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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

shidoshi said:
I looked at myself, and all I could see was a guy with make-up on looking back at me, and the whole ordeal just made me feel ten times worse, and stupid for even trying.

Shidoshi, I still feel like this all the time.


Jamie xxoo said:
Shidoshi, I still feel like this all the time.

This is kinda funny to me, I'm not sure I'll ever really get past this, even though it's patently obvious none of us see that in you. I mean honestly... Even though I'm just shy of 3 months on HRT, you can easily see a guy when looking at my face. You're I believe quite a few months more in but nobody sees anything possibly remotely resembling a guy.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
:lol Lexi, you and Jamie don't ever need to worry about passing. You both have this on lockdown! You two are just worry warts.
I know, people are very non-empathetic about my anxieties about how I look because most people think I look fine. That being the case is exactly my point to shidoshi - you can be convinced that you look like a guy yet the rest of the world can see you as a girl. Don't be put off transition by thinking you'll never look any good, 'cause you can;t trust your own eyes when it comes to judging your appearance.


Jamie xxoo said:
I know, people are very non-empathetic about my anxieties about how I look because most people think I look fine. That being the case is exactly my point to shidoshi - you can be convinced that you look like a guy yet the rest of the world can see you as a girl. Don't be put off transition by thinking you'll never look any good, 'cause you can;t trust your own eyes when it comes to judging your appearance.

I'm totally empathetic and understand your anxieties, yet despite by best efforts I succumb into brushing off your concerns as if they were nothing -- Sorry, I know how you feel. We are our own worst critics in the worst possible way.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Jamie, it's only because you can see the before and the after. Most people will just see the after, unless they knew you before. Even then, after awhile, the before becomes irrelevant, and we only see the after.

I think another thing that needs to be considered is how your body looks. As crazy as it might sound, I think the body, and the voice, will play more into your passability than anything else. Lexi, for example, you went out in female clothes the other day, and you were ma'am'd because your body is feminine. Sure, there can be signs in the face area that YOU see that may suggest something else, but if the body and the face match up enough, you will pass. I like to say that Fergi from Black Eyed Peas is probably the most masculine looking female I've ever seen, but people think she's "hot." It's because she has curves and that contours your mind to accept her face as well. If she had a more masculine body, I bet people would start wondering if she was transitioning or simply androgynous, leaning towards masculine.


Alfarif said:
Jamie, it's only because you can see the before and the after. Most people will just see the after, unless they knew you before. Even then, after awhile, the before becomes irrelevant, and we only see the after.

I think another thing that needs to be considered is how your body looks. As crazy as it might sound, I think the body, and the voice, will play more into your passability than anything else. Lexi, for example, you went out in female clothes the other day, and you were ma'am'd because your body is feminine. Sure, there can be signs in the face area that YOU see that may suggest something else, but if the body and the face match up enough, you will pass. I like to say that Fergi from Black Eyed Peas is probably the most masculine looking female I've ever seen, but people think she's "hot." It's because she has curves and that contours your mind to accept her face as well. If she had a more masculine body, I bet people would start wondering if she was transitioning or simply androgynous, leaning towards masculine.
Damn good point, Alfarif - and nice example with Fergie.

Guess that's why she starts showing more of her contours.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Arde5643 said:
Damn good point, Alfarif - and nice example with Fergie.

Guess that's why she starts showing more of her contours.

I just think these ladies are being too hard on themselves for nothing. I like to think that for every male in the world, there is a female equivalent, and vice versa. What I mean is that they look almost identical but there are certain defining characteristics that make one particularly masculine looking and the other particularly feminine looking. (Which goes back to what I said awhile back about androgyny being pretty standard and masculine and feminine extremes being very rare) With that in mind, highlight all of the feminine characteristics you have, and downplay the masculine ones. There are so many people out there where, on a wet day, look female, and on a dry day, look male. Add a dash of eyeliner and lip gloss, and if they never open their mouth, you wouldn't know the difference.

Fox the Sly

I typed out 4-5 replies but my situation/analogies aren't really comparable, so the only encouraging thing I can say without coming off as disregarding you girls' feelings is it's going to take some time to get the results you want. So hang in there. In the meantime you have the support of random internet strangers! :D


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Have we had a TG characters in popular fiction discussion yet? Because I'm looking for some really good examples of excellent writing that includes a TG character without going overboard or drawing an imaginary big red arrow at them. Any suggestions?


