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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

blame space said:
except for bisexuals. they're just whores.

note: not responding directly to dragona, just the consensus that I get from the LGBT community.

Bisexuals aren't just whores, they just happen to be whores. A world of difference!


NewGamePlus said:
Yay! I'm finally seeing my doctor on Saturday! I'm so excited I'm having trouble forming the rest of this sentence!
No, really that took me a minute

Congratulations! I know that excitement! We'll be here for you when you're crying your eyes out in a week or two. :p

So, I was just talking to a friend about how my HRT is progressing and I realized that this would be better placed in the public domain for the betterment of society. And maybe I've already covered some of this, but my short term memory is whimpering and laying the corner atm, so here goes anyway.

It's only lately that I've consciously realized that I'm not as strong as I used to be. I was never exactly an action hero, but I am noticing that day to day things are a litttttle harder to do. For example, opening my fridge. Where I could once effortlessly pull it open, I have to expend a bit energy now and sometimes even pivot with my hips to get it open. Before you say anything my fridge does this weird vacuum thingy that I know most fridges do but this is taken to the next level. Also, Unlocking my heavy deadlocked front door takes a bit of shifting my body weight, whereas I used to turn it relatively easily.

There's more but I already feel like I've typed too much so I may continue later.


sparkle this bitch
lexi said:
Congratulations! I know that excitement! We'll be here for you when you're crying your eyes out in a week or two. :p

So, I was just talking to a friend about how my HRT is progressing and I realized that this would be better placed in the public domain for the betterment of society. And maybe I've already covered some of this, but my short term memory is whimpering and laying the corner atm, so here goes anyway.

It's only lately that I've consciously realized that I'm not as strong as I used to be. I was never exactly an action hero, but I am noticing that day to day things are a litttttle harder to do. For example, opening my fridge. Where I could once effortlessly pull it open, I have to expend a bit energy now and sometimes even pivot with my hips to get it open. Before you say anything my fridge does this weird vacuum thingy that I know most fridges do but this is taken to the next level. Also, Unlocking my heavy deadlocked front door takes a bit of shifting my body weight, whereas I used to turn it relatively easily.
I'd sacrifice much of the physical strength I have for the nice slender arms you have. :lol


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
It's only lately that I've consciously realized that I'm not as strong as I used to be. I was never exactly an action hero, but I am noticing that day to day things are a litttttle harder to do. For example, opening my fridge. Where I could once effortlessly pull it open, I have to expend a bit energy now and sometimes even pivot with my hips to get it open. Before you say anything my fridge does this weird vacuum thingy that I know most fridges do but this is taken to the next level. Also, Unlocking my heavy deadlocked front door takes a bit of shifting my body weight, whereas I used to turn it relatively easily.

See, I was wondering if HRT really changes you that much. It seems like a lot of MtF get very, very skinny from the videos I've seen, while FtM get a lot bigger. Of course that's muscle mass, but I didn't know at what extent that went (since, most of the time all I'm seeing are the transitioning videos and pictures). What I mean is that perhaps the TG person was already skinny or already more muscler beforehand, simply because of lifestyle choices. Would I be correct in that assumption?

Dragona Akehi said:
Gods, if everyone were 100% bisexual, life would be so much better for everyone. And sexier too!

A 100% sexier life sounds good to me!


lexi said:
Congratulations! I know that excitement! We'll be here for you when you're crying your eyes out in a week or two. :p

Yeah, the hormones REALLY can mess with you if Lexi is any judge :p

So, I was just talking to a friend about how my HRT is progressing and I realized that this would be better placed in the public domain for the betterment of society. And maybe I've already covered some of this, but my short term memory is whimpering and laying the corner atm, so here goes anyway.

It's only lately that I've consciously realized that I'm not as strong as I used to be. I was never exactly an action hero, but I am noticing that day to day things are a litttttle harder to do. For example, opening my fridge. Where I could once effortlessly pull it open, I have to expend a bit energy now and sometimes even pivot with my hips to get it open. Before you say anything my fridge does this weird vacuum thingy that I know most fridges do but this is taken to the next level. Also, Unlocking my heavy deadlocked front door takes a bit of shifting my body weight, whereas I used to turn it relatively easily.

There's more but I already feel like I've typed too much so I may continue later.

