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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Gaborn said:
I only have one response to you:

qtip.jpg (inside joke for other people)
Why, why do you do this to me? I don't know if it's what you are referring to, but I am not looking up any more of your old posts. :lol


Don't worry - we can sit here and feel left out together. Maybe go play some PSO together while they're sharing their little "joke."


NewGamePlus said:
Why, why do you do this to me? I don't know if it's what you are referring to, but I am not looking up any more of your old posts. :lol

It was just this thread. Alfarif was bored so I pointed him to this :p. Not really that work safe but quite... amusing.
shidoshi said:
Don't worry - we can sit here and feel left out together. Maybe go play some PSO together while they're sharing their little "joke."
Oh, no no no, I found something. But let's just say, I should remember that curiosity screwed killed the cat.

Edit: Yeah, that


lexi said:
Must you constantly bring up That thread? So disgusting.

Constantly? I mentioned it to YOU on MSN once. And then I mentioned it to Alfarif, and now I'm here. Really, this can all be traced to two separate minor incidents. So chill :D <3 <3


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
Don't worry - we can sit here and feel left out together. Maybe go play some PSO together while they're sharing their little "joke."

It is so worth it to read what Gaborn linked above. I'm cracking up so much right now just thinking about it. Oh god... oooooooh god. And my boss is now back, too! I'm going to get fired tonight. I can feel it. :lol :lol


lexi said:
Perfect opportunity to transition! :lol.

Sorry, I should stop but you give me so many openings!

I thought it was the goal of a MTF to add more of those :D (ok, that was bad, really bad. Sorry. I'll go sit in a corner now.)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Perfect opportunity to transition! :lol.

Sorry, I should stop but you give me so many openings!

:lol Apparently, not enough. BAHDUMTSH!

Gaborn said:
I thought it was the goal of a MTF to add more of those :D (ok, that was bad, really bad. Sorry. I'll go sit in a corner now.)

Game, set, MATCH! And with that, we're out.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Charron said:
I have no idea what's going on here anymore.

You and I both.

All right, here's a question that's probably not been asked before: did your speech patterns or choice of words change after you decided to transition?
Alfarif said:
I find that the best way to get away with reading anything you don't want someone to know you're reading is to put Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" book cover over your hardback. Juuuuuust saying.

Haha, never been approached by creepy objectivists using that tactic? =P


Android18a said:
My family is JW too :p It's hard, I can't let my guard down for a second. Speaking of which *clears history*

:lol I know exactly what you mean. Every time the gramma lurks around my room I get all paranoid. She knows, but she wigs hard whenever she catches me in that head-space. I don't get her. I mean, the fact that I'm TG and she knows and still lets me stay here freaks me out. 'Cause form everything I've read about the "religion" she shouldn't even be speaking to me let alone having me live here. This is also the same person who told me about a month ago that she wanted me out of her house ASAP. Then I get home tonight and she's practically begging me to stay for about 6 more months. Family is so annoying sometimes, gosh!

Also, had a cool little moment in the car on the way home. I tend to listen to female fronted symphonic metal, and tonight I was singing along trying to get in some voice practice and at one point I sounded really good. I just started smiling wide while singing and got the butterflies in my tummy and everything. Another simple reminder that I'm on the right track.


On the voice thing, if we had more people here, I think it'd be fun for all of us to record our best girly voices, upload them to somewhere private, and then see if we could figure out who is who.

And I'd love to do stuff like SingStar and whatnot, but god almighty I have a terrible singing voice.
shidoshi said:
On the voice thing, if we had more people here, I think it'd be fun for all of us to record our best girly voices, upload them to somewhere private, and then see if we could figure out who is who.

And I'd love to do stuff like SingStar and whatnot, but god almighty I have a terrible singing voice.

My girly voice sounds like big bird. :lol
It's kind of funny. I've been singing along to music for a while now in my girl voice, and I feel like it's actually gotten really good. However, it's still not that great if I'm just talking. It's harder for me to sustain, and I feel like I have to over-exaggerate feminine speech patterns. It's getting there though. Although this also reminds me that Tegan and Sara had concert in San Diego tonight, but I'm totally broke after paying for laser. :(


Speaking of broke, I need a new job. I hate my current one. Did someone mention $100 per half hour with camming?

Let me maintain the fantasy that I would be passable enough to pull that kind of money


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
When it comes to the girl voice, I used to be able to hit a nice high range when I was in a band, but I haven't been singing seriously in over five years at this point. I'm just now getting back into it, but it's going to take me awhile to get back to where I was. Speaking wise, I've been looking at those lessons posted awhile back from the chick that made me say "Wow!" when she went into her guy voice again. Completely blew my mind. I'd like to be able to perfect my female voice so I can work on my audio podcasts again and make my characters' voices sound convincing.

lexi said:
Speaking of broke, I need a new job. I hate my current one. Did someone mention $100 per half hour with camming?