Alfarif said:
Have we had a TG characters in popular fiction discussion yet? Because I'm looking for some really good examples of excellent writing that includes a TG character without going overboard or drawing an imaginary big red arrow at them. Any suggestions?
1st season of Nip/Tuck had a good character. The actor is also a really great guy who I had the pleasure of meeting in L.A. a few years back.


lexi said:
I'm totally empathetic and understand your anxieties, yet despite by best efforts I succumb into brushing off your concerns as if they were nothing -- Sorry, I know how you feel. We are our own worst critics in the worst possible way.

Yeah, this really is such a tough thing to get over. You're so used to seeing your "guy" face or hearing your "guy" voice that that's all you can see or hear, no matter how far along you get or how amazingly passable you are. You judge yourself, because it's scary to have somebody else judge you, yet there's no way you can come at things without heavily biased opinions. Same for me and my voice - every time I record voice samples of me trying to have a more female-sounding voice, all I can hear is a guy, because I'm used to hearing that voice.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NoRéN said:
1st season of Nip/Tuck had a good character. The actor is also a really great guy who I had the pleasure of meeting in L.A. a few years back.

Never even bothered watching that show, but I'm going to have to check it out now. We did watch Ugly Betty after season 2 or 3, but it was only in passing. I never really paid that much attention to it, but my wife did watch it somewhat religiously.

I'm wondering about in popular literature. Anyone know any?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Oh, yeah, that list! Duh! I went through that list before to find a bunch of movies and documentaries to watch. :lol :lol Didn't even dawn on me to think of characters too.

I'm wondering about literary characters, because I've seen a number of homosexual characters portrayed appropriately, but I've never seen a transgendered character in anything I've read. I was wondering how difficult it would be to write, only because you wouldn't want to devote entire chapters to someone's transition, unless that's what the book was about. Maybe that's thinking too inside the box, but I am having trouble of thinking of a way to integrate a character into a story that doesn't seem at all forced.


Alfarif said:
Never even bothered watching that show, but I'm going to have to check it out now.

There are actually 2 TG characters that I can think of on Nip/Tuck. One is mentioned in that list shidoshi provided, played by Famke Janssen(yum!). There are some episodes featuring a transexual in season 3 as well.

Alfarif said:
I'm wondering about in popular literature. Anyone know any?
Well, are there any TG authors out there?

edit: now that I think about it, all of the people featured were mtf. Hmm...


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NoRéN said:
Famke Janssen(yum!).

Yum indeed. I would watch for her alone.

Well, are there any TG authors out there?

You know, I'm sure there are, but I can't think of any off the top of my head. Hell, just recently I learned that a couple people who I've read were homosexual... which makes total sense, because their homosexual characters, both main and supporting, always seemed "real." They didn't wear it on their sleeves at ALL. I always found characters that weren't part of the "norm," but didn't wave a flag of any sort very refreshing.

This seems like something for me to research sometime today when I have the time. I'd really like to find some fiction that had TG characters in the cast without it being "LOOK AT ME!" kind of material.


lexi said:
Great, we have a runway model who's not even on hormones yet. :p


Lexi and Jamie, first time I saw pics I knew you were girls. I figured your old avatar was you Lexi. I first saw Jamie's pics in the pic thread and I was honestly smitten. Incredibly cute :lol. You ladies definitely got the public view down pat. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it doesn't mean much but I'm sure it will come with time.

Edit: I want to add I saw these pics before I ever knew about this thread. I had no idea. So great job!

I been following this thread everyday now. Very inspiring. Nothing much to add but keep it up, the positive air in this thread is very refreshing.


Okay, doing a bit of catching up here.

NewGamePlus said:
Beyond my aforementioned exciting appointment tomorrow, my family and I have tickets to the red carpet for the Academy Awards.

So does that mean that you live here in LA? If so, have you been to anything for the LA Gender Center or gotten to know any of the other local trans folks? It'd be funny if we had bumped into each other at some point.

Aigis said:
So what music does TransGAF listen to?