Lexi, you might not be physically all that strong... but please don't ever say you're not a STRONG woman. You're one of the strongest, smartest, best people I know.
Gaborn said:
Lexi, you might not be physically all that strong... but please don't ever say you're not a STRONG woman. You're one of the strongest, smartest, best people I know.
Awwwww, that was even sweeter than all the Cadbury creme eggs that have been consumed this week.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Gaborn said:
Lexi, you might not be physically all that strong... but please don't ever say you're not a STRONG woman. You're one of the strongest, smartest, best people I know.

Big ups on that post, man. Strong women need to hear when they are strong, because men simply do not give them enough credit or thumbs up in life. Aw, all the love in this thread warms my heart.


If you girls are looking for trans songs or whatever check out Rebel Rebel by David Bowie.

I heard it didn't refer to you and was more of a girl anthem but I think the lyrics say otherwise, really great song though.


NewGamePlus said:
Awwwww, that was even sweeter than all the Cadbury creme eggs that have been consumed this week.

Mm, but only just. I ate half my supply yesterday AND half a pizza. Yes, I was upset.

Thank you Gaborn, you've been
sweet recently <3


NewGamePlus said:
Awwwww, that was even sweeter than all the Cadbury creme eggs that have been consumed this week.

Alfarif said:
Big ups on that post, man. Strong women need to hear when they are strong, because men simply do not give them enough credit or thumbs up in life. Aw, all the love in this thread warms my heart.

lexi said:
Mm, but only just. I ate half my supply yesterday AND half a pizza. Yes, I was upset.

Thank you Gaborn, you're being
sweet recently <3

*blush* You're welcome Lexi, and I'm glad NewGamePlus and Alfarif approve
I'll get you for that :p


This American Life re-ran an older episode last weekend, about how in the 1970's homosexuality was removed from the DSM4 and no longer considered a mental illness by the psychiatric community. Give it a listen, if I remember correctly it's pretty good.


So that makes me wonder, is transsexualism still considered a mental disorder?


border said:
This American Life re-ran an older episode last weekend, about how in the 1970's homosexuality was removed from the DSM4 and no longer considered a mental illness by the psychiatric community. Give it a listen, if I remember correctly it's pretty good.


So that makes me wonder, is transsexualism still considered a mental disorder?

DSM 4? You mean DSM 2. DSM 4 didn't come out until '94.
Alfarif said:
See, I was wondering if HRT really changes you that much. It seems like a lot of MtF get very, very skinny from the videos I've seen, while FtM get a lot bigger. Of course that's muscle mass, but I didn't know at what extent that went (since, most of the time all I'm seeing are the transitioning videos and pictures). What I mean is that perhaps the TG person was already skinny or already more muscler beforehand, simply because of lifestyle choices. Would I be correct in that assumption?

Go actually try wearing women's clothes and you'll find out why we at least WANT to lose weight after starting HRT. I was so shocked when I started dressing as a girl (I never did until a gender therapist told me I better try it if I want to transition) at how much of the female body is put on display with regular buy-in-any-store clothing. You feel practically naked compared to getting around in guy's baggy jeans and sloppy t-shirts. Everything is super-fitting and cut high and exposes things and is see-through and needs to be layered if you have any modesty at all.

I've noticed a lot of stick-thin transwomen too, and it seems to be they just have that sort of metabolism to start with even before transition, like they couldn't put on weight if they tried. I was always the look-at-a-donut-put-on-10-pounds type. Maybe that's why I put on weight since HRT. Or maybe it's because I stopped running 80 km a week due to an injury. Hmmm. Mystery. ;)

Take away testosterone though and the body naturally breaks down muscle and stores more fat, lifestyle factors aside.
border said:
So that makes me wonder, is transsexualism still considered a mental disorder?

It's diagnosed as one, but it's the ONLY one that requires a surgical cure. There is a lot of pressure to remove it from the DSM. A lot of us find it insulting. I personally see it as a medical problem (having the wrong genetic code for sexual characteristics) that has psychological effects on the sufferer due to the symptoms. Like having chronic extreme acne can have psychological effects on the sufferer. A lot of trans people would disagree strongly though. We all experience it uniquely and work out our whys and hows based on that experience.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Jamie xxoo said:
Go actually try wearing women's clothes

I am not afraid to admit that I have before and after being with my wife. I don't know what I would do if I had to wear skinny jeans and baby t's, since I'm pretty much a baggy shirt kind of guy (stick thin all my life, then I suddenly got a fat stomach but skinny everything else... go figure).

