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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
NewGamePlus said:
My identity is inverse of myself? I don't even know what you're saying.

I think he means you are a girl becoming boy becoming a girl? I'm really confused by this, myself.

RobertM, your problem is thinking that someone TG identifies as their born gender. They do not. In that regard, they are not becoming an inverse, but becoming who they ACTUALLY are. Gender is, thankfully, loosening from the rigid barriers it's had for the last however long we've existed. It's an ever changing idea, and it will always be that way. The sooner we understand gender, and how sexual reproduction doesn't define it, the sooner acceptance will be reached.


Sorry to break this up but I'm back from my inverse hair appointment. What do you all think of this inversion? :3

Dragona Akehi said:
PM me if you find posts that are discriminatory in nature. I cannot physically read every thread on GAF.

In addition RobertM should contemplate the scenario of waking up one morning and discovering that his body is female, despite still having the same consciousness before spouting bullocks.

You rock <3


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Snuggler said:
If you don't mind me axing, what is an "inverse hair appointment"? I've never heard of it.

Go back a couple pages and look at my cadbury creme egg picture. That's an inverse hair appointment.


erotic butter maelstrom
Heh, sorry but I'm kind of ignorant but this kind of stuff.
I guess I thought that was an actual thing, but still, you have awesome hair and I'm still jealous.


I was referring to RobertM's inverse comment.

I find it hard to believe I have any quality that someone would like much less anyone is jealous of.


erotic butter maelstrom
lexi said:
I find it hard to believe I have any quality that someone would like much less anyone is jealous of.

It's shouldn't be that hard to believe. I get a lot of complements for my poofy hair but at least judging from that pic and a few others, you have some quality, healthy hair and you should be proud of it.


lexi said:
I find it hard to believe I have any quality that someone would like much less anyone is jealous of.

Don't make me come out there and slap ya with the Gold Plated Tuna of Awesome and Win +1. 'Cause I'll do it! May take me a couple years, but it'll happen!



Dragona said:
In addition RobertM should contemplate the scenario of waking up one morning and discovering that his body is female, despite still having the same consciousness before spouting bullocks.
That type of scenario exist in a logical possible world. If I saw a reflection from head to toe that I'm a woman, I would more than likely embrace what I see, because it's counter productive for me to rebel against who I am, and definitely wouldn't help in long run. Overtime acceptance wouldn't even be an issue. These hypothetical scenarios need more details especially when it comes to hormones, memory, and previous biological and mental states.

Alfarif said:
I think he means you are a girl becoming boy becoming a girl? I'm really confused by this, myself.

RobertM, your problem is thinking that someone TG identifies as their born gender. They do not. In that regard, they are not becoming an inverse, but becoming who they ACTUALLY are. Gender is, thankfully, loosening from the rigid barriers it's had for the last however long we've existed. It's an ever changing idea, and it will always be that way. The sooner we understand gender, and how sexual reproduction doesn't define it, the sooner acceptance will be reached.
The question wasn't addressed to you, but might as well answer some things in your comment.

Gender selectivity doesn't come up after birth of a child, but during childbirth. I guess if we abandon science in regards toward sexual development, then perhaps a gender mix up is an acceptable possibility, and like you said, they can become what they actually are. Sadly we can't do that since we have empirical data describing what happens each step of the way. What you're describing is an illusion becoming reality; seeing a circle instead of a square. Not to mention such confusion in sex probably can not happen without a catalyst that is the social force.
This idea of sexual indifference can cause more harm than good in my opinion, especially when it comes to identity development. It would be a totally different society, and it could only work if the traces of the old are gone and current reproductivity method has no meaning.


RobertM said:
That type of scenario exist in a logical possible world. If I saw a reflection from head to toe that I'm a woman, I would more than likely embrace what I see, because it's counter productive for me to rebel against who I am, and definitely wouldn't help in long run. Overtime acceptance wouldn't even be an issue. These hypothetical scenarios need more details especially when it comes to hormones, memory, and previous biological and mental states.
RobertM, I also could never see myself changing genders, and I may not even understand the idea completely. But I do however understand that transgendered people are not me, and that it doesn't mean I can't respect other peoples situations. Obviously people are trapped in the wrong body. People don't just go and get a sex change for the hell of it. Just understand, that you will never understand what it would feel like to be trapped in the wrong body. I won't either, but we can at least respectful and supportive of those who do know what it feels like.
RobertM said:
That type of scenario exist in a logical possible world. If I saw a reflection from head to toe that I'm a woman, I would more than likely embrace what I see, because it's counter productive for me to rebel against who I am, and definitely wouldn't help in long run. Overtime acceptance wouldn't even be an issue. These hypothetical scenarios need more details especially when it comes to hormones, memory, and previous biological and mental states.
First off, I highly doubt that, but I also doubt there is anything I could say to change your mind.

