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Transistor |OT| Super Giant Sword


Any word on patch notes? I was experiencing several crashes and blackscreens, also my game would lock up for about a second or two randomly. I hope this patch resolves those issues, they are ruining an almost perfect experience, GOTY material here.


So glad I went through the minor hassle of buying this on US PSN rather than waiting for later today with EU PSN. It's rare I can stay awake into the night playing an RPG, it's rare to be so engaged and alert but that's due in no small part to the battle system slickness and the fun of learning how the combat modifiers work out - great stuff.

Especially enjoy the lack of hand-holding leading you to piece things together yourself in both the combat and the way the world and story unfurl, doesn't take long for everything to start dropping into place and is more rewarding for it.
sorry it took me a while to stumble back here

-swapinterval 0

would be the correct format, I believe. Steam separates flags by the "-" and doesn't use anything else

Seeing a 411MB update being pushed through on Steam right now. No patchnotes I can see yet.
Thanks. Not 100% perfect, but the game runs much better without Vsync for me. Thanks for the help


I can't pass the second Speed trial.

i need to have the knowledge people, please help me.

Rush down the young lady. I popped a turn as soon as she spawned and fired a couple of the orbs at her. When my bar refilled, I took out the weeds with the rail gun then spent all my resources on finishing the young lady off. The jerk jobs (get him in a corner/pushed up against some boxes, stand right in his stupid face, and spam orbs) - the rest is clean up. The rail gun rather quickly disposes of the badbots that spawn from the young lady corpse.
Only got about 30 mins in on my PS4 version. Really loving the art and the design. Thought I was totally onboard with the combat until the 5th fight or so then started just get massacred (need to work on my technique).

Great use of the DS4...

Ya, it met expectations for me so far :) Intrigued with where the story could go.
Argh! Can't get the speed run 2 finished. I keep getting down to one enemy and have like a second left to kill it (the lady that teleports after one hit!). Pure hate right now.

I killed the Jerk and the four small ones first, then Lady. I found the trick was to just manually spam the projectiles, and only use Turn (optional; can do manually) to pull Lady back to you when she moves. Don't worry about getting hit; you'll have plenty of health so just stand toe to toe and spam away.

I'm really liking the "kill all enemies in one turn" challenges. It forces you to think about the abilities you're given and how they can work together.

I reached Stability Test 6. Holy shit, it's much harder than the previous ones, which were easy. Having to last a minute against 3
Man types who shoot homing projectiles that take 60% of your HP in one hit
is no joke.

As for the game, I left (this is after 3rd silver trophy for the story)
Cloudbank and arrived in Fairview.
Wow, the art in this game is amazing!


So, today I started the game up on Steam and see that it loaded longer than usual and started playing the intro of the game. What the hell?! I lost my save file (around 3,5 hours played)? This sucks big time.


So, today I started the game up on Steam and see that it loaded longer than usual and started playing the intro of the game. What the hell?! I lost my save file (around 3,5 hours played)? This sucks big time.

Shit. It's not just me then D:
Man, this game is gorgeous. The tone and atmosphere gel with the gameplay. The story is intriguing and I love the delivery.

The combat system left me daydreaming about a game set in Shadowrun's Matrix.


Loving the atmosphere and music so far, combat is also much more intriguing than Bastion ever was. Please tell me the test rooms get harder though, waaaay too easy.

Even the easy encounters are very much "you get what you put in". I look at them as puzzles that need solving in the least possible moves with the least possible damage.

The combat is just perfect. They've put so much work into the mod system, I love the variety and customisation. That every attack features as a primary as well as modifying any other primary is just brilliant. Can't wait to unlock the other mod slots.


The combat is fucking amazing. I've put in about 3.5 hours so far, using every limiter that is thrown my way. Every fight is tough. Every encounter that has a Fetch in it has me scratching my eyes out. LOVE it.


I think you will get a lot more out of the game if you experiment with all the different combinations and decide what you like best, rather than someone else telling you what the "best abilities" are. I spent an hour or two in the practice rooms just figuring out what I liked the most.

Just my opinion though. I'm sure some will give you some good strats.

I am sadly too lazy to do that XP


Seriously, this mod system is beautiful.

Breach is like a sniper rifle that penetrates armour.

Combine it with Mask to make it do more back stab and Jaunt behind enemy for extreme damage.

Or combine it with Spark to turn it into a shotgun that can AOE or hit for brutal CQC damage.

