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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


But Destiny is a dance game!

OK, I cant lie... that gif is amazing.


Even though I give it a lot of crap, I sometimes love living in Los Angeles. Had a first appointment at a new dentist today, and when filling out the initial paperwork, I put down the HRT-related stuff that I'm on in the medication section. When my dentist saw that info, she asked me what name I'd prefer her to use. A while back, I went to see a doctor for the first time for something not at all related to transitioning, and when he saw the same list, the only question he had was if I was seeing a doctor or if I was self-medicating (out of concern for my safety).

I really appreciate how much of a non-issue it's been in such situations.


Even though I give it a lot of crap, I sometimes love living in Los Angeles. Had a first appointment at a new dentist today, and when filling out the initial paperwork, I put down the HRT-related stuff that I'm on in the medication section. When my dentist saw that info, she asked me what name I'd prefer her to use. A while back, I went to see a doctor for the first time for something not at all related to transitioning, and when he saw the same list, the only question he had was if I was seeing a doctor or if I was self-medicating (out of concern for my safety).

I really appreciate how much of a non-issue it's been in such situations.

California is definitely a lot more progressive than many other states, which is one of the reasons why I can't wait to move there (in my case, NorCal). I will say that here in Wilmington, NC, I have met a lot of really open-minded and accepting people. It's just a shame more of the state can't be that way, and also not have such transphobic policies.

Beth Cyra

Even though I give it a lot of crap, I sometimes love living in Los Angeles. Had a first appointment at a new dentist today, and when filling out the initial paperwork, I put down the HRT-related stuff that I'm on in the medication section. When my dentist saw that info, she asked me what name I'd prefer her to use. A while back, I went to see a doctor for the first time for something not at all related to transitioning, and when he saw the same list, the only question he had was if I was seeing a doctor or if I was self-medicating (out of concern for my safety).

I really appreciate how much of a non-issue it's been in such situations.

I've had a similar experience up here in Oregon, with a Dentist to actually.

Had top two Wisdom teeth pulled today and everyone at the office called me Beth and was extremely warm and caring trying to use Her/Miss and Bet the entire time.

Total angels that really made the experience great despite having teeth ripped out of my head.


Even though I give it a lot of crap, I sometimes love living in Los Angeles. Had a first appointment at a new dentist today, and when filling out the initial paperwork, I put down the HRT-related stuff that I'm on in the medication section. When my dentist saw that info, she asked me what name I'd prefer her to use. A while back, I went to see a doctor for the first time for something not at all related to transitioning, and when he saw the same list, the only question he had was if I was seeing a doctor or if I was self-medicating (out of concern for my safety).

I really appreciate how much of a non-issue it's been in such situations.

What dentist? I'm a little worried about my follow up in December because I will have to update my medication list, my dentist is in Burbank. Also on the hunt for a new endocrinologist, the one I'm seeing in Canoga Park isn't exactly the most friendly (seeing him for non-trans stuff currently).

I got really depressed going from Seattle weather to back to blasting the AC 24/7. I really like hoodie weather. Want to wear my Sony [Dev]otion hoodie some more :/


^^During high school I would never remove my hoody or sweatpants. The risk of overheating was worth it to hide my body.


What dentist? I'm a little worried about my follow up in December because I will have to update my medication list, my dentist is in Burbank. Also on the hunt for a new endocrinologist, the one I'm seeing in Canoga Park isn't exactly the most friendly (seeing him for non-trans stuff currently).

Sent you a PM about both these things.


Edit: Nice it is on the store, 14.99 a bit high for a digital book but I think I will bite the bullet and check it out.

I kinda want to get this book now.


