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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Alfarif said:
Lexi, I saw that a bit earlier, and started laughing. Sometimes, GAF is just so great for those kinds of things. Ains should post the picture I sent her (because I currently can't) of what I saw the other day when on mobile GAF.

Yes, master.

And I'm back. Did you miss me? Right, so I got a shot on Saturday. Yes, I'm crazy and decided to go with injections instead of pills. My main reason, believe it or not, being that I'm scared of needles. Backwards sounding, I know. However, I figure if I'm going to be having regular blood tests and possible surgeries in the future, then I should try and eliminate my anxieties regarding needles. What better way to do that then incorporate them into something I'm looking forward to doing every two weeks. Also, the whole, can be slightly faster/more effective thing is a plus. So, on Saturday, my doctor gave me a shot of estradial while throughly explaining the process, an instruction sheet with everything he just said, and a syringe with no needle. I basically get to air practice for two weeks to mentally prepare. Then when I go back, I'll give myself the shot while he supervises, and if everything goes fine then I can start doing it at home on my own. That's also when I'll start anti-androgens. As far as any changes, I haven't really felt any different beyond just being happy I've started. I figure I'll really start to feel it when I start Spiro.

In other news, the red carpet was pretty cool. The 'you need to show up at 7:45 and sit around all day on metal bleachers so that the foreign press has excited fans in the background of their reports' wasn't that great, but we rolled with it. After all the stars arrived, we got to walk across the carpet to the theater across the street and watch the actual ceremony on a movie screen. Uhhh, and we had a really awesome dinner the night before at a place called Yamashiro.* I would definitely recommend that place to anyone who finds him or herself in LA. Yep… I think that's all I got.

Looking back at some of the happenings of the thread, I originally had some mixed feelings about the members list as well. Overall though, I felt like it was a good way to maybe get some shyer people to join in the discussion by showing them how much support there really is. As well as, possibly getting some ignorant people to think twice about what they say (in any thread) by showing them just how many people can be affected by their comments. I suppose now though that this 25+ page thread does that of its own accord.

Also, unfortunately shidoshi, I live in Orange County. Soooo, we've probably never met.

And Happy Birthday Android!

*It just occurred to me that after saying that I'm half-Japanese and that my family went to a Japanese restaurant that perhaps I should clarify that, that part of me comes from my biological father. For the record, I've never actually met him or that side of my family, so I'm basically a white kid. If you ever have some Japan-related question then I'm not totally useless, but there is usually someone far better to ask. I just say this cause it tends to happen from time to time.


lexi said:
On a slightly different tangent, I can confirm that Mini Cadbury Creme Eggs are greater than regular Cadbury Creme Eggs.

So... fighting... urge... to... make... joke...

Alfarif said:
I was reading back through this thread, and I remember we talked very briefly about avatars and how some people play the gender they wish to transition into via games. But, I didn't see anything about, say Second Life or any social interactions like that. When registering for those kinds of things, and you hadn't started transitioning yet, did you register and interact as the gender you wished to transition into?

Pretty much, if a game/whatever has allowed me to create or play as a female character, that's what I've always done. Even since I was young, even before I really understand even somewhat my gender issues.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Android18a!!! <3

NewGamePlus said:
Also, unfortunately shidoshi, I live in Orange County. Soooo, we've probably never met.

I know a transgal that I think lives in OC. I wonder if you might know her.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!

With that aside, that is freaking AWESOME! So did the needle hurt? How long is it? Why are shots "faster" or "better"? I must know!

Still jealous about the red carpet... just to be able to see folks would have been cool.

tehAinsley said:
Yes, master.


:lol Girl, you are crazy with that master bit. I would've done it but I can't get to my Flickr account in a timely fashion. That image still cracks me up.


shidoshi said:
So... fighting... urge... to... make... joke...

