Yah brehs Ronda Rousey would definitely be able to fight Dominick Cruz because she has more skills.......
Smfh. Ridiculous statements being made itt.
It's literally one poster haha
Yah brehs Ronda Rousey would definitely be able to fight Dominick Cruz because she has more skills.......
Smfh. Ridiculous statements being made itt.
Why the antiquated notion that men are physically superior?
That's the only point I'm making here - I don't know why it is so hard to process for some people.
Skillset matters a great deal in sports that aren't heavily dependent on physical attributes. It can definitely be a deciding factor, gender aside.
That's the only point I'm making here - I don't know why it is so hard to process for some people.
Skillset matters a great deal in sports that aren't heavily dependent on physical attributes. It can definitely be a deciding factor, gender aside.
I'm enjoying your rhetorical gymnastics lol.
How is MMA... literal freaking cage fighting, have no advantage for physical attributes. That's the bizarre thing. A man in the same weight class as a women would hit harder etc. skill and techniques are one thing, but they separate weight classes because a highly skilled fighter will lose a street fighter that's twice the size as him.
Like that cliché in movies where the hero loses to the big dude because his head is harder than steel. It's never that much of an advantage, but it isn't 0% advantageous in the real world.
Yah brehs Ronda Rousey would definitely be able to fight Dominick Cruz because she has more skills.......
Smfh. Ridiculous statements being made itt.
I knew that the transgender movement was just another Shillary front
You clearly don't fight.
Yah brehs Ronda Rousey would definitely be able to fight Dominick Cruz because she has more skills.......
Smfh. Ridiculous statements being made itt.
On an amateur level. Sure. But in the UFC or any respectable fighting organization? No, there's just no chance. If men and women played all sports with one another then we'd just see significantly less female athletes and champions.....like some sports women HAVE to make their own league to play professionally at all. Hence the WNBA, and let's not even talk about American Football.I think that poster made the terrible mistake of dropping Rousey's name (probably cause that's a name the general public knows) but you know the spirit of what they are saying is an hypothetical highly skilled female MMA figther.
Damn, that's harsh!
It's an interesting problem to be sure. Probably proof of early transitioning and hormone checks would be the only thing even coming close to creating fairness. But that's a lot of extra red tape and expense to go through, especially just for high school level sports and scholarships. So it doesn't seem like a feasible solution.
Like what was said earlier though, not all transgender people go through hormones, and in the US many don't start them until their 18+? That is a problem for high school sport scholarships -- though a rare one.
I've never heard "transgendering" before, lol.
In the US, high school sports scholarships can be the difference between going to college or working at a diner.
This is what TV has taught me
Don't worry, OP is indifferent towards it
This is what happens when people with more knowledge about anime than MMA try to talk about sports. BTW Goku and Piccolo totally should have been banned from the world tournament for non-human genetics, it's totally unfair. He was beating adults as a 6 year old.
Then tell me why there are no women on the PGA tour? I mean golf is a skill sport.
Not a trans expert. I only understand that in athletics, there is a very clear difference in ability between and man and women athletes and to say otherwise is to ignore the obvious.
Golf is heavily based on upper body strength. A lot of people forget that.
This is what happens when people with more knowledge about anime than MMA try to talk about sports
Pretty sure there is not a single female pro athlete who would want to compete against men.
They know that it wouldn't be a fair competition between athletes anymore which is like the central point of sports.
I'm happy that here you're showing that you're merely being agnostic. Prior in this thread it came off that we were off our wits to claim otherwise.
This guy fights.^
Or they just can't accept that yes, a woman can beat a man in many activities if she is more skilled than him and their other traits are equal.
The male/female sports distinction ought to be dissolved anyway.
Im not arguing that gender identity isnt a legit baseline, but Im not naive enough to think its not a controversial issue
The male/female sports distinction ought to be dissolved anyway.
Apparently stressing the importance of skill in certain sports is anathema to some people.
Or they just can't accept that yes, a woman can beat a man in many activities if she is more skilled than him and their other traits are equal.
Hi! Yep, occasionally.