Or combine Help with Spark to make two smaller minions and use them to backstab two smaller targets while you Jaunt behind the larger and Breach/Mask it.

I seriously can't wait till I have all the options to explore here.

How is this on KB/M? Was watching the GB QL and it seemed more suited for controllers?

I actually prefer it on kb/m a great deal.

Controllers have the benefit of having the powers mapped to the four face buttons for instant access, whereas on PC you need to select the power then click mouse to activate it.

However, aiming on gamepad requires you to hold down the power you want and drag a retical to your target, KB/M you can instantly slick on your target with mouse.

You'll very likely be spending a lot of time using the Turn ability to stop time and plan out your attacks, so instant access isn't as big a deal as being able to quickly click your targets imo. It just feels much more efficient. OF course, if you like to play it more like a classic action game it might be different for you.

It depends on your set up and how dexterous you are. KB/M just feel more precise to me.


Very happy with the game. Spent most the day playing off and on since it came out on steam. Luckily didn't run into any problems with crashes. Well worth the purchase.

Love games that just suck me in and take me to another place.
Ever since I got Luna/Help I don't want to let her go. What an awesome robot dog. Especially if you use that mod that gives her bark area damage. Now I have no need to use area effect attacks because she's my area attack haha.

Though I appreciate that the game "forces" me to experiment with the powers so I can explore more of the backstory for each mod.

The story so far is a bittersweet revenge love story. It's like techno kill bill, only the love interest is more than a plot device. I love it.
I can't pass the second Speed trial.

i need to have the knowledge people, please help me.

If it's the one with pull, you gotta use pull and that orb thing as a combo.

You shoot out the orb with a distance away from Lady, then shoot her with pull. She'll do her teleport clone, but she gets sucked back near you.

Jerk just gets destroyed by the orb, so whatever about him. He's easy.


The combat seems really interesting, but right now the only way I can play it is on a weak computer (a 2.5 GHz i5 and an Intel HD 3000, specifically). That seems like it barely meets the minimum specs.

How does it perform at that level? I may as well just wait at that point, right?


The combat seems really interesting, but right now the only way I can play it is on a weak computer (a 2.5 GHz i5 and an Intel HD 3000, specifically). That seems like it barely meets the minimum specs.

How does it perform at that level? I may as well just wait at that point, right?

I would suggest grabbing a 750ti or a 270x. Both cards are relatively cheap, around $150 and $200 respectively, and will last you this entire generation.

The 750 ti is roughly equivalent to the PS4 GPU and the 270x being well above. Your CPU blows the PS4/XBO out of the water. The only thing you will be missing is the extra performance bump provided by the Hyper-Threading from an i7, as games transition to multi-threaded this generation. At the end of the day, not a big deal.


Really enjoying the game but both my gf and I are getting the freeze bug (3 second freeze every minute or so) so we have both decided to hold off for a few days for a patch. As this is not someone like Ubisoft we are dealing with we have faith it will get sorted sooner rather than later :)


You just can't get surrounded. So far I've died twice now,

I ran around clearing the Weeds first using the pull attack in action mode. Then I positioned myself in front of the larger enemies and hit Turn. Planted a Flood, then pulled both enemies into it, moved behind them and planted another Flood.

Repeated until dead.

Mopping up the bad cells at the end if you don't collect the cells in time shouldn't be an issue.
My dl got to 100%, then said unavailable. Stick It To The Man did the same thing, but at least got to half-way instead of all the way to get my hopes up. I've slow internet, so it took 11 hours for it to download.


Rarely does a game cause me to lose track of time, at least anymore. Loaded up Transistor maybe three hours ago and here it is 1:40 AM.

This game is simply fantastic. Art, music, combat, everything in this game just continues to floor me. Greg you and your team at Supergiant have really outdone yourselves.

Favorite track so far has to be In Circles. The way it progresses throughout that first boss fight is pretty awesome.


Anyone else had his PS4 turning into a jet engine when playing this? Really, after 5 minutes playing the fans roar like hell, even so I can hear the humming over my Wireless Gold headset. Ok, over here in Belgium the days ar hot at the moment, but I'm not having the same dB 's when playing Wolfenstein.

That said. Game is seriously awesome. Love the battlesystem, need to tinker more with the modifications though. I'm a lazy ass gamer in that department, and it seems most of the fun is just finding the right layout.
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