It's really great. It touches on things that aren't necessarily the focus, but that I found enlightening, like this from the conclusion:

While people may experience expectations of masculinity and femininity as oppressive in some situations, having a feeling of coherence among bodies, personal genders, and social genders can be a major reward for doing gender the "right" way (J. Butler 1989). Showing this pleasure, even feminists have written volumes about the embodied sense of being female, such as the "profoundly physical pleasure of suckling a baby" (D. Smith 2009, 76). Yet feminist theory relegates transwomen to the position of appropriating, rather than embodying, femaleness (J. Butler 2004; Serano 2007). This distinction is hardly unsurprising, as cisgender women write the bulk of feminist theory. From a cisgender yardstick, transgender experiences of gender are inauthentic. Sociology of gender supports this frame by holding on to "sex" as the biological distinctions between males and females (chromosomes, reproductive systems, genitalia), and "gender" as the cultural meaning put onto these differences. This explanation stabilizes a male/female binary as authentic and real - a conceptualization that does not hold up under empirical evidence (Fausto-Sterling 2000; Kessler 1998) - and reifies biological essentialism feminist scholars have long disavowed (De Beauvoir 1953; Chodorow 1978; Mitchell 1966; Hartmann 1979). This need to separate transgender people's experiences with gender from "natural" experiences suggests there is something meaningful to many feminist scholars about the feeling of innate sex/gender coherence. Perhaps the problem with doing gender as a theory is not the focus on accountability but the lack of focus on the pleasure that can come from experiencing this coherence. I acknowledge this pleasure not to normalize it but rather to illustrate why natural differences schemas have proved so intractable in the face of major societal changes in what men and women can do.

Reflecting these major changes, gender theorists today seem to stumble over the best way to represent men and women's experiences without naturalizing a male/masculine and female/feminine model. Gender scholarship that crosses my desk for review often suffers from what I think of as the quotation mark problem. To avoid reifying gender, authors write about "men," "women," "reality," "biology," and "sex." Yet the idea that all of this change suggests a move toward transcending or undoing gender mistakes content and form. The content of masculinities and femininities has changed widely since the 1950s. Yet the form of a male/female binary remains. As the experiences of transmen at work show, people can socially cross this binary; however, attempts to move beyond it (the queering of the binary) often result in penalties. These workplace experiences in this book raise, to me, serious questions of whether a binary as a form can ever be equal, even if the content of the binary undergoes radical change. Retaining sex but trying to transcend gender expresses a desire to "escape domination" while maintaining "fundamental social categories" (Delphy 1993, 1). Without a focus on undoing sex, the content of gender can change, but natural differences schemas deeply linked to biology and tradition will remain untouched, and inequality will continue as business as usual

Beth Cyra

Hey fellow HRT' Members

I was wondering if anyone here actually does the pill form?

I want injection but my insurance may only cover the pills or patches so I wanted to see if maybe someone actually choose them or are in my situation and how they worked for you, if it isn't prying to much.


That girl in the bunny hat
Hey fellow HRT' Members

I was wondering if anyone here actually does the pill form?

I want injection but my insurance may only cover the pills or patches so I wanted to see if maybe someone actually choose them or are in my situation and how they worked for you, if it isn't prying to much.

I do pills for HRT (estradiol and spironolactone). I'm a little underwhelmed with the effects on the whole, but that could easily be because of how my body reacts to HRT in any form. Might not apply to you. They are super-convenient though, just need a drink and I can take 'em whenever, and they're largely covered by insurances.
I just want to introduce myself in the thread. Hi!

I am about 9 months into my transition and just found this thread. I am happy to see a great trans community here on GAF.

Welcome aboard~

Hey fellow HRT' Members

I was wondering if anyone here actually does the pill form?

I want injection but my insurance may only cover the pills or patches so I wanted to see if maybe someone actually choose them or are in my situation and how they worked for you, if it isn't prying to much.

I'm on pills, and they've been about what I expected so far. I've read some people have better results with injections but there still isn't a whole lot of conclusive research on which delivery method is really better as far as I'm aware.

Personally I'd probably be too squeamish to be jabbing myself anyway :s

Beth Cyra

I do pills for HRT (estradiol and spironolactone). I'm a little underwhelmed with the effects on the whole, but that could easily be because of how my body reacts to HRT in any form. Might not apply to you. They are super-convenient though, just need a drink and I can take 'em whenever, and they're largely covered by insurances.
Hmm thanks, I like the convenience I'm just afraid of "weaker" effects but that maybe because of me reading to much negativity online and not something factual.

OMG THANK YOU GAF!!! They changed my name to my new one and I'm so happy!!!!


Hey fellow HRT' Members

I was wondering if anyone here actually does the pill form?

