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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Lol, never thought of that. I always just blamed the weed.

My pet theory is that it's due to the significant difference between body fat levels between men and women.

The average body fat percentage in men is 18~24% while in women the average is 25~31%. Basically it's just our body going "well I dun goofin, I'm a female body after all. Welp, time to stack on the pounds then"


General question to all: Has a childhood friend of yours tried to reconnect you after your coming-out but then ignored you after finding out that you are trans?

Beth Cyra

General question to all: Has a childhood friend of yours tried to reconnect you after your coming-out but then ignored you after finding out that you are trans?

This actually happened recently kinda.

Short Story.

My wife ran into a person we went to highschool with and they expressed interest in seeing me.

Well I ran into them, and it was right after my surgery so I probably didn't pick up on it right away, but I was trying to be polite and offered to have them come over for dinner meet my children and catch up.

Well I later text them and they never bothered to get back to me in anyway. I

Lady Gaia

General question to all: Has a childhood friend of yours tried to reconnect you after your coming-out but then ignored you after finding out that you are trans?

No. If anything it's almost exactly the opposite. I had relatively few close friends in high school, but at a post-transition school reunion a few years ago I connected with a ton of people I didn't really know back then, and have become Facebook friends with many of them. They've become very supportive on LGBT issues, etc.

It might make a difference that I now live a thousand miles away, but I don't think so. When I do visit my prior hometown in Canada people are pretty eager to get together, and we've had a few who have visited our home in California since.


The reason behind my question is this story:

Back when we moved in 92 I never had any close male friends but in the new place there lived a boy who would instantly try to befriend me. That had never happened before or after. Most were just "Go away, you're a sissy."
We basically became best friends and he helped me to socialize better as a boy since he was the most popular kid in class.

After we moved again in 96 he still would try to contact me every few years while in the new place my life went completely to hell. My gender-dysphoria broke out completely during that time too but he was the only one who would never judge me for this. In retrospect I think he simply was the only one who didn't get it.

So around last November I browse FB like always and to my surprise I find him in the list of people you might know. 1 shared friend. Curiously I enter his profile and see that he is friends with my sister since yesterday. I ask her what's up and she tells me that he friended her to find out if I have a profile too. She tells him the situation and then...

Nothing. Well he said to her that he accepts it but might have trouble calling me by my new name.

Since then he did never contact me or my sister again.

Dunno if I should send a friendship request but I'm afraid to be hurt if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore.

(Oh and on a sidenote: My sister threw one hell of a fit after she came to know about my surgery. She's in that "You're stealing my life"-mode again she developed a few years ago bc. some schoolmates of her mistook me for her. On the other hand she has some of my schoolmates AND my (former) best friend in her FB while I have none! So much for stealing someones life.)


(Oh and on a sidenote: My sister threw one hell of a fit after she came to know about my surgery. She's in that "You're stealing my life"-mode again she developed a few years ago bc. some schoolmates of her mistook me for her. On the other hand she has some of my schoolmates AND my (former) best friend in her FB while I have none! So much for stealing someones life.)

...wut ?
Did any of you get eczema outbreaks from hormones? I woke up today covered head to toe. It looks like an allergic reaction.

I did. In the mid-00s they discontinued my brand so I changed to a different one; almost instant eczema all up my arms and chest. I got my doctor to switch me again and it went away. Something about the brand I switched to containing a diuretic?


I did. In the mid-00s they discontinued my brand so I changed to a different one; almost instant eczema all up my arms and chest. I got my doctor to switch me again and it went away. Something about the brand I switched to containing a diuretic?

Isn't there an estrogen in the usa that is basicaly horse piss ? That sounds very diuretic xD


It really feels awesome when you start getting that. It's shocking how much a word or two can make you feel so great.

I'm just happy now not being gendered at all >.> The Vons I go to always used to 'sir' me but I haven't gotten anything the last month :x

If someone genders me correctly I might explode on the spot.
Saw my endo yesterday about switching from pills to patches for E and got the new script filled today. Will be interesting to adjust to the new routine and see how more steady levels go.

It really feels awesome when you start getting that. It's shocking how much a word or two can make you feel so great.

