Tree of Savior |OT| Free to Play Now Open


Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
what server is gaffers rolling on for guild


what server is gaffers rolling on for guild

Klaipeda was what we voted for as the official gaf server. Guilds are a little more complicated and I dunno if we have plans for one right now. It's locked behind a rank 7 class that exists entirely for guilds lol.

Edit: Also feel free to join us on discord, info on previous page.

Edit2: And in OP.


Canadians burned my passport
Is there a reason this game has constant fps drops? My computer should be more than capable of handling this game without hitches,

Also is there a way to remove that ticker at the top? It's just gold seller spam at this point


Is there a reason this game has constant fps drops? My computer should be more than capable of handling this game without hitches,

Also is there a way to remove that ticker at the top? It's just gold seller spam at this point

Not sure I'm always getting really bad drops in Klaipeda and the chapel zone. & If you open your chat box by pressing Enter, there is a settings menu and you can disable megaphones from the top and also switch off shout chat on the left.


Note that you can also buy Tokens from other players through the market. Though they have a minimum price of 500k, not sure how difficult that will be to reach in higher levels.

I had about 70k by the time I reached the early 40s not buying anything but potions whenever I ran out. I think silver will be easier to obtain later on not sure as this is my first time playing ToS.


I had about 70k by the time I reached the early 40s not buying anything but potions whenever I ran out. I think silver will be easier to obtain later on not sure as this is my first time playing ToS.

Yeah, I have close to 100k right now at 44/45. But there's a lot to spend on attributes and enhancing weapons etc, so at this point I can't really judge what it might amount to later. The silver sinks in the game seem hefty. Using an anvil on a piece of gear, for example, isn't just the 300s to buy the anvil. There's a fee on top of that that gets increasingly expensive based on the weapon itself and how much it's been improved. My current weapon would cost 16k to try going from +3 to +4 lol.


Canadians burned my passport
Seriously, this game runs like garbage in Osha. Have they addressed performance issues yet?


Tree of Savior GAF Discord!

Download the client from here:
Then click this invite link:

Make sure you register an account with an e-mail.
And don't forget to download the mobile Discord app to stay synced wherever you are.

Discord is a free voice and text chat mainly for gamers, where you can enter servers and chat via text or voice (most don't actually use the voice function), so don't be afraid to join if you don't want to voice chat).

The client shows what you are playing (although it is still in beta, so not all game executables have been added yet). The UI is awesome and it's overall a very nice client that people have fallen in love with. Most gaming communities have a Discord server, so you can join as many as you'd like, and they will all be placed neatly under each other in your client, so you can chat anywhere you want.

Discord is basically the outcome if IRC and Skype had a baby. :3

Invite is invalid or expired.


Neo Member
If people didn't see already, they are giving out one free team name reset via customer support tickets on their website. There is a detail of the process on their face book page.

It seems like there may be a April 5th deadline (they will be given out after maintenance on that day) but I don't know if it needs to happen before that.


Klaipeda confirmed down.

Greetings, Saviors.

Klaipeda server is currently down due to a malfunction in the system. We're working to bring the server back up soon.

We will update this thread once the issue is resolved.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.

IMC Staff

Edit: Back up.

Klaipeda server is up and running again. Thank you for your patience.

Meanwhile, Fedimian seems to be down permanently. We'll have it restored as soon as we can.




So I'm thinking about re-rolling over. I was only able to play on day one, and made it to level 30 as a Ranger. I decided to briefly try the melee class and it was fun, especially with a controller. Also heard starting in Klaipeda (area, not server) is a much better experience.

Only things I'd really lose out on are time, though I think I can get to 30 much faster the second time around since day one was super laggy, and the tier 3 bonus items but I don't think they really matter.
So I'm thinking about re-rolling over. I was only able to play on day one, and made it to level 30 as a Ranger. I decided to briefly try the melee class and it was fun, especially with a controller. Also heard starting in Klaipeda (area, not server) is a much better experience.

Only things I'd really lose out on are time, though I think I can get to 30 much faster the second time around since day one was super laggy, and the tier 3 bonus items but I don't think they really matter.

As someone who started in Klaipeda back in iCBT2 and in Orsha now, I think Orsha the better starting zone. Though I'm also level 30, só it might get worse now.


