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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Exhumed said:
You know those moments where you see someone and you think "Wow, I really need to know this person". Kinda like that ;)

Oh, that's really sweet. =)

*sigh* The whole attracting guys and not being able to reciprocate thing, or putting them off by revealing I'm trans, is making me really lonely lately. I'm not the kind of girl who NEEDS someone in her life, but it would be nice to have someone to come round with a pizza and DVD once in a while for a few hours of couch-cuddles. The awful thing is guys have started hitting on me in really random situations lately - just walking down the street the other day - but I can't give some stranger my number and then tell him later I'm trans, God knows what he'd do. And I'm *definitely* not going to tell some random on the street there and then. Yet I way prefer to meet someone in real life and feel sparks rather than do the online dating thing or start talking to someone on the internet with the explicit purpose of seeing if he'd be my boyfriend (it feels so artificial). I guess I'm just in for a life of celibacy and cats.*

*I don't actually have a cat.

shidoshi said:
If so, drop me a PM, and if you're one of the thread regulars I'll drop you a link. Feel free to say how terrible I sound directly here in the thread, I'm just still a little shy about posting such things directly for public linking.)

Hit me up with that recording! Oh you said PM - well I'm here now and I've practically hit submit so... too late!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Jamie, you're going to find that special someone. Based off of what I could pick up from your personality on your videos, you seem like you'd be a lot of fun, and I'm almost certain that someone is going to pick up on that. I think a lot of guys are far more open than people like to think, and it won't be a "chaser" either. What it's going to ultimately boil down to is if you can explain in a way that makes sense to the person what transitioning means. Before I started exploring what it meant, I didn't really understand it myself. Once I started learning, I said "Oh, ok, that makes sense, then."

And I'm with Exhumed -- you ladies are so awesome, you make me nervous like any other woman would... and I'm god damn married!

Oh, btw Jamie, you should get a cat because they're awesome.


NewGamePlus said:
Yeah, I'm guessing that will definitely be me in two weeks. That reminds me maybe I should find a sperm bank. Did you girls freeze any?

I don't plan to. The idea of being a father in any sense kinda bothers me. But, I also decided years ago that if I ever I wanted a kid, I'd adopt. Too many kids out there with no homes that need one.


but it would be nice to have someone to come round with a pizza and DVD once in a while for a few hours of couch-cuddles.

<3 This is so my ideal night in. I LOVE to be cuddled and held. *sigh*


Jamie xxoo said:
*sigh* The whole attracting guys and not being able to reciprocate thing, or putting them off by revealing I'm trans, is making me really lonely lately. I'm not the kind of girl who NEEDS someone in her life, but it would be nice to have someone to come round with a pizza and DVD once in a while for a few hours of couch-cuddles. The awful thing is guys have started hitting on me in really random situations lately - just walking down the street the other day - but I can't give some stranger my number and then tell him later I'm trans, God knows what he'd do. And I'm *definitely* not going to tell some random on the street there and then. Yet I way prefer to meet someone in real life and feel sparks rather than do the online dating thing or start talking to someone on the internet with the explicit purpose of seeing if he'd be my boyfriend (it feels so artificial). I guess I'm just in for a life of celibacy and cats.*

Not that I'm exactly in a position to be thinking about dating, but it's a reality I have to consider: if I transition, I'll probably end up getting divorced, and then I'll have this exact situation to face. There is so much concern going on in it. When do you tell the person? How do you know you'll find somebody who won't want to kick your ass when you tell them? Do you tell the person early on to make sure there's no confusion, or do you wait until they've come to know you well enough that they hopefully won't just write you off when they find out?

It's just one of many concerns that makes this all so complex.

I will say that I have one strange recommendation for you: Google Voice. I'm not sure if it's available where you live yet or not, but it's quite an awesome service if it is. Basically, it's a telephony service Google purchased a while back, where you get a free phone number that you use to then forward calls to any phone you want. What's the big deal? When you give them this number, there's no fear of them having your "real" number, and it has email-esque filtering to a lever where if things went sour you could completely block them from ever being able to actually ring through to your phone when they call.