Apparently stressing the importance of skill in certain sports is anathema to some people.
Or they just can't accept that yes, a woman can beat a man in many activities if she is more skilled than him and their other traits are equal.
Lmaoooo. No respectable sports organization is gonna allow you to buy superhuman limbs to compete. Come on breh. Athletes can't even use steroids. Ofc prosthetic legs at their current levels are one thing to speak about but anything beyond that just wouldn't be allowed.Not to ignore the seriousness & relevance of this issue, but we aren't too far from prosthetics that are superior to natural, genetic modification and cyborgs...
There's not going to be a clean solution, besides humanity evolving past its excessive glorification of physical prowess.
This as I recall is generally due to the effects hormones have had on you, which DNA and gonads would regulate the distribution of. I'll take a look at the article in a sec, but if she was given HRT early on her body would have developed the same as any natal girl would have, and thus forfeited any inherent male advantages. Even doing it for long enough after developing as a man would give musculature more like a woman's though there's still be that masculinized skeleton.If Men are indeed generally physiologically stronger than females; how can this inevitable competing be resolved? Does DNA or Identity take precedent in Sports?
I can only speak to the three sports that I have a lot of experience with at the amateur and professional level, but this would effectively end women's tennis, women's golf, and women's volleyball. End them.
Vaccinations are also a controversial issue.
A girl enters girls competition and is then shouted down because of her genetics, it's fucked no matter how indifferently it's stated.
Apparently stressing the importance of skill in certain sports is anathema to some people.
Or they just can't accept that yes, a woman can beat a man in many activities if she is more skilled than him and their other traits are equal.
I don't think people are arguing on skill. Of course it matters, but what happens when equally skilled athletes of opposite gender compete. Who has a greater advantage?
Hmm... I want to apologise. I think this is an interpretation issue. This post here and the one before, I'm sure most of this thread agrees with.
I think we've misunderstood you. (i place part of the blame on you)
To clarify --
You aren't saying women and men are as strong as each other at the same weight class. But there's more to fighting and sport than physical strength.
I don't think you claimed what we assumed. hmm
The goal as a society is for us to treat all genders equally and allowing trans ppl to compete with girls is doing a disservice to girls. Simple as that IMO. I'm definitely pro trans rights but this has nothing to do with transphobia. It's about allowing girls/women the rights and opportunities they deserve as well without putting them at an inherent disadvantage.
For people saying it doesn't matter for young athletes you couldn't be more wrong.
Apparently stressing the importance of skill in certain sports is anathema to some people.
Or they just can't accept that yes, a woman can beat a man in many activities if she is more skilled than him and their other traits are equal.
Hi! Yep, occasionally.
This may shock people, but yes women have competed in men's sports, and beaten them.
Now just imagine if women had been competing alongside men for decades, centuries, even. It wouldn't be a level playing field, but it sure as hell wouldn't be so lopsided.
She's a young woman with a strong body. The end.
Lmaoooo. No respectable sports organization is gonna allow you to buy superhuman limbs to compete. Come on breh. Athletes can't even use steroids. Ofc prosthetic legs at their current levels are one thing to speak about but anything beyond that just wouldn't be allowed.
So getting rid of women in sports is your solution? GOT IT.The way you fix this is to get rid of all gender specific sports. Let everyone compete as equals and whoever wins, wins.
Vaccinations are also a controversial issue.
A girl enters girls competition and is then shouted down because of her genetics, it's fucked no matter how indifferently it's stated.
The goal as a society is for us to treat all genders equally and allowing trans ppl to compete with girls is doing a disservice to girls.
The people saying we should get rid of gender divided sports remind me of the same people who say "Athletes shouldn't get paid more than teachers." By simply researching a few things you'd discover why things are the way they are.
Serena Williams dominates women tennis, but can't beat a male that's outside of the top 100 rankings. Think about that.
so, you're saying we should freeze women out of competitive golf and tennis... nice
Did you not read my other posts?
I have had to repeat in almost every post I've made that between equally skilled male and female opponents, I would be on the male 90% of the time.