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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


That girl in the bunny hat
More good news: I finally have an Oregon driver's license!
In my new name!
And with the female gender marker!
And with a dopey-looking photo because of course it is!

Beth Cyra

More good news: I finally have an Oregon driver's license!
In my new name!
And with the female gender marker!
And with a dopey-looking photo because of course it is!
Congrats Hop.

I just got my Oregon switched over the other week. Still has my old name but that should change soon enough.


More good news: I finally have an Oregon driver's license!
In my new name!
And with the female gender marker!
And with a dopey-looking photo because of course it is!

Excelent news girl!

BTW, if i ever see that license i'm gonna expect to see a bunny with glasses on it.



That girl in the bunny hat
Excelent news girl!

BTW, if i ever see that license i'm gonna expect to see a bunny with glasses on it.


They make you take off your glasses :(

(And although I didn't even attempt it, my hair was enough of a mess that I would've looked better with the bunnyhat on)


That girl in the bunny hat
Do you need them to drive? If so, then they should absolutely have you keep them on. And I think I've always taken my photo with my glasses on, even though I didn't have to have them to drive.

I need 'em to drive. But, Oregon rules, take the glasses off.

I dunno. Portland is weird.

Beth Cyra

Thanks Ice and you too TheBatman!

Well the trip couldn't have been better really.

I got told in two months we are going to increase 2 mg of Estradoil to 4 and then go from 100 mg of Spiralactone to 200 so hopefully a bigger change will actually happen.

Beyond that I got clearance on the Top surgery so now just to make the final appointment with my surgeon down in California. Whats more we talked about SRS and the new is really great and they say they are actually going to write me a full referral for the bottom surgery, all they ask is that i wait two months after my top surgery so my body is fully healed after my top.

Now just the long and crazy effort of saving up enough money. Going to be super rough, but overall I couldn'rt be happier about my visit.

Sadly though my parents (I swear they have a sensor that goes off when I have good news) contacted me and demanded that I got see my grandfather on his deathbed, however they said that I'm only allowed to go as "Max" and my grandfather and grandmother want nothing to do with me if I show up as a woman.


Thanks Ice and you too TheBatman!

Well the trip couldn't have been better really.

I got told in two months we are going to increase 2 mg of Estradoil to 4 and then go from 100 mg of Spiralactone to 200 so hopefully a bigger change will actually happen.

Beyond that I got clearance on the Top surgery so now just to make the final appointment with my surgeon down in California. Whats more we talked about SRS and the new is really great and they say they are actually going to write me a full referral for the bottom surgery, all they ask is that i wait two months after my top surgery so my body is fully healed after my top.

Now just the long and crazy effort of saving up enough money. Going to be super rough, but overall I couldn'rt be happier about my visit.

Sadly though my parents (I swear they have a sensor that goes off when I have good news) contacted me and demanded that I got see my grandfather on his deathbed, however they said that I'm only allowed to go as "Max" and my grandfather and grandmother want nothing to do with me if I show up as a woman.

So they want nothing to do with you. Stuff like this is why I don't maintain contact with my family at all anymore -.-

But grats on the hormones and future boobs!

Beth Cyra

So they want nothing to do with you. Stuff like this is why I don't maintain contact with my family at all anymore -.-

But grats on the hormones and future boobs!

Thanks for saying so!

Yeah I told them that, and if they bother me again I will contact the authorities and ask for a Restraining order.

Heartbreaking. I would have taken the time off work to see them and morn but Im not going to pretend to be something I'm not. :(


Sooooo I posted here awhile ago, but anyways I've been seeing a therapist for non transgender related things for abit and I came out to them yesterday
^-^ it went really well, she was super accepting and didn't seem opposed to helping me transition.

Beth Cyra

Sooooo I posted here awhile ago, but anyways I've been seeing a therapist for non transgender related things for abit and I came out to them yesterday
^-^ it went really well, she was super accepting and didn't seem opposed to helping me transition.
That is really great!

It can be a long road depending on how far you take it, but I wish you luck and happiness the whole way!


