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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:

That avatar is kind of cute / disturbing. I have developed a weird hangup over showing myself in an avatar, it's... yeah I don't really feel comfortable with it.
You should use it anyway. It's too cute!

GaimeGuy said:
The fuck is going on in this thread now? o_O

Off-topic chatting? Got something trans-related to talk about? I could talk about the movie that tehAinsley recommended but I haven't watched it yet. Sounds really good though. It's called Red Without Blue, and is about a set of twins that are defining themselves in different ways; one is gay, while the other is transgendered. Sounds really, really interesting, and I can't wait to watch it!


Android18a said:


That's so awesome. I've now sat here at work for 15 minutes playing Peek-A-Boo with Lexi. :lol

Also, I was wondering if any other TransGAFers are creative in any way? I tend to doodle alot, well, less often the past few years but I still draw the odd picture here and there. Anyone else down with doodlin'? Or writing? Or music?

Showed these to Alfarif last night, figure I may as well share them here if anyone is interested. Both are pretty simple, and the only ones I have pictures of. If I ever get my camera working again or get a scanner I can post some more.

Orc Dude: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/cursedhopes/gorstag3.jpg From back in the day when some friends and I were entertaining the idea of doing a Sword and Sorcery style comic.

My one time dabble in attempting to get more of an anime look to my style, only thing I really like about it is the hair. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/cursedhopes/CharConcept1.jpg

But yea, any other arteests round here? :O
Yeah. I'm more into photography now, but I have some art on my deviantart page.



Its a real hodgepodge gallery with no direction to it, though.


Some really cool stuff there! I like the Pirate Girl in particular. LOVE the style on display in that one. :D

EDIT: Finally remembered the login information for my DeviantArt account. CrucifytheEgo


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
Orc Dude: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/cursedhopes/gorstag3.jpg From back in the day when some friends and I were entertaining the idea of doing a Sword and Sorcery style comic.

My one time dabble in attempting to get more of an anime look to my style, only thing I really like about it is the hair. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v340/cursedhopes/CharConcept1.jpg

But yea, any other arteests round here? :O

Yeah, those are freakin' awesome. Like I said last night, I just might have a script... :lol :lol

Android18a said:
Yeah. I'm more into photography now, but I have some art on my deviantart page.



Its a real hodgepodge gallery with no direction to it, though.

You and my wife should talk. She's into photography a lot, and has her own deviantart and portfolio page. Maybe she'll come back into the thread tonight and chat with you.

This one is particularly cool.

Edit: I think you girls have started something....



That girl in the bunny hat
tehAinsley said:
Also, I was wondering if any other TransGAFers are creative in any way? I tend to doodle alot, well, less often the past few years but I still draw the odd picture here and there. Anyone else down with doodlin'? Or writing? Or music?

I bang the drums. Not well, but way better than I did when I was first starting. Hard to get a solid band together though.

I write a little too. Did NaNoWriMo last year (the end result), do a little poetry here and there.

Don't do either of them as much or as well as I'd like, though I'm regularly reminded I'm one of the better poets at school. I suppose techies don't make for the best poets.


I was out sorting out a prescription earlier in my androgynous mode (skinny jeans, fitted tee, no makeup) on the way home stopped for some takeout lunch... and was ma'am'ed at the order window. I sort of narrowed my eyes a bit, and gave my order waiting for the awkward look to show on her face... and it never came. Okay, fair enough, this has happened a bit in the past, she must have had a long night.

Drive around to pick up my order and the cute latino guy who gives me my order ALSO ma'am's me. WTF?


Why you asking when you know exactly why that happened?



Alfarif said:
Yeah, those are freakin' awesome. Like I said last night, I just might have a script... :lol :lol

Send it! It'll gimmie summin to draw without me having to be creative! =P

Fox the Sly

lexi said:
I was out sorting out a prescription earlier in my androgynous mode (skinny jeans, fitted tee, no makeup) on the way home stopped for some takeout lunch... and was ma'am'ed at the order window. I sort of narrowed my eyes a bit, and gave my order waiting for the awkward look to show on her face... and it never came. Okay, fair enough, this has happened a bit in the past, she must have had a long night.

Drive around to pick up my order and the cute latino guy who gives me my order ALSO ma'am's me. WTF?

What's wrong with that?