I haven't run the Last.fm client for a couple months now, but here's my account; perfect for those of you who really want to laugh about tastes in music. *heh* When I listen to audio while doing work at my computer, I typically listen to podcasts, so my stats have always been a little off anyhow. (I really need to find a way for my iPhone to do Last.fm song tracking.)

tehAinsley said:
Also, I was wondering if any other TransGAFers are creative in any way? I tend to doodle alot, well, less often the past few years but I still draw the odd picture here and there.

Well, biggest for me is probably layout and design work. That was one of the two main jobs that I did for the publishing company that I worked at up until January (the other being writing). I think my love of design may have come from my inability to draw - I've always wanted to draw, but suck at it, so design was an outlet where I could be creative. Print and web design are my main things, but I also enjoy other stuff such as UI design (for things like operating systems and software), product design, etc.

Here's a link to a small PDF portfolio of some of the design work that I've done if you'd like to check it out.

I'm also a big fan of the whole podasting thing as well. As of now, I'm involved in two different ones: Smart Video Game Fan (which is also one of the websites I've made), and WARNING! A Huge Podcast. WAHP is part of "morning radio", my little podcasting project that I'm now trying to get back off the ground.

I also enjoy playing around with some sound design - again, possibly because I've always wanted to play/create music but can't. The opening for WAHP, for example, is something I put together.

Android18a said:

New pic just taken in the last half hour, with my new dress :D

You look great! I like the dress, but I'd never be able to pull something like that off. Absolutely love your glasses.


Hey that reminds me, where is NewGamePlus? We haven't had an update in a while.

Shidoshi, I kinda have a similar thing going on with music / audio engineering. I would have loved to be a musician, and I had a great singing voice pre-puberty (>.>), but that has pretty much fallen by the wayside and I like to mess around with audio editing and manipulation. My dream career is to be working with Sound within the film industry.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
I haven't run the Last.fm client for a couple months now, but here's my account; perfect for those of you who really want to laugh about tastes in music. *heh* When I listen to audio while doing work at my computer, I typically listen to podcasts, so my stats have always been a little off anyhow. (I really need to find a way for my iPhone to do Last.fm song tracking.)

If you use the scrobble application, then sync your iPhone to iTunes, it will pick it up. You have to sync it and not manually add or remove, though. I managed to get both my wife and my iPhone's to sync to our Last.fm account. It's really pretty cool.

Well, biggest for me is probably layout and design work. That was one of the two main jobs that I did for the publishing company that I worked at up until January (the other being writing). I think my love of design may have come from my inability to draw - I've always wanted to draw, but suck at it, so design was an outlet where I could be creative. Print and web design are my main things, but I also enjoy other stuff such as UI design (for things like operating systems and software), product design, etc.

Here's a link to a small PDF portfolio of some of the design work that I've done if you'd like to check it out.

Bind mlown! You did that stuff?! WOWOWOWOWOWOW! I'm speechless. There's something about good design that you can't deny. It draws your eye to all of the exciting elements that you need to see and makes you want to sit there staring at it all day long.

I'm also a big fan of the whole podasting thing as well. As of now, I'm involved in two different ones: Smart Video Game Fan (which is also one of the websites I've made), and WARNING! A Huge Podcast. WAHP is part of "morning radio", my little podcasting project that I'm now trying to get back off the ground.

I also enjoy playing around with some sound design - again, possibly because I've always wanted to play/create music but can't. The opening for WAHP, for example, is something I put together.

Oh, I'm going to have to check this out. I'll send you my podcasts, and you can tell me if the production quality sucks or not. It's not professional, I had to record in a noisy bathroom in a noisy apartment (where the laundry machines were running as loud as possible underneath me), but I could use another opinion. I'm going to start them up again soon.


i was going through old "this american life" episodes and i came across this one:

Somewhere Out THere.

it's largely about finding someone with a real connection with and it largely focuses on romantic relationships, but in act 2 it's something different:

Lilly and Thomasina have a lot in common. They’re both 8 years old. And they were both born boys, although it became clear pretty early on that they'd prefer to be girls. There aren’t all that many kids in the world like them, but recently, at a conference in Seattle on transgender parenting, they met. And they immediately hit it off. They could talk about things with each other that they'd never been able to share with other friends back home. And that’s comforting, even if they never see each other after the conference ends.

it got me all teary eyed listening to the stories.


