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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


I was about to post "...maybe because I live in south america ... but Firefly is a pretty weird name ...." xD

You people make it too complicated ... with great naming powers comes great responsability xD
I just add a letter to my id name (girl version) because my name "if I was born a girl" is ... my sister's name =P

I can't handle the female version of my male name, I feel like I need to get as far away from it as possible. Changing my entire name, though I dunno what to pick for a middle name yet.

Beth Cyra

I can't handle the female version of my male name, I feel like I need to get as far away from it as possible. Changing my entire name, though I dunno what to pick for a middle name yet.
Haha this was

My name was Maxwell....so Maxine? No freaking way was I finally having my dream come true only to have people call me that *shivers*


Keith to Kate wouldn't be too bad but I think I can do better.

I can't even stay one week with the same wallpaper ... let alone choose something that will follow me forever =P

Or maybe I just find the entire idea of "choosing a name" kinda wrong ...you are not making an mmorpg character ... if cis people can not like their names and have zero choice about it, I think it is fair that we have little choice as possible ...


I definitely had my name picked out before I starts hormones. I've had this obsession with names for a long time, picking them for the characters I make for different stories or projects, finding first + last name combinations that have a specific harmony when said together, etc.

Part of my "subcontioualy knowing something was up but know knowing what was up" was making girl accounts on sites and deciding what name I'd use, and when name I'm going with was the one I found myself coming back to over and over. I liked it, I could identify with it, it works well with my last name, and it's a very redhead-sounding name. *heh*

Beth Cyra

I was wondering, do any of my fellow ladies have a good suggestion for numbing gel for Electrolsys? I read about something called Green Cane but I'm not seeing it on Amazon.

I want to do some more sensitive areas like my lip and certain.neck areas and it's.suggested I numb it for maximum shock so I get best effectiveness.


I was wondering, do any of my fellow ladies have a good suggestion for numbing gel for Electrolsys? I read about something called Green Cane but I'm not seeing it on Amazon.

I want to do some more sensitive areas like my lip and certain.neck areas and it's.suggested I numb it for maximum shock so I get best effectiveness.

This sounds like a really good idea. Need to keep this in mind when it comes time to do electrolysis.


I've used pain killers during a few sessions. Last time like three minutes prior and thus it didn't work until after the session. Ouch.

Gotta be more careful this week.


I was wondering, do any of my fellow ladies have a good suggestion for numbing gel for Electrolsys? I read about something called Green Cane but I'm not seeing it on Amazon.

I want to do some more sensitive areas like my lip and certain.neck areas and it's.suggested I numb it for maximum shock so I get best effectiveness.

Stuff I use is LMX5. Basically, it's a product based around lidocaine. You can find 4% or 5%, and while 5% is more expensive, I feel like it provides a little better numbing action. I usually put in on a half hour before my session, except for the really tough areas, such as the upper lip. For that, I'll do have of my lip, and then put it on the other half right when I get to my appointment. That way, by the time she's gotten to the other side, the effect hasn't worn off yet.

The downside is that standard pain relievers don't do much good. I even got a test prescription for Vicodin to try out, and that was of almost no value. However, I never tried a double dose, which may have helped (but I'm not hopeful).

Unfortunately, the best painkiller is just doing what you can to get used to it.


I was wondering, do any of my fellow ladies have a good suggestion for numbing gel for Electrolsys? I read about something called Green Cane but I'm not seeing it on Amazon.

I want to do some more sensitive areas like my lip and certain.neck areas and it's.suggested I numb it for maximum shock so I get best effectiveness.

I have like ghost white skin and black hair so I was a good candidate for laser hair removal. It is painful for the first few sessions until the hair diminishes. You could always try that if you are in a similar situation


I know I wasn't the target of this question, but it ended up that PAX Prime made things worse for me. *heh*

How so?

Things changed from being jealous to being tired from standing all day to just hating how my body ended up after a week away from my daily routine and shaving. Happy right now because I have a few days to get things back on track, and can go back to counting down the days until my doctors appointment (15!).

