation. And even if they react well, there's still the potential for internal feelings of guilt over the whole situation (which I know all too well).

Beth Cyra

Is it weird that I expect my in-laws will react better then my parents (if I still talked to them)? My father in-law will probably react poorly at first, but everyone else in my wife's family I suspect will be supportive.

But either way, positive reactions are awesome!
See this is me because my parents are extremely racist homophobic people.

So I was worried but I put far more faith in my in laws then my parents.


Maybe they'll see your in-laws acting decently and feel shamed as a result and do the same likewise, even if it isn't from the most insincere of intentions? I sometimes think how my ex's parents would have reacted to me transitioning and I'm kind of glad I dodged that bullet.


Only if you give everyone a pixel trans pop character avatar !
Laverne's character from Orange, Vivian, Birdo, Poison ... the options are .... totaly not endless and almost ended already =/


Feel free
Only if you give everyone a pixel trans pop character avatar !
Laverne's character from Orange, Vivian, Birdo, Poison ... the options are .... totaly not endless and almost ended already =/


Feel free

I know ... 3 of those! Don't know Orange though. ^^;

Anyway I'll start out by saying I'm not a native English speaker & I got dyslexia, so pardon if my wording's a bit wonky here and there.

I'm working on a webcomic in my free time and do take inclusivity seriously.
So I try to have minority groups in significant and non-stereotyped roles for as far as is possible.

A thing I've been wondering about for a while now is how to have a non-invasive representation of transexual individuals within my story while avoiding problematic portrayal.

What I've got right now is:
1. (*especially powerless) Victim roles are extremely overplayed and for that reason not desirable.

2. To add onto point 1, forceful outing by secondary or tertiary sources has the same issues as point 1 in that it at best leads to victimization and at worst to making that sort of behavior seem okay if not addressed.

3. This isn't an issue I've seen discussed much when reading about this issue, but I've noticed that crossdressing & transexuality get conflated a lot. Am I correct in seeing this as a media representation issue of sorts?

These are the major "negative" tropes in media I know to avoid (aside from obvious stuff like dumb fetish tropes and outright offensive stereotypes*) but what I'm kind of stuck on is that from a visual point of view trans representation isn't the easiest to get in there.

Usually when you know a transexual character is transexual in a movie or show is because they're using a blatant insulting stereotype to make it obvious.

What I'm thinking is that, avoiding a trope I dislike (out of story admission that a character is "x" a.k.a dumbledore) I find it fairly hard to figure out more casual/acceptable ways to have the inclusion be obvious within the context of the story without it feeling either shoe-horned in and/or going for overplayed victim stuff.

For a bit of additional info:

1. I actually like exploring social issues within stuff I write, but fully recognise that exploration needs to be handled with care, or you might contribute to existing problems. (as is often the case with token roles & victimization)

2. I like to make inclusions meaningful so try to avoid "checklist"-style inclusions as often seen in token roles.

3. I'm mostly posting this to get a few perspectives on what works and what doesn't & to make sure any of the assumptions I've posted aren't inaccurate or outright flawed.

I think that's all I have, I hope I can get some feedback especially on the point of making inclusivity within a story clear while it still feeling natural.
The story I'm asking this for is a fairly general fantasy story with an extremely open setting btw, more light hearted than gritty.

Thanks in advance for anyone who'll reply to my rambling. ^^;


I think others here can better explain the ins and outs but I think I can at least recommend looking into "Orange is the New Black" as I have heard it has a very good representation of a Trans character (I haven't actually seen it myself yet...)


The only way to make it natural is that you create a trans character in the same way you create your sis characters.

Is the character out ? Pre or post transition ?
Pre or post genital surgery ? Does the character wants it ?
Does the character wathes anime ? Play games ?
Likes the color blue ?

The easiest way would make a normal girl character that one of her characteristics is something like ..... hating her shoulders, feeling awkward when other girls talks about menstruation or being oversensitive about body hair.
And then one day dress the character in a more unisex way and have someone misgender her and shows how that feels like a stab for her.

