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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Hanlon's Razor: Do not assume malice when ignorance/stupidity will suffice.
I will never meet these people, I do not care if they don't want to go near my transwoman cooties, because I'm already (mostly) surrounded by people who are 100% okay with the contents of my undies, including the wonderfulness that is TransGAF.

My point above still stands, though, I'm disconnected slightly from this discussion because my boyfriend is extremely supportive of me.

The only thing that really gets on my tits are the actively malicious, which is mostly limited to either dark corners of the internet, or Cathy Brennan's flock of extremely clueless individuals.
I made the mistake of looking at the thread again and I see it is now full force misgendering and denial because "biology" and "my definition" and "reality". Time to go have fun with my friend instead.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Just wanted to step in here as a cis-gendered heterosexual male and say I'm sorry for what is being said in that thread by other posters and all of the other stuff you have had to put up with throughout your lives.


Paper or plastic?
Yeah, first time visiting this thread. Some of the things being said in that thread are downright dehumanizing and completely lacking of anything approaching empathy. I understand that we are all ignorant of somethings, but the willful ignorance of some posters drives me up the wall.

It's the arrogance of denying someone womanhood/manhood/personhood based off of one's own limited understanding of something that is...I don't know, I can't even think of a word right now. As a black male, I know all to well what its like to have the majority plug their ears and pretend they know more about what it means to be discriminated against than you do.

Just wanted you to know, you have an ally.


Dear TransGaf, maybe I'm in no position to say this but... on behalf of LGBTQIA+ gaf community (often referred to as GayGaf (!!)) y'all are invited over to vent off or post your thoughts away. We are equally disgusted by the amount of hate and bigotry disguised as "Lolz Biology" and such... Some of us have decided to completely avoid that thread because of this reason alone. We are your allies and LGBTQIA+ is a safe space, I just wanted you all to know this.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with lots and lots of chocolate. ^.^
Standing in Solidarity with everyone here, From a fellow person from the LGBTQIA+ Thread! <3 And Still in love with this thread title every time i see it on gaf <3


Coming in here to say that I'm really unhappy as to how that discussion in the thread on OT developed, and how it ended. A complete mess. :(

Anyway, I hope you can all have a great weekend nevertheless, and take your thoughts off this.

Jumping in here as a form of solidarity.
The LettersGAF thread stands with you! :)
I hope you group of have a good weekend and I'm sorry the way the thread ended up.
Much <3


Wow, seeing all this makes me REALLY happy I left at like page 6... Sounds like an atrocious mess of a thread...


As someone with personal experience, don't get confrontational. I learned that the hard way. Have a good weekend, relax, and start up next week on the right foot.


Well, to provide some good news, the letter from my clinic arrived to the GP's office today, so my prescription for oestradiol patches will be available to pick up around Wednesday next week, meaning I can start before I go back to work on Saturday morning.


I just wanted to post and show some <3 to all of you. I hope I didn't come off as douchey to any of you in the now-closed thread. Some of what was said in there was astronomically disgusting to me and I hate to see anyone, especially anyone who has gone through a rough time being treated shitty by people who cannot fathom what it's like to be in your shoes.

Much love.


Hey Transgaf, just wanted to tell y'all about a Korean movie I watched recently called Man on High Heels(which honestly is a terrible title since the Korean title is simply High Heels). Anyway, I had debated posting about because honestly the movie does have at best a confusing ending and at worst a terribly problematic ending. Either way, transgender individuals aren't really represented that much in film, let alone an action/crime/drama from South Korea, so I figured it was a movie worth bringing your attention to(if you don't know about it already). I did end up appreciating the majority of the film since it doesn't take a look at this character's life with a comedic slant or absurdist slant. It's all delivered with, what appears to me at least, an honest emotional delivery. I just wanted to throw that out there in case anyone is interested, but like I said earlier, be wary of the ending.
Which, y'know, you probably have an idea of what it might entail


Well, to provide some good news, the letter from my clinic arrived to the GP's office today, so my prescription for oestradiol patches will be available to pick up around Wednesday next week, meaning I can start before I go back to work on Saturday morning.

