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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

lexi said:
I am kinda really looking forward to some of these wonderful painkiller drugs.
As someone who has never used recreational drugs, it was definitely an interesting and unforgettable experience. They gave me some of it one night (after I had fully regained consciousness) to help me sleep, and I started hallucinating immediately before I fell asleep. I visited some Tolken-esque universe or something. O_O It was like having a dream before falling asleep.
lexi said:
I am kinda really looking forward to some of these wonderful painkiller drugs.
When I first woke up after SRS I was totally off my face. I wanted to text my family and my partner so they wouldn't worry, but apparently what was, to my mind, a perfectly coherent couple of sentences about how I was fine, it went well, and so on, turned up in their phones as a nonsensical string of auto-corrected words and punctuation with a sort of poetic beauty to it.


First post in this thread (allo!), and I have a request. Can someone point me to some solid info on psychological androgyny? I've made a few stabs at it, and for the sake of making more comprehensive reading, methinks that aim would be best served by consulting people in the know as well. Thanks in advance!
A bit of a random, silly question, but reading another topic here reminded me of that.

The term GLBT (for Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transexual), I understand why people shortened it up, but in casual conversations, it's still a bit awkward and long thing to say. Is there an alternative? Or that could be a long shot, but is there already a way to add a vowel in the middle of GLBT and turn it into a quick, short word? Glabt, glibt, globt or whatever?

Dead Man

Instigator said:
A bit of a random, silly question, but reading another topic here reminded me of that.

The term GLBT (for Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transexual), I understand why people shortened it up, but in casual conversations, it's still a bit awkward and long thing to say. Is there an alternative? Or that could be a long shot, but is there already a way to add a vowel in the middle of GLBT and turn it into a quick, short word? Glabt, glibt, globt or whatever?
I like the idea of Glibt! But I usually just use the word queer when I want to be as inclusive as possible. Don't really know what the trans community thinks of that though.


lexi said:
GLIBT would work as an acronym too, I standing for Intersex.

GLIBTQA is the most recent one I've heard

(Questioning and Allies)

I'd probably fall under A more than anything else, personally.
Tyrant_Onion said:
Queer seems to be the best choice in a spoken conversation.
But am I the only person who hates this word?

I rather like it as a catch-all, and for encompassing straight and cis people who have an alternate gender presentation. One syllable beats the acronym soup, too.
I usually say I'm queer. I mean, I'm a bi trans lady in a relationship with a bi drag queen. I'm not sure what other word I could use.
Totally using that from now on though, when I talk about the wider community. Although if you say LGBTIAA (intersex, asexual, allies) you can have tailbag.

Dead Man

alysonwheel said:
I usually say I'm queer. I mean, I'm a bi trans lady in a relationship with a bi drag queen. I'm not sure what other word I could use.

Totally using that from now on though, when I talk about the wider community. Although if you say LGBTIAA (intersex, asexual, allies) you can have tailbag.
Awesome. The word you would use, is awesome. :)


alysonwheel said:
Totally using that from now on though, when I talk about the wider community. Although if you say LGBTIAA (intersex, asexual, allies) you can have tailbag.
I would actually prefer trying to say "LGBTIAA", though... Just because it ends with "TIAA!"
The other half's name is rendered as "Soybo" by the autocorrect on my very cheap phone. Have informed other half that hir new name is Soybo Tailbag.
Nishastra said:
I would actually prefer trying to say "LGBTIAA", though... Just because it ends with "TIAA!"
Plus you can make it sound like you sneezed halfway through!

Um, I'm not sure why I think that's a plus.


alysonwheel said:
The other half's name is rendered as "Soybo" by the autocorrect on my very cheap phone. Have informed other half that hir new name is Soybo Tailbag.
That's a fine Hobbit name.

alysonwheel said:
Plus you can make it sound like you sneezed halfway through!

Um, I'm not sure why I think that's a plus.
The beginning can also sound like you're drowning!

Edit: Hell, the whole thing does. The TIAA is where you get your head above the water, obviously.


CrocMother said:
I totally get the concept of the community, but it's a bit odd that T is the only one that isn't a sexual orientation in that acronym.