Stop with the innuendo already! If you want to make a joke, make a joke! :p

And congratulations NewGamePlus! Indeed I've heard great things about injections, my endocrinologist advised me to go with pills though and I trust him with my life. Keep us updated on how you're feeling and what's happening. :)


Alfarif said:

Thats almost exactly my reaction to seeing your post as well, NewGamePlus. Glad everything went well and you had a fun weekend. So happy for you! *hug*

Alfarif said:
:lol Girl, you are crazy with that master bit. I would've done it but I can't get to my Flickr account in a timely fashion. That image still cracks me up.

I figured you'd dig that bit. :lol
shidoshi said:
I know a transgal that I think lives in OC. I wonder if you might know her.
Actually to be honest, through a string of unfortunate events I've never even made it to the OC center for a trans meeting. I plan to change this next friday though, so perhaps then I might.

Alfarif said:

With that aside, that is freaking AWESOME! So did the needle hurt? How long is it? Why are shots "faster" or "better"? I must know!

Still jealous about the red carpet... just to be able to see folks would have been cool.
Hey, Sunday, Wednesday, what's the difference? Only four letters I say. :D
The needle is relatively tiny, didn't really hurt much at all. My butt was kind of sore for the rest of the day, but it was fine by morning. Injections can be better than pills I believe, because it's then entering straight into the bloodstream instead of having to be filtered through the liver and whatever else.


Alfarif said:
:lol Girl, you are crazy with that master bit. I would've done it but I can't get to my Flickr account in a timely fashion. That image still cracks me up.

What, don't you know? You're the legendary one that understands how to walk both worlds, the one that will come along to show us that have lost our way how to reach the nirvana we've always been seeking. Thus, you are our master.
shidoshi said:
What, don't you know? You're the legendary one that understands how to walk both worlds, the one that will come along to show us that have lost our way how to reach the nirvana we've always been seeking. Thus, you are our master.
Oooh, I can't wait till James Cameron adapts Alfarif's life into stunning computer-generated 3D imagery. Day one.

Hey, also this syringe is amazingly fun to play with. I suggest you all get some. Hours of fun to be had.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
What, don't you know? You're the legendary one that understands how to walk both worlds, the one that will come along to show us that have lost our way how to reach the nirvana we've always been seeking. Thus, you are our master.

I... wait... what? :lol :lol :lol I am just a squirrel in your world! I'm here to observe the observable.

Oooh, I can't wait till James Cameron adapts Alfarif's life into stunning computer-generated 3D imagery. Day one.

Has Ainsley been sending pictures of me to you guys? Like the top hat with the bugged out eyes when I was at work? Oh GOD!

Either way, this sounds EPIC!

NewGamePlus said:
Hey, also this syringe is amazingly fun to play with. I suggest you all get some. Hours of fun to be had.

I hate syringes. You are one brave, brave, BRAVE girl. So you only have to take it every two weeks?


Doth thou wish it to be posted, my master? o_o

'Cause I totally will just for the lulz. :lol

Alfarif said:
Oh god, and derail this thread more than I do at this time of night as it is?!
EDIT: I take that as a yes, good ser. :lol :lol

Alfarif said:
I hate syringes. You are one brave, brave, BRAVE girl. So you only have to take it every two weeks?
No, no, it's cool, there's no needle. Just the, uh, plunger and tube part, thus making it awesome.

Wow I didn't even answer the question. Yeah, I only do the shot once every two weeks. I'll take the anti-androgens everyday, but that's orally. Then I might start progesterone in like three months.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
No, no, it's cool, there's no needle. Just the, uh, plunger and tube part, thus making it awesome.

Ok, then I would use it to do weird stuff like stick it out my door and shoot the other apartment tenants that are walking passed. :lol Do you get any liquid to play with? How much liquid do you have to shoot into yourself?

tehAinsley said:
Doth thou wish it to be posted, my master? o_o

'Cause I totally will just for the lulz.

Oh god, and derail this thread more than I do at this time of night as it is?!