Congrats, is it time for a dance party?!


Congrats, is it time for a dance party?!

Don't mind if i start.




Couldn't find the patience to enter that thread; it had already been used up on some of the diet racist threads this month. I hope you guys and girls don't let it get you down.

I believe I remember reading that there have already been five homicides against transgender people in 2015, four of which were African-American transgender women. I hope the recent BlackLivesMatter movement picks up on this, but if TERFs have taught me anything, movements for inclusion aren't always exempt from being exclusionary.


I can't believe someone described their lack of bigotry with the subsequent description of "sculpted vagina" and is still around.

Today's a dark one for this forum and my heart goes out to y'all.
I was disappointed in the inability of the opposition to sensibly rebut, though I suppose when there's no tack to take, they'll just result to petty derailments or ad hominem.

I was also disappointed by what complete shitbags so many of those posters were being.

Couldn't find the patience to enter that thread; it had already been used up on some of the diet racist threads this month. I hope you guys and girls don't let it get you down.

I believe I remember reading that there have already been five homicides against transgender people in 2015, four of which were African-American transgender women. I hope the recent BlackLivesMatter movement picks up on this, but if TERFs have taught me anything, movements for inclusion aren't always exempt from being exclusionary.

A lot of the Black Lives Matter and related organizing has been intersectional as hell and centering Black trans women. Not all, but y'should've seen all the amazing trans women of color organizers take over the stage at Creating Change, calling out the broader LGB community for exploitation and negligence, not once but multiple times during the conference.


A lot of the Black Lives Matter and related organizing has been intersectional as hell and centering Black trans women. Not all, but y'should've seen all the amazing trans women of color organizers take over the stage at Creating Change, calling out the broader LGB community for exploitation and negligence, not once but multiple times during the conference.

That's good to hear. May fall on some deaf ears (the media's not one to give transgender deaths the proper respect), but it being given attention is a solid step forward. *All* black lives matter, after all, not just the ones that are... "marketable".

(And correction: five homicides against transgender women of color specifically in 2015. Condolences also to the Latina transgender woman who was killed.)


Best thing to do is leave whatever was said in that thread in that thread. The last thing that's needed is for any negativity to spill out into here and muck up this thread as well.

In other news, today was the day I switched from my old testosterone blocker to Spiro. I'm strangely excited by the switch. Not sure there will be any major differences, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens!

Well, there is one major difference for sure: $85 less out of my pocket a month. *heh*
Best thing to do is leave whatever was said in that thread in that thread. The last thing that's needed is for any negativity to spill out into here and muck up this thread as well.

In other news, today was the day I switched from my old testosterone blocker to Spiro. I'm strangely excited by the switch. Not sure there will be any major differences, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens!

Well, there is one major difference for sure: $85 less out of my pocket a month. *heh*

Yes, that is quite a major difference. Your bank account will certainly be happier, at least.


That was an awful thread full of awful opinions, and I don't have the patience to put up with it anymore. Major kudos to those who can.

Thanks for the supportive posts, visitors. It means a lot to me and my friends.


Best thing to do is leave whatever was said in that thread in that thread. The last thing that's needed is for any negativity to spill out into here and muck up this thread as well.

In other news, today was the day I switched from my old testosterone blocker to Spiro. I'm strangely excited by the switch. Not sure there will be any major differences, but I'm looking forward to seeing what happens!

Well, there is one major difference for sure: $85 less out of my pocket a month. *heh*

Did your other blocker make you dizzy? Spiro can, especially standing up from laying down.


Did your other blocker make you dizzy? Spiro can, especially standing up from laying down.

Hmm! No, it didn't. So we'll see if that happens. I was told things like I might sweat less, I'd need to keep myself hydrated better, and I might need to increase my salt intake.