Seriously. I was giddy for like an hour afterwards and smiled so much my face hurt.
I'm going to schedule my first laser hair removal session within the next few days. I ordered a package of six sessions from groupon so hopefully it works/doesn't end up being a waste. I thought about having my arms and legs done but I'd rather have my face taken care of first to be honest. Therapy is next on my list but this is something that is easy to have done without really having to come out people yet. I'm glad to be taking a first step of sorts still. :)


Random question but do we have a steam group or something of the sort? I searched since some other communities/parts of GAF do but found nothing.

If not I'd be up for possibly starting one if there was interest. I figured it might be a nice place for those of us who play games on PC or even just have Steam installed to be able to play and chat with each other.


Just my opinion, but I think it would be a total waste of money to do any hair removal beyond your face before hormones. Your body hair will change after being on them for a while, so you might end up needing less sessions (and thus less money) than if you did those areas now.
Just my opinion, but I think it would be a total waste of money to do any hair removal beyond your face before hormones. Your body hair will change after being on them for a while, so you might end up needing less sessions (and thus less money) than if you did those areas now.

I completely agree.

It does take some time but hrt does affect body hair everywhere and it will make it thinner and less likely to grow back. Laser is really not cheap or easy and hormones will take their time with everything else as well so it might be a lot more economical and effective to wait at least 6 months in my honest and humble opinion.

I don't know if there's a steam group or not but we do have a couple of channels on IRC that I can point you to if you want, just ask in PM :)


formerly Oynox Slider
Just my opinion, but I think it would be a total waste of money to do any hair removal beyond your face before hormones. Your body hair will change after being on them for a while, so you might end up needing less sessions (and thus less money) than if you did those areas now.

I'm not sure I agree. I had quite a lot of electro before starting hormones and it certainly killed a lot of the hairs. But hey everyone's different. I'm now at the stage where I'm virtually done and it's such a great feeling.


Less hair to do ... but those hairs loose the "darkness" that makes laser works best

I would wait, because the result post hrt might be "meh leave it there"

Lady Gaia

My experience with laser first followed by HRT later has been great. A lot of women get laser done to eliminate or reduce the need to shave their legs, underarms, and so on.


I'm waiting it out and hoping hormones help my body hair situation first before going for laser. Beard though is nearly killed after 4 laser treatments. I have two left, then I probably have to start looking at electrolysis because I have a bunch of blond hairs on my chin T.T


I'm waiting it out and hoping hormones help my body hair situation first before going for laser. Beard though is nearly killed after 4 laser treatments. I have two left, then I probably have to start looking at electrolysis because I have a bunch of blond hairs on my chin T.T

Man, four treatments? I'm 2+ years into my electrolysis. *bleh*

And I'd absolutely recommend the person I'm seeing for electrolysis if you do need someone. She's really nice, really thorough and careful, and I wasn't her first trans patient, so there's nothing to worry about with her on that level.
Thanks to everyone for the advice and sharing their own experiences.

I probably should have waited before ordering it but it's too late now. I'll just use the sessions for my face and hope that I don't end up with extra in the end.

I came out to an online friend I've known for a long time the other day as well. We talked about things such as what I'd like to be called from now on and my overall plans/goals. It was just really nice to have someone who is supportive about it even if I don't see him in person.

Hopefully conversations of similar topics go as well in real life when I get around to them.
I'm waiting it out and hoping hormones help my body hair situation first before going for laser. Beard though is nearly killed after 4 laser treatments. I have two left, then I probably have to start looking at electrolysis because I have a bunch of blond hairs on my chin T.T

My experiences are after a year of HRT and yeah, 4 treatments in and my face is mostly clear with the exception of the upper lip and a couple of small spots on the chin.

I am super blessed and privileged to have had such results as I understand they are not necessarily common. I haven't had any regrowth yet but if I do then I'll go back again because the tech is super nice and takes really good care of me.

Thanks to everyone for the advice and sharing their own experiences.

I probably should have waited before ordering it but it's too late now. I'll just use the sessions for my face and hope that I don't end up with extra in the end.

I came out to an online friend I've known for a long time the other day as well. We talked about things such as what I'd like to be called from now on and my overall plans/goals. It was just really nice to have someone who is supportive about it even if I don't see him in person.

Hopefully conversations of similar topics go as well in real life when I get around to them.

Super happy to hear that!!

I hope you find many more supportive people among your family and friends!!


Man, four treatments? I'm 2+ years into my electrolysis. *bleh*

And I'd absolutely recommend the person I'm seeing for electrolysis if you do need someone. She's really nice, really thorough and careful, and I wasn't her first trans patient, so there's nothing to worry about with her on that level.