I want injection but my insurance may only cover the pills or patches so I wanted to see if maybe someone actually choose them or are in my situation and how they worked for you, if it isn't prying to much.

I use the pill form but I also use something called Suprefact which basically stops all hormone production and then the pills work really well.

There is some talk through other communities that taking the pills (sublingually) under the tongue helps to boost effectiveness and puts less stress on the liver.


I use the pill form but I also use something called Suprefact which basically stops all hormone production and then the pills work really well.

There is some talk through other communities that taking the pills (sublingually) under the tongue helps to boost effectiveness and puts less stress on the liver.

This is how I take mine.

Pills have been plenty effective for me, which is good, because I'm absolutely terrible with needles.


Does it need to be a specific type of pill to be taken sublingually? Or can it be done with any that dissolves in your mouth?


Does it need to be a specific type of pill to be taken sublingually? Or can it be done with any that dissolves in your mouth?

I use Estrace and I take it under the tongue and have no issues but I can't speak for other pills. If you plan on trying it with a different type of pill you should ask your attending physician before trying it.


Does it need to be a specific type of pill to be taken sublingually? Or can it be done with any that dissolves in your mouth?

If you're going to take your E sublingually, you should definitely get a pill made to be taken that way.


Hey fellow HRT' Members

I was wondering if anyone here actually does the pill form?

I want injection but my insurance may only cover the pills or patches so I wanted to see if maybe someone actually choose them or are in my situation and how they worked for you, if it isn't prying to much.

Anti-T on pill form and E on injection.

Injection is cheaper if your insurance don't cover ... but pills are easy (I don't even need water anymore for them =P)

Beth Cyra

Anti-T on pill form and E on injection.

Injection is cheaper if your insurance don't cover ... but pills are easy (I don't even need water anymore for them =P)

Welcome aboard~

I'm on pills, and they've been about what I expected so far. I've read some people have better results with injections but there still isn't a whole lot of conclusive research on which delivery method is really better as far as I'm aware.

Personally I'd probably be too squeamish to be jabbing myself anyway :s

I use the pill form but I also use something called Suprefact which basically stops all hormone production and then the pills work really well.

There is some talk through other communities that taking the pills (sublingually) under the tongue helps to boost effectiveness and puts less stress on the liver.

Thank you everyone for you kind answers.

especially for the bit about under the tongue as that is something I will keep in mind.

I do know you can take a few things with E, there was a prescription that helps with Hair Growth that the Electrolysis's was talking to me about and I was hoping to get on some for of anti-T to help the effects of the E really have more of an effect.


Every three months, go to the doctor, get your rear end sliced open, and get pills shoved in there. That's how all the cool kids do it!


Lol........I actually dislike Pills and Needles, so this is like my biggest nightmare ever for a doctor visit.

It's actually really easy. You're laying on your stomach, so you don't see anything that's going on. You feel the initial prick of the needle for the local anesthetic, but you don't see it coming, and from there, you feel nothing. I mean, you feel that stuff is going on, but there's absolutely no pain involved.


It's actually really easy. You're laying on your stomach, so you don't see anything that's going on. You feel the initial prick of the needle for the local anesthetic, but you don't see it coming, and from there, you feel nothing. I mean, you feel that stuff is going on, but there's absolutely no pain involved.

I just don't know if I could get behind having pills in my butt.

Beth Cyra

I just don't know if I could get behind having pills in my butt.

lol....just saying it is so weird.

On a serious note, this whole process is what I dread as far as a doctor visit goes regardless of type simply because all the pills and needles involved......that said Im totally hype for it just so I can start feeling more like how I've always wanted to.

That said......pills in the butt is just so WTH??!!!

Beth Cyra

Haha of course it is.

I wouldn't really claim otherwise, its just a weariness of a method (admittedly a very stupid one) for something being added to my body.


I have heard that patches are the weakest in terms of results and injections show the best results but I couldn't do the needle so I went with a pill.


If anyone wants to group up in Destiny on the PS4 my gt is Sarah_Oswin

I'll add you whenever I get around to turning on my PS4... I'm striker42069lol. Account is still under my male name *puke*. Probably shouldn't change it until I get it done legally though which is far away in the fuuuuture.