RobertM said:
Gender selectivity doesn't come up after birth of a child, but during childbirth. I guess if we abandon science in regards toward sexual development, then perhaps a gender mix up is an acceptable possibility, and like you said, they can become what they actually are. Sadly we can't do that since we have empirical data describing what happens each step of the way. What you're describing is an illusion becoming reality; seeing a circle instead of a square. Not to mention such confusion in sex probably can not happen without a catalyst that is the social force.
This idea of sexual indifference can cause more harm than good in my opinion, especially when it comes to identity development. It would be a totally different society, and it could only work if the traces of the old are gone and current reproductivity method has no meaning.
Gender and sex are not the same thing. As far as I can tell, you are only talking about sex. The silly thing is that not even sex is as simple as you seem to think it is. According to the Intersex Society of North America, approximately 1 in 100 peoples bodies differ from that of "standard" males and females. I find your assertion that Gender Identity Disorder is caused by outside influences ignorant at best and possibly offensive. Lastly, I have no idea how you think acceptance of transgendered individuals would damage society. That I definitely find offensive.


RobertM said:
That type of scenario exist in a logical possible world. If I saw a reflection from head to toe that I'm a woman, I would more than likely embrace what I see, because it's counter productive for me to rebel against who I am, and definitely wouldn't help in long run. Overtime acceptance wouldn't even be an issue. These hypothetical scenarios need more details especially when it comes to hormones, memory, and previous biological and mental states.

Riiiight. You'd still have your male mind, but you'd just be all "Eh, I'll go with it". Sure.

RobertM said:
Gender selectivity doesn't come up after birth of a child, but during childbirth. I guess if we abandon science in regards toward sexual development, then perhaps a gender mix up is an acceptable possibility, and like you said, they can become what they actually are. Sadly we can't do that since we have empirical data describing what happens each step of the way. What you're describing is an illusion becoming reality; seeing a circle instead of a square. Not to mention such confusion in sex probably can not happen without a catalyst that is the social force.
This idea of sexual indifference can cause more harm than good in my opinion, especially when it comes to identity development. It would be a totally different society, and it could only work if the traces of the old are gone and current reproductivity method has no meaning.

I can assure you Gender Dysphoria is no illusion. And to dismiss it as such I find quite insulting.

Also, following that logic down syndrome and the myriad of other birth defects are caused my some sort of societal trigger? I think we all know that is not the case. No one ever told me I felt female. My Mom never gave me dolls to play with. I was in a little league baseball team my Dad coached. By all counts I had normal male childhood. But the feeling I was supposed to be female was always there. It was never triggered. There was no sudden catalyst. It was just there. Like, oh I dunno, a birth defect.

All any true transgendered person is trying to do is correct that defect, and live happily... comfortable in our own skin. A feeling I'm sure you take for granted everyday judging by your posts here.


NewGamePlus said:
I remember seeing that. The narrator's use of pronouns annoyed me to no end.

I think it was more to help the casual audience understand the situations better.

The parents are truly awesome.
whitehawk said:
Wow. This is very interesting. I didn't realize that those kind of feelings could start so early.

You'd probably find that most of the transgirls here had the feelings we have as long as we remember. It's just the age that we *act* upon it that tends to vary the most.

Also: Lexi's new hair is GORGEOUS.
Never saw this thread before, sorry if it's been asked before but, are shemale, tranny or any words like that offensive or does it depend on the context?
Sorry again if it's been asked before.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
lexi said:
Because I'm loving the attention:

<3 you, doll. Still looking as good as ever.

:lol at RobertM. Not even worth responding to. An illusion? Really? I'd love to ask him where he got all of his supposed "information," but I guess I'll have to wait for him to come back from his vacation.

