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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Alfarif said:
That's why we're going to move it all ourselves! I refuse to let someone steal all my fancy shmancy stuff. :lol

Good deal. :D

Alfarif said:
I always wonder about things like that. No one really bats an eye when someone is gay. In fact, my department has had a number of gay people come and go, and I don't think anyone's sexuality has ever come up as a topic of conversation, even when I wasn't part of management. We've never had a TG, that I knew, here, though. Maybe there have been others in the company.

It's pretty much been that way here as well, though I can only remember two people that were gay have worked here in 10 years. So it could just be some kind of crazy fluke. 'Cause I know of a few people around here that would have a problem, but never voice it openly. Chickens.

Wrath2X said:
OK lets cut the crap, describe his sex skills in the most detailed way possible.

*popcorn* :lol
Alliekat said:
Hi. I'm Alfarif's wife.
Welcome! Although now I just picture the two of you with laptops, sitting beside each other on a couch, having a conversation through GAF. :lol

Alfarif said:
What's everyone's weekend looking like?
Beyond my aforementioned exciting appointment tomorrow, my family and I have tickets to the red carpet for the Academy Awards. That should be interesting. I suppose if you watch it on tv, and for some reason they pan out and show the people sitting in the bleachers. Then apparently, I'll be the little androgynous half-asian boy crying for no reason.

Also, I just saw this and thought I might share it to see what people thought. Oh noes! They're abusing that girl by letting her be herself and keeping her happy! I wonder what people would think if it was a boy with long hair and dresses?


NewGamePlus said:
Beyond my aforementioned exciting appointment tomorrow, my family and I have tickets to the red carpet for the Academy Awards. That should be interesting. I suppose if you watch it on tv, and for some reason they pan out and show the people sitting in the bleachers. Then apparently, I'll be the little androgynous half-asian boy crying for no reason.

You must be so excited about your appointment! And you get to go to the Academy Awards! Is this to be your best weekend ever?

Also, I just saw this and thought I might share it to see what people thought. Oh noes! They're abusing that girl by letting her be herself and keeping her happy! I wonder what people would think if it was a boy with long hair and dresses?

Well, now I love Brad Pitt even more. Jolie is okay but still a home-wrecker.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
Welcome! Although now I just picture the two of you with laptops, sitting beside each other on a couch, having a conversation through GAF. :lol

Almost... more like she brings the laptop into the office and we sit there chatting on AIM or MSN via Adium. :lol

Beyond my aforementioned exciting appointment tomorrow, my family and I have tickets to the red carpet for the Academy Awards. That should be interesting. I suppose if you watch it on tv, and for some reason they pan out and show the people sitting in the bleachers. Then apparently, I'll be the little androgynous half-asian boy crying for no reason.

I'm really excited for you! Please tell us everything that happens. I expect to see a Myspace like blog by Sunday at the latest!

And I'm jealous of you. I'm not even into the Academy Awards, but it'd still be cool to be there.

Edit: Oh, wow. I can't go to your link because my work place has LGBT content blocked. Are you kidding me? Amazing. Thank god they can't block everything.
Alfarif said:
Almost... more like she brings the laptop into the office and we sit there chatting on AIM or MSN via Adium. :lol

I'm really excited for you! Please tell us everything that happens. I expect to see a Myspace like blog by Sunday at the latest!

And I'm jealous of you. I'm not even into the Academy Awards, but it'd still be cool to be there.

Edit: Oh, wow. I can't go to your link because my work place has LGBT content blocked. Are you kidding me? Amazing. Thank god they can't block everything.
I'll make sure to fill you in, but just so you know, I've never had an account on a social networking site. I might suck at typing out terrible, blog-like content that no one wants to read due to lack of practice. :lol And that sucks about the content filters. :(


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
I'll make sure to fill you in, but just so you know, I've never had an account on a social networking site.

What? Who are you?! How have you avoided the internet for this long? :lol :lol

And that sucks about the content filters. :(

That's when the trusty phone comes in handy!