Let me maintain the fantasy that I would be passable enough to pull that kind of money

I completely agree with the money thing. But I'd like a new job so I didn't have to work at night. That would be nice.

And no camming. Dooooooooooooooon't do it!


As for my voice: it's okay, I like where I can get it, but it needs to be a bit smoother, which is just a matter of working your voice up to areas males don't usually go and practicing that.

Alfarif: Don't worry, no way could I or would I cam. Gaborn and Android may attest to that fact.


At least you have a current job to hate. You could be like me, unemployed and owed like two months of pay that you'll probably never see.


How do you make sure that you don't sound silly trying to speak like a woman? I'm always concerned about that because you can't hear your own voice like other people do.

Well since I got a cat I found myself speaking more often higher and rather feminine (not much more though) because people tend to speak softer to cute things and she's practicaly the only living thing I speak to beside my parents and my therapist.


If it's any consolation I may be joining you soon. I've been so emotionally high strung and bitchy lately that I've begun to get complaints against me. I may be fired within the month.

How do you make sure that you don't sound silly trying to speak like a woman? I'm always concerned about that becaus you can't hear your own voice like other people do.

You record yourself and listen back, this is the only way to improve.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Tyrant_Onion said:
How do you make sure that you don't sound silly trying to speak like a woman? I'm always concerned about that because you can't hear your own voice like other people do.

Well since I got a cat I found myself speaking more often higher and rather feminine (not much more though) because people tend to speak softer to cute things and she's practicaly the only living thing I speak to beside my parents and my therapist.

Lexi hit the nail on the head: record it. Even just using your cellphone will work.

Lexi: Take deep, deep breaths and try not to strangle anyone. You've gotta make that money!

Edit: I'd also like to add, and maybe this is the nerd in me, but I think it's cool if you talk in your guy voice, then mess with the pitch to see where you'd like your girl voice to go. That really is the nerd in me, but I think that would be pretty damn cool.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Haha, classic stuff. It takes awhile before you really "nail" it, but listen to GGs talk a lot. In reality, their voices aren't so much different than males that you couldn't pass, but if you're used to talking in a nice deep register all your life, it can take some practice before you are silky smooth.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Does anyone have a restrospect type documentary on the history of Transgenderism, more specifiaclly, the surgery behind it?


Alfarif, I'm pretty sure you now know more about transgender issues than anybody here, we should be asking YOU the questions!
lexi said:
Alarif, I'm pretty sure you now know more about transgender issues than anybody here, we should be asking YOU the questions!
Pretty much this. More seriously though, I'm fairly certain no such documentary exists because no one would want to watch it (except you apparently :lol ). If you want to know more about the surgeries, you'll definitely have to read. While you're at it, you might then want to start reading the essays of Sandy Stone and the like. Then I'm positive you'll know more than us. :lol
I just noticed his thread (I don't OT much, or post much at all for that matter).


Just occurred to me some GAF posters may have known me from before I transitioned in real life. If you did, um... surprise??

Edit: Actually, I probably don't need to broadcast my YouTube account here :p


No wai! :eek:

I've been watching your vlog for like, EVAR.

*bows down* :D

Welcome to the TransGAF thread of win and pie!


formerly sane
tehAinsley said:
That makes two of us. :lol

Besides, crazy is more fun than sane any day of the week. ;)

That's my kind of member. :D :D

Hello Tgaf just a friendly m2f letting her nutty shine in just a little bit.
Really? Haha.

I just stayed up well past midnight reading this whole thread. I'm so impressed that it didn't just disintegrate into "hur hur tranny surprise hur hur"!


LCGeek said:
That's my kind of member. :D :D

Hello Tgaf just a friendly m2f letting her nutty shine in just a little bit.

And the award to most hilarious play on words post in the thread goes to... :lol :lol


Jamie xxoo said:
Really? Haha.

I just stayed up well past midnight reading this whole thread. I'm so impressed that it didn't just disintegrate into "hur hur tranny surprise hur hur"!

Aye we've exchanged messages a couple time. Names cursedhopes (I really need to change that, hold over from my more emo days of yore.) on the 'ole YouTube. xD


Jamie xxoo said:
Oh I know you! You're the one who uses the right spelling of "you're"! :lol


LOL! You're correct! Never expected to find you posting here, so awesome. :D


sparkle this bitch
I've been gone for a month, but still reading Gaf time to time. When the other discussion about the unisex bathroom popped up I wanted to ask it but was still gone. Now this one has come up and I feel it's a better place.

What is transgender? Now if you are going to explain it. Explain it to like someone who is 5 years old. I can't seem to grasp concepts like this. No big words, or hard explanations please. :lol I'm still probably not going to be able to understand it even if you explain it though, so don't take offensive. This and Dyslexia have been used since I'm a kid to describe my "conditions"(>_>)...and I understand neither at all.
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