For you.
Also chiming in support of Transgaf. That thread was absolutely dreadful and make GAF seem not as welcoming and safe as I thought it was. I'm still completely astonished that certain posters weren't banned, especially with the horrible crap spewed towards the last pages of the thread.

Don't let it get you down. Hope you're all well, have a great weekend and Valentines <3


In having slept on it, I think putting so much focus on how cis and trans women don't differ so much was a huge mistake. I should have immediately gone in the direction of "So what?" rather than reenforce ideas about needing to fit a gender binary. Clearly I still have a lot to work on internally in regards to how I discuss and debate this stuff with people.

Nevertheless, I appreciated your level headed-ness. Some trans people blew up (with good reason), but you kept your cool. I gotta respect that, especially when people are outright denying your identity.
Nevertheless, I appreciated your level headed-ness. Some trans people blew up (with good reason), but you kept your cool. I gotta respect that, especially when people are outright denying your identity.

Haha, I'm not sure I'd say I kept my cool. I mean yes, I tried to answer/respond to anyone that seemed interested in actual responses, but I certainly feel I lashed out in some of my posts.

Beth Cyra

Sick, tired, and up alone in the middle of the night. Not ideal.

Dang, I really hope your feeling better soon Bo.

I woke up with the biggest headache ever, my son getting grouneded and my 2 year old stealing what little breakfast I allow myself.......So the morning could have been better.



I, and I'm sure all of us, appreciate the support, but please don't bring conversations about the moderation staff and how they do things into here. Those conversations threatened the closure of another thread on here (due to being off topic), and this particular thread isn't one for talking about how NeoGAF is run or the whys and hows of things, but one for people who are trans to get support, answers, or to find others like them, and for non-trans people to hopefully learn a bit more about people they might not otherwise understand.

So, to everyone, please don't bring NeoGAF politics in here.



[quote="Nikashi, post: 152251400"]Just chiming in support as well, I am severely disappointed that thread ended how it did, and with Mumei being demodded over it.

But it also doesn't surprise me, Evilore has been extremely vocal elsewhere about not dating trans women, to the point of it being kind of odd to me that it was so important for him that everyone knew that. Him being called called out hard on what WAS and IS bigotry was likely too much for him, so he made sure the person who challenged him no longer had any authority. AFAIK Mumei was one of the few mods still pushing back against the increasingly intolerant attitude of the 'community', so Evilore basically just cut off his nose to spite his face.

FYI Evilore has also let the #ga IRC go to shit, it's just 3-4 people hating on everyone and everything, chasing out new people, and essentially being huge shitbags to everyone. I couldn't take it anymore and left. They even hate HIM, which is the amusing part.[/QUOTE]

That's sort of a selective way to remember it. There was plenty of people being reactionary and inflammatory towards people who were politely stating their orientation while also supporting transgender rights. Maybe you find it an odd and problematic fence sitting position. But clearly people were displaying an inability to be respectful to those people and couldn't actual debate along arguments and points. There was very little being done curtail that landslide of behavior. People retreating back to this thread and gossiping about how horrible those people were for formulating such contrived and impenetrable arguments. Which were entirely personal stances, and people both demanded answers and then denied that they answers we're legitimate.

Not sure about any of that IRC stuff, I don't use that. I think Empressinyellow was the biggest hero of that thread right at the end. People like 23qwerty quickly turned it into a reactionary fest against anyone that was seen as holding some sort of ignorance. While certainly some good points were made it destroyed a lot of confidence people had in being able to comfortably approach a subject in which both sides seemed uncomfortable with the other's stances. Peoples complaints against the tone policing in there were also pretty bullshit. It's especially fine to call out shoddy logic, and it's also fine to ask for respect in attempts to actually sort through the discrepancies.

I forget who it was, but another poster in here made a point that it's best to fight the long and good fight no matter how frustrating it might be that people don't change their position immediately.




In other news I had my second round of laser. I feel fine right now, but boy did my face get red and my upper lip sting after this round. Now to wait two weeks to see if anything changes.
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