I'm switching from Avodart (Dutasteride) to Spironolactone come next month. My cost per month was going to go from $95 to $145, while spiro will only be $10/month. I'm also curious to see what differences it might bring, as I've heard the effects can differ a bit depending on the person.
I'm switching from Avodart (Dutasteride) to Spironolactone come next month. My cost per month was going to go from $95 to $145, while spiro will only be $10/month. I'm also curious to see what differences it might bring, as I've heard the effects can differ a bit depending on the person.
I was offered Spiro, but was told I was going to pee a lot thus get dehydrated. I'm not very good with drinking fluids. So I took the one I'm on.
I pay 5.99, thanks to my green shield card


My best advice—and I don't mean to sound harsh—is to realize that you're just going to have to make changes to your life for the benefit of your transition. This is one of the biggest things you'll go through, so if you can't commit to something like being better about drinking water, then how are you going to commit to all of the big requirements that'll also be involved? If whatever you're taking now is the lesser but easier option, that's not the better option. (Not sure what you're on, and if it is indeed a "lesser" option.)

Plus, being better about drinking water is something that would make you healthier overall anyhow.

And, I mean, women pee a lot more than men anyhow. So embrace femininity! *heh*


I'm on Spiro (only been about four months though) and I haven't had that much an issue with dehydration. You really just need to be in the habit of having a glass of water on your desk at all times, and take sips from it in between things like typing sentences in this post :)

Though I'm still convinced my Spiro is busted because my muscles haven't melted off yet >.<. I'm super impatient.
My best advice—and I don't mean to sound harsh—is to realize that you're just going to have to make changes to your life for the benefit of your transition. This is one of the biggest things you'll go through, so if you can't commit to something like being better about drinking water, then how are you going to commit to all of the big requirements that'll also be involved? If whatever you're taking now is the lesser but easier option, that's not the better option. (Not sure what you're on, and if it is indeed a "lesser" option.)

Plus, being better about drinking water is something that would make you healthier overall anyhow.

And, I mean, women pee a lot more than men anyhow. So embrace femininity! *heh*
I don't see how being forgetful about drinking fluids shows that I'll have trouble committing but hey we
I'm bad about a lot of things and in trying to change it. But okay :/
:/ it's not a lesser option.

It's actually more expensive and I've been told it's stronger. You can't get it in the states iirc.

Cyproterone acetate
Yep that's what I'm on


I don't see how being forgetful about drinking fluids shows that I'll have trouble committing but hey we
I'm bad about a lot of things and in trying to change it. But okay :/
:/ it's not a lesser option.

It's actually more expensive and I've been told it's stronger. You can't get it in the states iirc.

Spiro? I'm in California and on Spiro :x

Beth Cyra

I'm on Spiro (only been about four months though) and I haven't had that much an issue with dehydration. You really just need to be in the habit of having a glass of water on your desk at all times, and take sips from it in between things like typing sentences in this post :)

Though I'm still convinced my Spiro is busted because my muscles haven't melted off yet >.<. I'm super impatient.
I'm the exact same on all counts. I get my Spiro increased to 200 mgs a day in two months because I've had so little changes.


I don't see how being forgetful about drinking fluids shows that I'll have trouble committing but hey we

I didn't say you were having trouble committing, I was just giving my opinion on the commitment level it takes to go through transitioning. I think everyone who does this has to be far more diligent about things as a person, because it's easy to forget or slack off, and the moment you do that, you can directly hamper your potential for progress.

Again, though, you should be drinking more fluids for reasons beyond just transitioning! (I'm currently having that hammered into my head by a doctor for a totally unrelated thing.)

It's actually more expensive and I've been told it's stronger. You can't get it in the states iirc.

Yeah, from what I know of that option, it's specifically targeted at people who are transitioning, and not just a "the side effects help in transitioning" kind of thing.


A Good Citizen
You can get self-med cypro into the US pretty easily but yeah it's not FDA approved so you can't get it prescribed.


You can get self-med cypro into the US pretty easily but yeah it's not FDA approved so you can't get it prescribed.

Oh, had no idea.

I'm the exact same on all counts. I get my Spiro increased to 200 mgs a day in two months because I've had so little changes.

