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Just popped it into the PS2 and played a couple of quarters.

First of all, props to the developers for tossing a complete reference manual into the game. Impressive stuff, and much appreciated (Mario Golf also did the same thing, awesome for those who want to learn more about the game)...Secondly, run through the features and extras before anything. You get 250 points for going through the features and extras, although I don't remember which ones.

Finally run into my "crib" and I get a phonecall from Carmen Electra. Nice that they toss a little popup at the bottom of the screen that goes away after five seconds insteaad of something horribly intrusive.

...then I get to the game. Awesome stuff, slick presentation. Gameplay is spot-on so far, right between full-on arcadeyness and simulation...hit the sweet spot, for all I'm concerned. Sound, graphics, overall play, it's all there.


Plus dialup'ers can get online on the PS2 version. I'm sort of wary, but I'll check that out later.


got mine today. should be on later for some games.

ugh for some reason I decided to look at the leaderboards. i never care too much about whos on top but i was just interested to see how many games the top guy already has played. hes 12-0 with 0 quits and 0 drops. it shows his last 4 games as 0-0 wins and there are no stats in his profile. strange.


Played my first game online against fifty, really fun.

But VC fucked up...Gruden does not wear hats!





Gruden's face looks like shit in this game. That's the main reason I bought ESPN, to be honest with you. Looks like I'm going to have to return the game. :(


keep your strippers out of my American football
DMczaf said:
WTF? Whats with you guys and "practicing" for online play? I just hop online with every sports game and play.

All of you are wimps!

No...my Cable Modem connection is f'd so no online play for me until next week.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Matrix said:
What are you playing on? Pro?All-pro? I have seen a couple of long passes,but havent seen a huge run yet...I'm playing on All-pro.

I am playing All-Pro.


so after paying only $20 for such an amazing and updated game...do you now have any issues with yearly updates being $50?

I'm gonna pick up espn as soon as my target gets it.
Just played my first game online. Won 35-21 against the Redskins. Holmes got injured early and was only 9 for 20 yards. Johnson came in and took the game over rushing 10 for 101 with a huge 50 yard TD (wasn't even touched) as time ran out. Hall was also clutch with two passes both for TDs, and 90 yards off of 3 returns. God this game rocks.

Anyone want to play an unranked game for practice?


Remember what I said....You might have to go out of the friends list and press X (the host should do this) to accept their challenge, even if you invited them.


Drunky McMurder

They were sold out by the time I got there. FUCK. They got a second shipment of Xbox copies today, but not PS2. DAMMIT.

Now I have to wait until tomorrow and hope either EB gets another shipment or best buy gets their first. God fucking dammit!

Seth C

So much for that. I was going to drive up to Lexington and pick up the game but both stores are already SOLD OUT!

Seth C

Lil' Dice said:
The EB guy told me he got at least 50 calls about the game yesterday.

No doubt, and both stores here were right on top of things when I asked about the game. You could tell they'd given the answer a dozen times.


Yeah, I've been hearing the same buzz about the game.

The manager of the Gamestop near me said that he's gotten a ton of calls in the last 4-5 days about the game.

Maybe that commercial worked.



You now belong to FMT.
I really Love this game.... well not love, But I am loving the first game I had online... winning in OT, after being down 14-0 at the half... I will now rip music for my home stadium...


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
GG Dm,my Texans fell apart. 10-0 lead and I just choke,typical htown.

How many damn tip ints did you have?

Btw how can you check your own record online and how do you challenge people? :\


Everyone asks that question :p

It's simple. Getting them to join is the hard part.

Create a game.... Follow the on screen instructions and click the left thumbstick to bring up your friends list....Then you should know what to do


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Cool thx Fifty :)

Cerebral,I'll play ya later tonight.I'm just about to eat dinner,I'll be playing this game all nite so just message me either here or in the game.


ok Ive played one game and it was online but heres what I think so far.

it looks nice as ever. surprised at how much better the cheerleaders look.

sounds good but I kinda dont like the sound of the QBs. sounds like they are in an empty room or something. for some reason the crowd wasnt too excited in this game or maybe Im just spoiled by the room rocking crowd sound of NCAA. I think the guy I was playing against had custom soundtracks on his TDs. sounded like some kinda techno that I wouldnt expect from the game.

I like the presentation so far but the post game interview was kinda cheesy. I like the way stats and such are handled which is pretty much the same as last year with some notable additions such as the graphics that lay over the entire field showing RB and QB production.

