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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)


But ... but ... but .... Bread! :(


That girl in the bunny hat
CHEEZMO™;37610706 said:
All this food talk is making me hungry.

Someone fetch me a Burger King! *clapclap*

We're talking diets though, so you're getting a salad.

(Their salads aren't actually that bad though.)

(But Wendy's are better.)
I can't comment on healthy eating, but at least I'm fairly active during the day, walking practically everywhere. I used to do gym stuff, but I let my membership lapse a while back - mostly because of laziness :|

Just sticking my oar in on the weight loss subject. I was rake-thin when I started HRT and didn't really notice any changes until I started putting on weight. My (nonscientific but a bunch of my friends have observed the same thing) opinion is that starting HRT with weight on or starting it super-thin are both about the same in the end, as long as fat is involved somewhere.

Sadly since then I've had trouble keeping my weight down and I'm on a diet again :(


That girl in the bunny hat
My anecdote- started losing weight a month before I started hormones. Been keeping at it as I go, lost a little over 20 pounds. And because of the weight loss, I know my breasts are growing, but I can't actually tell. The "I'm a girl" boobs are growing at about the same rate the "I'm fat" boobs are shrinking. >_<


See, that's why I wish we had control of fat redistribution from hormones.

"This extra 20 pounds on my tummy? Put it all on my chest!"


My anecdote- started losing weight a month before I started hormones. Been keeping at it as I go, lost a little over 20 pounds. And because of the weight loss, I know my breasts are growing, but I can't actually tell. The "I'm a girl" boobs are growing at about the same rate the "I'm fat" boobs are shrinking. >_<

Just sticking my oar in on the weight loss subject. I was rake-thin when I started HRT and didn't really notice any changes until I started putting on weight. My (nonscientific but a bunch of my friends have observed the same thing) opinion is that starting HRT with weight on or starting it super-thin are both about the same in the end, as long as fat is involved somewhere.

Sadly since then I've had trouble keeping my weight down and I'm on a diet again :(

Without testosterone, your methabolism decreases insanely , so losing BEFORE hormones is insanely EASIER, even if you get back some fat AFTER ...
Without testosterone, your methabolism decreases insanely , so losing BEFORE hormones is insanely EASIER, even if you get back some fat AFTER ...

True. Such a pain in the arse. Twenty years as some dude, effortlessly thin. Ten years as a woman, diet diet diet wii fit diet diet etc.


That girl in the bunny hat
Generous B / C-cup or bust so far as I'm concerned.

I've always considered that to be 'medium', with D-cup starting the 'big' sizes.

I just wanna be proportional, that's all. Which probably means C-cup, for my height. But, shrug.


There is a trans (I really hope I am not offending anyone here) woman who comes into the store I work at. She started coming in about 2 weeks ago and for the most part I have served her and she seems to be perfectly nice and more than willing to chat while she is being served (for alot of people this is a problem/they are not interested in chatting which si also fine). But today I seen her come in and two of my co workers were laughing and pointing behind her back, at one point grabbing me telling me to keep an eye on her (I suppose in their eyes I was supposed to be suprised a trans woman would come into the store. As if she was some kind of circus act). I put it down to them being idiots and usually were are all idiots joking around.

But then she came up to the counter, and they were talking loudly over the counter about size of hands )even refering to the term 'Man hands'. In my opinion she was very aware of what they were doing and seemed to make her quite uncomfortable. This all made me incredibly uncomfortable. I served her as normal and that was that.

When she left I asked them what the hell that was. That what they had done was incredibly insensitive and not to mention dickish. They then asked me why I was so angry about it. To which I said that I was amazed they could be so openly ignorant to another person. We got into an argument about it being wrong to be trans, to which they asked me wether the parents were lying calling her a man when she was born.

I just got irate when they started talking about 'chicks with dicks' and stupid shit like that. They were asking what she was doing if she went to a night club dressed up and parting, what she intended to do. To which I said the same thing anyone does, ie having a fun time/making friends. The thing that bothered me most was one of them kept reffering to her as 'it'. Once I pointed it out I realized I was getting nowhere and needed to walk away to cool down.

I am not trans. I just don't like ignorant people. I actually admire the courage it takes for a trans person to come out and be themselfs. It takes incredible confidence and self belief. I tend to lurk around this thread :p and I think I have learned alot about trans people from everyone here. But I also forgot how hurtful some people can be out in the real world (so to speak)

I want to know, if I should mention this to the boss as it really bothered me and I don't want it happening again. Also I assume it would be a no no to say something to the woman in regards apologising on their behalf. I don't want to embarass her or anything.

Thanks for listening sorry for ranting like a mad man.



Way earlier in my transition when I couldn't pass to save my life I went to some places were people reacted like the guys you described, one was a place I had gone to for years -- I never returned. Maybe she will do the same.


Way earlier in my transition when I couldn't pass to save my life I went to some places were people reacted like the guys you described, one was a place I had gone to for years -- I never returned. Maybe she will do the same.

I would hope that does not happen, ill feel like shit if it does :(


I would tell your boss, since, as lexi noted, that could absolutely be hurting business. (I would also tell your boss hoping that your coworkers would be disciplined.)
Well, that's not right. That sort of behavior would be looked down upon, no matter what reason behind it.

I would definitely bring it up with someone higher, since that's definitely inappropriate for any employee to do. I'd never want to experience that sort of thing in any place, so I can imagine how she felt.


Agree with above. I would definitely say something.

At my work I have overheard some ignorant stuff, but they weren't in earshot of anybody who didn't work there. I don't feel anything would be gained by saying something at my work (my boss is probably the worst one). Nothing was as bad as what you described though. That's just plain rude.


Agree with above. I would definitely say something.

At my work I have overheard some ignorant stuff, but they weren't in earshot of anybody who didn't work there. I don't feel anything would be gained by saying something at my work (my boss is probably the worst one). Nothing was as bad as what you described though. That's just plain rude.

Indeed. It felt incredibly awful for me and I cant imagine what it was like for her.
I like how we all talk about weight loss like it's a decision you make and then it just happens on cue.

(General nastiness)

I just don't know what you do to get through to people like that, to make them recognise that they're basically carrying on like evil characters in a book who the reader is supposed to hate. If they could see a transcript of what they said, I wonder if they'd still feel as entitled to be saying it.


Your co-workers sound like dicks

Equate their douchebag behaviour to racism or more normalised sexism and ask them if it still makes sense. Ask them the difference between that and what they were doing. What kind of justification for that kind of bullshit behaviour can anybody possibly offer?


Your co-workers sound like dicks

Equate their douchebag behaviour to racism or more normalised sexism and ask them if it still makes sense. Ask them the difference between that and what they were doing. What kind of justification for that kind of bullshit behaviour can anybody possibly offer?

"cause hes just pretending to be a woman, duh. it's totally different from race because race isn't a choice!"
That story is just utterly despicable, well I hope your boss does something about it, just make sure to point out how bad for business what they did was, just in case your boss isn't entirely too caring about how ignorant it is.

Dead Man

Even if your boss is not in favour of respect for humans beings, I bet he is in favour of not mocking customers who are going to spend money.

Edit: Doom beat me to it, missed that.
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