Fox the Sly said:
What's wrong with that?

There's nothing wrong with it, it took me completely by surprise as I wasn't exactly, well, how I might usually look if I go out en femme.


Let's not get crazy here, being ma'am'ed is not quite the same as being eligible for the cover of Sports Illustrated.


Bah to that I say! Bah! Swimsuit Edition models as well as any other model are as much a figment of my imagination as my drawings are by the time they're printed for the magazines.

So just accept it, you're a hottie. :D


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
I was out sorting out a prescription earlier in my androgynous mode (skinny jeans, fitted tee, no makeup) on the way home stopped for some takeout lunch... and was ma'am'ed at the order window. I sort of narrowed my eyes a bit, and gave my order waiting for the awkward look to show on her face... and it never came. Okay, fair enough, this has happened a bit in the past, she must have had a long night.

Drive around to pick up my order and the cute latino guy who gives me my order ALSO ma'am's me. WTF?
I was under the impression that this Is what this thread and the "end result" are aaaall about. Lol


Ya know, as hilarious as that avatar is, Alfarif... I kinda miss the old one. o_Oa

(Prolly 'cause it had a red-headed rocker in it. :3)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
Ya know, as hilarious as that avatar is, Alfarif... I kinda miss the old one. o_Oa

(Prolly 'cause it had a red-headed rocker in it. :3)
I'll have to get a new capture of my Rock Band character because she looks completely different. I might have to record her playing guitar this time, though. It is easier to see when I post now, though. Hah.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
How do you capture stuff from a console? That sounds fun!

And yeah, you're right! It's way easier. :lol :lol
I set up my camera, turn the lights off, and play the game with all of the UI off. It's hard to do it on guitar but I basically will have to memorize a song on easy so that my character is rocking out and not just standing there. It's really easy to do it singing but harder with an instrument.

I need to get a slingbox HD pro baaaad.


Thats a whole lot of work for a .gif! WAY to lazy for that am I. And stuff.

Looked up that thingamajiggy, I've built computers that seemed less complicated than that thing. Srsly. :lol


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
Thats a whole lot of work for a .gif! WAY to lazy for that am I. And stuff.

Looked up that thingamajiggy, I've built computers that seemed less complicated than that thing. Srsly. :lol
It's the best and easiest way to get HD capture off of digital tbs and consoles. Trust me on this one. We've done "music videos" with our characters using more complicated methods. The avatars were just byproducts. And, as Android said, it's a lot of fun!

Android, I want a play by play!!!


Android18a said:
*dies* I'm gonna try see my doc this week... *butterflies*

Yes! *cheers* Do eet! :D

Andriod18a said:
Avatar making is so fun =3

Aye, I used to make signatures in photoshop... Until I lost photoshop. ; ;

Alfarif said:
It's the best and easiest way to get HD capture off of digital tbs and consoles. Trust me on this one. We've done "music videos" with our characters using more complicated methods. The avatars were just byproducts. And, as Android said, it's a lot of fun!

Okay yeah, making music videos sounds worth the trouble! :lol
Just thinking about calling the surgery is giving me the willies (if you pardon the term!). Hehe.

I soo wanna, I'm just scared of what happens if my parents find out while I'm still living at home =0


I can totally understand that. Me being in kinda the same position and all. But in the end, you gotta do what feels right. And if now feels right, go for it and don't look back.

If they do wig-out, do you have a back-up? Or somewhere you can crash?
tehAinsley said:
I can totally understand that. Me being in kinda the same position and all. But in the end, you gotta do what feels right. And if now feels right, go for it and don't look back.

If they do wig-out, do you have a back-up? Or somewhere you can crash?

Thats the thing, I dont have any immediate backup plan. Long term I have ideas, but I'm trying to save up money in case worst came to worst.

'Course, it'd likely be a few months before anything became apparent anyways.


Bearing that in mind, I say go for it. 'Cause you're quite right in that it'll take some months for anything to become apparent. May as well make some use of the months before then.


tehAinsley said:
Bearing that in mind, I say go for it. 'Cause you're quite right in that it'll take some months for anything to become apparent. May as well make some use of the months before then.

I agree whole-heartedly. You need to do what's right for you.

Congrats on the ma'aming Lexi :)

Thank you :)


Hello there. I just remembered that i had a question that i wanted to ask. I'm very interested in everyone's input so, here goes...

