Gaf is normally relatively cool but trans dating discussions are always a huge hornets nest that bring out the most insecure straight users.Oh look, I'm the villain for getting a bit worked up at the person calling me as male and someone just trying to GOTCHA him. And how dare I assume what someone thinks when they refuse to actually answer questions.
I had thought NeoGAF was getting vaguely better on this, but clearly it's going in reverse.
My male identity is basically dead as of today outside of paperwork that needs updating; worked my final day at work before my transition becomes public knowledge there next week, which completes my long coming out process.
Shame I can't slap on my estradiol patch tonight as I still don't have the prescription sorted, but that should get cleared up within the week. Gonna check with the medical center in town tomorrow if they've got their copy of my consultant's letter anyway.
Congragualtions on the final steps in the one area.
As far as the other thread goes, I read until about Page 4, someone said how they only wanted a natrual vag because there is no way a "fake" vag would be as good as the real thing and then someone else was talking about how you are male if you are born a male because of biology.
Got angry, nearly posted but then hit the back button at the last second and just left gaff for an hour to play hearthstone.
I had thought NeoGAF was getting vaguely better on this, but clearly it's going in reverse.
My male identity is basically dead as of today outside of paperwork that needs updating; worked my final day at work before my transition becomes public knowledge there next week, which completes my long coming out process.
Shame I can't slap on my estradiol patch tonight as I still don't have the prescription sorted, but that should get cleared up within the week. Gonna check with the medical center in town tomorrow if they've got their copy of my consultant's letter anyway.
My male identity is basically dead as of today outside of paperwork that needs updating; worked my final day at work before my transition becomes public knowledge there next week, which completes my long coming out process.
Shame I can't slap on my estradiol patch tonight as I still don't have the prescription sorted, but that should get cleared up within the week. Gonna check with the medical center in town tomorrow if they've got their copy of my consultant's letter anyway.
My male identity is basically dead as of today outside of paperwork that needs updating; worked my final day at work before my transition becomes public knowledge there next week, which completes my long coming out process.
Shame I can't slap on my estradiol patch tonight as I still don't have the prescription sorted, but that should get cleared up within the week. Gonna check with the medical center in town tomorrow if they've got their copy of my consultant's letter anyway.
A girl I've been seeing for a few weeks came out as transgender last night. I care about her a great deal, but it definitely surprised me.
Didn't know we had a thread about this. Will be reading through this entire thread tonight. Hoping to get a better understanding of it all.
I think that the main issue I have with threads like that current shit show is that they're typically started by dudes who somehow can't fathom that people exist in this world who are different races, creeds, sexualities, genders, ect. And that the moment they see an individual that doesn't fit their idea of what's "normal" to them it blows their mind.
Why do they care where a person takes a shit? Like...why? Why does it matter what toilet you use? I say this as a Call of Duty, sport playing, straight dude gym rat. Who. Cares. Let people feel comfortable and welcome and stop giving this wicked awesome community and our fellow brothers and sisters a hard time about everything. It's fucking lame.
For real though, love all of you and I hope all is well so far in 2015<3333
Also, just do what ComicGAF does and ignore the plebs who start threads like those in the OT. Your mind will thank you and you'll spend less on ibuprofen.
Am I out of line here or?
Am I out of line here or?
WHO said:64 Gender identity disorders
F64.0 Transsexualism
A desire to live and be accepted as a member of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by a sense of discomfort with, or inappropriateness of, one's anatomic sex, and a wish to have surgery and hormonal treatment to make one's body as congruent as possible with one's preferred sex.
Likewise, mostly from people I know IRL who were born male, identify as female, live and present as female, and have undergone sexual reassignment surgery to match the genitalia to the gender, not the sex. Never have I ever heard it used as anything bad, just in general as term describing a transgendered individual that has undergone SRS.I've always heard "transsexual" used to refer to someone had transitioned and then done their SRS. *shrugs*
I'm kinda here too.It's also just a word, carrying with it whatever stigma you decide to add to it.
I have no problem with people who find the word offensive, but it's another example of why I feel so distant from a lot of the trans community.
It's also just a word, carrying with it whatever stigma you decide to add to it.
