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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Well, this film was made in 1978, so I will say that plays a huge part in it, but the fact that something like this remotely exists is mindboggling. What's even more confusing is that the doctor featured in the film was supposedly one of the leading doctors, who wrote books that are still in use today. You would think he'd be a bit more compassionate throughout the film, but he speaks in such a monotone way, only punctuating such things as "He hated his PENIS." The first thirty minutes of the film threw me for a complete loop, because he speaks with what seems to be disgust. He also calls MtF "he" the entire time, never referring to them as "she," which really rubbed me the wrong way. At some point, however, he completely stops doing that and starts referring to them as "she." There didn't seem to be any consistency in that.

At the end, he even seems to be sympathetic. It's a complete difference from the opening of the film.


Just got done reading about that movie, as I had never heard of it until now. Part of me has absolutely no interest in seeing it - and yet another wants to see it as one wants to see a car wreck. *heh*

Also, since I got on my little religion talk earlier and forgot to say this, hope everything goes well with your doctor's appointment tehAinsley, and same for you Android. Having to go full time before hormones would be tough to deal with if it were me; I'd want the security of being able to let myself decide when I'm ready to go full time, depending on how things are going on hormones. So, I hope you're not forced to have to make a decision like that, but if you are, I hope you'll have the strength to do what it is you need to do for yourself, and I hope it works out as best as possible given the situation.

Edit: This "review" of the movie is what I was reading, and it seems to read as if this project was a collection of various filmed elements over a great many years. So that might explain why certain elements of it seemed to make little sense.


I have never heard of the silly requirement to live 12 months full time to even be allowed to start on HRT! That would just encourage people to self-medicate or worse.

As far as I recall the SoC says you must live 12 months full time before undergoing GRS / SRS. Nothing about living full time for 12 months before even BEGINNING hormones, jeez.

Maybe it's just a technicality so NHS doesn't have to fork out the dough.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
and yet another wants to see it as one wants to see a car wreck. *heh*

Try a car falling off of a boat that just ran aground and steamrolled over a train that is moving a brand new 747 through downtown New York, and you have about what this film amounts to.

Edit: This "review" of the movie is what I was reading, and it seems to read as if this project was a collection of various filmed elements over a great many years. So that might explain why certain elements of it seemed to make little sense.

I could see that. It wasn't the disjointed nature that bothered me, but that the narrator/doctor, who is supposed to be a specialist in this field and the de facto (at the time) person you sought advice from, seemed completely unsympathetic at the beginning of the film, yet open and honest at the end. That's something that will probably continue to rub me the wrong way the longer I think on it.

Edit: I'd also like to add, that I HATED the music in this. The fact that ANYTIME a sexual encounter happened, it had this menacing music as if the TG was going to rape someone and steal away everything they had. Especially when one woman was pre-SRS, but post-hormones/24/7 living. The music pisses me off more than anything else in the film. I'm spitting nails over here.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
Well that's 70's exploitation films for you.

Yeah... I've watched my fair share of Blaxploitation, but seeing a TG-centric one kind of blew my mind.
Nope, still no different. Well, I did kind of feel more calm and content yesterday, but that was yesterday. I think I felt like normal today, or maybe I didn't. Who knows you shouldn't trust me when I talk about feelings. I don't know which is which. ¯\(o_0)/¯

I'm not even sure what I just said…
I did, however, wear female clothing out and about tonight in honor of the transphobes who somehow snuck into the "lesbian panic" thread. I wonder if anyone was offended by my presence. O_O

Probably not, it's a fairly innocuous outfit, pretty masculine.

Android18a said:
Not too bad, but my sister is here, meaning my planned Home Alone To be Jessica time hasn't gone as I'd hoped :p Oh well.
That sucks. At least you don't have to defend your home from Joe Pesci using cartoon like booby traps.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
So how is everyone's night/morning/afternoon/evening going?

Just got off of work and I'm about to mess around in Playstation Home for a bit before I hit the sack.

Glad you're feeling "normal." I want a daily summary of what's going on with you, got it?


Alfarif said:
Just got off of work and I'm about to mess around in Playstation Home for a bit before I hit the sack.

Glad you're feeling "normal." I want a daily summary of what's going on with you, got it?

Where's your demand of MY daily summary?


Water is not wet!
NewGamePlus said:
So how is everyone's night/morning/afternoon/evening going?
Things are going femtastic for me, as they say :lol

Havent checked the thread in a while.. or anything online really for that matter. ive been too busy with a houseguest and any spare time left over has been sucked away into a game.

Skimming over the thread as i post.. congrats Android18 on the doctor stuffs :D

Anyway.. its bedtime. i know this because the sun is almost up :lol Take care!
water_wendi said:
Anyway.. its bedtime. i know this because the sun is almost up Take care!
I still have at least a few hours of nighttime. I win!

