And I'm back. Did you miss me? Right, so I got a shot on Saturday. Yes, I'm crazy and decided to go with injections instead of pills. My main reason, believe it or not, being that I'm scared of needles. Backwards sounding, I know. However, I figure if I'm going to be having regular blood tests and possible surgeries in the future, then I should try and eliminate my anxieties regarding needles. What better way to do that then incorporate them into something I'm looking forward to doing every two weeks. Also, the whole, can be slightly faster/more effective thing is a plus. So, on Saturday, my doctor gave me a shot of estradial while throughly explaining the process, an instruction sheet with everything he just said, and a syringe with no needle. I basically get to air practice for two weeks to mentally prepare. Then when I go back, I'll give myself the shot while he supervises, and if everything goes fine then I can start doing it at home on my own. That's also when I'll start anti-androgens. As far as any changes, I haven't really felt any different beyond just being happy I've started. I figure I'll really start to feel it when I start Spiro.
In other news, the red carpet was pretty cool. The 'you need to show up at 7:45 and sit around all day on metal bleachers so that the foreign press has excited fans in the background of their reports' wasn't that great, but we rolled with it. After all the stars arrived, we got to walk across the carpet to the theater across the street and watch the actual ceremony on a movie screen. Uhhh, and we had a really awesome dinner the night before at a place called Yamashiro.* I would definitely recommend that place to anyone who finds him or herself in LA. Yep
I think that's all I got.
Looking back at some of the happenings of the thread, I originally had some mixed feelings about the members list as well. Overall though, I felt like it was a good way to maybe get some shyer people to join in the discussion by showing them how much support there really is. As well as, possibly getting some ignorant people to think twice about what they say (in any thread) by showing them just how many people can be affected by their comments. I suppose now though that this 25+ page thread does that of its own accord.
Also, unfortunately shidoshi, I live in Orange County. Soooo, we've probably never met.
And Happy Birthday Android!
*It just occurred to me that after saying that I'm half-Japanese and that my family went to a Japanese restaurant that perhaps I should clarify that, that part of me comes from my biological father. For the record, I've never actually met him or that side of my family, so I'm basically a white kid. If you ever have some Japan-related question then I'm not totally useless, but there is usually someone far better to ask. I just say this cause it tends to happen from time to time.