I think people have the right to find the word offensive if that's their choice, but it's another example of why I feel so distant from a lot of the trans community.
I can deal with transsexual, and general ignorance as long as the people are well meaning and willing to learn or correct damaging behavior like misgendering or dead naming. But there are certainly some offensive terms that get thrown around at transgender people constantly so I can totally see why some people are quick to be offended.
And I'm not saying that there aren't offensive words, and that people shouldn't have the right to be offended.
I just... I don't want to be in that place. I care about the meaning people have behind the words, not the words themselves. Someone could call me a tranny or a trap or whatever, and if I knew they weren't trying to offend me by those words, I probably wouldn't care. (At least, I still don't care as of this point.) I'd make sure they knew those weren't cool words to use in reference to people they don't know, but I don't care.
If somebody is calling me a tranny and having negative or threatening meaning behind it, then I can assure you that my concern isn't that they're calling me those words, it's about what could transpire next if things go beyond words.
And sometimes, I feel like I can't even talk about my own personal situation and experiences around some other trans people without fear that I'll offend them, and I find that to be a ridiculous position to be in.
You can tell when you're onto something when you start getting dog-piled.
You can tell when you're onto something when you start getting dog-piled.
You can tell when you're onto something when you start getting dog-piled.
You painted a proverbial they (men) of having a dissonance between baby daddy shirking (in other threads) whilst claiming piety of fatherhood (in that thread). It was entirely unsupported and then you begged the question saying it was curious.
It's clearly faulty logic on multiple accounts, and it came across as a drive by comment. Clearly broad strokes and generalizations. The dog piling happens both ways. Compared to other comments where ignorance needed addressed, that was purely a fault in logic. Why are you surprised? Nobody appreciates that regardless of subject matter.
It's a nasty thread at times, but there are many great folks trying really hard to engage to discussion. It's been getting better because thanks to few troopers reactionary responses have been curtailed. I understand coming back here upset about some of the comments in that thread, but those ones?
You know we may be about 5-10 years away from trans women being able to conceive thanks to utero transplants and who knows what other advances. It sounds like you'll be surprised when 'I want to be a father' suddenly changes to some other convenient excuse?
If I sound jaded its because I've witnessed the evolution of people saying 'Ew trannies' to a much more palatable, sophisticated spiel.
If I sound jaded its because I've witnessed the evolution of people saying 'Ew trannies' to a much more palatable, sophisticated spiel.
At least, with the first group, I pretty much instantly know where they stand, and they aren't hiding their feelings behind a lot of big words or explanations.
And I'm not saying that there aren't offensive words, and that people shouldn't have the right to be offended.
I just... I don't want to be in that place. I care about the meaning people have behind the words, not the words themselves. Someone could call me a tranny or a trap or whatever, and if I knew they weren't trying to offend me by those words, I probably wouldn't care. (At least, I still don't care as of this point.) I'd make sure they knew those weren't cool words to use in reference to people they don't know, but I don't care.
If somebody is calling me a tranny and having negative or threatening meaning behind it, then I can assure you that my concern isn't that they're calling me those words, it's about what could transpire next if things go beyond words.
And sometimes, I feel like I can't even talk about my own personal situation and experiences around some other trans people without fear that I'll offend them, and I find that to be a ridiculous position to be in.
And, you know, it's funny, but lately, I'm kind of more okay with the "ew trannies" people than I am with the people who think they're making big, serious, intelligent arguments as to why or how we're wrong about such-and-such. At least, with the first group, I pretty much instantly know where they stand, and they aren't hiding their feelings behind a lot of big words or explanations.
So I need advice. I'm openly trans, like no one doesn't know, or if they don't it's because I assume they already knew. I'm completely blaze about it, it is as important to me honestly as saying my favorite colour is green.
Now my problem is because I'm so open and confident about it, other trans folk tend to flock to me for advice and guidance and really want to talk about the trans experience with me. Problem is I really don't know how to help people who are struggling with it. What can I say? Like I do my best but honestly it's sometimes exhausting being that go to trans person, especially since being trans for me isn't really a huge deal for me. So I don't know how to help people but I can't exactly tell them to shove off either.