I've noticed a lot of stick-thin transwomen too, and it seems to be they just have that sort of metabolism to start with even before transition, like they couldn't put on weight if they tried. I was always the look-at-a-donut-put-on-10-pounds type. Maybe that's why I put on weight since HRT. Or maybe it's because I stopped running 80 km a week due to an injury. Hmmm. Mystery. ;)

Mystery solved!

Pretty much all of the women I've seen didn't seem to have the builds of someone who might have been into physical activity beforehand... at least not the heavy "male-centric" athletic variety.

Take away testosterone though and the body naturally breaks down muscle and stores more fat, lifestyle factors aside.

This I did not know. You learn something new every day. Themoreyouknow.gif

NewGamePlus said:
Yes it is. The only one cured with plastic surgery too. ;)
You can read about it more on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_identity_disorder
There are many people trying to get it removed for DSM-V.

Something I was watching the other day said something about the development of the fetus and how the brain and the body can develop in completely different ways, which leads to gender identity issues. Something along the lines of the brain will develop either male or female traits, while the body does the polar opposite. What's the truth in this?


Jamie xxoo said:
I've noticed a lot of stick-thin transwomen too, and it seems to be they just have that sort of metabolism to start with even before transition, like they couldn't put on weight if they tried. I was always the look-at-a-donut-put-on-10-pounds type. Maybe that's why I put on weight since HRT. Or maybe it's because I stopped running 80 km a week due to an injury. Hmmm. Mystery. ;)

Take away testosterone though and the body naturally breaks down muscle and stores more fat, lifestyle factors aside.
You'll hate me, but since starting HRT I've lost weight. About 7-8kg so far. I am not stick thin, however.
lexi said:
You'll hate me, but since starting HRT I've lost weight. About 7-8kg so far. I am not stick thin, however.

Why would I hate you for that? LOL. Lots of girls lose weight just due to shrinking muscle mass, some stop comfort eating because they feel more positive, lots of reasons why it can happen. I'm not fat or anything, just not the rock-hard sinewy stick figure I was.


Android18a said:

I sooo want to start HRT. Hmmm.... o_o I hate my situation right now.

You and me both. But, we'll get there! No doubt about that. Because we're awesome. And you can't deny the will of awesome. :D


Alfarif said:
I am not afraid to admit that I have before and after being with my wife. I don't know what I would do if I had to wear skinny jeans and baby t's, since I'm pretty much a baggy shirt kind of guy (stick thin all my life, then I suddenly got a fat stomach but skinny everything else... go figure).

Okay, you forced our hand with this!



This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Okay, you forced our hand with this!

My wife is going to kill you. Ooooooh man. Can't a guy be in touch with his feminine side without having to be a cup of half and half? Oh, who am I kidding? The pink and blue is so much better than the big yellow question mark.

Edit: I still think those graphics look awesome. I'm really going to have to get Android to make me some graphics sometime.

Android18a said:

I sooo want to start HRT. Hmmm.... o_o I hate my situation right now.

tehAinsley said:
You and me both. But, we'll get there! No doubt about that. Because we're awesome. And you can't deny the will of awesome.

This kind of leads to another one of my random questions: before starting hormones, did any of you ladies buy prosthetics and wear clothing out anyway? Or did you wait until the hormones had done a bit of the work for you? The Gwen Araujo story made me think of that when I watched it the other day.

aoi tsuki

shidoshi's story reminded me of one i saw on Oprah:

In April 2005, Oprah interviewed Jenny , a woman who'd previously been known as Jim, a married male college professor. "Jim told his wife, Deedie, that he had to have a sex change or he would die," Oprah says. "And get this—they stayed married."


Honestly, if i were in the wife's shoes i don't think that i could maintain the marriage as it were. i'd definitely want to be part of my former partner's life, but their transitioning to a male would would likely turn me off physically and sexually.

At the same time, i couldn't handle knowing they were hurting because they couldn't be who they were. If it were someone i truly loved, imagine i would want them to be true to themselves moreso than maintaing a facade for the sake of our marriage.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
aoi tsuki said:
shidoshi's story reminded me of one i saw on Oprah:


Honestly, if i were in the wife's shoes i don't think that i could maintain the marriage as it were. i'd definitely want to be part of my former partner's life, but their transitioning to a male would would likely turn me off physically and sexually.

At the same time, i couldn't handle knowing they were hurting because they couldn't be who they were. If it were someone i truly loved, imagine i would want them to be true to themselves moreso than maintaing a facade for the sake of our marriage.

I just spent the better part of an hour going through all of that. There were like multiple shows of related stuff. I didn't know Oprah did all of that! Wow!