Alfarif said:
Just got off of work and I'm about to mess around in Playstation Home for a bit before I hit the sack.

Glad you're feeling "normal." I want a daily summary of what's going on with you, got it?
No, no, you can't make me. *runs away*

Fox the Sly

NewGamePlus said:
So how is everyone's night/morning/afternoon/evening going?

My night is ok. I'm sitting here wondering why I'm having DirectX installation problems. Also, setting permissions in Windows is annoying. Screw you, TrustedInstaller!

The joys of reformatting a PC.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Where's your demand of MY daily summary?
You mean the one where I keep asking for pics every single day? Yeah, where are MY pictures, missy?

Every day, I want you to post a pic of yourself all dolled up! How about that? *hands on hips*
But you give it away for free over time? o_O

Then again, I suppose time is money. With that in mind I think I've drawn the only logical conclusion; I should go to bed.
NewGamePlus said:
So how is everyone's night/morning/afternoon/evening going?

I just spent all night playing NSMB Wii with my best friend (he's more like a little brother) who drunk-dialed me from an after-work function and decided there and then that we absolutely NEEDED to spend some time together RIGHT NOW. Then he got a booty call and had to go, leaving me absolutely miserable about how easy it is for him to just meet someone and let things happen whereas I have to have this big transgender anvil over my head if a guy likes me.

So I made a video about it that's currently uploading and then I'm off to bed, hopefully before the sun rises.


Jamie xxoo said:
Then he got a booty call and had to go, leaving me absolutely miserable about how easy it is for him to just meet someone and let things happen whereas I have to have this big transgender anvil over my head if a guy likes me.

The following is a general statement which I believe applies to ANYONE.

I think this is where confidence comes into play. You are you, nothing can change that. Lets be honest, if someone is going to freak out and leave because of your past, that wouldn't be someone you'd wanna be with anyhow. Its all part of dating and once you get there it will get easier. Probably a ton easier than transitioning itself I'd imagine.

Enjoy who you are and forget other people's ignorance.
Exhumed said:
The following is a general statement which I believe applies to ANYONE.

I think this is where confidence comes into play. You are you, nothing can change that. Lets be honest, if someone is going to freak out and leave because of your past, that wouldn't be someone you'd wanna be with anyhow. Its all part of dating and once you get there it will get easier. Probably a ton easier than transitioning itself I'd imagine.

Enjoy who you are and forget other people's ignorance.

I'm honestly too tired and icky-feeling to argue. =) I'm going to bed to cuddle Dave (teddy bear). He has no issues with my past. ;)


Jamie xxoo said:
I'm honestly too tired and icky-feeling to argue. =) I'm going to bed to cuddle Dave (teddy bear). He has no issues with my past. ;)

It was no way an argument just my point of view, take it or leave it :)

Have a good night.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Exhumed said:
It was no way an argument just my point of view, take it or leave it :)

Have a good night.
Exhumed, I feel the exact way. I have a feeling that a lot of guys simply won't care after you explain to them exactly what this is all about. A lot of people simply don't understand, and need a guiding hand to the right answers.

Oh, and Lexi? Payment is coming. Stay tuned.


I really enjoy reading this thread. A ton of emotionally mature folks discussing real life issues. The intelligence in this thread is amazing. It has been a pleasure so far ladies :D


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Exhumed said:
I really enjoy reading this thread. A ton of emotionally mature folks discussing real life issues. The intelligence in this thread is amazing. It has been a pleasure so far ladies :D

Yeah... that goes out the window with this post.

Lexi, as promised, payment for these pictures!


That's for when you're really hungry. And when you're in a more bite-sized mood, I grabbed you these as well:




That girl in the bunny hat
Exhumed said:
I really enjoy reading this thread. A ton of emotionally mature folks discussing real life issues. The intelligence in this thread is amazing. It has been a pleasure so far ladies :D

Fine, fine. I'll turn up the snark. :p


Alfarif said:
Just got off of work and I'm about to mess around in Playstation Home for a bit before I hit the sack.

Well, I actually now know two people in the world who use Home by choice. *laughs*


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
Well, I actually now know two people in the world who use Home by choice. *laughs*

Well, since it's a visual chat room, it's pretty nice to sit around talking games, music, etc before bed, since chat rooms kind of went the way of the dodo unless you're an IRC addict.
shidoshi said:
Well, I actually now know two people in the world who use Home by choice. *laughs*
Does that mean you know people who use it against their will? What did they do to deserve that kind of sick torture? It's inhumane I tell you.