And I have kitties to cuddle again :3

I'm glad to hear the jealous stopped, though it's a shame your focus ended up shifting to another aspect of your dysphoria. I've experienced similar when I've been away for a few days from home and not had access to a razor. Sucks. Good luck with your doctor's appointment. : )

It's pretty incredible what can be achieved with FFS.

I'm thinking after a year on hormones I'll start seriously looking into surgery. I'm not totally sure what the recommended timeline for FFS is though. Also there's being able to afford it; from what I've read Dr. Bart seems very reasonable, so he might be an option.

You have a PM. : )

Hey fellow HRT' Members

I was wondering if anyone here actually does the pill form?

I want injection but my insurance may only cover the pills or patches so I wanted to see if maybe someone actually choose them or are in my situation and how they worked for you, if it isn't prying to much.

Similar to Hop, I do estradiol in pill form (6mg a day split into three). I've had pretty good results apart from my face. Skins's a lot softer, hair growth isn't as strong, and I've developed curves as well as other appreciable things. About the only annoying thing is I have a slight belly now, which I never used to have (I'm a skinny wretch). I did do patches for a while (Climara), but they fell off all the time and had to be kept being re-applied.

As for the name discussion. I changed all of my names. My dad's family have treated him pretty badly in the past, and apart from him and my sister, none of them want anything to do with me, so it wasn't difficult to abandon my surname. I ended up taking my grandma's old one before she got married to my granddad (he was horrible to her, so I wouldn't take his either).

As for my forename, Silent Hill 3 has a lot to answer for.

Beth Cyra

I have like ghost white skin and black hair so I was a good candidate for laser hair removal. It is painful for the first few sessions until the hair diminishes. You could always try that if you are in a similar situation

Thanks for the suggestion!!

I was actually looking into it a bit because Groupon has a deal going locally for Laser, but it's listed as for women only so I don't know if they would take a Pre Op Woman or not.

Stuff I use is LMX5. Basically, it's a product based around lidocaine. You can find 4% or 5%, and while 5% is more expensive, I feel like it provides a little better numbing action. I usually put in on a half hour before my session, except for the really tough areas, such as the upper lip. For that, I'll do have of my lip, and then put it on the other half right when I get to my appointment. That way, by the time she's gotten to the other side, the effect hasn't worn off yet.

The downside is that standard pain relievers don't do much good. I even got a test prescription for Vicodin to try out, and that was of almost no value. However, I never tried a double dose, which may have helped (but I'm not hopeful).

Unfortunately, the best painkiller is just doing what you can to get used to it.

Yeah I imagined that just getting use to it would be the best, the thing is I was able to take over half the strength she for the device? I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, and that seems off lol!

Anyway I was thinking if I used a numbing gel I could likely get to the rest of Shock output for maximum results. Thank you for the information Shidoshi!


I'm in the airport, I'm dressed like a bum, I haven't shaved in probably three day now, and yet every single gendered word that has been used in my direction (by four different people so far) has been female.

I mean, man it makes me feel good, but I'm also sitting here laughing from how hilarious I find it. Part of me wishes I'd get a "sir" or something to knock my ego back down to proper levels. *laughs*

That weekend was when it really hit me how much I hate public restrooms at this point. I mean, I've always disliked them, but now I'm living in this in-between world where I'm getting weird looks and people directly telling me I'm in the wrong place when going in the men's room, yet I nowhere near feel confident (or passable) enough to use the women's.

I used the PAX gender neutral bathroom, and both times there were only women in there the entire time. It might as well have been me being I the actual women's restroom, and both times I felt like some sort of outsider who was somewhere they didn't belong.

Now, every time I'm ready to enter a public restroom, there's this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Fun.

As for my forename, Silent Hill 3 has a lot to answer for.

Can I just say that I love you?

Beth Cyra

Are we looking to VC on Destiny? I only ask because I still haven't picked up a next gen headset, and I was thinking of order the gold if TransGaf will be chatting so I can be apart of the conversation with my fellow ladies.