Allies and Intersexual aren't either


Platy said:
Allies and Intersexual aren't either
I'd assume they mean the usual LGBT one, rather than the tailbag or glib globbets of whatever.

But yes, there are people who just want it to be "LGB" because T is something different. There's tons of variations on it...


Subete no aware
DeathNote said:
I've heard it spoken hatefully as an insult most of my life.
Yeah, it's weird. I don't know if the word has been reclaimed, but I mean, you can take courses in and probably major in queer studies now. I've just gone with the flow.


CHEEZMO™ said:
What on Earth is 'Intersexual'? 0_o

Or Allies, for that matter.
Aren't they both pretty self-explanatory? :p

Intersexuals are people who are between male and female. Generally people born with some combination of male and female parts.

Allies are just people who actively support LGBTIAs while not being one themselves.


Obsidian fan
Nishastra said:
Aren't they both pretty self-explanatory? :p

Intersexuals are people who are between male and female. Generally people born with some combination of male and female parts.

Allies are just people who actively support LGBTIAs while not being one themselves.
Yeah, the Allies I managed to deduce, lol.

But I'd never heard the word Intersex before. I was like "All these new words make me are confuse."
Sometimes trans people turn out to be intersexed, but they don't find out until/unless they have a chromosome test or surgery or whatever; it can be that subtle. Other times intersex people are obviously so at birth, and doctors (and parents) have a horrifying tendency to pick a sex for the child, which as you can imagine often turns out to be the wrong one...

Intersex pressure groups are trying to put a stop to that; it's pretty common as there are a lot of people about who are intersex in some way or other.


Thought I would post something from the notorious Dr. Ablow (I love that name).

Idiocy warning for the below, with everyone's old favorite: Slippery slope metaphors

Chastity Bono, the daughter of Cher and Sonny Bono, has undergone gender reassignment surgery and now asserts she [that’s right, she] is a man. She now wants to be called Chaz.

She has written a tell-all entitled Transition: The Story of How I Became a Man, and has appeared on "The David Letterman Show" and "Oprah." A documentary about her journey called Becoming Chaz premiered on Oprah’s OWN network. I know my thoughts on this matter will be politically incorrect, but they are entirely biologically and psychiatrically accurate.

First, Chaz Bono is not a man. She is a woman who has undergone radical surgeries and is taking male hormones in order to look like a man. That isn’t a political position, it’s a biological reality. Chaz Bono wants to be thought of as male, but she is not male.

You may disagree with me on philosophical grounds, arguing that behaving like a man and feeling like a man is tantamount to being a man, but that argument does nothing to change the biological reality.

Second, while Chaz Bono may now feel that her journey toward self-acceptance has ended, I am not convinced. I say this because, absent the gender politics involved, I was taught to consider Chaz Bono’s contention that she is male as a psychotic delusion—a fixed and false belief.

Psychosis is not a predictor of long-term emotional well-being or stability.

Mind you, I am not judging Ms. Bono. But there is nothing substantially different from a woman believing she is a man than there is about a woman believing she is a CIA agent being followed by the KGB (when in reality, she is, say, a salesperson at J. Crew).

Very few people, if any, would suggest that the proper treatment for such a woman would be to have the Central Intelligence Agency make her an honorary agent and hire a few former KGB agents to chase her around town. While that “treatment” might make her more comfortable for a while, bending reality to conform to a person’s psychosis just wouldn’t be a good idea. For one thing, it would make us all lose our sense of what is real and true. For another, it would simply perpetuate the woman’s underlying psychiatric illness.

Very few people, if any, would suggest that the way to treat someone who is petrified of death and insisting he is turning 16, not 61, would be to throw him a Sweet Sixteen party. Good psychiatrists, in particular, would be burrowing to the roots of the man’s discomfort with aging. If necessary, medications might be prescribed.

I once treated a woman who believed her children had been replaced by masquerading doubles and another who believed her parents could hear her thoughts through listening devices implanted in the walls. I did the hard work of getting to the bottom of those psychotic symptoms. I certainly didn’t hang up “Missing” posters with the first woman or start smashing holes in the walls of my office with the second.