Speaking of which, I was watching some videos earlier (on my phone; mostly hormone videos), and I stumbled upon one in which the girl seemed to be "whoring" herself out. All of her videos featured her in way too skimpy clothes, with her talking trash about the "fat bitches" at her school. She proceeded to talk about how beautiful she was in every single one of her videos, as well. It saddened me, because it made me think that she started transitioning for all of the wrong reasons. Or maybe transitioning was what she needed, but all of the negativity she's received over the years has warped her mind in the worst way possible. Very, very sad.

On the flip side, there was also a girl I saw who said she was tired of all of the attention she got from men, and wished they would stop. Unfortunately, she was also attractive. It comes with the territory, it seems.

As for the hormonal videos, it was really neat to see how different people reacted to them differently. Some women became extremely feminine in the face, despite the fact that they took all of their pictures without makeup, while others were granted shapely bodies, though their faces seemed more on the masculine end of things. Almost all of the videos I watched took place over the course of 5 months to a year or two. It was pretty enlightening.
I'm definitely going to video-log my progress when I start transition. I think it'd be fascinating to watch back, and if it went on to help other young girls on their journey then all the better.
Alfarif said:
What? Who are you?! How have you avoided the internet for this long? :lol :lol
Yeah, I get that a lot. Really though, people would always tell me I should get a Facebook account, but no one can explain why I would actually need a Facebook account. I have a small group of friends that I talk to regularly without it, and if someone from outside that wants to get in touch with me, I'm not that hard to find. I don't want people contacting me on a whim, especially now. I don't really want my high school to watch me transition, you know? Plus, for four-and-a-half of the past five years I had a girlfriend, so I wouldn't have been using it to hook-up or anything.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Android18a said:
I'm definitely going to video-log my progress when I start transition. I think it'd be fascinating to watch back, and if it went on to help other young girls on their journey then all the better.

It's the kind of diary that really tells you something about yourself. That's going to be an exciting time!

lexi said:
I want to be 3 months in the future. :p

Hush, you. You look good. You can already see the changes! Especially in the brow area. I'm looking at the two pictures side by side now and you can see changes in the area around your eyes. They seem more "full," if that makes any sense whatsoever. But you only gave us portraits. What about full body shots? You could be one of the girls whose changes happen mainly in the body before anywhere else.

NewGamePlus said:
Yeah, I get that a lot. Really though, people would always tell me I should get a Facebook account, but no one can explain why I would actually need a Facebook account. I have a small group of friends that I talk to regularly without it, and if someone from outside that wants to get in touch with me, I'm not that hard to find. I don't want people contacting me on a whim, especially now. I don't really want my high school to watch me transition, you know? Plus, for four-and-a-half of the past five years I had a girlfriend, so I wouldn't have been using it to hook-up or anything.

Yeah, I actually don't use my Facebook profile for anything but a Youtube dumping ground. I do, however, have a Page set up so that people can become "fans" of me, which is mostly for my writing and video editing projects. Other than those two things, the only reason I would use it is for SMS, if people are that lazy and send me something on Facebook which then gets sent to my phone. I haven't even bothered setting it up, but I could see why that would be useful, too.

Fake Edit: Another thing... you could always lock down your profile, friend only the people you want, and join TG friendly groups. I find the group function especially helpful for the thigns I get on there to do. I would join a load of TG friendly groups, myself, to interact with folks and ask questions, but my family and friends would probably blow a gasket.


Alfarif said:
:lol I like you, Wrath. You're straight and to the point on everything!
Hell yeah!

I wanna hear all about you and your wifes awesome lesbian sex since you started transitioning.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Wrath2X said:
Hell yeah!

I wanna hear all about you and your wifes awesome lesbian sex since you started transitioning.

All I have to say is:
tehAinsley said:
*popcorn* :lol
I can't wait until she wakes up and reads that I'm transitioning. I'm in for "the talk" tomorrow, for sure. I tried to put her pants on before coming to work as a joke and she yanked them away and said "Your butt is going to rip them." Nice.