Are we looking to VC on Destiny? I only ask because I still haven't picked up a next gen headset, and I was thinking of order the gold if TransGaf will be chatting so I can be apart of the conversation with my fellow ladies.

Well my voice is horrible right now so I'm kind of horribly afraid to talk to people. I'm still in a weird phase where I'm working out my voice by talking like a cartoon character, but then trying to sound male around everyone but my wife... so I probably sound like a crazy person right now.

Beth Cyra

Well my voice is horrible right now so I'm kind of horribly afraid to talk to people. I'm still in a weird phase where I'm working out my voice by talking like a cartoon character, but then trying to sound male around everyone but my wife... so I probably sound like a crazy person right now.

I can undertand that, and Im honestly far, far worse ten you Alchemy.

I am trying to slowly work on my voice but I generally still sound very, very manish despite my work. To be completely honest though it seems like this would be a great group to talk to, simply because we are all going through it, or have and maybe if and when we hear eachother some of us might have tips or even more if we continue to play help encourage and give a since of growing as our voices continue to adjust and change with practice.

Or at least that is how I was thinking about it.


I can undertand that, and Im honestly far, far worse ten you Alchemy.

I am trying to slowly work on my voice but I generally still sound very, very manish despite my work. To be completely honest though it seems like this would be a great group to talk to, simply because we are all going through it, or have and maybe if and when we hear eachother some of us might have tips or even more if we continue to play help encourage and give a since of growing as our voices continue to adjust and change with practice.

Or at least that is how I was thinking about it.

Well if there is a group to voice chat with, this is it. I still feel really dumb trying to use my voice though :/


Sorry Sarah is my name but my PS ID is Sara_Oswin Adding the H is becoming a force of habit. I sent and friend request to both you and Beth.

It's fine~ Thank you for the add! ^^

Are we looking to VC on Destiny? I only ask because I still haven't picked up a next gen headset, and I was thinking of order the gold if TransGaf will be chatting so I can be apart of the conversation with my fellow ladies.

I have a headset and can voice chat. I might not always be able to chat, mainly because I haven't been feeling well recently. But I'll admit that I am very self-conscious about my voice, and sometimes I haven't done voice chat simply because I feel like my voice is terrible and I don't want other people to hear it.


Likewise. : /

That weekend was when it really hit me how much I hate public restrooms at this point. I mean, I've always disliked them, but now I'm living in this in-between world where I'm getting weird looks and people directly telling me I'm in the wrong place when going in the men's room, yet I nowhere near feel confident (or passable) enough to use the women's.

I used the PAX gender neutral bathroom, and both times there were only women in there the entire time. It might as well have been me being I the actual women's restroom, and both times I felt like some sort of outsider who was somewhere they didn't belong.

Now, every time I'm ready to enter a public restroom, there's this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Fun.

I used to have that problem (and in a select, few places I hold it in until I can go somewhere where I know there won't be potential problems). It's really annoying going out to a club and a bar (outside the village ) thinking it's LGBT friendly, and having people tell you each to go to the other bathroom, so you cam't go in any.

Can I just say that I love you?

I take it a fan of SH3? : D


I have the crappy mic that came with my Ps4 but certainly could use the practice.

On a side note my Destiny Ghost edition pre order only says confirmed on the EB Games website and I am getting a bad feeling that they are gonna cancel my pre order at the last minute :(

Beth Cyra

It's fine~ Thank you for the add! ^^

I have a headset and can voice chat. I might not always be able to chat, mainly because I haven't been feeling well recently. But I'll admit that I am very self-conscious about my voice, and sometimes I haven't done voice chat simply because I feel like my voice is terrible and I don't want other people to hear it.
We don't have to voice chat ladies and I'm the same, I hate my voice and it bothers me how slow I'm progressing with it.

That said my hatred was why I asked. Like you Kathryn I feel the exact same way, but I fully believe we could chat and have you 1 not judge me and 2 actually understand what I'm going through and maybe even offer helpful tips. Something all us women can do for one another.