Oh, trust me, I can see the appeal, it's just that... well, the overall style of Home, and especially its characters, are hideously ugly to me. I get really turned off by the whole "let's try to look real!" way of doing game graphics, because they just end up looking ugly and even a little frightening in my opinion. It's the same reason that I love WoW's graphical style but don't like a lot of the other Western MMORPG's, and why WoW still looks good to this day while a lot of other MMOs look dated. (Korean MMOs, however, find a nice balance between the two.)

Now, if Microsoft ever gives us a communal chatroom thingy using their Avatars... I'd be all over that.

...oh, and probably my favorite chat-based app of all time was Microsoft's Comic Chat. Hell, I installed a Windows emulator just for that one application at one point. *heh*

Edit: Actually, Microsoft should bring back Comic Chat for the Xbox 360, using Avatars instead of the previous characters. My lord that would be brilliant.


Alfarif said:
Yeah... that goes out the window with this post.

I don't think its immature to know when to have a good time and joke around. I think the immaturity comes into play when its at the wrong time. Good times :D

shidoshi said:
Well, I actually now know two people in the world who use Home by choice. *laughs*

I actually just got my PS3 a couple days ago and my friend recommended to download this. Who knows, ya might see me around as well.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
shidoshi said:
Oh, trust me, I can see the appeal, it's just that... well, the overall style of Home, and especially its characters, are hideously ugly to me. I get really turned off by the whole "let's try to look real!" way of doing game graphics, because they just end up looking ugly and even a little frightening in my opinion. It's the same reason that I love WoW's graphical style but don't like a lot of the other Western MMORPG's, and why WoW still looks good to this day while a lot of other MMOs look dated. (Korean MMOs, however, find a nice balance between the two.)

Now, if Microsoft ever gives us a communal chatroom thingy using their Avatars... I'd be all over that.

...oh, and probably my favorite chat-based app of all time was Microsoft's Comic Chat. Hell, I installed a Windows emulator just for that one application at one point. *heh*

Edit: Actually, Microsoft should bring back Comic Chat for the Xbox 360, using Avatars instead of the previous characters. My lord that would be brilliant.

I'm actually not a fan of MS Avatars. They are extremely boring to me. Home is about on par with mid-life B level games, so the graphical realism is about what you can expect. (Dark Sector-esque and its ilk) And while I think WoW is a shining example of what can be done right with 3D graphics, I think it's more about pure aesthetic direction, and less about realism. What I mean is that, for instance, their CGI from Warcraft 3 still looks flawless, and that had a very realistic slant to it. I feel that even if they went for Crysis style graphics with their games, their art direction would still punch through and stand the test of time. Blizzard is just that brilliant.

That Comic Chat looks interesting, though. I'd kill to have that in Adium.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
Awesome! Now, how long before we get to Nazis?

Does me asking what the heck Stormfront was in a thread yesterday count?

Anyway, onto more important things: any new updates for today? How do you feel? Give us the lowdown.


NewGamePlus said:
That edit was very meta. Now I don't know which avatar to comfort.

I originally meant my Xbox avatar was crying, but then when the page refreshed it just happened that my GAF avatar rotation hit upon the crying version, and I found that funny so I edited my post.

Mii's > Avatar's > Home… that's right, any thread can become a console wars thread if you try hard enough

Xbox Avatars >>> Miis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Home monstrosities

Alfarif said:
You don't want to know my thoughts on Korean MMOs, then...... :lol :lol :lol

Well, now... I've yet to play a Korean MMO where I actually enjoyed the game. But man oh man do I love their character design.

Alfarif said:
Does me asking what the heck Stormfront was in a thread yesterday count?

Anyway, onto more important things: any new updates for today? How do you feel? Give us the lowdown.
Nothing remarkable to remark upon. Maybe I have a little more energy. I feel like I should be doing something. My friends are going be in town in about a week for spring break, so I'm excited.
Exhumed said:
The following is a general statement which I believe applies to ANYONE.

I think this is where confidence comes into play. You are you, nothing can change that. Lets be honest, if someone is going to freak out and leave because of your past, that wouldn't be someone you'd wanna be with anyhow. Its all part of dating and once you get there it will get easier. Probably a ton easier than transitioning itself I'd imagine.

Enjoy who you are and forget other people's ignorance.

I've slept on it, and I think what I was down about last night was that this wonderful, organic, exciting way of meeting someone - just feeling a spark with a stranger and letting it all unfold - is all borked up because I have to bring this deal-breaking fact about myself into the conversation and it just totally throws most guys to be suddenly confronted with it. Looking back I could have just given that guy my mobile and told him over the phone later (and 99.99% most likely have met an awkward silence followed by a rapid "gotta go"). I guess the situation just never occurred before and I wasn't ready.

Anyway he was probably an ex-con serial rapist. I'm better off. ;)
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