Or maybe they need to go to some place that needs to use the ID and she is like has a fake id and then you discover is that because she didn't changed her id yet and the "fake" part is the gender on the id, not the age or something and she gets embarassed....

I know those examples fit in your number one, but the problem with victim roles is when the character main thing is that she is a victim.
If it is a single character that has LOTS of things about her AND THEN in this particular event she is a victim of people being a dick to her .... than it is ok.
And to be fair, if nobody is a dick to the character, praticaly nothing would change from any other character =P

About the crossdressing and the transgender... well .... avoid crossdressing.
It is usualy played to show a transgender character and it only works for people to laugh, don't believe "passing" is possible and to show everyone that deep down there is a man there.

...or you can make a character talk to her and ask "how is the document change thing going ? any news ?" =P


Orange is the new Black is a great example of how to do it right. Other representations of trans people that is an otherwise pretty good representation usually waves the trans thing your face, like Hit & Miss, where it was literally a penis being waved in your face.
The only way to make it natural is that you create a trans character in the same way you create your sis characters.

Is the character out ? Pre or post transition ?
Pre or post genital surgery ? Does the character wants it ?
Does the character wathes anime ? Play games ?
Likes the color blue ?

The easiest way would make a normal girl character that one of her characteristics is something like ..... hating her shoulders, feeling awkward when other girls talks about menstruation or being oversensitive about body hair.
And then one day dress the character in a more unisex way and have someone misgender her and shows how that feels like a stab for her.

Or maybe they need to go to some place that needs to use the ID and she is like has a fake id and then you discover is that because she didn't changed her id yet and the "fake" part is the gender on the id, not the age or something and she gets embarassed....

I know those examples fit in your number one, but the problem with victim roles is when the character main thing is that she is a victim.
If it is a single character that has LOTS of things about her AND THEN in this particular event she is a victim of people being a dick to her .... than it is ok.
And to be fair, if nobody is a dick to the character, praticaly nothing would change from any other character =P

About the crossdressing and the transgender... well .... avoid crossdressing.
It is usualy played to show a transgender character and it only works for people to laugh, don't believe "passing" is possible and to show everyone that deep down there is a man there.

...or you can make a character talk to her and ask "how is the document change thing going ? any news ?" =P

Obviously the "like any other character" part was something I had in mind, straying away from stereotypes and/or defining a character by one token trait entirely is a thing I generally try to go for.

I've heard mildly conflicting opinions on the victim thing, I agree that the biggest issue with that type of portrayal is almost always a lack of agency and power on side of the victim; Having someone from an oppressed group be bullied or attacked just to have non-oppressed-protagonist jump in to save them has always felt like a fairly cheap and downright patronizing trope to me.

I know that a big criticism of portrayal of bullying and opression is that often rather than actually adressing the issue in any significant way, it feels like that type of behavior is outright normalized if not adressed properly. Hence why I try to be a bit careful with that stuff in general.

Thanks for your feedback though, there's quite a few things in there I can definitely use.

Orange is the new Black is a great example of how to do it right. Other representations of trans people that is an otherwise pretty good representation usually waves the trans thing your face, like Hit & Miss, where it was literally a penis being waved in your face.

I'll have to read up on OitnB, I've heard many good things about it.

Thank you guys, much obliged.

Beth Cyra

So my latest Phsych appointment was an odd one.

My doctor feels I need more advanced Transition help and now wants to me to see a secondary specialist.

Won't go into details as.this has been a positive drama free thread for a while, but I can say I didn't expect it going in.
Had a few drinks last night and sent my mother (who I'd come out to a long time ago, before deciding it would be fun to waste ten years of my life) a "so I kinda started HRT a few months ago" message before I went to bed last night and got this back this morning:

Kinda figured you were doing something. I do wish you didn't feel the need to get a few drinks in to tell me things. Never forget we will love and support you in everything &#9829;&#9829;&#9829;

Not that I need my parents at my age but it's really, unspeakably nice all the same.
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