I wouldn't want to push all of you though, so ill just hold off until we feel like doing it.


We don't have to voice chat ladies and I'm the same, I hate my voice and it bothers me how slow I'm progressing with it.

That said my hatred was why I asked. Like you Kathryn I feel the exact same way, but I fully believe we could chat and have you 1 not judge me and 2 actually understand what I'm going through and maybe even offer helpful tips. Something all us women can do for one another.

I wouldn't want to push all of you though, so ill just hold off until we feel like doing it.

Well I'd be up for trying, I'd just be freaking out internally :x


I'd probably be more comfortable chatting with folks here via text chat through IRC. Still really dysphoric about my voice.

Beth Cyra

I'd probably be more comfortable chatting with folks here via text chat through IRC. Still really dysphoric about my voice.
Sounds good. I personally won't be able to join IRC as my tv is no where near the pc but the games are what's important

So I have another question....sorry if I'm asking so much, given my life Im on Gaf a lot because I work out of the home so I enjoy being able to discuss something so close and personal to me with others here, not sure why.....anyway before I ramble to much, if I ask to many just tell me to stop.

For the ladies who have just startred E, or are about to. Did you actually do pre work on your body for the transition?

Like for me I've moved to pretty much being a Vegetarian and now I do a lot of lower body work out (I like to focus on my butt, I can't lie I want to be able to go out in a dress with a nice butt, just part of that selfimage I've always wanted) and my core. I also do voice working using the Aaproach training vids.

Did all of you start before hand to try and assist the E before hand? That is kinda how I view the diet change and exercise change. Of course E won't help with the voice, but I think more then anything other then *that* region the voice is the one that bother me the most, because its the one thing that is the hardest, and you can't fake it because you want that voice so much it hurts, or at least to me lol.


From another thread:

Being homosexual merely means you are attracted to the same sex. Going transgender means you feel you were born in the wrong body, on the wrong side of society. The problem is, you are not. Society is simply enforcing a bunch of rules on each gender and you switched to the side you feel closer to.

Don't change yourself, change society.

As a note, people always told me I am secretly gay because of my "feminine" mannerisms. Well, I picked up a lot from my mom. It was so strong I felt like I was born on the wrong side. But it was not me in the wrong body. It's society having ridiculous allencompassing gender norms.

So, I respect going transgender. But I will never applaud it. Because to me, they got you. They got you good.

Easily in the top 10 most transphobic posts on GAF. Like, seriously... wow.


Came in here to post about that. I live in such a bubble of acceptance (in life and in the communities I visit on the internet) that that was really jarring to see. Absolutely awful.

Beth Cyra

Ugh I felt sick reading that.

I don't hate parts of my body because of society and I got so much love and support its certainly not because of them I know I'm a woman and not a man.

I can't believe someone would say that.


I also do voice working using the Aaproach training vids.

Can you tell me a little bit more about them? I've been thinking of doing Kathe Perez's training programme, or in a couple of years going to Yeson if I'm still struggling,

Did all of you start before hand to try and assist the E before hand? That is kinda how I view the diet change and exercise change. Of course E won't help with the voice, but I think more then anything other then *that* region the voice is the one that bother me the most, because its the one thing that is the hardest, and you can't fake it because you want that voice so much it hurts, or at least to me lol.

I did change up my diet when I transitioned. Went back to vegetarianism, though I really should exercise more than I do. I think confidence is the biggest problem with voice, particularly if you're not used to singing. Because the walls are so thin here, I'm really paranoid about my neighbours hearing about me practicing. It's getting over that hurdle of allowing yourself to fail, fail and fail again (while trying not to be embarassed or judge yourself for doing so) that's one of the most important aspects. That's the only way it progresses. Learning and adapting from continual failure.


"Going transgender".

It's like "going to the shops" or "going gluten free" but with pills and syringes. Or something like that.

