Did you guys jump into the River Walk?
Yep, I know it. I venture over not too far from there to Hamilton Pool in Dripping Springs. Both are cool but so sad to see the levels of water come down over the past few years.
Were you playing Splatoon with Jose Otero? I watched the IGN review of the game (thinking of getting it just so my poor Wii U gets some use) and I saw a shidoshi in a game in the footage.
I'm sorry for not reading much of the thread but it's like 200+ pages... I'll try and read more of it when I feel better.
Do we have any FTM around here?
...where is my milkshake?
...that don't sound like ftm problem to me xD
Can't do much about other people being irritably easily ....
Is she your girlfriend or a girl friend ?
But you can try to vent here your problems if you think it helps.
Being there for you when ?
You are welcomed to talk about your problems here. That is the purpose of the thread, I think.If I go to the mental health thread I feel like I have to hold myself back cause I'm scared of transphobia. So I'm here and I literally don't know where to start. So many problems seem to go back to my gender and I just wish I could feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm sorry if any of this is inappropriate, I just don't know anymore.
I wish I was just "crazy" for whatever reason so I could get over my gender problems and I wouldn't have to become ftm; that my feelings/problems are from some other source other than being the wrong gender. Is that actually possible or is it just all denial on my part? In case this comes out wrong I'm absolutely not saying trans folk are crazy. I'm really, really not. I'm wondering if I have issues in my head that make me think I'm trans when that's not the case. I'd rather just deal with that, 'cause otherwise I have no family... and I have enough issues getting a career without throwing gender into it. Also have enough issues making any kind of friends, or dating.
I can't really relate to women. I relate to men but can't make friends with them. I hate having breasts. I don't mind part of my genitals but I can't stand being emotional. It feels like I'm just the lesser gender... I only think that about myself, not about other women. I wish so badly I wasn't so emotional. Periods are really hard, even with birth control, which I've had problems with all this year. (Sorry if this subject troubles anyone, I really am.) I wish I could just not have a period but I feel like every doctor's gonna tell me "lol too bad." Supposed to suffer for the rest of my life for literally no reason, cause I don't want kids... But everyone--everyone--tells me I'm supposed to change my mind and that pregnancy isn't a big deal. Everyone wants kids! Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about. But I don't mind, like...masturbating? I don't think I'd mind sex, at least without penetration. Can't really talk about penetration when I'm a virgin. But I don't feel like "oh man I need a dick."
The emotion stuff is the hardest. I get men have mood swings too. They cry too and all that shit even though society gives them crap for it. But it feels a lot different with men. It was so hard just telling my doctor, when she gave me Yaz, that it made me suicidal, despite the fact Yaz had so much controversy about that. Every time I try to talk about the emotional problems it feels like no one fucking cares. That doctor left but I haven't been back to the place; last time I saw a doctor it was at my college, not my regular doctor / place, because I had to change my pills asap. So I dunno if a new doctor would make me feel better. I don't think it will, cause it feels like I'm supposed to deal with having a period.
Everything else I could suck up, but the emotion / period stuff? For the rest of my life? Fuck. And that I'm magically supposed to want to make babies... even though I'm twenty-five. Think I'd have magically changed my mind by now.
If you'd like, I can provide you with some resources, support group even, just let me know
I don't know where you live but have you tried the Depo-Provera shot? It's supposed to stop periods altogether over time or at least make them a lot lighter and more manageable.
Thanks for your comment--and you too, Anura. I don't have anyone to talk to and I'm in a really bad spot right now, so if you have some resources, I'd be really appreciative?
Past few days I've started taking basically a steroid to help with a sinus issue, and uh... felt suicidal since yesterday. Not trying to start drama, sorry. Wondering if the meds are doing it. I won't do anything to hurt myself but I'll have to do some research to see what's up. Like I've never heard of someone feeling suicidal cause of steroids so it's kind of weird...idk. Sorry.
I've heard about the shot but haven't tried it. I get a knee jerk reaction when I hear people complain about bad side effects... but anecdotal info is anecdotal and I should do some research to really see how common it is. Not sure how the costs are either. What makes this more difficult is I still live with my parents and I use their insurance. My mother hates birth control and thinks all hormones screw up your body. (Haha she'd hate the fact I'm taking steroids for my sinus issue too but it was prescribed for two weeks only as a diagnosis thing so I didn't tell her.) I'm worried what will happen if she knows I start using a shot instead.
But yeah, I should do some research on that. Thanks for "reminding me", because when I think of what else I can do with this problem I can only think of those inserts like Mirena IUD which scare the fuck out of me, or doing the "hardcore" route of getting surgery, hysterectomy... which isn't a reality because docs will insist I have kids first. I hear so many horror stories about those inserts, I know I just said "anecdotal isn't fact" but...oh man, nope. Unless there's a better one on the market I'm not aware of. I'll just look into it when I look into the shot stuff. Just want to get in a better head space first. Again, I'm really thankful for the advice/insight.
Tomita I don't know how old you are or what country you're from but if you're a legal adult then you have medical confidentiality and your parents cannot access your medical information without your explicit consent.
Honestly hysterectomies are a mess and a half, they just have too many possible complications and doctors are getting less and less into the habit of doing them unless medically necessary. There are other safer and a lot less intrusive ways to stop your menstruating cycles.
I've PM'ed you some information regarding a channel where people will always be there to listen to you and provide you with information that you may need.
Hang in there, it gets better okay?
... I just got asked out.
By multiple women.
All of them know I'm trans.
None of them know each other.
You are probably just hot... I just got asked out.
By multiple women.
All of them know I'm trans.
None of them know each other.
... I just got asked out.
By multiple women.
All of them know I'm trans.
None of them know each other.
Edit: and now a Domme is asking me out to dinner? WTF is happening???
This has all happened over my phone in the last hour and a half. Am I being punked?
Boost of self-confidence can (trans)engender a lot of positive attention!... I just got asked out.
By multiple women.
All of them know I'm trans.
None of them know each other.
Edit: and now a Domme is asking me out to dinner? WTF is happening???
This has all happened over my phone in the last hour and a half. Am I being punked?
Boost of self-confidence can (trans)engender a lot of positive attention!![]()
yo, you gotta post some deets.
General depression, dysphoria, paranoia, a whole mess of negative thoughts, emotions, and impulses. Plus my mother keeps contaminating my food with gluten which is triggering my celiac something fierce.
General depression, dysphoria, paranoia, a whole mess of negative thoughts, emotions, and impulses. Plus my mother keeps contaminating my food with gluten which is triggering my celiac something fierce.
Boost of self-confidence can (trans)engender a lot of positive attention!![]()
General depression, dysphoria, paranoia, a whole mess of negative thoughts, emotions, and impulses. Plus my mother keeps contaminating my food with gluten which is triggering my celiac something fierce.
Let's see what else to complain about...one of the reasons I quit hormones is because I know I will never be truly female. I have the mannerism of a dude for the most part probably. Being socalized as a boy throughout my life has fucked with my head. I honestly don't understand the point of why being transgender exists. What possible purpose could a female brain in a male body exist. At least when it comes to being homosexual there is some logical reason to it. This makes no fucking sense and drives me nuts.
Let's see what else to complain about...one of the reasons I quit hormones is because I know I will never be truly female. I have the mannerism of a dude for the most part probably. Being socalized as a boy throughout my life has fucked with my head.
I honestly don't understand the point of why being transgender exists. What possible purpose could a female brain in a male body exist. At least when it comes to being homosexual there is some logical reason to it. This makes no fucking sense and drives me nuts.