2+ years... ouch :x I guess I'm lucky that most of my beard was dark hair and I'm super pale. The chin of my beard was blond for some reason though, so I think I'm stuck with electrolysis there. 5th laser is on Saturday with the final one being another month out so we'll see how things are then.

And it would be awesome to know who you're going to so I can check it out :D The pain kinda scares me, gonna have to look into numbing stuff. *Now to stop getting ahead of myself*

Lady Gaia

Getting medical advice from a group of strangers whose credentials are completely unknown is a scary prospect. Please seek the advice of a medical professional who can take the rest of your history and particulars into account and give sound advice. There are other important considerations that a blood test should track, ensuring that you're not damaging your health in the process of seeking your goals.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Getting medical advice from a group of strangers whose credentials are completely unknown is a scary prospect. Please seek the advice of a medical professional who can take the rest of your history and particulars into account and give sound advice. There are other important considerations that a blood test should track, ensuring that you're not damaging your health in the process of seeking your goals.
That's a good point. I'm going from DIY to informed consent in a couple weeks I think, I just need to make an appointment.


So I was reading this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1047764
And some of the posts regarding the word transgendered in the title caught my eye, particularily this one
and it made me remember a decent question I had.

Why do people get so worked up over "transgendered?"
Is it really a slur that people use with hate? I've only seen it used by people who don't know better. Some of my closest friends have called me transgendered a few times, and I haven't bothered to correct them because it honestly doesn't bug me.
However, judging from other peoples reactions I feel like I should be offended somehow.

I've heard some people are upset because it sounds like something happened to them and made them transgender, but I've taken it as my friends acknowledging me as a woman because while nothing may have happened to me, I did do something to myself by starting hormones. The ones who have called transgendered are some of the only people who refer to me as she and her.

Am I missing something? Am I way off base here?

Sorry if I sound apologist or something, I'm genuinely trying to understand.
I have never noticed people getting worked up over that tense of the word. Not saying that they do not, It is not like I go out of my way to interact with people. I just never notice it.

I get irritated over people being referred to as "transgenders" because it sounds like bad English but the difference between transgenderer and transgendered has always been nominal. It is usually so subtle that always figured that it was a regional thing.

I seriously doubt that the person putting an "ed" at the end is really putting that much more thought into the word than the person leaving it out. If they were, they would most likely just call the person what they were assigned at birth or use a pejorative.

Kind of like the used cd store near me that has a sign on the counter berating people for saying Vinyls instead of Vinyl.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
So I was reading this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1047764
And some of the posts regarding the word transgendered in the title caught my eye, particularily this one
and it made me remember a decent question I had.

Why do people get so worked up over "transgendered?"
Is it really a slur that people use with hate? I've only seen it used by people who don't know better. Some of my closest friends have called me transgendered a few times, and I haven't bothered to correct them because it honestly doesn't bug me.
However, judging from other peoples reactions I feel like I should be offended somehow.

I've heard some people are upset because it sounds like something happened to them and made them transgender, but I've taken it as my friends acknowledging me as a woman because while nothing may have happened to me, I did do something to myself by starting hormones. The ones who have called transgendered are some of the only people who refer to me as she and her.

Am I missing something? Am I way off base here?

Sorry if I sound apologist or something, I'm genuinely trying to understand.
I'm not offended personally, but I was stating that some people do get offended by it.


Why do people get so worked up over "transgendered?"

Some people in life get to a point where anything outside of their sphere of acceptability is seen as offensive to them. Stick around the trans community for long enough, and you'll even see one trans person say to another that they're being offensive of whatnot for simply talking about their own experiences in ways or with terms that the first person thought were okay but the second has personally decided to rally against. For example, I've seen one trans person berate another for using "transgirl" instead of "trans girl".

Is it really a slur that people use with hate?

No. "Transgendered" is almost always used either due to simple misunderstanding or lack of knowledge

However, judging from other peoples reactions I feel like I should be offended somehow.

One of the worst things you can do is personally be offended because someone else is telling you you should be. Don't be. If you know if might be offensive to someone else, you can educate the person on why that term is one not to use generally. Or you can not, because no one has a responsibility to have to be a teacher about their lifestyle.

I've heard some people are upset because it sounds like something happened to them and made them transgender

And, most likely, the person putting all of that meaning behind the word is the trans person, not the person saying the word. And situations like that are when you need to stop and ask yourself if something is really being done out of desire to offend.
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