I was trying to find a before and after picture of myself a couple pages ago which consisted of: Before: me staring at my webcam in my bedroom. After: exact same picture of me with blonde hair. But I think I deleted it a long time ago. That hair was gorgeous, too. I was going to do it to send to Lexi to show her that she could be like me and have absolutely zero change in the way she looks just like how I have... you know... because it was the same picture with MS paint style hair on my head. Now I've gone and spoiled the joke. Oh well, Lexi will always look 1,000,000x better than I ever would if I even attempted to transition.
Android18a said:
I'd die trying to inject myself. I'd need to get my mum to do it for me.

Guess I'd tell her it was insulin or something :lol
:lol Ok, the needle is bigger than insulin ones though. I suppose there is no reason for a normal person to know this but insulin shots are subcutaneous, they just pierce the skin, while these shots are intramuscular, so they have to go deeper. I'm not diabetic I just… wait, I actually have no idea why I know that. :lol

Alfarif said:
Do you get any liquid to play with? How much liquid do you have to shoot into yourself?
No liquid yet. My shot on Saturday was 1 mL.

tehAinsley said:
Whoa whoa whoa, wait, what the heck is the story behind this? :lol
Android18a: HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YAAAAAAAY *Kermit the Frog arms*

NewGamePlus: Congratulations on starting hormones! You are WAY braver than me. I can't stand needles. I actually fainted during a blood test last month they freak me out so much. I'd take smaller boobs and pills over bigger ones with needles and day of the week!

It took 3 days I think for me to start feeling a difference with the tablets.

Alfarif: I usually created elfish androgynous looking guys. Just a few nights ago I actually went and changed my Mii to a girl and went and played dress-ups with my MS avatar haha.


NewGamePlus said:
Also, unfortunately shidoshi, I live in Orange County. Soooo, we've probably never met.
No freaking way!!! Hey, if you ever need some people to go to Disneyland with, hit me up! My lady and I are there way too much!
Jamie xxoo said:
Congratulations on starting hormones! You are WAY braver than me. I can't stand needles. I actually fainted during a blood test last month they freak me out so much. I'd take smaller boobs and pills over bigger ones with needles and day of the week!
See, but that's what I'm trying to prevent through my crazy backwards strategy. I'm kind of excited now to try and stick myself in two weeks, and this is coming from someone who hasn't even had vaccinations since the first grade.
Don't tell anyone that.
Now, I don't anyone applying real logic to this because then the magic might wear off.

Jamie xxoo said:
It took 3 days I think for me to start feeling a difference with the tablets.
Were you on Spiro too? I really haven't noticed a difference yet, but my doctor did say I might just not feel any different these first two weeks.

NoRéN said:
No freaking way!!! Hey, if you ever need some people to go to Disneyland with, hit me up! My lady and I are there way too much!
I haven't been to Disneyland in so long. I did know someone though who went almost everyday and constantly had the high score on the Buzz Lightyear ride. :lol


I started Spiro and estrogen together, and it took about 4 days before I felt different, and it took 6 days for me to completely lose it and get into the worst crying fit I'd had in 20+ years :p
NewGamePlus said:
:lol Ok, the needle is bigger than insulin ones though. I suppose there is no reason for a normal person to know this but insulin shots are subcutaneous, they just pierce the skin, while these shots are intramuscular, so they have to go deeper. I'm not diabetic I just… wait, I actually have no idea why I know that. :lol

Ah, my mum would probably know that. She's a nurse.
lexi said:
I started Spiro and estrogen together, and it took about 4 days before I felt different, and it took 6 days for me to completely lose it and get into the worst crying fit I'd had in 20+ years :p
Yeah, I'm guessing that will definitely be me in two weeks. That reminds me maybe I should find a sperm bank. Did you girls freeze any?
Jamie xxoo said:
I didn't start Spiro until 3 months after estrogen. You should feel something in a few days, assuming the injectibles work like tablets (which they might not?)
Oh, that's interesting. Then who knows what might happen? Either way I shall try and keep any interested parties informed about the going ons in my head.
My first two weeks on estrigen I felt like someone had sprinkled ecstasy on my cornflakes. Colors seemed brighter, the world seemed a nicer place, I was just in love with life! Looking back I think I was probably just thrilled to be on hormones after 12 months of delays :lol


NewGamePlus said:
Yeah, I'm guessing that will definitely be me in two weeks. That reminds me maybe I should find a sperm bank. Did you girls freeze any?

