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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


So question, would anyone like to give me some helpful hints on how I can improve my looks?

Off the top of my head, and all "if you aren't already" of course

* Making sure you're doing proper skin care
* Learning better ways to shave (if that's an issue)
* Going to a stylist to ensure you have a proper hair cut / style
* Clothes + accessories go a long way
* Work on voice, mannerisms, walking/standing style, overall physical "attitude"
* Make-up, of course

The problem with a lot of this is, really, I think you're better off getting local advice, because without direct, proper access to you in person, it can be hard to give you the best advice.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Off the top of my head, and all "if you aren't already" of course

(1)* Making sure you're doing proper skin care
(2)* Learning better ways to shave (if that's an issue)
(3)* Going to a stylist to ensure you have a proper hair cut / style
(4)* Clothes + accessories go a long way
(5)* Work on voice, mannerisms, walking/standing style, overall physical "attitude"
(6)* Make-up, of course

The problem with a lot of this is, really, I think you're better off getting local advice, because without direct, proper access to you in person, it can be hard to give you the best advice.

(1)I think I am doing this right to an extent, I mosturise, whenever I can, even if it usually is just at home during the morning and at night
(2)I think I have a decent method right now, just shaving normally first with shaving cream, than reapplying shaving cream and shaving against the grain
(3)I am now just trying to grow out my hair, but I do go to an actual hairdresser, unfortunately she's friends with my mom and I am not out and pre-everything
(4)I am now just starting to buy clothes, but I got no clue about accessories
(5)I need to work on my voice, I just have been a bit lazy with it. Walking is like one foot in front of the other? I'm not sure about physcial attitude
(6)This I just started on, so I have a lot to learn lol

Me and my girlfriends mom, is really helping me out a lot with this stuff because she loves the girly, especially since her daughter is more tomboyish.


That girl in the bunny hat
Well I definitely can't give any advice, look waaaay better then I do. I really gotta get my hair styled and start doing makeup regularly...

Yea, damn, girl. :) Just needs thinner brows, and even that isn't necessary.

Damn all you pretty people. :x


Might be the lightining, but it appears that you have a broad nose ... makeup can do wonders for those



Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Lol thanks everyone for all the compliments everyone! Much nicer than Reddit =p. I am just glad I look better than I do in guy mode. Yeah I got a big nose, just got to figure out how to get the makeup right and contort it? Or something similar to that word. I'm going to get my eyebrows thined out soon, it's been a while. Does my wig look like that of something of an older woman? I'm considering splurging some money with my tax return and buying a real hair wig, but I'm not sure.


I'm considering splurging some money with my tax return and buying a real hair wig, but I'm not sure.
If you do I think you should go with something a bit longer that frames your face better. That one works but something longer would do a lot more for you.

Beth Cyra

So I was wonder if we have any San Fran Gaf in here?

I'm going down to Brownstien and Craine to get fitted and have my chest implants ordered on the 27th of the month and was going to do a night on the town with a friend given we are driving over 10 hrs one way.

Any ideas for a cool place that you don't need to be filthy rich for?


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Would a more expensive wig worth considering you will only use in the time it grows your hair ?
Well it might be worth it, it's going to take a long time till my hair grows. It's short right now, and I might have to get it cut again before I move out, but I'm not sure, I'm going to try and grow it out.
Any ideas for a cool place that you don't need to be filthy rich for?

Castro District at large is worth checking out if you haven't been there. I'm afraid I can't share specifics because of a certain falling out with a friend who is more familiar with SF than I. :p But they liked certain aspects of the area, and it's where most of the LGBT culture there happens to be stationed.

I would also recommend taking a walk down Chinatown, that's usually where I've gone for cheap hotel living (Grant Plaza Hotel, though it's UM not swanky), but I find the import stores and food places in general to be fascinating.

Mission's a bit overrated, and SF generally fails at areas where it tries to be more like NYC. Ghiradelli Square is also smaller than I would have preferred, though it's by the beach and has some neat thrift stores. The George Lucas funded Presidio park is mostly empty space with not enough places to eat, but I've always wanted to go back there to see the Walt Disney Family Museum; adorably retro.

EDIT: You might also want to give the Sausalito Ferry a try for the views, if there's time. Sausalito's nice, I just wish I was born maybe twenty or thirty years earlier so that a boat house on the pier would be reasonably affordable to me.

Beth Cyra

Castro District at large is worth checking out if you haven't been there. I'm afraid I can't share specifics because of a certain falling out with a friend who is more familiar with SF than I. :p But they liked certain aspects of the area, and it's where most of the LGBT culture there happens to be stationed.

I would also recommend taking a walk down Chinatown, that's usually where I've gone for cheap hotel living (Grant Plaza Hotel, though it's UM not swanky), but I find the import stores and food places in general to be fascinating.