Where all of the TG people here born the sex that was expected? by this i mean, the doctors did the whole ultrasound stuff and determined a sex and that's the sex that came out?

Oh, and I know sex and gender are separate. Just curious.
That's an interesting question!

I don't really have an answer to this myself, I've never particularly asked my parents about my birth. I'd be interested if anyone else has though.


My parents wanted it to be a surprise, I was my parents firstborn (my mum had 3 children in a previous marriage) she claims she felt I was a girl, to the point where they hadn't picked a male name.


When I told my Mom I was trans back in the day she swore up and down she'd known since she'd had me. Apparently I wasn't given to my Mom to hold right after I was born. They took me off somewhere and she didn't see me for about 6 hours. It wasn't until then that they confirmed that my gender was the one they told her it was supposed to be months earlier through ultrasound.

No surgery or anything was done that day, but, when I was about 5-6 I had a "hernia" taken care of through surgery. Mom believes they may have took out what female organs I did have that day and just called it a hernia. Which wasn't necessarily uncommon back then, especially by military doctors. I was a navy brat. :p

She has no proof, just a mother's intuition. And I've never seen my medical records so I have no way of knowing for sure, but Mom is convinced something was off with me gender wise since birth.

Who knows if any of that is true or not. I like to believe it is just to help me know I'm not completely crazy. Not that trans people, are... but I'm sure ya know what I mean.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Ains, that sounds like what happened to this one girl I read about awhile back. When she was born, she was born with both sets, but they were underdeveloped. They had to take one set of them out (I don't remember which set) so that the other would developed. So the parents just chose. Turns out, she didn't feel right in her body, so she ended up doing the transition pretty early (12-13). I wish I could find that story, because it was a really, really interesting read.


That girl in the bunny hat
I know either my brother or I was expected to be a girl, but I don't bloody remember which one. I know my folks had a girl's name picked for me at least, but they had that contingency for both of us.

Generally I just don't know anything from before about 1992.


Interesting stories. I was reminded of a story regarding someone named(i want to say) David something. Born male and a botched circumsition left him with a severed penis. So, doctors thought it wise to just complete the removal(i think) and raise him as a girl. Doesn't turn out well.

I asked because I was supposed to be a girl. Ultrasound "confirmed" it. 98% certain my parents first born(me) was going to be a little lady. My dad was very happy to finally have a "little princess" to love and cherish. They even had the all pink baby shower. Lots of girl stuff and pink clothing. well, they were in for a terrible shock the day I was born.


I know exactly who you're talking about. The BBC did a Horizon Doc called "Dr. Money and The Boy With No Penis" about that story. It's extremely hard to watch at points, but totally destroys the whole "Nature vs. Nurture" argument in all kinds of ways.

If anyone hasn't seen it I recommend checking it out. Pretty sure it's still on Veoh somewhere if you want to stream it.

NoRéN said:
I asked because I was supposed to be a girl. Ultrasound "confirmed" it. 98% certain my parents first born(me) was going to be a little lady. My dad was very happy to finally have a "little princess" to love and cherish. They even had the all pink baby shower. Lots of girl stuff and pink clothing. well, they were in for a terrible shock the day I was born.

Woooooow, thats really really rare. Are you aware of any weirdness immediately following you birth or was everything A-OK then?


tehAinsley said:
I know exactly who you're talking about. The BBC did a Horizon Doc called "Dr. Money and The Boy With No Penis" about that story. It's extremely hard to watch at points, but totally destroys the whole "Nature vs. Nurture" argument in all kinds of ways.

If anyone hasn't seen I recommend checking it out. Pretty sure it's still on Veoh somewhere if anyone wants to stream it.
That's the one. David Reimer. The entire time i watched that documentary, all I could think was, "FUCK YOU, DOCTOR!" It always amazes me how much people can trust doctors/teachers, certain people in positions of prestige. It does not mean that they know everything and are infallible. The end to that story is just terrible.
Android18a said:
Off topic chat until someone has something trans-related to post ;p

First time posting here.