Alfarif you're like the little boy who is playing dress-up with his sister and is pretending not to like it. :p
Alfarif, you have to buy your OWN girl stuff eventually. You can't wear your wifes all the time. Theres nothing worse than hearing a little rip as you squeeze into someone elses dress thats a couple of sizes too small.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Alfarif you're like the little boy who is playing dress-up with his sister and is pretending not to like it. :p

Hey, I'm just half pink, half blue. I enjoy laying on satin sheets and wearing vanilla bean lotion, but that's as far as it will go, dangit! There's nothing wrong with wanting to smell good or be comfortable! :lol :lol

Android18a said:
Alfarif, you have to buy your OWN girl stuff eventually. You can't wear your wifes all the time. Theres nothing worse than hearing a little rip as you squeeze into someone elses dress thats a couple of sizes too small.

And who do you think picks out all her cute stuff? Me! Who do you think has like 30 websites saved in the "Apparel" folder of Safari all dedicated to female clothing? Me! Who do you think is always looking at accessories, handbags, and shoes to go with her pretty things? Me....

Oh god.

Allie, I love you!
Alfarif said:
Hey, I'm just half pink, half blue. I enjoy laying on satin sheets and wearing vanilla bean lotion, but that's as far as it will go, dangit! There's nothing wrong with wanting to smell good or be comfortable! :lol :lol

And who do you think picks out all her cute stuff? Me! Who do you think has like 30 websites saved in the "Apparel" folder of Safari all dedicated to female clothing? Me! Who do you think is always looking at accessories, handbags, and shoes to go with her pretty things? Me....

Oh god.

Allie, I love you!

=3 You're such a GIRL! :D


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I'm terribly upset now. I'm going to go shop for some jeans and wedges.

:lol :lol

Actually, I need to get her a couple things for her birthday even though it's like three months away. Swear to everything holy that's what I'm doing!

Fox the Sly

Alfarif said:
Hey, I'm just half pink, half blue. I enjoy laying on satin sheets and wearing vanilla bean lotion, but that's as far as it will go, dangit! There's nothing wrong with wanting to smell good or be comfortable! :lol :lol

And who do you think picks out all her cute stuff? Me! Who do you think has like 30 websites saved in the "Apparel" folder of Safari all dedicated to female clothing? Me! Who do you think is always looking at accessories, handbags, and shoes to go with her pretty things? Me....

Oh god.

Allie, I love you!

:lol :lol
*rocks back and forth*

I'm 27 on Wednesday. 10 years since my parents first "found out" and I got The Talk and The Agreement (Thou Shalt Not Be a Girl In Our Houth, or Thee shall Be Expelled From Thy Familyth).

Why couldn't I just win the lotto so I could afford to move?? D=


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Are you able to do anything to express yourself there? Or do you have a friend you go to where you are able to wear your clothes, put on make up, etc when you need to get out of there?

I can't stand that families get so psychotic over this. They should always be in the corner of their children.


Always the tag bridesmaid, never the tag bride.
Android18a said:
*rocks back and forth*

I'm 27 on Wednesday. 10 years since my parents first "found out" and I got The Talk and The Agreement (Thou Shalt Not Be a Girl In Our Houth, or Thee shall Be Expelled From Thy Familyth).

Why couldn't I just win the lotto so I could afford to move?? D=
You know, I'm kind of curious. Are your parents more open and acceptive about this now?
Android18a said:
Not about that, just emotional blackmail stuff :p

"I'm glad you're still with us" and stuff.
That sounds terrible. :(
All these sad stories on here almost make me feel bad for having so much support. Do... do you girls want some of my friends? Their only slightly used and fairly psychologically stable.
Alfarif said:
Are you able to do anything to express yourself there? Or do you have a friend you go to where you are able to wear your clothes, put on make up, etc when you need to get out of there?

I can't stand that families get so psychotic over this. They should always be in the corner of their children.

Nope. It's pretty much restricted to when I get the house to myself. I dont have anyone I can really talk to about it in the real world. Everyone I know is a JW.

Jangaroo said:
You know, I'm kind of curious. Are your parents more open and acceptive about this now?