I'll add you whenever I get around to turning on my PS4... I'm striker42069lol. Account is still under my male name *puke*. Probably shouldn't change it until I get it done legally though which is far away in the fuuuuture.

I really wish Sony would hurry up and allow people to change their PSN IDs. Not that I hate my current name, I'd just like to know that I can move my account over to the "female" ID that I'll be switching my various other accounts to in the upcoming future.


I really wish Sony would hurry up and allow people to change their PSN IDs. Not that I hate my current name, I'd just like to know that I can move my account over to the "female" ID that I'll be switching my various other accounts to in the upcoming future.

Yeah, same deal for me. Slowly making new accounts where it makes sense like Twitter, but stuff like my B.net account or Sony account I want to keep and just change all the IDs on. Seems like it will take a while to phase out all my old emails and website accounts.


I'll add you whenever I get around to turning on my PS4... I'm striker42069lol. Account is still under my male name *puke*. Probably shouldn't change it until I get it done legally though which is far away in the fuuuuture.

Cool I look forward to exploring with you!

You can also make a second account that better represents your true self which is what I did because I wasn't ready to come out at the time. It didn't hurt that my old account had a really stupid name either :D


Cool I look forward to exploring with you!

You can also make a second account that better represents your true self which is what I did because I wasn't ready to come out at the time. It didn't hurt that my old account had a really stupid name either :D

But all my trophies :(


If anyone wants to group up in Destiny on the PS4 my gt is Sarah_Oswin

I tried adding you on PSN but it wasn't pulling up your account. I don't know if my PS4 was just being weird, but my ID is SpaceKathryn if you'd like to team up with me in Destiny. ^^

lol....just saying it is so weird.

On a serious note, this whole process is what I dread as far as a doctor visit goes regardless of type simply because all the pills and needles involved......that said Im totally hype for it just so I can start feeling more like how I've always wanted to.

That said......pills in the butt is just so WTH??!!!

At this point I just want my pills. I still don't know how I feel about butt-pills though; I think putting them in my mouth is fine with me. :p

Cool I look forward to exploring with you!

You can also make a second account that better represents your true self which is what I did because I wasn't ready to come out at the time. It didn't hurt that my old account had a really stupid name either :D

This is what I did. I don't care about trophies, so I just made a new account and have been adding people to my friends list since then.


Some of you ladies haven't even started HRT yet and you've decided on names? Man, that means I am way behind... There are just so many good ones though! Kinda curious how all you girls here finally decided on your name. Like was it love at first sight or months of deliberation?

Beth Cyra

I tried adding you on PSN but it wasn't pulling up your account. I don't know if my PS4 was just being weird, but my ID is SpaceKathryn if you'd like to team up with me in Destiny. ^^

At this point I just want my pills. I still don't know how I feel about butt-pills though; I think putting them in my mouth is fine with me. :p

This is what I did. I don't care about trophies, so I just made a new account and have been adding people to my friends list since then.
I'm with you on just wanting it.

Now that I've been approved by my therapist I'm so ready to start it almost hurts.

As far as Destiny goes my PSN is TruePrime and my real name is Beth Syra, I'd love to play with Transgaf on some games if we have room on the fire team for me.

Some of you ladies haven't even started HRT yet and you've decided on names? Man, that means I am way behind... There are just so many good ones though! Kinda curious how all you girls here finally decided on your name. Like was it love at first sight or months of deliberation?

I've always loved the name Elizabeth and my middle name is based on my wife, the most important and amazing woman I've ever met, so it was very simple for me.


Some of you ladies haven't even started HRT yet and you've decided on names? Man, that means I am way behind... There are just so many good ones though! Kinda curious how all you girls here finally decided on your name. Like was it love at first sight or months of deliberation?

Deciding on a name was pretty natural and easy for me; I wanted a name that would sound nice with my last name, and I always loved the name "Katherine," but wanted something a little more unique, so I ended up with Kathryn.

I've stuck with it and it just feels right.

I'm with you on just wanting it.

Now that I've been approved by my therapist I'm so ready to start it almost hurts.