Im still not sure how I feel about the game play. feels a little different especially with the running game. cuts feel different from last year. the QB drop has also changed a little. touching the left stick in any way makes the QB turn on his drop. he still drops straight back but his shoulders will turn depending on which side your stick is moving to. it seems really sensitive to this and different from last year but it doesnt affect too uch from the looks of it.

passing seems really easy but there are still the drops when the reciever takes a good hit. I cant tell if the route running is better that last year but with the recievers making more catches it might not matter too much.

O line play seems dumb and smart at the same time. Im still getting lineman moving way too far ahead of a run to block upfield and passing by people they could easily have blocked. I also saw a lineman completely get beat by a DE just because the DE moved back and to the side off the line and then rushed straight to the QB without having a finger laid on him. this worries me because I think if a D lineman is good enough stat wise, he may be almost unstopable using this technique. my O lineman should have at least got a hand on him but he just stood there as he ran by him.

defense seems about the same as last year and making picks might take some practice and good timing.

I think the best thing Ive seen so far is the LB and CB coverage audibles now being mapped to the L and R triggers.

there still seems to be goalpost slowdown that occurs when youre backed up to the end zone and the camera is trying to pan out the game starts slowing down. it was hard to tell because I think we were getting lag in the game too.

if this game was being played off of Segas servers then Im a little nervous because I started to get flashbacks to 2k4 on PS2. i got like three countdowns and many spots of lag even though the connection rating for me and this guy was all green. we werent talkin on the mic either.

thats all i can think of right now. I lost my first game to the Jaguars 17-14 after being ahead 14-0. my offense just disappeared in the 2nd half and he was almost unstoppable.

oh a couple more things.......why cant you manually send friends requests? like typing it in from in the game? is the only way to do it to add someone after youve played them? also I wish they had some sort of lobby like the PS2 version will have and like NCAA has.


I have the Xbox version and the game looks fantastic in 480p widescreen. Thanks to normal mapping the player models are stunning.


This is ridiculous, everyone seems to be able to play (from here), but I can't do anything now. I've rebooted about 5 times, and tried logging on and off, but it keeps saying my rosters aren't validated. I looked on the official boards and tons of people (from there) seem to be having problems with that. So right now I've got my hands full with online problems :(


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Try again Fifty,Im going online to play :(


keep your strippers out of my American football
Malleymal said:
I really Love this game.... well not love, But I am loving the first game I had online... winning in OT, after being down 14-0 at the half... I will now rip music for my home stadium...

I have been doing that for about 2 hours now, lol. Gotta get the right mix.


DMczaf said:
This is just great, I cant play because my "rosters can not be validated"

Server problems rock, right CP?!

Yeah I have the same problem.

I'm not surprised though. Segas PS2 2k4 servers sucked ass.
I've been stuck sitting at the waiting for opponent screen also.

Finally got a game in just now against some Colts wannabe cheeser though. Threw bombs the whole time, and after he went 4 and out his first two possessions he quit on me.
how the hell doyou check your own online stats?

the leaderboards option seems pretty bare bones.

i want to see what my friends list is ranked, what my stats are, etc etc.


Neo Member
LuckyBrand, you check your stats online by clicking in on the right analog stick. You can check your friends stats by clicking in on the left analog stick. 1ne.

Matrix said:
*except for the running with a stick up their butt animation*

it seems only certain players do that animation....

for instance, i was using the falcons....and michael vick was doing that stupid animation when running

then when dunn ran it, he didnt have that animation....


anyways, does anyone know the answer to my question or if its even possible?

Yea i got the same stadium music problem.

Man i just lost online 16-0 i for the life of me cant get passes to hit their mark. I pick the vikings. Im a beginner but i thought i was atleas put up a challenge :(


Aside from going into your options and turning down "Music" or something of the sort, I don't think there's anything you can do. I think there's a "music" volume slider, and that would do the trick most likely. My problem with the stadium music isn't that it's too loud, but that it's too clear. It doesn't sound like stadium music. They should have put some effects in or something. It's no biggie though.
I finally figured how to lower the music.....PA volume...haha

now...seems im gonna have to run some songs thru a big hall reverb or something, then put them on the xbox to get the real effect.

Oh....can someone tell me why.....i have this Green Envelope on the side of my screen whenever i go into options or im at the menu?

id think it would be a Friend invite, but when i goto my friends list, it doesnt say anything about it....wtf?!
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