Why, why do you do this to me? I don't know if it's what you are referring to, but I am not looking up any more of your old posts. :lolGaborn said:I only have one response to you:
qtip.jpg (inside joke for other people)
Why, why do you do this to me? I don't know if it's what you are referring to, but I am not looking up any more of your old posts. :lolGaborn said:I only have one response to you:
qtip.jpg (inside joke for other people)
NewGamePlus said:Why, why do you do this to me? I don't know if it's what you are referring to, but I am not looking up any more of your old posts. :lol
Oh, no no no, I found something. But let's just say, I should remember that curiosityshidoshi said:Don't worry - we can sit here and feel left out together. Maybe go play some PSO together while they're sharing their little "joke."
lexi said:Must you constantly bring up That thread? So disgusting.
lexi said:In my world, twice is constantly.
shidoshi said:Don't worry - we can sit here and feel left out together. Maybe go play some PSO together while they're sharing their little "joke."
Perfect opportunity to transition! :lol.Alfarif said:I'm going to get fired tonight. I can feel it. :lol :lol
lexi said:Perfect opportunity to transition! :lol.
Sorry, I should stop but you give me so many openings!
lexi said:Perfect opportunity to transition! :lol.
Sorry, I should stop but you give me so many openings!
Gaborn said:I thought it was the goal of a MTF to add more of those(ok, that was bad, really bad. Sorry. I'll go sit in a corner now.)
Charron said:I have no idea what's going on here anymore.
water_wendi said:Sorry Alfarif but thats too funny to not giggle :lol
Alfarif said:I find that the best way to get away with reading anything you don't want someone to know you're reading is to put Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" book cover over your hardback. Juuuuuust saying.
Android18a said:My family is JW tooIt's hard, I can't let my guard down for a second. Speaking of which *clears history*
shidoshi said:On the voice thing, if we had more people here, I think it'd be fun for all of us to record our best girly voices, upload them to somewhere private, and then see if we could figure out who is who.
And I'd love to do stuff like SingStar and whatnot, but god almighty I have a terrible singing voice.
lexi said:Speaking of broke, I need a new job. I hate my current one. Did someone mention $100 per half hour with camming?
Let me maintain the fantasy that I would be passable enough to pull that kind of money
How do you make sure that you don't sound silly trying to speak like a woman? I'm always concerned about that becaus you can't hear your own voice like other people do.
Tyrant_Onion said:How do you make sure that you don't sound silly trying to speak like a woman? I'm always concerned about that because you can't hear your own voice like other people do.
Well since I got a cat I found myself speaking more often higher and rather feminine (not much more though) because people tend to speak softer to cute things and she's practicaly the only living thing I speak to beside my parents and my therapist.
lexi said:You record yourself and listen back, this is the only way to improve.
Tyrant_Onion said:Sounds like my mother tries to parody a gay man! :lol
Pretty much this. More seriously though, I'm fairly certain no such documentary exists because no one would want to watch it (except you apparently :lol ). If you want to know more about the surgeries, you'll definitely have to read. While you're at it, you might then want to start reading the essays of Sandy Stone and the like. Then I'm positive you'll know more than us. :lollexi said:Alarif, I'm pretty sure you now know more about transgender issues than anybody here, we should be asking YOU the questions!
Android18a said:*practices voice*
*gets funny look from coworkers*
*vows never to do that at work again*
tehAinsley said:That makes two of us. :lol
Besides, crazy is more fun than sane any day of the week.![]()
LCGeek said:That's my kind of member.![]()
Hello Tgaf just a friendly m2f letting her nutty shine in just a little bit.
Jamie xxoo said:Really? Haha.
I just stayed up well past midnight reading this whole thread. I'm so impressed that it didn't just disintegrate into "hur hur tranny surprise hur hur"!
tehAinsley said:Aye we've exchanged messages a couple time. Names cursedhopes on the 'ole YouTube. xD
Jamie xxoo said:Oh I know you! You're the one who uses the right spelling of "you're"! :lol