Mission's a bit overrated, and SF generally fails at areas where it tries to be more like NYC. Ghiradelli Square is also smaller than I would have preferred, though it's by the beach and has some neat thrift stores. The George Lucas funded Presidio park is mostly empty space with not enough places to eat, but I've always wanted to go back there to see the Walt Disney Family Museum; adorably retro.

EDIT: You might also want to give the Sausalito Ferry a try for the views, if there's time. Sausalito's nice, I just wish I was born maybe twenty or thirty years earlier so that a boat house on the pier would be reasonably affordable to me.

Thank you so much. Im going to look.over these in depth on Google :)
Had my first laser session done a couple of days ago and I can tell you right now that it's absolutely dreadful. There is nothing comfortable about it, from the smell to the pain.

I'm not sure on what to do to minimize both smell and discomfort afterwards but I'm thinking about using this cocoa butter moisturizer next time and hope it helps my skin heal better and faster.


Had my first laser session done a couple of days ago and I can tell you right now that it's absolutely dreadful. There is nothing comfortable about it, from the smell to the pain.

I'm not sure on what to do to minimize both smell and discomfort afterwards but I'm thinking about using this cocoa butter moisturizer next time and hope it helps my skin heal better and faster.

Some places offer numbing cream, I'd contact the laser place and ask them about it. Mine suggested I go in and get some about an hour before laser. I'd be careful with using any stuff other then what they suggest, lotion might cause some discoloration with the laser.

As far as the smell... I don't think there is a way to avoid the burning hair smell >.< Definitely was unpleasant. The laser hurt, but I've convinced myself that the pain equals progress. Will see if the pain is unbearable if they increase the power for my next session next week :x

Its taken a few weeks, but I've really noticed some good progress from the first treatment. My facial hair grows unevenly, so I have a small strip of stubble that grows like it did before the laser and a the rest is lighter. Looks like I have a thunderbolt on my chin >.>
i'm not sure on what to do to minimize both smell and discomfort afterwards but I'm thinking about using this cocoa butter moisturizer next time and hope it helps my skin heal better and faster.

Yeah, moisturising afterwards helps.

You kinda get used to it after a few sessions. After what I've heard from people getting electrolysis laser really isn't so bad.
I hate shaving, so the prospect of short term pain for long term gain seems like a reasonable trade-off to me ^_^

My partner said that on her NHS transition theres a way to get the laser zappy stuff done for free at one of our local places, so that's good. Is it cheating if I do my transition a year behind my partner so I can see how it all works first hand? :3


I hate shaving, so the prospect of short term pain for long term gain seems like a reasonable trade-off to me ^_^

My partner said that on her NHS transition theres a way to get the laser zappy stuff done for free at one of our local places, so that's good. Is it cheating if I do my transition a year behind my partner so I can see how it all works first hand? :3

No because your mileage may vary
Ugh, my HRT prescription has been held up by a paperwork snafu. Looks like I won't be starting this week...

That sucks, my partner has a friend who's just had HRT refused for now because she needs to be 'socially living' but she doesn't have a job or anything yet. Must be so frustrating... *hug*
As far as we can tell, it's having a somewhat active role in your real life experience. So having a job, or volunteering... that's how I understand it anyway. To be interacting with people on a regular basis during your transition?

I guess it's something to do with not becoming a social shutaway?

This is at the Nottingham, UK gender clinic.


That makes sense. I assume that whenever mine happens after I get appointments in London it'll follow similar style with wanting you to not become a recluse, and maintaining a social presence.


I can understand wanting the person to have a job if they don't have meidcal care..... but ... social life ?

wtf o_O

Nobody thinks about all the Trans Hikikomori Gothic Lolitas ? =O
Yeah. Luckily my partner volunteers at the British Heart Foundation so she's ok for when it comes up. And I've got a job and we both help to run cardfight vanguard events on the weekends at our local card shop :)

But it's worth noting if any trans folk here in the UK are currently not 'active' in the general community at all.


That sucks, my partner has a friend who's just had HRT refused for now because she needs to be 'socially living' but she doesn't have a job or anything yet. Must be so frustrating... *hug*

I've had a day at work to stew on it and it's not quite as bad despite how disappointed I felt this morning. My Consultant at the clinic has OK'd the treatment, my GP has OK'd the treatment on the proviso that my liver levels are monitored (Which will be done at the same time the hormone level blood tests are done, so no biggie), the only thing actually missing is the formal letter from my consultant to my local GP. As it turned out, this hadn't actually been sent yet due to staff illness at the gender clinic, so my GP did not actually have the go-ahead to write the prescription.

Thing is, once I finish work on Thursday, I'm taking a week break from work before returning on a night-shift the following Saturday. During this time, my company's HR rep is leading a pair of management sessions on Monday for everyone at the company who has anyone reporting to them to instruct them on how to deal with TG people vis-á-vis UK employment law. This will be followed on Wednesday by an all-company email that formalizes my transition at work and our networking dept will begin renaming my company email account and all of my system accounts that I use to do my job.