Like I said, it may not be available in your area as of yet, but if so, it's a nice way to have a phone number that you can give out to anybody without needing to worry about privacy and where you also know you can blacklist or whitelist any callers.
Alfarif said:
Jamie, you're going to find that special someone. Based off of what I could pick up from your personality on your videos, you seem like you'd be a lot of fun, and I'm almost certain that someone is going to pick up on that. I think a lot of guys are far more open than people like to think, and it won't be a "chaser" either. What it's going to ultimately boil down to is if you can explain in a way that makes sense to the person what transitioning means. Before I started exploring what it meant, I didn't really understand it myself. Once I started learning, I said "Oh, ok, that makes sense, then."

And I'm with Exhumed -- you ladies are so awesome, you make me nervous like any other woman would... and I'm god damn married!

Oh, btw Jamie, you should get a cat because they're awesome.

Well I typed out a big response but in the end... whatevs. Either it'll happen or it wont, and if it does it'll probably be unplanned and a total surprise, so I'm not going to waste any more time getting all angsty about it. =)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Jamie xxoo said:
Well I typed out a big response but in the end... whatevs. Either it'll happen or it wont, and if it does it'll probably be unplanned and a total surprise, so I'm not going to waste any more time getting all angsty about it. =)

And I bet you'll end up asking yourself what you even ever worried about. ~_^

Shidoshi said:
I will say that I have one strange recommendation for you: Google Voice.

I never even considered this. Wow. That makes total sense.
shidoshi said:
Sooo... would anybody be willing to check out a recording of my voice for me? I've done very little actual vocal practice at this point, I'm just kind of curious to see what you all think of where I'm starting off at in regards to voice. As I said before, I seem to often get mistaken for being female when talking on the voice, but being that it's my own voice I can't hear anything but I guy when I listen to myself.

If so, drop me a PM, and if you're one of the thread regulars I'll drop you a link. Feel free to say how terrible I sound directly here in the thread, I'm just still a little shy about posting such things directly for public linking.)

You could improve it with a few little adjustments but you're 95% of the way there already. You wouldn't get strange looks or anything using your current "girl voice" if you were presenting female.

I SO related to what you were talking about in the voice sample about having to consciously lower your voice and do things to talk like a man because you were trying to be a man "properly". I had to consciously monitor my speech, my walk, my movements - everything, my whole life, to avoid being thought of as a "sissy". It caused huge anxiety 24/7. It was *such* a relief when I started living as a woman that I could just be myself and not think about these things all the time.

I hadn't used my old voice in a few months and then this week I've had to call all these utility companies etc to organize my relocation. I'm just shutting the accounts down and I'll reopen them when my new birth certificate with my legal girl name arrives (in the next few weeks I hope). I've been having *incredible* difficulties finding my male voice again and convincing people on the phone that it's ME they're talking to. It's amazing how what you think of as your "natural" voice goes away when you consistently change the way you talk. It made me go experiment on the keyboard and I've lost 4 semitones at the bottom of my range. Crazy.


Jamie do you have any advice, re: voice?

It's probably the thing causes me the most anxiety, I'll PM you a clip of me speaking rather naturally and maybe you present me with some sort of Rosetta stone. :p


lexi said:
btw, shidoshi, you seem to be beating around the bush with your creme egg metaphor, and I only have one thing to say to that.

Just to be clear, I didn't ignore this post... my brain just overloaded trying to decide among the many childish responses it instantly came up with to make. *laughs*


Android18a said:
*rolls on floor nervously*

Doctors Appt in T minus 75 minutes!

Congrats! I know you're going to be nervous no matter what, but don't be; remember, going will lead to good things, not bad, so it's something to look forward to.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Q for Jamie; how long have you been on hormone treatment, and are you still on it?

So like I totally told the doctor. I must have been bright red! I was sooo nervous and stuff...

...anyway so he didn't really know much about it, but he acknowledged my bravery and he said he'd try to get me in touch with a specialist and I should get a letter through the mail soon!

Step One: Accomplished!


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Android18a said:

So like I totally told the doctor. I must have been bright red! I was sooo nervous and stuff...