Anybody familiar with the LJ community, ftm_vanity and the Le Tigre band member, JD Samson? There's this board I frequent that likes to fancy itself as the 4chan of lesbian forums. Well, about two months ago, there was sort of an "invasion" of ftm_vanity members into the forum, because this one dumb ass poster kept posting pics of members of the LJ community into this thread. Soon after these pics were posted, a major hate fest where TLC posters were bashing all transexuals began. JD Samson has her very own thread there, and I believe that she was the author of this post in the FTMs thread.

I don't identify as trans myself, but it was very depressing to see all of that unfold the way it did. Because of the ability to post anonymously in TLC, it's hard to get an idea of who these exactly ignorant assholes are - if they're teenage boys, grown men, fearful, self-loathing babydykes, closeted lesbians from unforgiving, conservative parts of the world.


NoRéN said:
That's the one. David Reimer. The entire time i watched that documentary, all I could think was, "FUCK YOU, DOCTOR!" It always amazes me how much people can trust doctors/teachers, certain people in positions of prestige. It does not mean that they know everything and are infallible. The end to that story is just terrible.

I don't think people are completely wrong for putting their trust in doctors and such. After all, doctors spend a lot of money and time to do that kind of work, and are much more qualified to diagnose things because of it. It's just every now and again you get some complete whack-job like Dr. Money who's more about chasing his own accolades and theories than he is making sure he's doing the best by his patients.

Though, I guess some responsibility still lies in the hands of the patients. They can get a second opinion or so their own research just to get a better grip on the situation.

Still though, ones like Dr. Money have no business treating animals let alone humans, IMO.


A Good Citizen
I think I was also expected to be a girl, not too sure. I know for sure that my grandparents had bought girl's baby clothes, room decorations, etc.. And they were here for months before I was born helping my mom/dad so I think they would've known what I was expected to be.


Lv99 Slacker said:
it was very depressing to see all of that unfold the way it did. Because of the ability to post anonymously in TLC, it's hard to get an idea of who these exactly ignorant assholes are - if they're teenage boys, grown men, fearful, self-loathing babydykes, closeted lesbians from unforgiving, conservative parts of the world.
That sucks. But, you have to remind yourself, the world is filled with ignorant assholes. AND, the internet is their domain. Anonimity is their sword and shield.
Lv99 Slacker said:
First time posting here.

Anybody familiar with the LJ community, ftm_vanity and the Le Tigre band member, JD Samson? There's this board I frequent that likes to fancy itself as the 4chan of lesbian forums. Well, about two months ago, there was sort of an "invasion" of ftm_vanity members into the forum, because this one dumb ass poster kept posting pics of members of the LJ community into this thread. Soon after these pics were posted, a major hate fest where TLC posters were bashing all transexuals began. JD Samson has her very own thread there, and I believe that she was the author of this post in the FTMs thread.

I don't identify as trans myself, but it was very depressing to see all of that unfold the way it did. Because of the ability to post anonymously in TLC, it's hard to get an idea of who these exactly ignorant assholes are - if they're teenage boys, grown men, fearful, self-loathing babydykes, closeted lesbians from unforgiving, conservative parts of the world.

I went to that thread and read some of it. That was all kinds of depressing.


Lv99 Slacker said:
First time posting here.

I don't identify as trans myself, but it was very depressing to see all of that unfold the way it did. Because of the ability to post anonymously in TLC, it's hard to get an idea of who these exactly ignorant assholes are - if they're teenage boys, grown men, fearful, self-loathing babydykes, closeted lesbians from unforgiving, conservative parts of the world.

Depressing is right, jeez. People can truly be terrible... -.-

For as long as I've been around that forum, from what I've gathered from several threads, there are a lot of closeted posters there, and thanks to that Demi/Selena thread, a lot of teenagers as well. So, immaturity + bitter, closted dykes + anonymity = a concentration of obnoxiousness and hatred that only two other forums I can think of can rival - those forums being Stormfront and 4chan...Datalounge being a sort of distant third.


I found myself being forced to take a vacation of sorts from this thread for a bit. There was a really interesting influx of posts a few days ago, with people show off pics, talking about where they were at in the process of things, and all of that. I really wanted to posts my own comments of congratulations to people like Android18a on her doctor progress, or tell you girls how great you look (which you all do).

Every time I tried to read through that block of posts, however, I would find myself on the verge of tears. Reading about and seeing the progress some of you are making - even if they seem like baby steps to you - just made me feel so stuck and motionless in my own progress. I'm not alone in being in that kind of situation, I know... but in trying to read through the thread, that's how I was feeling at that moment in time: like everybody else was having fun on the dance floor while I was standing against the wall watching everybody else having a good time.

