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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


Rolling Girl
I personally don't like the word 'trap' and the context it's used in amongst the 4chan generation.

Well I don't mind it so much since a circle of transgender people I hang out with online use it in a loving fashion, but I understand how it can be offensive.


CHEEZMO™;35683366 said:
An ED entry on Mars Bars would be offensive.

Yeah, actually everything about this piece of web trash is offensive. Especially the smell of the people who created it. ;D


That girl in the bunny hat
So, trans-gaf. Makeup. Whether it's from the hormones or just self-deception I feel like my stubble is under enough control that I could actually cover it cleanly if I use the right stuff. I just have no idea what that "right stuff" is. I have foundation (Bare Minerals, specifically) but that doesn't work. I assume I need concealer of some sort, but.... what kind, what brand, what should I be looking for generally... I got no idea. (And I'm too nervous to talk to the Sephora people, not that they seemed too interested in coming up to me anyway...)


I used MAC stuff when I was starting out. You can get a free session with them providing you buy x amount worth of makeup, it's a great deal cause they will show you how to accentuate / minimize aspects of your face, and do colour matching and stuff too.


I suppose I should do that sometime, I have no idea where to start with makeup!

I've been doing alright without it so far, but still..


I used MAC stuff when I was starting out. You can get a free session with them providing you buy x amount worth of makeup, it's a great deal cause they will show you how to accentuate / minimize aspects of your face, and do colour matching and stuff too.

At that point, were you passable, did you explain your situation to them, or did you just storm in and go, "You, makeup woman, do my face and don't ask questions!"


At that point, were you passable, did you explain your situation to them, or did you just storm in and go, "You, makeup woman, do my face and don't ask questions!"

At this point, I was nowhere near passable, hadn't even started HRT yet.

I explained my situation to them, MAC are renown for being very trans-friendly.
Gah, I had my hair cut. Should have just gone to a new hairdressers and told them I wanted to grow it properly >> Now its all manly again. Bah humbug.

Still, life goes on. Glad most of you seem to be doing well and making progress! :) And for those that aren't, keep on going, it gets better :)
So, trans-gaf. Makeup. Whether it's from the hormones or just self-deception I feel like my stubble is under enough control that I could actually cover it cleanly if I use the right stuff. I just have no idea what that "right stuff" is. I have foundation (Bare Minerals, specifically) but that doesn't work. I assume I need concealer of some sort, but.... what kind, what brand, what should I be looking for generally... I got no idea. (And I'm too nervous to talk to the Sephora people, not that they seemed too interested in coming up to me anyway...)

Depending on the colour of your stubble and skin you might find the orange lipstick method useful. A quick search has brought up this lady on youtube who describes it as part of her foundation tutorial. Essentially you get hold of concealer, ordinary foundation, and some lipstick as orange as you can get. After shaving you apply it to the stubble areas and blend, and then blend concealer and foundation over the top. The idea is that the orange of the lipstick counteracts the blueish colour of under-the-skin stubble. I used to do this and found it very effective.


That girl in the bunny hat
Depending on the colour of your stubble and skin you might find the orange lipstick method useful. A quick search has brought up this lady on youtube who describes it as part of her foundation tutorial. Essentially you get hold of concealer, ordinary foundation, and some lipstick as orange as you can get. After shaving you apply it to the stubble areas and blend, and then blend concealer and foundation over the top. The idea is that the orange of the lipstick counteracts the blueish colour of under-the-skin stubble. I used to do this and found it very effective.

Guess I ought to hit Ulta on the way home from work. I think I can figure out "orange lipstick" on my own and it should be quiet enough that someone will actually help with the concealer 'cause I have no idea what's right for me there. Just hope it doesn't end up looking very obvious, there are girls at the trans group meetings around here that do very.... aggressive makeup. Not my thing. >_>
It all depends on how much stubble you have to cover, really. But you can match heavy cover with very subtle colours on your eyes and lips and still get away with not looking like you're wearing "night out" makeup to the shop. If your stubble is very light coloured -- like what's left of mine -- you can just slap on a bit of supermarket foundation and powder and do the natural look. Youtube is practically nothing but makeup tutorials so you can watch loads and try to work out how you want to come across.