...anyway so he didn't really know much about it, but he acknowledged my bravery and he said he'd try to get me in touch with a specialist and I should get a letter through the mail soon!

Step One: Accomplished!

Congratulations Android! This is like the best week ever for you!
We'll see. I think telling the family will be the worst week ever!

I realised I don't *really* have anyone I can talk to around here :( Everyone I know nearly is a JW. I need to somehow meet local people who can help me through this.
lexi said:
Jamie do you have any advice, re: voice?

It's probably the thing causes me the most anxiety, I'll PM you a clip of me speaking rather naturally and maybe you present me with some sort of Rosetta stone. :p

Oh, Lexi, I really can't give you instructions. I would if I knew what to say but I'm not a vocal coach. I have a lot of classical musical training and I used it to help me figure out my own voice, but it was such an intuitive process I wouldn't know how to coach someone else. Well, I guess I could *try*, but I don't know if I'd really be helping or just wrecking your confidence. I'll send you some notes in a PM.

EatChildren said:
Q for Jamie; how long have you been on hormone treatment, and are you still on it?

Um, I might answer that in a PM. I just feel funny about giving out that sort of info lately, I'm not sure what my deal is.

Android18a: Congrats on your first step, that's wonderful. =)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Jamie xxoo said:
Um, I might answer that in a PM. I just feel funny about giving out that sort of info lately, I'm not sure what my deal is.

Oh, sorry for prying. I'm just being nosey as usual.
EatChildren said:
Oh, sorry for prying. I'm just being nosey as usual.

Oh no problem, I've got all sorts of weird hang-ups about talking about things to do with me and transition lately. I think as more people seem not to notice that I'm trans the more I hate bringing attention to it.


Jamie xxoo said:
Oh no problem, I've got all sorts of weird hang-ups about talking about things to do with me and transition lately. I think as more people seem not to notice that I'm trans the more I hate bringing attention to it.
I think it's normal to have hang ups regarding personal stuff online, let alone something so personal. It's the internets, lots of idiots out there and you never know who is reading.


Just got off the phone with my therapist's office manager. Looks like it's back to having my mind prodded on March 31st! I'm so excited! :lol :lol
Android18a said:
Step One: Accomplished!
tehAinsley said:
Just got off the phone with my therapist's office manager. Looks like it's back to having my mind prodded on March 31st! I'm so excited! :lol :lol
Congratulations you two! I wonder if there are any lurkers we managed to gently shove into doctors' offices as well.
I've just spoken to a few UK-ers who say you have to go full time BEFORE hormones... it seems thats how the NHS does it here.

Which sucks, because I really don't know about going full time with facial hair and a body full of testosterone.

If thats how its done on the NHS, I'm going private.


NewGamePlus said:
Congratulations you two! I wonder if there are any lurkers we managed to gently shove into doctors' offices as well.

Thanks! I'd be surprised if we hadn't. The confidence and determination in this thread is completely infectious. :D

Android18a said:
I've just spoken to a few UK-ers who say you have to go full time BEFORE hormones... it seems thats how the NHS does it here.

Which sucks, because I really don't know about going full time with facial hair and a body full of testosterone.

If thats how its done on the NHS, I'm going private.

Wow, that sounds all kinds of terrible. I'm with you. If that is indeed the case, I'd do the same.

Fox the Sly

Congrats ladies!

Android18a said:
I've just spoken to a few UK-ers who say you have to go full time BEFORE hormones... it seems thats how the NHS does it here.

Which sucks, because I really don't know about going full time with facial hair and a body full of testosterone.

If thats how its done on the NHS, I'm going private.

Yeah... that sucks. :3


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
tehAinsley said:
Just got off the phone with my therapist's office manager. Looks like it's back to having my mind prodded on March 31st! I'm so excited! :lol :lol

*does the happy clap dance*

Android18a said:
I've just spoken to a few UK-ers who say you have to go full time BEFORE hormones... it seems thats how the NHS does it here.

Which sucks, because I really don't know about going full time with facial hair and a body full of testosterone.

If thats how its done on the NHS, I'm going private.

You can do it! We believe in you!