This was then all compounded by what happened on Friday. My hair has grown out an extra inch and a half or so since I last girlied myself up, and the other day the way it looked made me think I might be able to pull off being passible a bit better at this point. So, I decided to take just a few minutes to do a bit of quick make-up and see where I was at. I've had a number of days where when looking at myself, I thought, "by God, I think I could indeed pull this off." That was not one of those days. I looked at myself, and all I could see was a guy with make-up on looking back at me, and the whole ordeal just made me feel ten times worse, and stupid for even trying.

I'm feeling a slight bit better now, but am still stuck in a rather "hopeless" mood. It makes me a bit frightened by the idea of doing HRT, because good lord... if I'm already this moody of a person, how big of a mess would I end up being once the hormones kick in? *laughs*


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Lv99 Slacker said:
First time posting here.

Anybody familiar with the LJ community, ftm_vanity and the Le Tigre band member, JD Samson? There's this board I frequent that likes to fancy itself as the 4chan of lesbian forums. Well, about two months ago, there was sort of an "invasion" of ftm_vanity members into the forum, because this one dumb ass poster kept posting pics of members of the LJ community into this thread. Soon after these pics were posted, a major hate fest where TLC posters were bashing all transexuals began. JD Samson has her very own thread there, and I believe that she was the author of this post in the FTMs thread.

I don't identify as trans myself, but it was very depressing to see all of that unfold the way it did. Because of the ability to post anonymously in TLC, it's hard to get an idea of who these exactly ignorant assholes are - if they're teenage boys, grown men, fearful, self-loathing babydykes, closeted lesbians from unforgiving, conservative parts of the world.

Why would people do this? What is the point? My favorite part about the internet is how people think that because they're anonymous, they can be complete dicks, yet, it's that much easier to IGNORE these dicks. What's the point of doing this? Why being a complete ass on the internet? It completely boggles the mind how people act.


shidoshi said:
This was then all compounded by what happened on Friday. My hair has grown out an extra inch and a half or so since I last girlied myself up, and the other day the way it looked made me think I might be able to pull off being passible a bit better at this point. So, I decided to take just a few minutes to do a bit of quick make-up and see where I was at. I've had a number of days where when looking at myself, I thought, "by God, I think I could indeed pull this off." That was not one of those days. I looked at myself, and all I could see was a guy with make-up on looking back at me, and the whole ordeal just made me feel ten times worse, and stupid for even trying.

*hugs* A few things: hair being the way it is can completely change the way you look. There's an uncanny valley of hair where it's too short to do anything with and too long to style into something reasonable. I can probably make you feel a million times better if you're looking for a pick me up. :p

I'm feeling a slight bit better now, but am still stuck in a rather "hopeless" mood. It makes me a bit frightened by the idea of doing HRT, because good lord... if I'm already this moody of a person, how big of a mess would I end up being once the hormones kick in? *laughs*

*laughs* Well, yeah, it's... interesting. Your avatar is probably a perfect literal metaphor, joyously joyish highs and super depressing and messy crying lows. :p


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
Shidoshi's story

There isn't a virtual hug big enough, Shidoshi. I bet you look fine. Soemtimes we're a lot harder on ourselves than we need to be.

And just so you know, there are some GG who are barely passable. I'm at work looknig at one right now... ugh. I bet you already have the majority of them beat without the need for makeup!


lexi said:
*hugs* A few things: hair being the way it is can completely change the way you look. There's an uncanny valley of hair where it's too short to do anything with and too long to style into something reasonable. I can probably make you feel a million times better if you're looking for a pick me up. :p

Yeah, I'm in that position right now, which is compounded by the fact that my hair is obnoxiously curly, which is in no way fun during that "in-between" time.

*laughs* Well, yeah, it's... interesting. Your avatar is probably a perfect literal metaphor, joyously joyish highs and super depressing and messy crying lows. :p

I hadn't really thought about how apropos my current set of avatars is until you pointed this out. *laughs*


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
I hadn't really thought about how apropos my current set of avatars is until you pointed this out. *laughs*

It is currently jumping up and down very happy when I refreshed. Seems to go well with the post.
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