I like how Orsha's handled more and there's a lot of sidequests. However, I recommend alternating between the two anyway so it doesn't matter much where someone starts lol.

Also, don't forget to be spending your free TP when it maxes. Buy a megaphone or soul crystal or something here and there, the 5 free TP is spent before normal TP and it's just going to waste if it's capped.


I've heard some good stuff about this game Are there any good videos/reviews I should watch before buying?

Have they decided to put up an EU server yet? And if not, to any of you who live in EU and play on the US servers, how is the ping and how does it impact the gameplay?


I've heard some good stuff about this game Are there any good videos/reviews I should watch before buying?

Have they decided to put up an EU server yet? And if not, to any of you who live in EU and play on the US servers, how is the ping and how does it impact the gameplay?

There's an EU server, but it's currently located in the US on the east coast. It will be relocated at a later date.


I wish the camera could zoom out a bit more. I feel like Ragnarok Online had a much larger zoom. Feels a little claustrophobic. One of the reasons I stopped playing Path of Exile.


Screwed up my first character, I'm trying to transfer my stuff but this is a real pain.
I see there is a "team storage" but it says I need a token to use it.


So, what server is GAF playing this on?

Edit: Nevermind found it. Other question, keyboard + mouse or controller?

There are three control modes. Mouse, Keyboard and controller. The game seems to recommend mouse for archer/wizard and keyboard for swordsman/cleric. But I'm kind of partial to mouse mode in general. Haven't tried the controller mode.


There are three control modes. Mouse, Keyboard and controller. The game seems to recommend mouse for archer/wizard and keyboard for swordsman/cleric. But I'm kind of partial to mouse mode in general. Haven't tried the controller mode.

Thanks :)


Finally got my Swordsman to Barbarian and now I need to get back to leveling up. I'm still in the early 40s.


Canadians burned my passport
A lot less laggy today! Performance issues for some reason must be related to server stability?

I've heard people say you should save your exp tokens for the levels with the giant exp reqs, but not using them is making regular levelling kind of slow


I've heard people say you should save your exp tokens for the levels with the giant exp reqs, but not using them is making regular levelling kind of slow

Eh, screw that. After leveling a bit I went back to an earlier zone and got some level 1 tokens and I barely got EXP using those so once you outlevel them they are almost worthless.

After playing a bit I'm kinda disappointed at how linear the maps are. I know iRO wasn't incredibly large but the zones were definitely more open. ToS seems a bit too restrictive. I'm only level 40 so maybe the later zones do open up a bit?

I'm enjoying the game, though. I pretty much picked the game up due to my fondness of iRO and it's a good reimagination of that game to an extent. With that said, it's still missing that magic I experienced with iRO. Now that could maybe be due to a bunch of things: nostalgic goggles, being much younger, first experience with an online game of that type, etc. but the world of iRO just seemed more mysterious and dangerous to traverse with more nooks and crannies to explore.

Do fellow long time RO players feel the same way?


I'm enjoying the game, though. I pretty much picked the game up due to my fondness of iRO and it's a good reimagination of that game to an extent. With that said, it's still missing that magic I experienced with iRO. Now that could maybe be due to a bunch of things: nostalgic goggles, being much younger, first experience with an online game of that type, etc. but the world of iRO just seemed more mysterious and dangerous to traverse with more nooks and crannies to explore.

Do fellow long time RO players feel the same way?

This is why I'd be picking this up. I played iRO forever, from alpha to some ungodly amount of updates after.
Not for DPS, but certain utility combinations may work. The original class system never allowed you to take multiple low level classes so it's not balanced around it. it works more like this in terms of power:

R = Rank, C = Circle

R1C2 = R2C1
R1C3 = R2C2 = R3C1
R5C3 = R6C2 = R7C1

Setup classes shine more in instances where mobs have much higher HP and last longer. You can also 'pull' regular mobs (works best partying with a Peltasta to use Swash Buckling), although with the spawn timer changes I'm not sure if this is viable anymore (hope they change it back to CBT spawn timers).

This makes a lot of sense, but is kinda annoying if you chose to play a class for its playstyle only to have the rest of the higher ranks to not play like that class.

I looked at the spawn timers and yeah. That is a difference.