Android18a said:
Hehe I was pretty happy with that pic. Its one of my cuter ones =)

Can't wait to see what hormones do for me <3

Wha--? You're not on hormones yet? I've only had one MTF transgender friend, but you're well on your way! If that's you without hormones, you should get on them soon and start making even more progress!


Sklorenz said:
Wha--? You're not on hormones yet? I've only had one MTF transgender friend, but you're well on your way! If that's you without hormones, you should get on them soon and start making even more progress!

Yes, she's very naturally feminine.


I don't really know what to say other than this thread has been a very entertaining and enlightening read. An almost infinite amount of respect to the folks who have come out and been open about their experiences. There have been some really encouraging stories posted in here. Good luck to each of you.
Just wanted to post in here to show my support.

This thread has been a very interesting read for the last 25 pages.

I have an acquaintance that is getting ready to go through the transition from male to female. Perhaps I should refer her over here so she can read about some of what you folks are going through.
Exhumed said:

Lexi and Jamie, first time I saw pics I knew you were girls. I figured your old avatar was you Lexi. I first saw Jamie's pics in the pic thread and I was honestly smitten. Incredibly cute :lol. You ladies definitely got the public view down pat. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it doesn't mean much but I'm sure it will come with time.

Edit: I want to add I saw these pics before I ever knew about this thread. I had no idea. So great job!

I been following this thread everyday now. Very inspiring. Nothing much to add but keep it up, the positive air in this thread is very refreshing.

Get out! Smitten? :lol =)


Edit: I want to add I saw these pics before I ever knew about this thread. I had no idea. So great job!

This was most likely directed at Jamie, but I think I'll ride along as there is some form of plural there. :p

On a slightly different tangent, I can confirm that Mini Cadbury Creme Eggs are greater than regular Cadbury Creme Eggs.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
This was most likely directed at Jamie, but I think I'll ride along as there is some form of plural there. :p

On a slightly different tangent, I can confirm that Mini Cadbury Creme Eggs are greater than regular Cadbury Creme Eggs.

Oh hush! Both you and Jamie with your cute little glasses and smiles are to die for. You're making hearts melt in this thread!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I was reading back through this thread, and I remember we talked very briefly about avatars and how some people play the gender they wish to transition into via games. But, I didn't see anything about, say Second Life or any social interactions like that. When registering for those kinds of things, and you hadn't started transitioning yet, did you register and interact as the gender you wished to transition into?


All my MMO characters are female. In single player games when given a choice I always play female. And unless I make really good friends with someone in an MMO they never find out otherwise. Devious? Maybe.. but... Hey look over there! A Walrus is waltzing with a Unicorn!
Hm. I was on PlayStation Home for a while.

Never tried Second Life though. Well, I tried to try it, but my PC wasn't powerful enough to run it, so I never really got a chance.

Incidentally, I'm 27 today. Someone buy me FFXIII :lol


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Android18a said:
Hm. I was on PlayStation Home for a while.

Never tried Second Life though. Well, I tried to try it, but my PC wasn't powerful enough to run it, so I never really got a chance.

Incidentally, I'm 27 today. Someone buy me FFXIII :lol

*leads a monotone rendition of Happy Birthday, a la Office Space*

tehAinsley said:
Devious? Maybe.. but... Hey look over there! A Walrus is waltzing with a Unicorn!

Where!? What?! ... hey... that's not any... where'd she go?

I've already shown Ains my Playstation Home characters. I go on there as a female, just because I think they have better, if less, clothes. Plus I'm more comfortable using a female avatar in all of my games.


Android18a said:
Hm. I was on PlayStation Home for a while.

Never tried Second Life though. Well, I tried to try it, but my PC wasn't powerful enough to run it, so I never really got a chance.

Incidentally, I'm 27 today. Someone buy me FFXIII :lol

zOMG, Happy Birthday! *glomps*


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Android18a said:
Someone hold my hand and get me to call the doctor... I'm scared... :lol

*holds your hand* We will make the call together. *brings phone up to his ear and nods for you to dial*:lol :lol


So I can't be the only one that noticed this. It's taunting me.



This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Lexi, I saw that a bit earlier, and started laughing. Sometimes, GAF is just so great for those kinds of things. Ains should post the picture I sent her (because I currently can't) of what I saw the other day when on mobile GAF.
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