That girl in the bunny hat
It all depends on how much stubble you have to cover, really. But you can match heavy cover with very subtle colours on your eyes and lips and still get away with not looking like you're wearing "night out" makeup to the shop. If your stubble is very light coloured -- like what's left of mine -- you can just slap on a bit of supermarket foundation and powder and do the natural look. Youtube is practically nothing but makeup tutorials so you can watch loads and try to work out how you want to come across.

Mine's pretty dark, and obviously I feel like any stubble is way too much. :p It feels like it's been thinning out since starting hormones already, which is great, but it's not very far.

And any time I actually check out tutorials I'm just like "I have none of those things".... I mean I have eyeshadow and brushes and so on and so on but I never seem to have the right things. Or at least I think I don't.


That girl in the bunny hat
Alright, that didn't seem to really work. :( Got home, re-shaved, smeared the orange lipstick and concealer over the stubble, then did foundation. Still looks a bit obvious (I was going to offer pictures but it's somehow worse there).

And I kinda look like I have a double chin so I feel way fatter now :(


At that point, were you passable, did you explain your situation to them, or did you just storm in and go, "You, makeup woman, do my face and don't ask questions!"

I laughed more than i should at that, now, to clean my monitor.

Just stoping to say hi. Now, off i go


That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO™;35754089 said:
I feel kinda bad that the ability to grow no facial hair at all is wasted on someone who wants it.

Much rage. Much, much rage. >:|


Obsidian fan



That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO™;35754328 said:


Seething with rage.


Also I think the issue was the flash on my camera, took a bathroom pic and I don't look as horrible (though I'm still meh about it...).


Isn't a trap used to describe someone who looks like a girl but is actually a guy rather than transsexuals?

Internet use of "trap" can either mean somebody of one sex dressing up as the other in order to trick somebody, or simply as slang for somebody who is trans or a cross dresser.

It's that first usage where the word can really be offensive if used in the second example, because most people who are trans are doing what they're doing to try to have a better life, not simple to con someone.


That girl in the bunny hat
I really ought to exercise- my apartment complex has a gym, even- I just can't be arsed to. And working out feels like such a guy thing. But I doubt my mallwalking and drumming counts for all that much in that category....


Me and my girlfriend are supposed to be working out, but we keep skipping it. I'm not pushing for it as much as I should so we forget >_<


Obsidian fan
I steeled myself and bought some gurl socks today.

Thats about as far as I can go though :/
Got some questionable remarks off my parents >_>


That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO™;35882182 said:
Got some questionable remarks off my parents >_>

Aww :(

"girl" socks howso, though? Patterned/colored in some way, or knee-highs? I mean, the majority of socks out there overall are just plain white or black, but there are styles in both of those categories that are still plausibly masculine (or neutral at best).


Obsidian fan
Aww :(

"girl" socks howso, though? Patterned/colored in some way, or knee-highs? I mean, the majority of socks out there overall are just plain white or black, but there are styles in both of those categories that are still plausibly masculine (or neutral at best).

Striped and over the knees, lol.


That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO&#8482;;35882350 said:
Striped and over the knees, lol.

Bah. I wear striped knee-highs all the time (literally, I don't own any other kinds of socks) and if anything I get positive remarks. I have to kinda push my mom away about it, she keeps asking where I get them and the site is just a little foot-fetish-y. It'd be awkward.
Plus, my style, not hers.

But your parents suck, no reason boys can't wear that kinda socks! >:|


Obsidian fan
Bah. I wear striped knee-highs all the time (literally, I don't own any other kinds of socks) and if anything I get positive remarks. I have to kinda push my mom away about it, she keeps asking where I get them and the site is just a little foot-fetish-y. It'd be awkward.