On a nowhere near related note, I did not know that the person who played the main role in TransAmerica is also in Desparate Housewives. I don't really pay that much attention to actors and actresses, so I'm completely blown away.
Alfarif said:
This kind of leads to another one of my random questions: before starting hormones, did any of you ladies buy prosthetics and wear clothing out anyway? Or did you wait until the hormones had done a bit of the work for you? The Gwen Araujo story made me think of that when I watched it the other day.

I'd like to go out anyway, but I can't make the real effort here (eyebrow shaving, general femme appearance) easily without the risk of my rents working it all out... but I'm hot, so I could pull it off if I had the chance.


Android18a said:
but I'm hot, so I could pull it off if I had the chance.

Modest too.

Btw, I know Alfarif asked about this earlier, and I'm doing it by PM request only, but I have a photo of me pre-hormones and a photo of me 2 months on hormones, in the same pose. I'm actually sort of amazed that there's already differences and up until this point I hadn't even noticed.
lexi said:
Modest too.

Miss Modesty, thats what they called me. When I was Queen. I was Queen you know? I had tens of thousands of people at my command. I felt like a god! But I was always modest. Sometimes I even let people look at me.


Android18a said:
I'd like to go out anyway, but I can't make the real effort here (eyebrow shaving, general femme appearance) easily without the risk of my rents working it all out... but I'm hot, so I could pull it off if I had the chance.
Prove it.
Android18a said:
Miss Modesty, thats what they called me. When I was Queen. I was Queen you know? I had tens of thousands of people at my command. I felt like a god! But I was always modest. Sometimes I even let people look at me.

:lol :lol :lol


Alfarif said:
This kind of leads to another one of my random questions: before starting hormones, did any of you ladies buy prosthetics and wear clothing out anyway? Or did you wait until the hormones had done a bit of the work for you? The Gwen Araujo story made me think of that when I watched it the other day.

I'll be going with option number 2 if no other reason than I r teh scared to do otherwise. Most I'd do is wear some womens jeans out, if that. Memphis is known for how extremely intolerant it is and I'd rather not tempt fate, so there it is.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Haha, I just did. I was out for a bit today so I didn't get a chance to check the thread except for a quick second earlier.

Like I said in my response, it has had a noticeable effect. I can see how it's thinning your face and making it much more feminine looking. Did it also quicken your nail growth and/or do something to your hair? Your hair seems to have more "shine" to it, if that makes any sense, and I'm not talking about from products, either. Female hair seems to have more "body" than male hair, but I'm completely bald so what do I know about hair? :lol


Nail and hair growth rate is about the same. I've always had thick hair but it does seem to have more volume and body now, I don't know about the shine. :p


Neo Member
lexi said:
Modest too.

Btw, I know Alfarif asked about this earlier, and I'm doing it by PM request only, but I have a photo of me pre-hormones and a photo of me 2 months on hormones, in the same pose. I'm actually sort of amazed that there's already differences and up until this point I hadn't even noticed.
Hi. I'm Alfarif's wife. He showed me the two pictures of you that you had sent. I can definitely see a difference already in your appearance. Your face is more slender and softer looking. And I'm not sure if you had you nails done at a salon or if they are natural. But they look better than my nails do! :D


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Fridays are always so slow because everyone is off doing fun things while I'm at work.

What's everyone's weekend looking like?

Alliekat said:
Hi. I'm Alfarif's wife. He showed me the two pictures of you that you had sent. I can definitely see a difference already in your appearance. Your face is more slender and softer looking. And I'm not sure if you had you nails done at a salon or if they are natural. But they look better than my nails do! :D

Hello, stalker. I advise you do not look at the first page with the half blue/half pink person next to my name. I can explain!


Alliekat said:
Hi. I'm Alfarif's wife. He showed me the two pictures of you that you had sent. I can definitely see a difference already in your appearance. Your face is more slender and softer looking. And I'm not sure if you had you nails done at a salon or if they are natural. But they look better than my nails do! :D

Hi! Welcome to to the thread and GAF!

Yes, very slight and subtle changes so far, but I'm happy they are noticeable. I maintain my own nails, so, thank you. :p


Neo Member
Alfarif said:
Hello, stalker. I advise you do not look at the first page with the half blue/half pink person next to my name. I can explain!
Hey, I'm no stalker! You're the one that helped me finally be able to use my account on here! :lol And I already saw the graphic, LOL. It's hilarious! You knew it was coming with all of your posts in this thread containing all the information you've been learning. Then again, if I would have been able to post before, I would have been in the same boat with you. I've just been reading with you while you post till now. :lol


Alliekat said:
Hi. I'm Alfarif's wife.