Beth Cyra

Can you tell me a little bit more about them? I've been thinking of doing Kathe Perez's training programme, or in a couple of years going to Yeson if I'm still struggling,

I did change up my diet when I transitioned. Went back to vegetarianism, though I really should exercise more than I do. I think confidence is the biggest problem with voice, particularly if you're not used to singing. Because the walls are so thin here, I'm really paranoid about my neighbours hearing about me practicing. It's getting over that hurdle of allowing yourself to fail, fail and fail again (while trying not to be embarassed or judge yourself for doing so) that's one of the most important aspects. That's the only way it progresses. Learning and adapting from continual failure.
Well the instructor is a professional voice instructor and it goes.a lot into to raisin and lowering pitch and attempts.to do it a lot.through lip rolls and other methods.

I will post some links during my lunch break to some of his basic vids just because they're free n youtube and you Vann give them a quick watch to see if it's something you'd be interested for at least some casual training and voice lesson/work.

If you'd like that is?
From another thread:

Easily in the top 10 most transphobic posts on GAF. Like, seriously... wow.
But isn't is a relief to know that you don't need to change your body, you just need to change all of society. That's totally easier right? /s

Haha, yeah, wow at that. However, I feel like it is more of an incredibly profound ignorance than transphobia. They haven't made a follow up post so I guess we wait and see.


But isn't is a relief to know that you don't need to change your body, you just need to change all of society. That's totally easier right? /s

Haha, yeah, wow at that. However, I feel like it is more of an incredibly profound ignorance than transphobia. They haven't made a follow up post so I guess we wait and see.

As gross as that was to read, I though it sounded more like ignorance too.

Also, I noticed the IRC was mentioned earlier and realized I haven't asked forr the link yet. so uh, may I have the link please?


But isn't is a relief to know that you don't need to change your body, you just need to change all of society. That's totally easier right? /s

Haha, yeah, wow at that. However, I feel like it is more of an incredibly profound ignorance than transphobia. They haven't made a follow up post so I guess we wait and see.

What people like that don't understand (wilfully or otherwise) is that even if society was 100% accepting of gender variance and gender role transgression, there would be MORE people seeking out HRT and surgeries and at earlier ages because they would feel safer to do so and have considerably less self-hate for feeling the way they do.

TERF logic does not bear scrutiny.


The public one is here: Linkylink

If you want to chat more privately someone there will give you the details there if you ask. o:
Ok, thanks! I will have get to that later because right now I've really got to get to work on my crummy college homework...

Edit: my brother is using the comp so I can't go homework now... Does IOS have a good IRC app?


Good to know that as a gay guy, I'm one wrong decision away from suddenly being transgender!

I'll never understand how people think that this is all done on a whim. Yes, all it takes is peer pressure to suddenly change how your brain works. Sure.


Good to know that as a gay guy, I'm one wrong decision away from suddenly being transgender!

I'll never understand how people think that this is all done on a whim. Yes, all it takes is peer pressure to suddenly change how your brain works. Sure.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I totally woke up one day, poured out some cornflaks and thought "you know, It would be neat to join one of the most oppressed minorities ever and spend tons of money and face so much hardships in the process... Yeah, that would be fun!"


Rolling Girl
I'm actually going to play Silent Hill 3 for the first time sometime tomorrow. lol I beat 2 last week and the first one about a year ago so I stagnated on getting through these a bit.


I tend to argue that SH3 is a little too over-rated, but Silent Hill is my favorite series of ever. So, yeah.

I'm actually going to play Silent Hill 3 for the first time sometime tomorrow. lol I beat 2 last week and the first one about a year ago so I stagnated on getting through these a bit.

Don't hate me: p, but I think SH2 is the more overrated for me out of the first three. Love the themes and the ideas, but outside of Mary and James, the characters pale in comparison. It's also far too easy to get through and lacks the relentless tension of 3 (though I guess you could say that's the point of 2, it being more creepy psychological drama than outright horror).

Finally got a refferal to adult services now I've got to wait for my first appointment whenever that is.

Congrats. : )
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