But your parents suck, no reason boys can't wear that kinda socks! >:|

And there's the rub. My mother particularly ¬_¬

I even chose the least feminine colours I could (B/W) but they still had a go. I guess that they came with a big piece of card that said, literally, "Girls' socks!" on them didn't help.

I was almost panicking in the shop and even walked out once. I need to move out ._.



That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO&#8482;;35882586 said:
And there's the rub. My mother particularly ¬_¬

I even chose the least feminine colours I could (B/W) but they still had a go. I guess that they came with a big piece of card that said, literally, "Girls' socks!" on them didn't help.

I was almost panicking in the shop and even walked out once. I need to move out ._.

*snirk* That does draw attention to the matter, dear. :p

And you should've seen me the last few weeks, trying to muster up the guts to go get makeup help. Even though I can go clothes shopping no problem (long as it's a unisex store; I couldn't get myself into Victoria's Secret if I wanted to) I was still hesitant and anxious. Until I've convinced myself that I pass, shopping is always going to be unnerving, it's just something you need to work through. Having friends to shop with really helps, and getting to know stores that are least difficult also alleviates things somewhat (I've found Kohl's to be a nice balance of product quality/price and employee not-giving-a-fuck).

And I really sympathize about the parents (man, the way my folks acted the night I was diagnosed....). Really for anyone transgendered, be it TS or just CD, living on your own or with supportive friends is just absolutely vital.


I've been wanting to post in this thread for probably over a year now. I'm kind of nervous about it though. I consider myself gender fluid, as I believe many things are on a spectrum. I also believe myself to be a woman born in a man's body.

As gender fluid, I don't really believe in doing or looking like what I see on TV or what our culture may regard as female. There are a few things I adhere to though that are classically female.

As such, I've always felt very embarrassed about words like "passable" because I've always felt like I've never been passable as who I am. If I'm going to change, I need to be comfortable with myself, not worried. A lot of these sorts of things were hurdles for me even admitting I was trans. I had been having these thoughts since I can ever remember, and as I get older trying to suppress them becomes even more damaging. It's just so scary, especially in the bible belt.

It's been giving me suicidal thoughts and various shit for too long. I figure if I open up and talk, maybe I can make some progress. I won't be able to relate on Too much because I'm still living as a man. I still need to see a licensed TG therapist.

Also, my avatar isn't trying to be passable. Part of my IRL persona is that I'm straight/cis, but wears skirts and wigs once in a while as a joke. It's part of being goofy, apparently. But I honestly do it because it feels liberating. I lack the finesse or willpower to actually try right now, I need to learn how to do it legit at some point,

Anyway, hello.


Is there an appropriate time for when you can start having people refer to you as the opposite pronoun?

This is a really personal thing. Ultimately it's up to you.

For me, I kinda came out to people, my family, friends, started HRT and then just kinda 'dissapeared' for 3-4 months. Over this period my outward appearance began to change quite significantly, and it came to a point where I was able to 'pass' without effort, the pronouns came quite naturally at this point except for my family, which took a while for them to get used to me.


Prodigal Son
CHEEZMO&#8482;;35882586 said:
And there's the rub. My mother particularly ¬_¬

I even chose the least feminine colours I could (B/W) but they still had a go. I guess that they came with a big piece of card that said, literally, "Girls' socks!" on them didn't help.

That really sucks Cheez. Christ, you make it sound like they took a look through your bags just for things to complain about... The socks you buy are just none of their business. IMO you should be stern with them if you feel up to it, especially if they try to make a fuss again.


Obsidian fan
Christ, you make it sound like they took a look through your bags... The socks you buy are just none of their business. IMO you should be stern with them if you feel up to it, especially if they try to make a fuss again.

If I had bags she would.

This is the woman who apparently used to go through my text messages when I left my phone around, and I only found out because she confronted me one day about being late to college once. She only knew that because she checked the text details for time & date.

So yeah.
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