Nope. They never will be, because it's not accepted in the religion. So really, unless I can move out, I'm stuffed.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
That sounds terrible. :(
All these sad stories on here almost make me feel bad for having so much support. Do... do you girls want some of my friends? Their only slightly used and fairly psychologically stable.

Doesn't it make you want to gather everyone up into one city so everyone has a readily accepting community?

Android18a said:
Nope. It's pretty much restricted to when I get the house to myself. I dont have anyone I can really talk to about it in the real world. Everyone I know is a JW.

Gah. I've only known one JW in all my life, and she was a complete buzz kill. It's like misery is the only fun she wanted to have.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!


God, that is such an asshole-ish thing to say. Did you realize that when you posted it? Maybe the worst part is you thought you were giving her a compliment.


lexi said:
God, that is such an asshole-ish thing to say. Did you realize that when you posted it? Maybe the worst part is you thought you were giving her a compliment.
OK I'm sorry I'll edit it!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Android18a said:
Hmm. Slim, cute. For a mum. :lol

I can get an idea of what you will look like based on what I've seen. Very, very cute. Also, you seem to have the curves down. Curves are always a good thing.


Water is not wet!
Wow this thread moves quick.. hard to keep up if im not on constantly :lol Anyway.

Jess (that is your name right Android18? i hope i got it right.. forgive me if i didnt heh) preemptive happy birthday. And you look great.. im especially envious of your hair! If that is not a wig you are blessed.. if it is, it looks awesome on you!

All you girls that have posted pics.. you are all so freaking lucky to not be gigantic. Passing for all of you is going to be a cinch.. for me not so much. im so jealous :lol i would post a pic but its just me as a boy pretty much.. dont have any pics of me dolled up. im not really manly by any stretch but im very large, esp in the shoulders.. totally sucks :lol


water_wendi said:
All you girls that have posted pics.. you are all so freaking lucky to not be gigantic. Passing for all of you is going to be a cinch.. for me not so much. im so jealous :lol i would post a pic but its just me as a boy pretty much.. dont have any pics of me dolled up. im not really manly by any stretch but im very large, esp in the shoulders.. totally sucks :lol

Umm, I'm 5"11 :p
water_wendi said:
Wow this thread moves quick.. hard to keep up if im not on constantly :lol Anyway.

Jess (that is your name right Android18? i hope i got it right.. forgive me if i didnt heh) preemptive happy birthday. And you look great.. im especially envious of your hair! If that is not a wig you are blessed.. if it is, it looks awesome on you!

All you girls that have posted pics.. you are all so freaking lucky to not be gigantic. Passing for all of you is going to be a cinch.. for me not so much. im so jealous :lol i would post a pic but its just me as a boy pretty much.. dont have any pics of me dolled up. im not really manly by any stretch but im very large, esp in the shoulders.. totally sucks :lol

Yeah its a wig, but thanks <3 Was worth every bit of the £23 it cost!

I think many of us suffer with large shoulders. I know I tend to have to make sure I get tops and dresses that are either very stretchy, or have zip/button fastenings. I've had to return a number of dresses in the past where I just couldnt get my upper body in :|


Water is not wet!
Android18a said:
I think many of us suffer with large shoulders. I know I tend to have to make sure I get tops and dresses that are either very stretchy, or have zip/button fastenings. I've had to return a number of dresses in the past where I just couldnt get my upper body in :|
Yea.. bones suck :lol

lexi said:
Umm, I'm 5"11 :p
6'2" here.. bah!


Big shoulders aren't big cause of bones, they're big cause of muscle mass! Estrogen will take care of those nasty shoulders for you in time.

water_wendi said:
6'2" here.. bah!

That only sounds tall. :p Depending on the figure 6"2 works incredibly well.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
You all are making me feel tiny. I'm like 5' 6". I'm suffering from short man syndrome in this thread. :lol :lol

water_wendi said:
Wow this thread moves quick.. hard to keep up if im not on constantly Anyway.

Wendi, I've taken to keeping this thread open on my phone at all times and it's sitting in a tab on my computer. At work, it's pretty much what helps me get through the day when the rest of GAF is moving slooooooooooow (as it always does on Friday).
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