My intent was to begin the HRT treatment during this time. My consultant did say, however, that my psychological transition was as vital as my physical one, and after thinking about things at work today, I'm inclined to agree with her, at least in my case.

HRT or not, I will be coming out at work next week. This train has no brakes, and I'm not going to back down now. I will not be afraid.

Nobody thinks about all the Trans Hikikomori Gothic Lolitas ? =O

While I'm not a Hikikomori, I did buy this cute pair of white bloomers off eBay yesterday...
So my mom still insists it's a phase.

"What if he starts pills, and then changes his mind? I'm pretty sure it's a phase, and I don't want my little boy hurt"

That's what was told to my girlfriend.

So excited to see my parents tonight.
I hate shaving, so the prospect of short term pain for long term gain seems like a reasonable trade-off to me ^_^

My partner said that on her NHS transition theres a way to get the laser zappy stuff done for free at one of our local places, so that's good. Is it cheating if I do my transition a year behind my partner so I can see how it all works first hand? :3

It's not that it isn't worth it, but it is excruciating. Don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't hurt or anything and I know different people will have different experiences but you better believe it's a hell of a 20 minute ride.

All I got was an icepack to numb my face before zaps. Specially along the jaw line and the chin/lip area it's just horrible.

...so, me, basically. *heh*

You're not alone on that anymore...


It's not that it isn't worth it, but it is excruciating. Don't let anyone tell you that it doesn't hurt or anything and I know different people will have different experiences but you better believe it's a hell of a 20 minute ride.

All I got was an icepack to numb my face before zaps. Specially along the jaw line and the chin/lip area it's just horrible.

I didn't have any numbing... I should try that next time. I found the worst was the upper lip area for me, thankfully it was really quick.


Got a call back from the clinic this morning. Took longer than expected to get the letter signed off and it has been sent off, so I should be able to get my prescription this week or early next week.
I will say that if the laser pain is utterly unbearable then it may be up too high to start with. I mean yeah, it will hurt, but at least from my experience it didn't hurt quite that much. But some of that may be pain tolerance or my memory of just how much it hurt being fuzzy. All I can say is that it's way better than electrolysis, both for pain and for the condition of your face afterward. Good luck!
I've always been too much of a scaredy-cat to get a tattoo, but I wonder how that pain compares to the laser treatment! Also, what about eyebrows, do you girls wax, or what? x


I've always been too much of a scaredy-cat to get a tattoo, but I wonder how that pain compares to the laser treatment! Also, what about eyebrows, do you girls wax, or what? x

I shave, haven't tried waxing yet. I do plan on getting a tattoo soon... just need to work up the nerve to go :x
I've always been too much of a scaredy-cat to get a tattoo, but I wonder how that pain compares to the laser treatment! Also, what about eyebrows, do you girls wax, or what? x

It's actually somewhat similar in certain aspects.

When you get a tattoo however, and maybe because it's a longer procedure and you get that release of endorphins, the pain tends to be very constant and mellows out. It also stops basically immediately after the needle(s) have been lifted from the skin. I've had a pretty long tattoo session and it's true that after the first couple of hours it starts to really get sore, specially if your artist is not careful and keeps going over the same area too many times.

Maybe it's because laser is so "on/off" that it hurts so much, you never get used to having that pain on the skin, unlike with a tattoo, so you are always peaking on the pain threshold. I think a good example would be how you jerk your hand instinctively when you touch something very hot and during laser I kept feeling that instinct to just "get away" every time the laser blips.

In short, with tattooing the pain tends to be much more constant over time while laser is more "spikey", if that makes any sense. Now obviously it depends on where you get your tattoo, the closer to the bone the more you will feel it.

As for eye brows, I personally wax. I'm basically getting my eye brows done just before laser since they will do both for me at a very nice price, plus the tech is really nice and trans friendly.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
I am getting my eyebrows waxed again soon. Maybe in a week or so, where this time I might for for a bit more feminine style.


Those threads always turn into this.

I mean what can you expect from people who engage in discussion on dozens of pages over multiple hours when their main argument is basically means "I don't want/can't be educated"?
Those threads always turn into this.

I mean what can you expect from people who engage in discussion on dozens of pages over multiple hours when their main argument is basically means "I don't want/can't be educated"?

To be fair, I shouldn't have fallen into the trap of even discussing, arguendo, gender as purely biological concept.


Oh, another trans thread. I should try and avoid that. It will inevitably become a place where GAF's resident straight white men (99% of the place) get to pontificate on just exactly how they're so tolerant but trannies are really menz!


Oh, another trans thread. I should try and avoid that. It will inevitably become a place where GAF'sresident straight white males (99% of the place) get to pontificate on just exactly how they're so tolerant but trannies are really menz!

It's already become that.
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