Hello there! Welcome to the thread and NeoGAF, hope ya find it as awesome as we do!

Alfarif said:
What's everyone's weekend looking like?

Only thing in the foreseeable future for me is work, and a tiny nit of sleep. Until Monday that is. Then FREEEEDOM! :lol


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Android18a said:
Miss Modesty, thats what they called me. When I was Queen. I was Queen you know? I had tens of thousands of people at my command. I felt like a god! But I was always modest. Sometimes I even let people look at me.

How in the heck did I completely and utterly miss this post? I'm over here cracking up.

Alliekat said:
You knew it was coming with all of your posts in this thread containing all the information you've been learning.

Hush you! Sometimes you need to research to gain worldly knowledge. Can you blame me?:lol

tehAinsley said:
Only thing in the foreseeable future for me is work, and a tiny nit of sleep. Until Monday that is. Then FREEEEDOM! :lol

Wait, you're becoming William Wallace?

I hate Fridays because they consist of a good day at home or out in the city, then going to work and staring at a computer screen inside a nice American cubicle. But the weekend should be good. It's going to be warm finally, so we're going to the museum and the park.


Neo Member
lexi said:
Hi! Welcome to to the thread and GAF!

Yes, very slight and subtle changes so far, but I'm happy they are noticeable. I maintain my own nails, so, thank you. :p
Thanks for the welcome! And it sounds like I may be getting some nail tips from you. : ) Although, everytime my nails start to look good again, it seems like they get ruined at work again.


Neo Member
Alfarif said:
How in the heck did I completely and utterly miss this post? I'm over here cracking up.

Hush you! Sometimes you need to research to gain worldly knowledge. Can you blame me?:lol
:lol I totally missed that post too. That's awesome.

And, no. I can't blame you. You know I do the same thing.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
Well, Willemina Wallace maybe. :lol

Haha, nice!

Sounds like ya'll have some fun planned. :D

Should be fun. For two weeks after that, we have to pack to move. This will probably be the last weekend that being in our apartment will be something resembling comfort.

Oh, and you working reminded me: did anyone answer the question that was thrown out before about if your workplace was TG friendly? This thread moves so fast during the week that I can't remember everything that's been thrown out there yet.

Dead Man

Android18a said:
Miss Modesty, thats what they called me. When I was Queen. I was Queen you know? I had tens of thousands of people at my command. I felt like a god! But I was always modest. Sometimes I even let people look at me.
:lol Perfect.


Alfarif said:
Should be fun. For two weeks after that, we have to pack to move. This will probably be the last weekend that being in our apartment will be something resembling comfort.

Enjoy that last weekend of awesome. Moving is one of my absolute most hated things on this earth. Hope it goes well, and no one gets too sore. And may Baron Von Vanishing Box not visit your moving truck. That guy is evil. :lol

Alfarif said:
Oh, and you working reminded me: did anyone answer the question that was thrown out before about if your workplace was TG friendly? This thread moves so fast during the week that I can't remember everything that's been thrown out there yet.

My workplace seems to be pretty open about it. I've spoken to my manager a few times about transitioning here and he's completely open to it and willing to do whatever he can to make it go as smoothly as possible. The rest of the supervisory staff has my back as well. But this is all just talk at the moment, ask me again in 6 months and I'll be able to give you better idea.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
Enjoy that last weekend of awesome. Moving is one of my absolute most hated things on this earth. Hope it goes well, and no one gets too sore. And may Baron Von Vanishing Box not visit your moving truck. That guy is evil. :lol

That's why we're going to move it all ourselves! I refuse to let someone steal all my fancy shmancy stuff. :lol

My workplace seems to be pretty open about it. I've spoken to my manager a few times about transitioning here and he's completely open to it and willing to do whatever he can to make it go as smoothly as possible. The rest of the supervisory staff has my back as well. But this is all just talk at the moment, ask me again in 6 months and I'll be able to give you better idea.

I always wonder about things like that. No one really bats an eye when someone is gay. In fact, my department has had a number of gay people come and go, and I don't think anyone's sexuality has ever come up as a topic of conversation, even when I wasn't part of management. We've never had a TG, that I knew, here, though. Maybe there have been others in the company.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Wrath2X said:
OK lets cut the crap, describe his sex skills in the most detailed way possible.

:lol I like you, Wrath. You're straight and to the point on everything!
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