Delusional disorders are notoriously difficult to treat. Paranoia (as in, the CIA example) can require extensive psychotherapy and anti-psychotic medication. Sometimes, that isn’t even enough. So you can imagine that believing you are a man when you are a woman could require even more vigorous and dedicated attempts to alleviate the psychotic person’s symptoms.

Is surgery to remove a woman’s breasts, close her vagina and create a makeshift penis for her really so very different (other than being far more permanent)? Is it really likely to yield a “cure” for a woman’s delusion that she is a man, or vice-versa? Does it really reach the depths of dissatisfaction, which create gender identity disturbances, to begin with?

I don’t think so.

I think Chaz Bono, who is, in fact, a woman, will not escape, through surgery or manipulation of hormones, suffering that is far more than skin deep.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/05/16/inside-mind-chaz-bono/#ixzz1Meev19eW


I wonder if Dr. Ablow believes homosexuality can be cured with therapy. That's analogous to what he's suggesting.
I never cease to be astonished that after all these years, with trans people by the bucketload successfully transitioning and reporting a huge increase in their quality of life, that anyone who has spent more than a few minutes contemplating us can still genuinely believe that it's all a delusion that can be fixed with therapy.

Doods, we've tried therapy. And not just on an experimental scale; literally almost every trans person sees a therapist of some sort before we receive treatment. In fact, the health service in many countries requires you to see a psychologist before you can get any treatment at all; if therapy actually worked, we'd all be cured!

We're not the delusional ones. End sleep-deprived 5am rant.


I certainly hope me posting that article doesn't... I mean, the guy has no legitimacy. He's a hack who works for Fox News for fucks' sake. He probably went to the same school as Dr. Phil.

Don't pay him any credence, the medical community minus a few nutters like him are in universal agreement about the transgender condition.


Neo Member
Yo dude is a dick but has a point, check it.

First, Chaz Bono is not a man. She is a woman who has undergone radical surgeries and is taking male hormones in order to look like a man. That isn’t a political position, it’s a biological reality.

Fo' real, yo. You gots dna and it says yo' fool, bi-o-lo-gic-al-ly - you be a chick, or you be a dude. Or you be some kinda hybrid shit with the extra chromosome superpower BOOM - but aint no word on Chaz havin' the BOOM. Man you swag like a dude, and yo respekt to you bro, but you gots the lady DNAs man. That be yo' BIOLOGICAL REALITY. Fo' real.

You may disagree with me on philosophical grounds, arguing that behaving like a man and feeling like a man is tantamount to being a man, but that argument does nothing to change the biological reality.

Fo, real. Bi-o-lo-gic-al reality man, it's a bitch, but what ya gonna do? But yo, front like a dude, get my back when shit goes down... bro, you be da man.

Chaz Bono’s contention that she is male as a psychotic delusion—a fixed and false belief.

That's a dick move yo - Chaz knows wassup. Chaz know he gots the lady D-N-A. See if Chaz start up all in yo' face bout his dudebro-N-A then he gots problems. Chaz know he a dude with lady D-N-A.

Is surgery to remove a woman’s breasts, close her vagina and create a makeshift penis for her really so very different (other than being far more permanent)? Is it really likely to yield a “cure” for a woman’s delusion that she is a man, or vice-versa? Does it really reach the depths of dissatisfaction, which create gender identity disturbances, to begin with?

Do it trans-peeps? Ya'll gets the sat-is-faction?

And yo, psychotic be damn LOADED word y'all, but check it - DNA says you a chick, but you be all fuck this shit, I be cruisin' wit ma boyz and chasin' bitches, and yo boyz say you the MAN, yo swag be manly yo, you got bitch DNA but we be chillin cause you our bro, and you be all like yo check my swag yo, check my fine girl - shit you the dude with lady DNA, you know it, and yo, so what? Yo b-o-lo-gic-cal-ly a chick, yeah, but you a bro.


Neo Member
You read Da TRUTH yo. Biology - the dude is a chick, to his peeps he's a bro. Chaz know he gots the lady D-N-A, he ain't trippin on that. Wheres the delusion, yo? Check it:


Bro might be a chick in the DNA but yo aint no pussy sweet enough to get a brother to tap dat.
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