As far as Destiny goes my PSN is TruePrime and my real name is Beth Syra, I'd love to play with Transgaf on some games if we have room on the fire team for me.

I've always loved the name Elizabeth and my middle name is based on my wife, the most important and amazing woman I've ever met, so it was very simple for me.

Congrats on being approved! I can't wait to start. I actually would have started earlier, but haven't for health reasons. But once I feel the time is right I'm going to go to this informed consent clinic, and get my pills.

Also I sent you a friend request! ^^


Some of you ladies haven't even started HRT yet and you've decided on names? Man, that means I am way behind... There are just so many good ones though! Kinda curious how all you girls here finally decided on your name. Like was it love at first sight or months of deliberation?

I went through a couple of names before deciding on Olivia. Oddly enough, I used games to test them out. A lot of Pokemon nuzlocke runs before deciding on what I really liked.

Beth Cyra

Deciding on a name was pretty natural and easy for me; I wanted a name that would sound nice with my last name, and I always loved the name "Katherine," but wanted something a little more unique, so I ended up with Kathryn.

I've stuck with it and it just feels right.

Congrats on being approved! I can't wait to start. I actually would have started earlier, but haven't for health reasons. But once I feel the time is right I'm going to go to this informed consent clinic, and get my pills.

Also I sent you a friend request! ^^
Thanks Kathryn, I'll add you back after work!


Some of you ladies haven't even started HRT yet and you've decided on names? Man, that means I am way behind... There are just so many good ones though! Kinda curious how all you girls here finally decided on your name. Like was it love at first sight or months of deliberation?

I kept trying to be clever and/or practical coming with my name for a little bit, but none of those names stuck. My birth name is gender neutral, but I knew there was too much baggage to hold onto it. Finally I found a name that I knew was perfect, even though it was neither practical nor clever.

I hadn't even figured out if I was going to transition or remain closeted during the time I was figuring out a name though, so there was no need to rush into anything.


I tried adding you on PSN but it wasn't pulling up your account. I don't know if my PS4 was just being weird, but my ID is SpaceKathryn if you'd like to team up with me in Destiny. ^^

This is what I did. I don't care about trophies, so I just made a new account and have been adding people to my friends list since then.

Sorry Sarah is my name but my PS ID is Sara_Oswin Adding the H is becoming a force of habit. I sent and friend request to both you and Beth.


Some of you ladies haven't even started HRT yet and you've decided on names? Man, that means I am way behind... There are just so many good ones though! Kinda curious how all you girls here finally decided on your name. Like was it love at first sight or months of deliberation?

When I saw Sarah I knew it was my name but there were a few that I kinda tossed around. I am a big fan of Firefly and was considering Kaylee and also Clara(Oswald) from Dr Who.

Never feel behind in regards to transitioning because when you start to compare your progress with others it will really bum you out. Be happy that you now know your true self and focus on getting to the point where you can express her.

Beth Cyra

Sorry Sarah is my name but my PS ID is Sara_Oswin Adding the H is becoming a force of habit. I sent and friend request to both you and Beth.
Can I just say I'm totally in love with you ladies? It never gets old to have people address you in the way that you've always wanted.


When I saw Sarah I knew it was my name but there were a few that I kinda tossed around. I am a big fan of Firefly and was considering Kaylee and also Clara(Oswald) from Dr Who.

Never feel behind in regards to transitioning because when you start to compare your progress with others it will really bum you out. Be happy that you now know your true self and focus on getting to the point where you can express her.

Hah, Sarah is my mom's name. Right now I'm kinda mulling over Ellie for my late grandmother, Courtney for the first friend I ever had, or simply just Kate to sound close to my original name. I think Ellie is pulling ahead...

But yeah, I've learned that second part the hard way.


When I saw Sarah I knew it was my name but there were a few that I kinda tossed around. I am a big fan of Firefly and was considering Kaylee and also Clara(Oswald) from Dr Who.

I was about to post "...maybe because I live in south america ... but Firefly is a pretty weird name ...." xD

You people make it too complicated ... with great naming powers comes great responsability xD
I just add a letter to my id name (girl version) because my name "if I was born a girl" is ... my sister's name =P
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