There are areas in the prison where I pass by and was full of mobs, then my quest tells me to kill mobs there and apparently someone killed bajillion of them that there's none now. So I wait but mobs spawn in puny amount.

Makes me wonder if the spawn mechanics is entire-map based. It was shitty in some games that have bottleneck points, and/or multiple sectioned maps (grind in one side of map, all mobs spawn on the other side of the map which you can't get to unless you teleport or spend 5 minutes to go walk through 3 maps to get to the other side of the said map).

This game is unplayable for me.

The ping is not only high, it is also fluctuating a lot(300~700ms) even in "SEA server" (which from what I heard is in the US orz). >___>

I even tried other servers/channels and results were the same. Tried a free trial of WTFast since it supposedly works, but nothing.

The client does not work well with high ping either.

Archer class + press Z once = character pulls bow once but no arrow, then pulls bow again a second later, then arrow comes out.
Mage + Z once = motions the twinkle twinkle projectile, then pauses, then twinkle comes out one second later. >___>
Cleric = I sometimes need to press a key for more than a second for it to come out.

The funny thing is that I used to play League of Legends EUW/NA at 250 ping. And it was mostly fine.

Edit: How good is steam at refunding "non-refundables"? I haven't even redeemed the TP from the lowest tier exclusive access.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Oh yeah how are non-Americans doing? How's the server latency?

Wait, SEA players are screwed?
Eh, screw that. After leveling a bit I went back to an earlier zone and got some level 1 tokens and I barely got EXP using those so once you outlevel them they are almost worthless.

After playing a bit I'm kinda disappointed at how linear the maps are. I know iRO wasn't incredibly large but the zones were definitely more open. ToS seems a bit too restrictive. I'm only level 40 so maybe the later zones do open up a bit?

I'm enjoying the game, though. I pretty much picked the game up due to my fondness of iRO and it's a good reimagination of that game to an extent. With that said, it's still missing that magic I experienced with iRO. Now that could maybe be due to a bunch of things: nostalgic goggles, being much younger, first experience with an online game of that type, etc. but the world of iRO just seemed more mysterious and dangerous to traverse with more nooks and crannies to explore.

Do fellow long time RO players feel the same way?

Long time RO player here. When I started playing ToS on iCBT2, I felt the same. There are many issues with the overall presentation and design of the game that I did not like, and felt RO was much, much better. But I enjoyed the game and kept playing. Now, in OBT, I'm starting to evaluate the game on its own, instead of comparing it to RO, and I'm enjoying its design and presentation much more. I still have huge issues with many of the gameplay decisions, and the game is far from perfect, but I'm having fun.

The thing is, the game is plagued by the same issues modern MMORPGs have. Most of the stuff you listed as being superior in RO had a lot to do with the time when RO launched. If you look at it nowadays, after countless updates into renewal, RO also began to show the same issues. This is a problem of modern MMORPG design (popularized by WoW), and not of this or that specific game.

It's kinda sad, because I think this game has a LOT of potential, but it won't ever reach it. It's basic gameplay is great, and I absolutely love the class system. But some bad gameplay decisions, overall incompetence by IMC's part, and modern MMORPG design issues, really bring it down.


Nice, head into the instance after spending like 15 minutes in local chat getting a group together, I get kicked into a queue when I hit enter dungeon.


Nice, head into the instance after spending like 15 minutes in local chat getting a group together, I get kicked into a queue when I hit enter dungeon.

Yeah, there's been an issue with the dungeons since the maintenance yesterday morning basically =/ You can get in, it just takes a lot of attempts, I did two runs yesterday and it took ~10 minutes of retrying(with no queue) to get in each time. The best reason I can come up with is there's a limit on dungeon instances and the server isn't handling the load well. Now with the queue in effect I don't think I could deal with trying to get into a dungeon, They finally officially recognized this problem roughly 6 hours ago, basically an entire day after it began =/

The staff on the forums, community reps or whatever they might be, have been extremely quiet since yesterday and I really hope that doesn't apply to the whole team. We're on the first weekend of the launch, that's not a time for a break... Especially with all the performance issues we've already been dealing with.
Blerg, hit my first server queue today. Guess i've been lucky so far.

I didn't think it was going to be that bad as it was in the low 200s. But my god is it moving slow!


