Let's just, you know, not go too crazy and get this thread closed down or something.
Its a quiet little provision in a meaningful victory for equal rights. On Tuesday, Baltimore County approved measures prohibiting discrimination on the basis of gender identity and expression and sexual orientation when it comes to housing, employment, public accommodations and financing.
Gender is not always as clear-cut as an outline on a restroom door wearing a dress or pants. For people who are still transitioning, it can be tricky knowing when to make the move from one facility to the other. But sometime or another, everybodys got to go. And as Jillian Page pondered Wednesday in the Montréal Gazette, Im just not sure what the women who are opposed really expect trans people to do when they need to use the washroom. It should be obvious that the way a person lives his or her life everywhere else doesnt abruptly change when its time to wash hands. We all deserve respect and protection, whether its at work or home or the ladies room of a McDonalds. And sometimes, the biggest of victories for equality are won in the smallest of rooms.
Yeah, yall weird.
To change the subject (and scrub those horrible, horrible pictures from my retinas), there was this debate about a year ago about which public bathrooms trans people should use and there were the usual slippery slope arguments that tend to happen and I don't think anything was ever resolved. So I thought yall might be interested in this: http://life.salon.com/2012/02/23/bathrooms_the_new_transgender_battleground/
I actually had this discussion with my best friend a few days ago. My current feeling is, I'll go in the room I'm dressed for, and just use a stall no matter what. And if someone has a problem with that, then what the hell are you doing to have reason to have a problem with that, ya weirdo?
I think people that oppose the idea of trans people using whatever bathroom is appropriate for them to use do so on the presumption that trans people are scary predators who are looking to prey on unsuspecting (god I hate this word, but nothing else comes to mind at the moment) cis people. Which, if you think about it for a few seconds, is just as dumb as the "gay people shouldn't be allowed in the same locker room as us because they're just gonna look at our dicks" thing...but that's how some people think, I guess.
I think people that oppose the idea of trans people using whatever bathroom is appropriate for them to use do so on the presumption that trans people are scary predators who are looking to prey on unsuspecting (god I hate this word, but nothing else comes to mind at the moment) cis people. Which, if you think about it for a few seconds, is just as dumb as the "gay people shouldn't be allowed in the same locker room as us because they're just gonna look at our dicks" thing...but that's how some people think, I guess.
Like everyone would be magically ok with me using the men's room again, when actually I used to catch double-takes, stares and just generally awkward moments when I used to go in there.
Well, that was a long time ago. I wasn't convinced I looked like a girl yet ._.I've never seen a transsexual at a stall, but seeing such a scenario has to be highly spectacular.
On a somewhat separate note this thread is officially 2 years old.
What...what happened on this page
You know, I feel silly now realizing it's been almost two years since I started HRT and I still haven't changed my ID at all. I just got into mini-argument at the store trying to convince the cashier that I'm really me. Luckily his manager believed me. Has anyone else had this problem?
Would someone please convince me to take the time to legally change my name, or at least go to the DMV for a new photo?
You know, I feel silly now realizing it's been almost two years since I started HRT and I still haven't changed my ID at all. I just got into mini-argument at the store trying to convince the cashier that I'm really me. Luckily his manager believed me. Has anyone else had this problem?
Would someone please convince me to take the time to legally change my name, or at least go to the DMV for a new photo?
I'm just saying I've been trying to make plans with someone, but someone hasn't talked to me in a couple weeks. I'm not upset or anything. It would just be nice to finally meet her. ^__^
I'm not quite sure I fully understand your circumstances. Are you passing, living fulltime etc? It's been a long time since I've really had any idea about how people that have contributed this thread are going, maybe we could post updates and stuff?
I'm willing to bet that that someone, whomever they are, will be contacting you just as soon as that someone is past the ridiculous deadline they found themselves under after getting back from Japan.
Hi everyone. I have a question - how do transsexuals know that they're meant to be the opposite gender? Reading the OP, I know it isn't about sight, and I know it isn't about sexual attraction. So what is the difference between men and women?
Not that I particularly want to go back to the bulk of the Poison conversation, but this showed up on Joystiq today, seems mildly timely:
Not that I particularly want to go back to the bulk of the Poison conversation, but this showed up on Joystiq today, seems mildly timely:
Actualy this documentary makes me want Poison to be a cis girl all along .... all the transphobic facts that i didn't knew =/
I found it while at work, so admittedly I haven't actually watched it.
Also: is lethargy, or any sort of general tiredness, a known side effect of hormones? I swear I'm more exhausted than usual this last week.
Not that I particularly want to go back to the bulk of the Poison conversation, but this showed up on Joystiq today, seems mildly timely:
I had relations with a man who considered himself trans, but he had a normal male body and was not going to ever get reassignment surgery. Also he preferred to consider himself genderless and to be called with neutral gender pronouns like ze, they, them, etc.
Is this a transgendered/transsexual person in anyway? Or just a confused person?