No, I wouldn't want to be a father, even in a biological sense.
Jamie xxoo said:
My first two weeks on estrigen I felt like someone had sprinkled ecstasy on my cornflakes. Colors seemed brighter, the world seemed a nicer place, I was just in love with life! Looking back I think I was probably just thrilled to be on hormones after 12 months of delays :lol

Jamie in the skyyy, with estrogen. *sings*
Jamie xxoo said:
My first two weeks on estrigen I felt like someone had sprinkled ecstasy on my cornflakes. Colors seemed brighter, the world seemed a nicer place, I was just in love with life! Looking back I think I was probably just thrilled to be on hormones after 12 months of delays :lol
Wow, a year of delays must have been horrible.

lexi said:
No, I wouldn't want to be a father, even in a biological sense.
I can understand that.

By the way, I forgot to mention, I also subscribe to the idea that you two are way more attractive than you say you are. Is humility an inherent Australian trait? :)


I think being sorry for things when it's not even your fault is an inherently Australian thing. :p

Humility is an inherent trans thing I think, I'm convinced of that after meeting Jamie.

Jamie xxoo said:
My first two weeks on estrigen I felt like someone had sprinkled ecstasy on my cornflakes. Colors seemed brighter, the world seemed a nicer place, I was just in love with life! Looking back I think I was probably just thrilled to be on hormones after 12 months of delays :lol

Wow, 12 months must have been HELL. I had to wait around 5 months and thought that was bad enough.


I figure this would be a good thread to ask about hormones, please forgive me that it's not strictly related to transsexualism.

Say a young teenage female wants to use hormone therapy to stimulate breast growth. Does anyone have experience or knowledge with this particular field?
NewGamePlus said:
Wow, a year of delays must have been horrible.

5 months of it was my fault. I decided not to transition at one point.

NewGamePlus said:
By the way, I forgot to mention, I also subscribe to the idea that you two are way more attractive than you say you are. Is humility an inherent Australian trait? :)

Not propping yourself up too much is very Australian. Tall poppies get cut down pretty fast over here. We try to keep it real. =)

I never sperm banked. Ick. I feel just like Lexi. I couldn't stand that part of me being used to make a child, or the idea of being someone's "daddy". It makes me vomit in my mouth..

You should absolutely do it though, being young and not being sure how you'd feel about it. Keep your options open. After a few months on estrogen it'll be too late.
jaxword said:
I figure this would be a good thread to ask about hormones, please forgive me that it's not strictly related to transsexualism.

Say a young teenage female wants to use hormone therapy to stimulate breast growth. Does anyone have experience or knowledge with this particular field?

As far as I know, artificially increasing hormones above normal levels in a natal female will NOT result in extra breast growth, it'll just put you at risk of heart disease, blood clots, destroy your bones and make you crazy. Your breast growth is genetically determined. The hormones just unlock the growth until they reach the size they were always going to reach. I'm not a doctor though, so if you're a teenage girl thinking worrying about breat growth, go see one. Don;t ask randoms on the internet for medical advice!
jaxword said:
I figure this would be a good thread to ask about hormones, please forgive me that it's not strictly related to transsexualism.

Say a young teenage female wants to use hormone therapy to stimulate breast growth. Does anyone have experience or knowledge with this particular field?
No, but I would wager a guess that giving excess hormones to someone in puberty would be very very dangerous.

Edit: ^^ Yeah, what she said. Also, I believe full breast development takes at least seven years. So just don't worry about it.


So, Jamie, a question for you re: Hormones.