Canadians burned my passport
For some reason the Goddess statue in Orsha is really hard to click on. It's weird


I got the 9,99€ package and this game plays so nicely.

I also love the looks and music. Just scratching the surface with my lvl 30 Highlander :)
But I'm totally lost in some aspects - are there dungeons for example? If there are, how do I play them?


Queue are based on amount of people in a channel, not the server.

Log out and change channel.

It's actually really weird. Because sometimes you'll go to enter and it'll actually tell you it's putting you in a different channel, even when there's no queue you can be placed in another channel.

Also, sometimes when you try skipping by changing the channel, you end up in roughly the same position implying it's not necessarily per-channel.

It could be that the queue somehow doesn't take into account newly opened channels, and people skipping are jumping into those, while people already in the queue are screwed out of those slots. I dunno. At the end of the day, no one should be able to skip the queue and it's a flawed system.

Edit: Though yesterday had a situation(it may still be going on, not sure, not gonna test) where Tenet Garden channel 9 was borked. Trying to enter it kicked you to server select, and the game always tried to shove you in that channel when entering via warp or map transition. So you had to change the channel in the lodge to actually get back into the game, so it clearly wasn't trying to change the channel for us there. But I've definitely seen the message about being put in another channel, at least in the first couple of days. Hell, my first or second time joining I ended up in a completely different channel from what I queued into, even posted that haha.


Man, people in this game... they seriously love pay2win.

Someone wanting to buy dumb items for Tokens. That's pretty insane.
Oh yeah how are non-Americans doing? How's the server latency?

Wait, SEA players are screwed?

Based on my experience, yes, SEA players aren't having a good experience right now, at least.

A friend/co-worker said his ping is ranging from 200ms to 500ms. (Lowest I've ever gotten is 250ms). I also looked into social networks and a lot of people say similar ping.

There are even times I press a key to skill, then my character would pose but nothing would come out.


Didn't even realize deleting your character with TP would mean losing it forever. This system wasn't thought out very well, was it?

RIP my 160 TP. I totally wanted that cool, premium Swordsman outfit, too.
Didn't even realize deleting your character with TP would mean losing it forever. This system wasn't thought out very well, was it?

RIP my 160 TP. I totally wanted that cool, premium Swordsman outfit, too.

Yeah, ToS is basically "poorly thought systems: The game". Seriously.


Man, I really haven't had time to even post in this thread. Really enjoying the game still, have a Lv70~ and Lv50~ character. Will post some more detailed impressions and comments later!

The ping is not only high, it is also fluctuating a lot(300~700ms) even in "SEA server" (which from what I heard is in the US orz). >___>

Edit: How good is steam at refunding "non-refundables"? I haven't even redeemed the TP from the lowest tier exclusive access.

Hopefully it'll be better when they have some local servers for you in May. :( If you want to give it a shot again later and want the TP, maybe save your TP package since it will be cheaper than buying it again later.

Didn't even realize deleting your character with TP would mean losing it forever. This system wasn't thought out very well, was it?

RIP my 160 TP. I totally wanted that cool, premium Swordsman outfit, too.

Wait, that doesn't make any sense. TP should be account-bound, since you can buy account-level stuff with it (Lodge, character slots).

Did you not redeem your package or something?


Wait, that doesn't make any sense. TP should be account-bound, since you can buy account-level stuff with it (Lodge, character slots).

Did you not redeem your package or something?

Oh, right. Looks like the TP item is still in my inventory. Oops.


I've used that gold seller shout/yell blocking program I saw on Reddit and wow, my game stopped stuttering.
Crazy how they can ruin other players' experience so much.


I've used that gold seller shout/yell blocking program I saw on Reddit and wow, my game stopped stuttering.
Crazy how they can ruin other players' experience so much.
Chat causing stuttering sounds kind of sad. Though in my experience, it usually felt like whenever I was moving and loading up other characters/monsters stuttering would occur. Things felt more stable while I was standing still.


Chat causing stuttering sounds kind of sad. Though in my experience, it usually felt like whenever I was moving and loading up other characters/monsters stuttering would occur. Things felt more stable while I was standing still.

Yeah I'm still getting minor stutter when loading other players, but I'm not getting 3 sec freezes anymore after 30 mins of playing.
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