Android18a said:
realised I don't *really* have anyone I can talk to around here :( Everyone I know nearly is a JW. I need to somehow meet local people who can help me through this.

Not that this has anything to do with your situation, but I dated a girl who was a JW in high school, so at least to a small degree I can understand how tough that situation can be. Especially for that sect of religion, because their belief system can be especially hard for people who may not be a devout believer (or who may have come into being a JW by birth and not by choice).

You may not even need to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyhow. You may get lucky, but it's more than likely that you're going to get a lot of pressure from your parents, as well as that community, when it comes time for them to really deal with the whole transgender thing. It is ridiculously easy to be put into positions where you're being told how God will look upon your actions, how what you're doing is wrong in his eyes, and all of that, and being in the situations that folks like us are in the first place, it can be outrageously easy for us to feel weak and vulnerable. At times like those, it's very, very simple to be manipulated into thinking or feeling things you really don't think or feel.

There's something very important to remember: no human being speaks for God, and it is an insult to God for anybody to come to you and say that they know exactly what he (or she, depending on your beliefs) thinks about you. The only person who can tell you what God asks of you is God himself, and if you believe that there is a God, then remember that fact and remember it well. If you need answers from God, ask him directly: every one of us has that ability whenever we wish to make use of it. Never, ever let somebody else tell you what God thinks of you, because they don't know, and if you are talking to a person who does claim to know, they are using the name of God in order to push their own policies and beliefs.

None of this may be of any real concern or worry for you, and if that is the case, then I'm glad. I just know the kinds of issues a person in your situation can find themselves having to deal with, and the last thing I'd want to see is you going against what is best for you because you've been convinced by somebody that what you're doing is wrong spiritually. Stay strong, and never let anybody convince you that God will look down upon you for your actions. If you need to make peace with God, then do so on your own terms.

I had a terrible crisis of faith in my younger years - a lot of which stemmed from the internal struggle I was having inside due to all of this - and that came to me when I had never even been part of any organized religion in my entire life. I was afraid of how God would look upon me for who I was, and I was ashamed of myself for that. Now, I've come to have a far stronger and deeper understanding of God, and in my heart I know that he would never turn me away for being true to myself. We are here to make the world a better place, to make the lives of others richer, and we cannot do that unless we first make ourselves better.

Fox the Sly

shidoshi said:


Shidoshi's post # is 1337 lolz
Wow Shidoshi, thats deep =0

And I totally understand it. I know there'll be a lot of pressure about it... thats why I really need to move out before I come out, as it were. Living in this house with them constantly trying to tell me I'm Wrong would just be too much for me I fear.

Thanks for the lovely words there, and I hope others can benefit from them too x


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
I noticed that but didn't want to make myself appear any geekier than I already am.

*looks up at the banner at the top of the page*
*looks at the available forum sections one can venture into this here NeoGAF*
*looks at your avatar, which was made by Android, and features you popping out of a chocolate egg and winking*
*doesn't have anything else to add, so he just smiles, and walks away*


Okay, seeing a stupid post in the prom thread prompted me to come here and ask this. After changing sexes, which bathroom do you use? I'm curious to know. :D


The bathroom of whatever sex you've transitioned to. At that point, you aren't thinking "I'm a woman who used to be a man," you're thinking "I'm a woman", so you'd have little reason to ever consider using the men's room again (or vise versa).

lexi said:
Do you need to ask? Isn't it a little bit obvious?

To be fair, what seems like a very "duh" type of thing to us might honestly not be obvious to somebody who's never thought about it.


shidoshi said:
To be fair, what seems like a very "duh" type of thing to us might honestly not be obvious to somebody who's never thought about it.

Mm, I've been in a bit of a bitchy mood these last few hours. Sorry, Alucrid.


shidoshi said:
The bathroom of whatever sex you've transitioned to. At that point, you aren't thinking "I'm a woman who used to be a man," you're thinking "I'm a woman", so you'd have little reason to ever consider using the men's room again (or vise versa).

To be fair, what seems like a very "duh" type of thing to us might honestly not be obvious to somebody who's never thought about it.

