If I recall correctly this thread is basically on it's last legs in terms of capacity and will be auto-locked once it reaches the maximum post cap, after that a new one will be created.
The problem here is that the person who originally created this thread has been perma banned since it's creation so OP updates are fairly difficult unless the admins/mods are feeling generous of course.
Ah, okay, I understand now, thank you.
The title isn't saying that's all there is. It's just meant as a fun/humorous title.
To an outsider looking in reading the OP, I couldn't help but second guess. There's really no way around this. I'm not trying to attack you or anyone else, but considering that NB and GQ people have to fight to be heard in
any capacity, including
safe spaces, you'll have to forgive me for not seeing the humor. It's been explained now, and I sincerely doubt anyone wanted to have others feel unwelcome or excluded, but I had to speak up. I don't think me doing so should be brushed off, even if the lack of inclusion wasn't done in bad faith.
It's hard enough identifying with the opposite gender, but id'ing outside ( or some combination thereof ) the binary is akin to being completely erased from society and it was jarring to see that in a thread that's dedicated to trans issues,
period. I don't mean any harm, but '
it was only a joke ' is not it. I didn't say what I said to make a jab at you, your friends, or anyone else who has been here long before me. I only pointed out something that I could not help but notice. It's ( read: cissexism ) something that is perpetuated intentionally and unintentionally inside and outside of the community and lines definitely blur when you're deciding on the other party's intent.
I would welcome that change. I know I'm not the only non-binary trans person who posts here
I hate to sound so dramatic here, but, if I hadn't seen some of your posts, I wouldn't've at all.
Representation is somethin' else.
Transgaf, how do y'all feel when cis people tell us what we should and shouldn't be upset about?
I need to process when and how I'm going to bring it up with them later.
I do my best not to respond immediately, usually. Otherwise my explanation won't come out nicely : s