And Flink, good link! I'll have to finish checking it out when I watch another craptacular B grade horror movie for the night with the wife. Laughing hysterically or supposed "scary" things makes for a good Saturday night.
lexi said:
Because I'm loving the attention:
:lol Be careful, that can be a slippery slope. Though you deserve it.

mysticwhip said:
Never saw this thread before, sorry if it's been asked before but, are shemale, tranny or any words like that offensive or does it depend on the context?
Sorry again if it's been asked before.
Somewhat contextual, but best not to use them.


mysticwhip said:
Never saw this thread before, sorry if it's been asked before but, are shemale, tranny or any words like that offensive or does it depend on the context?
Sorry again if it's been asked before.

They are porn slang. Using trans-girls/boys is ok. Ideal would be using just girls/boys, working towards social acceptance while running away from a sexual/fetishist objectification.

Fox the Sly

RobertM said:
If I saw a reflection from head to toe that I'm a woman, I would more than likely embrace what I see, because it's counter productive for me to rebel against who I am, and definitely wouldn't help in long run.

Perhaps when you return from your GAF-sponsored vacation you can explain to the TG among us how they can better handle being in the wrong body, cause it all sounds so simple from your perspective. :lol

RobertM said:
I guess if we abandon science in regards toward sexual development, then perhaps a gender mix up is an acceptable possibility, and like you said, they can become what they actually are. Sadly we can't do that since we have empirical data describing what happens each step of the way.

What exactly are you talking about with this empirical data? Serious question. Do we know about what goes on in a fetus's mind during development that can somehow prove/disprove that there's some kind of gender or sexual mix-up that happens for trans/gay/bi people?

Also, lexi is the hawtness! :D
lexi said:
Well, Jamie hasn't posted in a while, the limelight is mine! :p

Well I've been moving house and now I have a cold, and then I tried to post a few hours ago but I kept getting "invalid thread specified."

Your new hairstyle looks FAB.

@mysticwhip "Shemale" is a porn term and it *is* insulting, and "tranny" is like the "n" word for African-Americans. It's not an acceptable word for non-trans people to use and even amongst trans-people a lot of us HATE the term (including me). If you want to be nice, just say trans-woman or trans-man, or transgender.

No comment to make about whatever RobertM is trying to say - mainly because the way he writes just confuses the hell out of me.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Jamie xxoo said:
Well I've been moving house and now I have a cold, and then I tried to post a few hours ago but I kept getting "invalid thread specified."

Your new hairstyle looks FAB.

@mysticwhip "Shemale" is a porn term and it *is* insulting, and "tranny" is like the "n" word for African-Americans. It's not an acceptable word for non-trans people to use and even amongst trans-people a lot of us HATE the term (including me). If you want to be nice, just say trans-woman or trans-man, or transgender.

No comment to make about whatever RobertM is trying to say - mainly because the way he writes just confuses the hell out of me.
I think he was confusing himself, as well.


I didn't understand what he was saying either, It seemed so convoluted and directionless.

I hope you feel better soon Jamie, thank you for the kind words on my hair. :)


So, I lost my job today.

It doesn't really worry me though, this was the last vestige of my former life and I'm really happy to be free from it and all the stress it entailed.

*looks for jobs*
I'm happy you're not worried about it. As for me, I suddenly just realized something. Tomorrow, completely of my own volition, I am going to stab myself with a needle. I think there's something wrong with me.


lexi said:
So, I lost my job today.

It doesn't really worry me though, this was the last vestige of my former life and I'm really happy to be free from it and all the stress it entailed.

*looks for jobs*
Gah, that sucks. But yeah, maybe a change of scenery will be good for you. At least it's a healthy way to look at it! I've been at my current job almost 5 years and I'm starting to feel like its time to shake things up a bit.

Fox the Sly

I'm sorry you weren't able to leave on your own terms.

NewGamePlus said:
I'm happy you're not worried about it. As for me, I suddenly just realized something. Tomorrow, completely of my own volition, I am going to stab myself with a needle. I think there's something wrong with me.

NewGamePlus said:
I'm happy you're not worried about it. As for me, I suddenly just realized something. Tomorrow, completely of my own volition, I am going to stab myself with a needle. I think there's something wrong with me.

Yes, yes there is :lol

As for me, I'm still at the same job I've had for the better part of ten years, and I'm started to get a little tired of the same old routine now...


NewGamePlus said:
I'm happy you're not worried about it. As for me, I suddenly just realized something. Tomorrow, completely of my own volition, I am going to stab myself with a needle. I think there's something wrong with me.

Oooooh exciting! Keep us abreast of the developments!
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