I suppose I missed the psychological aspect to it, I was considering it to be man in a woman's body or vice versa, and that's where the conflict came in. I see what you mean now though.

lexi said:
Mm, I've been in a bit of a bitchy mood these last few hours. Sorry, Alucrid.

No worries. :D


formerly sane
shidoshi said:
Not that this has anything to do with your situation, but I dated a girl who was a JW in high school, so at least to a small degree I can understand how tough that situation can be. Especially for that sect of religion, because their belief system can be especially hard for people who may not be a devout believer (or who may have come into being a JW by birth and not by choice).

You may not even need to hear this, but I'm going to say it anyhow. You may get lucky, but it's more than likely that you're going to get a lot of pressure from your parents, as well as that community, when it comes time for them to really deal with the whole transgender thing. It is ridiculously easy to be put into positions where you're being told how God will look upon your actions, how what you're doing is wrong in his eyes, and all of that, and being in the situations that folks like us are in the first place, it can be outrageously easy for us to feel weak and vulnerable. At times like those, it's very, very simple to be manipulated into thinking or feeling things you really don't think or feel.

There's something very important to remember: no human being speaks for God, and it is an insult to God for anybody to come to you and say that they know exactly what he (or she, depending on your beliefs) thinks about you. The only person who can tell you what God asks of you is God himself, and if you believe that there is a God, then remember that fact and remember it well. If you need answers from God, ask him directly: every one of us has that ability whenever we wish to make use of it. Never, ever let somebody else tell you what God thinks of you, because they don't know, and if you are talking to a person who does claim to know, they are using the name of God in order to push their own policies and beliefs.

None of this may be of any real concern or worry for you, and if that is the case, then I'm glad. I just know the kinds of issues a person in your situation can find themselves having to deal with, and the last thing I'd want to see is you going against what is best for you because you've been convinced by somebody that what you're doing is wrong spiritually. Stay strong, and never let anybody convince you that God will look down upon you for your actions. If you need to make peace with God, then do so on your own terms.

I had a terrible crisis of faith in my younger years - a lot of which stemmed from the internal struggle I was having inside due to all of this - and that came to me when I had never even been part of any organized religion in my entire life. I was afraid of how God would look upon me for who I was, and I was ashamed of myself for that. Now, I've come to have a far stronger and deeper understanding of God, and in my heart I know that he would never turn me away for being true to myself. We are here to make the world a better place, to make the lives of others richer, and we cannot do that unless we first make ourselves better.

I'm huge spiritualist and approve. :D


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
That is so full of awesome. I want a taaaaaag.

Alfarif's Movie Review Corner:

I just started watching "Let Me Die A Woman." I... what is going on here? I know this can't be a real documentary, even taking the time period into account, because there's just so much... I don't know the word to describe it -- belligerent ignorance. It's also pretty graphic, with a guy chopping off his own penis some 15 minutes into it, and has no qualms with nudity (such as a shower scene which focused someone's penis for about 5 or 6 minutes while they bathed).

I'd like to say it's a mocukmentary, but I can remember some of the old filmstrips in my classes back in elementary school being this bad. Given the time period in the film, it wouldn't seemed such a stretch that not only were people that ignorant regarding transgenderism, but they legitimately believed that the end all for every TG was simply SRS.

I'll have more as I go along. Oh god... group meeting with a bunch of them in an office.

Another Edit: I... what the heck is going on in this exploitation movie!? It's nothing but random sex scenes and the most uninformative, disgusting filth I've ever seen. Ainsley, you were right. I should have avoided this, but in my all consuming desire for knowledge, I had to finish watching it.

Sadly, there is, at least for the time period, some informative (though extremely graphic) scenes of SRS and hormone change demonstrations. Of course, however, in true exploitation fashion, it's made to seem grotesque and completely undesirable. This movie parades people around like a freak show and there is zero dignity involved. I should've known this going in, but it'd been so long since I looked up the movie and finally managed to acquire it that I'd completely forgotten what I was going to be watching.

I'm going to say avoid this at all costs, because it'll only make you angry. I have no idea why I watched this entire thing. This was a waste of time.
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