I've been on 200 for about a month, but I think its mostly just me not noticing slow changes over time while wanting significant changes over night. I have to work a lot to temper my expectations >.<


I've been on 200 for about a month, but I think its mostly just me not noticing slow changes over time while wanting significant changes over night. I have to work a lot to temper my expectations >.<

What you'll learn is that no matter how long you expected your progress to take, you under-estimate that timeframe by at least x2 or x3. *heh*

Beth Cyra

Oh, had no idea.

I've been on 200 for about a month, but I think its mostly just me not noticing slow changes over time while wanting significant changes over night. I have to work a lot to temper my expectations >.<

I'm the exact same way, ugh its such a pain in the butt lol.


I'm not sure if I'll be given an antiandrogen. They're planning on giving me Estradiol patches that need to be replaced every 3 days, then blood testing me after a month to see if my T levels have dropped.

As I mentioned upthread, though, my T production is already a way below 'normal' levels, so I may end up not needing something like Spiro. Won't know until I start. Provided my next blood test is fine, I'll be starting on the evening of the 12th...

Never has a wait been more agonizing.
I read that story yesterday, it's beautiful.

Tgaf represent! Hahaha. 26-going-on-27 year old M2F Tgaffer here =)

I know its tough for a lot of us, so maybe we can sorta use this as a ranting thread for when things get a bit too much to handle. I know I get frustrated, what with the "family situation" I'm in.

Good work, Lexi!

Yes, I'm quoting myself from post #2... XD

Status Update for anyone who cares:
  • Still living as a male despite being almost 32 now. Not sure where I want to be at this point. I'm living in my own place with my partner (see next bullet point). I still get dressed up when I can, and I still identify as female, but in a weird way I'm not sure what I want to do about it. I've put a lot of weight on, maybe it's comfort eating. My Dad has made it clear he won't see me if I transition, my Mum somewhat less so but only just.
    My biggest concerns about it all now are the fact I have to pay the rent and bills on my own because my partner has no job after 2+ years of looking. I work at a small company of 4-5 people, with poor job security. So far I've only had half of this months wages, and it's payday today. The company is struggling. And the people at work are very conservative, at least one of them votes UKIP and my boss tends to speak about anyone slightly queer or genderfluid as "a poofter".
    So I just don't know for myself right now. Would I *like* to transition and go full time female? Yes, absolutely. Does it feel realistic right now? Not really :( And yet the years are ticking by so fast...
  • On the plus side, my partner, L, is transitioning. So in a funny way I feel like my support for her at least partly helps me out. My family don't know we're together, but my mum knows my 'roommate' is trans. L is already living full time, and has her 3rd appointment with the gender clinic in Nottingham in March.
    She's currently also a volunteer at a local charity shop, which seems to be going well but isn't able to currently help out with the bills - all her job seekers money pretty much goes on paying off loans and credit cards from an irresponsible phase when she bought a load of guitar equipment...

So that's right now. Broke, but in a happy relationship. Living as someone I'm not, but helping my partner to be herself as support. Not sure where to go from here, but I want job security and a 'safe' income before I do anything rash... On paper it shouldn't be this hard, but I really just don't feel confident enough to do anything for myself yet. Also I need to lose weight.


how much have any of you girls paid for laser hair removal?

My options are 125 or 319 per session.

I picked up a Groupon for six sessions for like $120, which was like 70% off the normal price. Thats for a medium area, face+neck.

So that's right now. Broke, but in a happy relationship. Living as someone I'm not, but helping my partner to be herself as support. Not sure where to go from here, but I want job security and a 'safe' income before I do anything rash... On paper it shouldn't be this hard, but I really just don't feel confident enough to do anything for myself yet. Also I need to lose weight.

The only thing I can suggest is talking to a therapist to maybe help you figure out what you want to do. Transitioning is a hard decision to make, and I basically had to mentally break down before I did anything about my dysphoria :/
It is a choice of leting your body adapt or going full on pregnancy level vomiting.

I already have low pressure so nauseating and vomiting would basicaly mean blacking out or something =/
I haven't felt pukish yet, but only on my third pill. Been feeling pretty good actually :)

I picked up a Groupon for six sessions for like $120, which was like 70% off the normal price. Thats for a medium area, face+neck.
I need to see if I can find a coupon or a deal. I want to start this week.
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