Since starting, whenever I stand up from extended periods of sitting or laying down, I get blurry vision and can't see much for a short period of time... Everybody would have had this before and hopefully knows what I'm talking about, but I get it all the time since starting hormones.

Should I be worried?
lexi said:
So, Jamie, a question for you re: Hormones.

Since starting, whenever I stand up from extended periods of sitting or laying down, I get blurry vision and can't see much for a short period of time... Everybody would have had this before and hopefully knows what I'm talking about, but I get it all the time since starting hormones.

Should I be worried?

It's a side effect of the spiro. It's primarily designed for people with high blood pressure, so it may be lowering yours to a point where after a period of inactivity when you suddenly move the blood doesn't travel to your head fast enough, and you get dizzy.

Just be mindful of it and don't get up so quick!
I get that a lot now. Its probably related to blood pressue, I think. A rush of blood away from or to the head, if you've been sitting in a way that restricts or encourages blood to stay in one part of the body?
Android18a said:
I get that a lot now. Its probably related to blood pressue, I think. A rush of blood away from or to the head, if you've been sitting in a way that restricts or encourages blood to stay in one part of the body?

I really don't know the mechanics of how it works, I just know with low blood pressure the blood doesn't get to your head and you pass out - that's how it was explained to me anyway.


Jamie xxoo said:
Get out! Smitten? :lol =)

You know those moments where you see someone and you think "Wow, I really need to know this person". Kinda like that ;)

lexi said:
This was most likely directed at Jamie, but I think I'll ride along as there is some form of plural there. :p

Yep, meant for both of you.

I'm not so sure playing female characters is a strange behavior. I've always played female characters in games. Something like an avatar representing myself however i go with the guy. I guess I feel a video game is better with the female being the main character. No idea why its just how it is.

Yea, the low blood pressure could cause you to become light headed from being inactive. Basically just a general lack of blood flow to the brain.
I called the doctor today, but apparently here in the UK you can't book a doctors appointment for a future date, or the next day??

The girl on the phone said "Ring tomorrow at 8am and we'll see if we can fit you in".

Ruddy 'ell. Thats awful odd.


Android18a said:
I called the doctor today, but apparently here in the UK you can't book a doctors appointment for a future date, or the next day??

The girl on the phone said "Ring tomorrow at 8am and we'll see if we can fit you in".

Ruddy 'ell. Thats awful odd.

That sounds strange. Anyway, you've made the call once, that's a big step!


Sooo... would anybody be willing to check out a recording of my voice for me? I've done very little actual vocal practice at this point, I'm just kind of curious to see what you all think of where I'm starting off at in regards to voice. As I said before, I seem to often get mistaken for being female when talking on the voice, but being that it's my own voice I can't hear anything but I guy when I listen to myself.

If so, drop me a PM, and if you're one of the thread regulars I'll drop you a link. Feel free to say how terrible I sound directly here in the thread, I'm just still a little shy about posting such things directly for public linking.)


Holy wow! Well when you transition you pretty much already have the voice already :lol

GOD if I didn't have my figure I would have NOTHING! *laughs*


lexi, your PM response cracked me up. If you're not just saying that to make me feel better, then that makes me happy, because like I said, I swear I cannot hear anything but guy me when I hear my voice.


shidoshi said:
lexi, your PM response cracked me up. If you're not just saying that to make me feel better, then that makes me happy, because like I said, I swear I cannot hear anything but guy me when I hear my voice.

Oh you cracked up? Into your feminine little giggle? :p

And your apparent attempt to sound masculine was hilarious. You sounded just like one of my GG friends when she's imitating her husband.


lexi said:
And your apparent attempt to sound masculine was hilarious. You sounded just like one of my GG friends when she's imitating her husband.

So, I will admit, when I was playing back the clip, the "my guy voice" part reminded me of like Dave Chapelle doing his "white guy" voice. It's like, "Hello, as you can tell by this manly voice, I'm a guy...I like beer and boobs." *laughs*
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